blob: 5ed2495ff5ab8fb3e00eca103ca7c3c809ee59c3 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
;; Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
;; Run: cvc5 --lang smt --incremental optional.smt2
(set-option :produce-models true)
(set-option :produce-assertions true)
(set-option :produce-assignments true)
(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
(set-logic HO_ALL)
(define-fun join-fc ((c Bool) (fc-then Bool) (fc-else Bool)) Bool
(and c fc-then)
(and (not c) fc-else)))
(declare-datatype OptionalValue
((make-optional-value (get-x0 Bool))))
(define-fun get-has-value ((opt OptionalValue)) Bool
(get-x0 opt))
(define-fun is-unsafe-to-unwrap ((fc Bool) (opt OptionalValue)) Bool
(and fc (not (get-has-value opt))))
(echo "=============================")
(echo "=== Example Regular-Check ===")
(push 1)
; void foo(optional<int> x) {
; // (1)
; x.value();
; if (x.has_value()) {
; // (2)
; x.value();
; }
; }
(declare-fun x () OptionalValue)
(define-fun fc-1 () Bool
(define-fun fc-2 () Bool
(get-has-value x))
(push 1)
(assert (is-unsafe-to-unwrap fc-1 x))
(echo "Expected: sat")
(echo "Actual:")
(get-value (fc-1 fc-2 x))
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(assert (is-unsafe-to-unwrap fc-2 x))
(echo "Expected: unsat")
(echo "Actual:")
(get-value (fc-1 fc-2 x))
(pop 1)
(pop 1)
(echo "============================")
(echo "=== Example Mixed-Values ===")
(push 1)
; void foo(optional<int> x, bool b) {
; // (1)
; if (b) {
; // (2)
; x = 42;
; // (3)
; }
; // (4)
; x.value();
; if (b) {
; // (5)
; x.value();
; }
; }
(declare-fun x () OptionalValue)
(declare-fun b () Bool)
(define-fun fc-1 () Bool
(define-fun fc-2 () Bool
(and fc-1 b))
(define-fun fc-3 () Bool
(and fc-2 (get-has-value x)))
(define-fun fc-4 () Bool
(join-fc b fc-3 fc-1))
(define-fun fc-5 () Bool
(and fc-4 b))
(push 1)
(assert (is-unsafe-to-unwrap fc-4 x))
(echo "Expected: sat")
(echo "Actual:")
(get-value (fc-1 fc-2 fc-3 fc-4 fc-5 x b))
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(assert (is-unsafe-to-unwrap fc-5 x))
(echo "Expected: unsat")
(echo "Actual:")
(get-value (fc-1 fc-2 fc-3 fc-4 fc-5 x b))
(pop 1)
(pop 1)
; vim: set syntax=scheme: