Move cxx_support*.rs to rs_bindings_from_cc/support/ctor*.

The name needed to go, of course. If this is a submodule of some other project, `ctor` will work well enough, and adequately summarizes what it's about! (The core abstraction is the `Ctor` trait, and the macros and traits that build on it to allow instantiating and using `Ctor` impls.) However, this does not work as a top-level crate name, as [`ctor`]( is taken.

The move to the new directory needed to happen in preparation for integration with the interop tool, and that's the primary purpose of this CL.


This change was performed via the following commands:

# generated by: (cd devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/; for file in cxx_support*.rs; do echo hg mv devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/$file devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/$(echo $file | sed -r -e 's/cxx_support/ctor/') ; done )
hg mv devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/ devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/
hg mv devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/ devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/
hg mv devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/ devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/
hg mv devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/ devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/

I also replaced all references in markdown/etc. using the following command:

refex --mode=re 'devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/support/cxx_support' --sub='devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/ctor' -R devtools/rust/cc_interop/ -i

And got the remaining references (crate/module names, imports, the like) via more substitution commands:

refex --mode=re 'cxx_support' --sub='ctor' -R devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/ -i

refex --mode=re 'cxx_support' --sub='ctor' -R devtools/rust/cc_interop/prototype/ -i

Bonus: caught a dead link:

refex --mode=re 'devtools/rust/cpp_interop/prototype/support/cxx_support' --sub='devtools/rust/cc_interop/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/ctor' -R devtools/rust/cc_interop/ -i

Build file changes were all done by hand.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 430517636
diff --git a/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/ b/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2af22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rs_bindings_from_cc/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,1492 @@
+// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
+// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+//! Traits for memory management operations on wrapped C++ objects, based on
+//! moveit.
+//! # Comparison with moveit
+//! ## Non-destructive move
+//! Unlike moveit, C++ moves are never Rust moves.
+//! This is important because it dramatically simplifies the mental model and
+//! code involved. Everything to do with DerefMove can be removed. Furthermore,
+//! it makes it *more useful*.
+//! In particular, imagine trying to write a *Rust* implementation of the
+//! following C++ function:
+//! ```c++
+//! void Swap(CxxClass& x, CxxClass& y) {
+//!   CxxClass tmp = std::move(x);
+//!   x = std::move(y);
+//!   y = std::move(tmp);
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! With destructive moves we're in a bind: any move from x destroys its source,
+//! leaving us with nothing to assign to. C++ moves are non-destructive. Traits
+//! modeling C++ moves, therefore, in order to be most compatible, should also
+//! be non-destructive.
+//! Here is an implementation using the traits in this file, in pure Rust:
+//! ```
+//! fn swap(mut x: Pin<&mut CxxClass>, mut y: Pin<&mut CxxClass>) {
+//!  emplace!{ let mut tmp = mov(x.as_mut()); }
+//!  x.assign(mov(y.as_mut()));
+//!  y.assign(mov(tmp));
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! ## Curried `Ctor` traits
+//! Rather than `CopyCtor::copy_ctor` and `MoveCtor::move_ctor`, this crate
+//! embraces `Ctor` itself as the single unique way to initialize everything.
+//! And so copy-constructible types are not things which implement `CopyCtor`,
+//! but rather, things which implement `CtorNew<&T>`. Similarly,
+//! move-constructible things implement `CtorNew<RvalueReference<'_, T>>`.
+//! ## Blanket impls
+//! So that Rust types can be used against C++ functions (even templated ones),
+//! the copy and move traits have blanket impls for all suitable Unpin types.
+//! More significantly, we take the position that all Unpin types are their own
+//! `Ctor`. This makes `Ctor`-based initialization nearly a perfect superset of
+//! normal initialization rules: for a non-self-referential Rust type (an Unpin
+//! type), it looks the same as normal, but for C++-like !Unpin types we use
+//! custom `Ctor` values to initialize in-place.
+//! Blanket implementing based on `Unpin` means that we're treating `T : Unpin`
+//! as effectively meaning "T is safe to deal with by value", which is close to,
+//! but not quite, what it means. (There are some types which are !Unpin but
+//! would be safe to treat as normal rust types. Unfortunately, there is no way
+//! to detect them.)
+//! ## Overload trait
+//! This module also includes a prototype alternative API which more directly
+//! models overloaded constructors: `T : CtorNew<(A, B, C)>` is roughly
+//! equivalent to the C++ "T has a constructor taking arguments of type A, B,
+//! and C".
+//! ## StackBox
+//! Moveit needs a StackBox type which is comparable to Box, except stored on
+//! the stack -- in particular, which implements OuterDrop and the like.
+//! Since DerefMove is not used here, we instead are able to export only a
+//! Pin<&mut T> to users.
+//! One still needs something similar to `Slot` or `StackBox`: a `MaybeUninit`
+//! type which will run drop. This isn't exposed to users directly if they are
+//! simply storing in a local variable.
+//! ## Structs and the `ctor!` macro
+//! `ctor` adds a `ctor!` macro to make it easy to initialize a struct
+//! that contains non-trivially-relocatable fields.
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use std::pin::Pin;
+pub use ctor_proc_macros::*;
+/// The string constant for #[must_use] to describe why you must use a `Ctor`.
+macro_rules! must_use_ctor {
+    () => {
+        "A Ctor is not invoked unless emplaced, using e.g. `emplace!{}`, or `Box::emplace()`."
+    };
+/// The string constant for #[must_use] to describe why you must use a
+/// `Ctor`/`Assign` source.
+macro_rules! must_use_ctor_assign {
+    ($name:literal) => {
+        concat!(
+            $name,
+            " is not invoked unless emplaced, using e.g. `emplace!{}`, or `Box::emplace()`, or",
+            " unless assigned from, using `.assign()`."
+        )
+    };
+// ======================
+// ~Unchanged from moveit
+// ======================
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+pub trait Ctor {
+    type Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>);
+    /// Returns a chained Ctor, which will invoke `f` after construction.
+    ///
+    /// for example, these two snippets are equivalent:
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// emplace! { let x = y; }
+    /// x.mutating_method();
+    /// ```
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// emplace! { let x = y.ctor_then(|mut inited| inited.mutating_method()); }
+    /// ```
+    fn ctor_then<F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut Self::Output>)>(self, f: F) -> CtorThen<Self, F>
+    where
+        Self: Sized,
+    {
+        CtorThen { ctor: self, f }
+    }
+pub trait Emplace<T>: Sized {
+    fn emplace<C: Ctor<Output = T>>(c: C) -> Pin<Self>;
+impl<T> Emplace<T> for Box<T> {
+    fn emplace<C: Ctor<Output = T>>(ctor: C) -> Pin<Box<T>> {
+        let mut uninit = Box::new(MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit());
+        unsafe {
+            let pinned = Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *uninit);
+            ctor.ctor(pinned);
+            Pin::new_unchecked(Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(uninit).cast::<T>()))
+        }
+    }
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+pub struct FnCtor<Output, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>)>(pub F, PhantomData<fn(Output)>);
+impl<Output, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>)> FnCtor<Output, F> {
+    pub fn new(f: F) -> Self {
+        Self(f, PhantomData)
+    }
+impl<Output, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>)> Ctor for FnCtor<Output, F> {
+    type Output = Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>) {
+        self.0(dest);
+    }
+/// !Unpin to override the blanket Ctor impl.
+impl<Output, F> !Unpin for FnCtor<Output, F> {}
+/// Copy type.
+/// This creates a new `P::Target` by copying -- either copy-construction
+/// (construction from `&*P`), or copy-assignment (assignment from &*P`). It can
+/// also be used directly as a `Ctor`.
+/// Note: this does not actually copy `P` until it is used.
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor_assign!("Copy")]
+pub struct Copy<P: Deref>(P);
+impl<Output: for<'a> CtorNew<&'a Output>, P: Deref<Target = Output>> Ctor for Copy<P> {
+    type Output = Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>) {
+        Output::ctor_new(&*self.0).ctor(dest);
+    }
+/// !Unpin to override the blanket Ctor impl.
+impl<P> !Unpin for Copy<P> {}
+/// Returns a `Copy` which can be used as a `CtorNew` or `Assign` source, or as
+/// a `Ctor` directly.
+/// Note: this does not actually copy the parameter until it is used.
+pub fn copy<T: for<'a> CtorNew<&'a T>, P: Deref<Target = T>>(src: P) -> Copy<P> {
+    Copy(src)
+// ================================
+// DerefMut based move construction
+// ================================
+pub struct RvalueReference<'a, T>(Pin<&'a mut T>);
+impl<T> RvalueReference<'_, T> {
+    pub fn as_const(&self) -> ConstRvalueReference<'_, T> {
+        ConstRvalueReference(&*self.0)
+    }
+    pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Pin<&mut T> {
+        self.0.as_mut()
+    }
+    pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &T {
+        // It would be nice to return &'a T, but that would not be sound, and as a
+        // result Pin makes it impossible (in safe code). Consider:
+        //
+        //   let my_pin: Pin<&mut T> = ...;
+        //   let my_borrow = RvalueReference(my_pin.as_mut()).get_ref();
+        //
+        // The lifetime of my_borrow CANNOT be 'a, but instead MUST be scoped to the
+        // reborrowed lifetime of the pin, or else it would violate the aliasing
+        // rules by coexisting with my_pin. Thus, get_ref must return &T, not
+        // &'a T. (For the same reason, as_const returns a ConstRvalueReference
+        // whose lifetime is bound by  self, not 'a.)
+        &*self.0
+    }
+/// Move type.
+/// This creates a new `P::Target` by moving -- either move-construction
+/// (construction from `RvalueReference(&*P)`), or move-assignment (assignment
+/// from `RvalueReference(&*P)`).
+/// Note: this does not actually move `P` until it is used.
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor_assign!("Move")]
+pub struct Move<P: DerefMut>(Pin<P>);
+impl<Output: for<'a> CtorNew<RvalueReference<'a, Output>>, P: DerefMut<Target = Output>> Ctor
+    for Move<P>
+    type Output = Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(mut self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>) {
+        Output::ctor_new(RvalueReference(self.0.as_mut())).ctor(dest);
+    }
+/// !Unpin to override the blanket Ctor impl.
+impl<P> !Unpin for Move<P> {}
+pub struct ConstRvalueReference<'a, T>(&'a T);
+impl<'a, T> ConstRvalueReference<'a, T> {
+    pub fn get_ref(&mut self) -> &'a T {
+        self.0
+    }
+/// Const-move type. Usually not very helpful.
+/// This implicitly converts to `P::Target` by const-moving -- either
+/// const-move-construction (construction from `ConstRvalueReference(&*P)`), or
+/// const-move-assignment (assignment from `ConstRvalueReference(&*P)`).
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor_assign!("ConstMove")]
+pub struct ConstMove<P: Deref>(P);
+impl<Output: for<'a> CtorNew<ConstRvalueReference<'a, Output>>, P: Deref<Target = Output>> Ctor
+    for ConstMove<P>
+    type Output = Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Output>>) {
+        Output::ctor_new(ConstRvalueReference(&*self.0)).ctor(dest);
+    }
+/// !Unpin to override the blanket Ctor impl.
+impl<P> !Unpin for ConstMove<P> {}
+/// Creates a "to-be-moved" pointer for `src`.
+/// In other words, this is analogous to C++ `std::move`, except that the
+/// pointer can be owned.
+/// The resulting `Move` can be used as a `CtorNew` or `Assign` source, or as a
+/// `Ctor` directly.
+/// Note: this does not actually move the parameter until it is used.
+pub fn mov<P: DerefMut>(src: Pin<P>) -> Move<P> {
+    Move(src)
+pub fn const_mov<P: Deref>(src: P) -> ConstMove<P> {
+    ConstMove(src)
+// =============
+// Blanket impls
+// =============
+// For interop with C++ templates that may need to take Rust types, we will want
+// blanket impls for Rust types where it is safe to do so.
+/// All Rust types are their own constructor, if it is known to be safe (i.e.
+/// Unpin).
+/// (Note that this is an approximation: some types are safe to deal with by
+/// value, as long as they have never been pinned. In `ctor`, we assume
+/// that *anything* which is `!Unpin` is only safe to initialize via a manually
+/// provided `Ctor`.)
+/// (Note: to avoid overlapping impls, every type that implements `Ctor` by hand
+/// must be `!Unpin`.)
+/// This allows code to safely accept direct initialization of `Unpin` Rust
+/// values, while also accepting `Ctor`-based initialization for `!Unpin`
+/// values: use `Ctor`-based initialization for both, and as a special case,
+/// `Ctor`-based initialization looks identical to direct initialization when
+/// the value is `Unpin`. For example, the `ctor!` macro looks like direct
+/// initialization for everything `Unpin`.
+/// A contrasting design might be to have a separate initialization syntax for
+/// direct vs `Ctor`-based initialization. However, that would still likely need
+/// to be restricted to `Unpin` types for safety.
+impl<T: Unpin> Ctor for T {
+    type Output = T;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, mut dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self>>) {
+        dest.as_mut_ptr().write(self);
+    }
+/// Constructs via a Rust move.
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+pub struct RustMoveCtor<T>(T);
+impl<T> !Unpin for RustMoveCtor<T> {}
+impl<T> Ctor for RustMoveCtor<T> {
+    type Output = T;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<T>>) {
+        Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest).as_mut_ptr().write(self.0);
+    }
+/// All Rust types are C++-default-constructible if safe (i.e. Unpin + Default).
+impl<T: Unpin + Default + Sized> CtorNew<()> for T {
+    type CtorType = RustMoveCtor<Self>;
+    fn ctor_new(_: ()) -> Self::CtorType {
+        RustMoveCtor(Default::default())
+    }
+/// All Rust types are C++-moveable if safe (i.e. Unpin + have a moved-from
+/// Default value).
+/// This is different to C++ types, which are C++-moveable if *possible*. mov is
+/// unsafe on C++ types, but safe for Rust types (and for Unpin C++ types).
+/// TODO: ideally this should not change the source for `Copy` types, but that
+/// requires negative trait bounds, as we'd want to define for `Unpin + Default
+/// + !Copy` and `Unpin + Copy`. (Specialization is not sufficient.)
+impl<T: Unpin + Default + Sized> CtorNew<RvalueReference<'_, T>> for T {
+    type CtorType = RustMoveCtor<Self>;
+    fn ctor_new(src: RvalueReference<'_, T>) -> Self::CtorType {
+        RustMoveCtor(std::mem::take(Pin::into_inner(src.0)))
+    }
+/// All Unpin Rust types are C++-copyable if they are Rust-cloneable.
+/// (Unpin is required for safety; otherwise, this would violate the Pin
+/// guarantee.)
+impl<T: Unpin + Clone> CtorNew<&T> for T {
+    type CtorType = RustMoveCtor<Self>;
+    fn ctor_new(src: &Self) -> Self::CtorType {
+        RustMoveCtor(src.clone())
+    }
+impl<T: Unpin + Clone> CtorNew<ConstRvalueReference<'_, T>> for T {
+    type CtorType = RustMoveCtor<Self>;
+    fn ctor_new(src: ConstRvalueReference<'_, T>) -> Self::CtorType {
+        RustMoveCtor(src.0.clone())
+    }
+// ===========
+// ctor_then()
+// ===========
+/// A `Ctor` which constructs using `self.ctor`, and then invokes `f` on the
+/// resulting object.
+/// This struct is created by the `ctor_then` method on `Ctor`. See its
+/// documentation for more.
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+pub struct CtorThen<C: Ctor, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut C::Output>)> {
+    ctor: C,
+    f: F,
+impl<C: Ctor, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut C::Output>)> Ctor for CtorThen<C, F> {
+    type Output = C::Output;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, mut dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>) {
+        self.ctor.ctor(dest.as_mut());
+        let dest = Pin::new_unchecked(Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest).assume_init_mut());
+        (self.f)(dest)
+    }
+impl<C: Ctor, F: FnOnce(Pin<&mut C::Output>)> !Unpin for CtorThen<C, F> {}
+// ========
+// emplace!
+// ========
+// The emplace!{} macro is now a little simpler, as it doesn't require StackBox
+// in the public interface: it can use &mut.
+/// Emplace a constructor into a local or temporary.
+/// Syntax: `emplace! { let mut varname = expr() }`, where `expr()` evaluates to
+/// a `Ctor<Output=T>`. `varname` will be a `Pin<&mut T>`.
+/// If the emplaced value will just be used for the duration of one statement,
+/// the `emplace!(ctor)` syntax can be used instead, to emplace the ctor into a
+/// temporary. e.g. `foo(emplace!(ctor))` to pass a pinned reference to the
+/// emplaced value to a function.
+macro_rules! emplace {
+    ($expr:expr) => {
+        $crate::Slot::unsafe_new().unsafe_construct($expr).unsafe_as_pin_unchecked()
+    };
+    (@emplace_one let [$($mut_:tt)?] $var:ident [$($type_:tt)*]= $expr:expr;) => {
+        let mut $var = $crate::Slot::unsafe_new();
+        $var.unsafe_construct($expr);
+        let $($mut_)* $var $($type_)* = $var.unsafe_as_pin_unchecked();
+    };
+    // Base case for repeated lets: empty emplace.
+    () => {};
+    // Recursive case: let [mut] x [: T] = ...;
+    // There are four different combinations of mutability and explicit type parameter, we have to
+    // match all of them.
+    (let mut $var:ident : $t:ty = $expr:expr; $($remaining_lets:tt)*) => {
+        $crate::emplace! {@emplace_one let [mut] $var [:$t] = $expr;}
+        $crate::emplace! {$($remaining_lets)*};
+    };
+    (let mut $var:ident = $expr:expr; $($remaining_lets:tt)*) => {
+        $crate::emplace! {@emplace_one let [mut] $var []= $expr;}
+        $crate::emplace! {$($remaining_lets)*};
+    };
+    (let $var:ident : $t:ty  = $expr:expr; $($remaining_lets:tt)*) => {
+        $crate::emplace! {@emplace_one let [] $var [:$t] = $expr;}
+        $crate::emplace! {$($remaining_lets)*};
+    };
+    (let $var:ident = $expr:expr; $($remaining_lets:tt)*) => {
+        $crate::emplace! {@emplace_one let [] $var [] = $expr;}
+        $crate::emplace! {$($remaining_lets)*};
+    };
+// ====
+// Slot
+// ====
+// Alternate design: we could expose without the is_initialized flag, which
+// would require that all users initialize the type before drop. We may still
+// need such a type for interop, since that can be repr(transparent). But it is
+// *exceptionally* dangerous, as it requires that all code paths will initialize
+// before drop. For example, it means that Ctor is not allowed to panic.
+// Hypothesis: at least for local variables and reasoning, rustc will be able to
+// elide the bool and be equally performant, while also being substantially
+// safer.
+/// A pinned optional type, which can store in-place constructed objects.
+/// To create a slot safely, it must be constructed in place, using (for
+/// example) the `emplace!` macro. It then can operate as a structurally pinned
+/// variant of `Option`, allowing for pinned access to the interior.
+/// Examples:
+/// ```
+/// // Slots can be used to implement a "slotted return value".
+/// fn slotted_return(slot: Pin<&mut Slot<u32>>) -> Pin<&mut u32> {
+///     slot.replace(42)
+/// }
+/// emplace! {let slot = Slot::uninit(); }
+/// let rv = slotted_return(slot);
+/// assert_eq!(*rv, 42);
+/// ```
+/// ```
+/// // Slots can also be used for plain output parameters.
+/// fn slotted_out_param(slot: Pin<&mut Slot<u32>>) {
+///     slot.replace(42);
+/// }
+/// emplace! {let mut slot = Slot::uninit(); }
+/// slotted_out_param(slot.as_mut());
+/// assert_eq!(*slot.as_opt().unwrap(), 42);
+/// ```
+pub struct Slot<T> {
+    is_initialized: bool,
+    maybe_uninit: MaybeUninit<T>,
+impl<T> Drop for Slot<T> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self) }.clear()
+    }
+impl<T> !Unpin for Slot<T> {}
+impl<T> Slot<T> {
+    pub fn uninit() -> impl Ctor<Output = Self> {
+        RustMoveCtor(Self::unsafe_new())
+    }
+    pub fn new(value: impl Ctor<Output = T>) -> impl Ctor<Output = Self> {
+        RustMoveCtor(Self::unsafe_new()).ctor_then(|slot| {
+            slot.replace(value);
+        })
+    }
+    pub fn clear(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+        if self.is_initialized {
+            let Self { is_initialized, maybe_uninit } = unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(self) };
+            unsafe {
+                std::ptr::drop_in_place(maybe_uninit.as_mut_ptr());
+            }
+            *is_initialized = false;
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn replace(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, value: impl Ctor<Output = T>) -> Pin<&mut T> {
+        self.as_mut().clear();
+        {
+            let Self { is_initialized, maybe_uninit } =
+                unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(self.as_mut()) };
+            unsafe {
+                value.ctor(Pin::new_unchecked(maybe_uninit));
+            }
+            *is_initialized = true;
+        }
+        self.as_opt_mut().unwrap()
+    }
+    pub fn as_opt_mut(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Option<Pin<&mut T>> {
+        if self.is_initialized {
+            Some(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(self) }.unsafe_as_pin_unchecked())
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn as_opt(&self) -> Option<&T> {
+        if self.is_initialized {
+            Some(unsafe { self.maybe_uninit.assume_init_ref() })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+// Hidden: these are only for use by safety macros.
+impl<T> Slot<T> {
+    pub fn unsafe_new() -> Self {
+        Slot { is_initialized: false, maybe_uninit: MaybeUninit::uninit() }
+    }
+    // The following two functions are not marked `unsafe` so that they can be
+    // called from a single expression in a macro, without an `unsafe{}` block
+    // which would also cover macro parameters.
+    //
+    // One alternative would be an immediately-invoked lambda, but this forces type
+    // inference, which leads to confusing error messages when it isn't
+    // inferrable. And, since this is a lambda, the type is not known concretely
+    // to begin with!
+    //
+    // We could instead use a generic function with `impl Ctor` and the like, but
+    // this function would be unsafe... leading back to the very original
+    // problem!
+    //
+    // So here we bite the bullet: these functions should ideally be marked
+    // "unsafe", but, seeing as they are only invoked from a macro, and that
+    // macro needs to invoke expressions in calls to these functions, they are
+    // only *named* "unsafe_foo" instead.
+    /// Safety: must not have already been constructed, as that would violate
+    /// the pin guarantee.
+    pub fn unsafe_construct(&mut self, ctor: impl Ctor<Output = T>) -> &mut Self {
+        unsafe { ctor.ctor(Pin::new_unchecked(&mut self.maybe_uninit)) };
+        self.is_initialized = true;
+        self
+    }
+    /// Safety: pin guarantee, assumes init.
+    pub fn unsafe_as_pin_unchecked(&mut self) -> Pin<&mut T> {
+        unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self.maybe_uninit.assume_init_mut()) }
+    }
+pub mod macro_internal {
+    use super::*;
+    pub use pin_project::pin_project;
+    pub use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
+    pub use std::pin::Pin;
+    /// Drops a pointer when dropped.
+    ///
+    /// Safety: this will drop the pointer, so this is only safe if no other
+    /// code will access the pointer afterwards. This includes drop: the
+    /// pointer must itself be in a ManuallyDrop.
+    pub struct UnsafeDropGuard<T>(*mut T);
+    impl<T> Drop for UnsafeDropGuard<T> {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            unsafe { std::ptr::drop_in_place(self.0) };
+        }
+    }
+    /// Initializes a field, and returns a drop guard which will drop that
+    /// field.
+    ///
+    /// Intended use: when initializing a struct field-by-field, each
+    /// initialized field should be guarded in case of panic. Once the
+    /// struct is completely initialized, the drop guards can be forgotten
+    /// with `std::mem::forget()`. See the `ctor!` macro, where this is used.
+    ///
+    /// Safety: the field must satisfy the Pin guarantee.
+    pub unsafe fn init_field<T>(field: *mut T, ctor: impl Ctor<Output = T>) -> impl Drop {
+        // safety: MaybeUninit<T> is the same layout as T, the caller guarantees it's
+        // pinned.
+        let maybe_uninit = field as *mut MaybeUninit<T>;
+        let pinned = Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *maybe_uninit);
+        Ctor::ctor(ctor, pinned);
+        UnsafeDropGuard(field)
+    }
+    pub fn require_recursively_pinned<_T: RecursivelyPinned>() {}
+// =====
+// ctor!
+// =====
+/// The RecursivelyPinned trait asserts that when the struct is pinned, every
+/// field is also pinned.
+/// Safety: Only use if you never directly access fields of a pinned object. For
+/// example, with the pin-project crate, all fields should be marked `#[pin]`.
+/// This trait is automatically implemented for any `#[recursively_pinned]`
+/// struct.
+pub unsafe trait RecursivelyPinned {}
+/// The `ctor!` macro evaluates to a `Ctor` for a Rust struct, with
+/// user-specified fields.
+/// (This was inspired by, but takes no code from,
+/// Example use:
+/// ```
+/// fn new() -> impl Ctor<Output=MyStruct> {
+///   ctor!(MyStruct {field_1: default_ctor(), field_2: 42})
+/// }
+/// // Actually invoke the Ctor to create a new MyStruct:
+/// emplace! { let mut my_struct = MyStruct::new(); }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! ctor {
+    // Note: we're using `ident (::ident)*` for the type names because neither `ident` nor `path`
+    // really work perfectly -- `ident` is great, except that `foo::bar` isn't an ident. `path` is
+    // great, except that e.g. parentheses can't follow a path. (This is not fixable: FnOnce(T) is
+    // also a path, so parens can't follow paths due to the ambiguous parse). Thus... we use ident,
+    // and manually reconstruct the path.
+    //
+    // TODO(jeanpierreda): support <X as Y> and foo<Z> in paths.
+    //
+    // tt is used for the field names, because this allows for both integer fields for tuple
+    // structs, and named fields for non-tuple structs.
+    ( $t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* {$( $name:tt: $sub_ctor:expr ),* $(,)?} ) => {
+        {
+            use $t $(:: $ts)* as Type;
+            $crate::FnCtor::new(|x: $crate::macro_internal::Pin<&mut $crate::macro_internal::MaybeUninit<Type>>| {
+                use ::std::ptr::addr_of_mut;
+                let drop_guard = ();
+                let x_mut = unsafe{$crate::macro_internal::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(x)}.as_mut_ptr();
+                // Enforce that the ctor!() expression resembles a valid direct initialization
+                // expression, by using the names in a conventional literal.
+                // For structs, this fails to compile unless the names are fully exhaustive.
+                // For unions, it fails to compile unless precisely one name is used.
+                // In both cases, this ensures that we only compile when expressions corresponding
+                // to normal init are used, with unsurprising semantics.
+                let _ = |x: Type| {
+                    // If this fails to compile, not every field was specified in the ctor! invocation.
+                    // The `panic!(...)` allows us to avoid moving out of x, while still pretending to
+                    // fill in each field.
+                    #[allow(unreachable_code, unused_unsafe)] Type {
+                        // unsafe {} block is in case this is a *union* literal, rather than
+                        // a struct literal.
+                        $($name: panic!("{}", unsafe {&x.$name} as *const _ as usize),)*
+                    };
+                };
+                // Enforce that the type is RecursivelyUnpinned.
+                $crate::macro_internal::require_recursively_pinned::<Type>();
+                $(
+                    let sub_ctor = $sub_ctor;
+                    let field_drop = unsafe {
+                        $crate::macro_internal::init_field(
+                            // safety: this is almost verbatim the same as the second example at
+                            //
+                            addr_of_mut!((*x_mut).$name),
+                            sub_ctor)
+                    };
+                    let drop_guard = (drop_guard, field_drop);
+                )*
+                ::std::mem::forget(drop_guard);
+            })
+        }
+    };
+    // Conventional tuple struct syntax (with parens, no integer names) supported for < 8 fields.
+    // Otherwise, use MyTupleStruct{0: ..., 1: ...} syntax, which works for any number of fields.
+    // Generated as so:
+    /* python3 -c 'for i in range(8):
+        ctor_ins = ", ".join(f"$ctor_{j}:expr" for j in range(i))
+        ctor_outs = ", ".join(f"{j}: $ctor_{j}" for j in range(i))
+        print(f"    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ({ctor_ins})) => {{$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* {{ {ctor_outs} }})}};")' */
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ()) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* {  })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr, $ctor_2:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1, 2: $ctor_2 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr, $ctor_2:expr, $ctor_3:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1, 2: $ctor_2, 3: $ctor_3 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr, $ctor_2:expr, $ctor_3:expr, $ctor_4:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1, 2: $ctor_2, 3: $ctor_3, 4: $ctor_4 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr, $ctor_2:expr, $ctor_3:expr, $ctor_4:expr, $ctor_5:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1, 2: $ctor_2, 3: $ctor_3, 4: $ctor_4, 5: $ctor_5 })};
+    ($t:ident $(:: $ts:ident)* ($ctor_0:expr, $ctor_1:expr, $ctor_2:expr, $ctor_3:expr, $ctor_4:expr, $ctor_5:expr, $ctor_6:expr)) => {$crate::ctor!($t $(:: $ts)* { 0: $ctor_0, 1: $ctor_1, 2: $ctor_2, 3: $ctor_3, 4: $ctor_4, 5: $ctor_5, 6: $ctor_6 })};
+// ==========
+// CtorNew traits
+// ==========
+// Finally, we introduce some new traits for assignment.
+/// Destroy-then-reconstruct. Sidesteps operator=, instead reconstructing
+/// in-place.
+/// If `ctor` unwinds, the process will crash.
+/// This is a bit more fragile than, and a lot less common than, `operator=`,
+/// but allows for taking advantage of copy/move elision more aggressively,
+/// rather than requiring materialization into a temporary before triggering
+/// assignment.
+/// That means that e.g. instead of calling `x.assign(&*emplace!(foo))`, you can
+/// directly call `x.reconstruct(foo)` -- provided you are OK with the differing
+/// constructor/destructor ordering.
+/// **Safety, C++**:
+/// See for discussion.
+/// **Safety, Rust**: Note that since this calls `drop()` on the pinned pointer,
+/// it satisfies the pin guarantee, and is allowed to then re-init it with
+/// something else. In effect, this is just the in-place Ctor version of the
+/// existing method `Pin<T>::set(T)`.
+pub trait Reconstructible: Sized {
+    fn reconstruct(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctor: impl Ctor<Output = Self>) {
+        let self_ptr = unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(self) } as *mut _;
+        unsafe { std::ptr::drop_in_place(self_ptr) };
+        abort_on_unwind(move || unsafe {
+            let maybe_uninit_self = &mut *(self_ptr as *mut MaybeUninit<Self>);
+            ctor.ctor(Pin::new_unchecked(maybe_uninit_self));
+        });
+    }
+impl<T: Sized> Reconstructible for T {}
+/// Run f, aborting if it unwinds.
+/// Because this aborts on unwind, f is not required to be unwind-safe.
+fn abort_on_unwind<T, F: FnOnce() -> T>(f: F) -> T {
+    // Here is another way we COULD implement abort_on_panic:
+    // let f = std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(f);
+    // let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(move || f.0());
+    // if result.is_err() {
+    //     std::process::abort();
+    // }
+    // It turns out this is a bad idea, because FFI unwinding, if/when added to
+    // Rust, will sidestep catch_unwind, but NOT sidestep drop. So a C++
+    // exception thrown in a Ctor might not get converted to a panic, but
+    // instead to raw foreign unwinding, and drop impls in parent scopes
+    // would be run. Since abort_on_unwind is intended to prevent *any* code from
+    // executing and seeing temporarily-invalid state, this is incorrect.
+    //
+    // See e.g.:
+    //
+    // Instead, the only correct way to protect code from unwinding, even from
+    // foreign unwinding, is via drop, as so:
+    /// A safety guard which panics if dropped, converting unwinds into aborts.
+    ///
+    /// In general, you can't, as the *author* of drop(), assume that it will be
+    /// called: callers can just call std::mem::forget(), among other
+    /// things. However, as the *user*, you can know that drop is called for
+    /// unmoved values at the end of a drop scope. Drop is a defined behavior.
+    /// So while there is ordinarily a prohibition on relying on drop for
+    /// safety, that only occurs for API owners that are allowing values to
+    /// be used in arbitrary ways (including forget). Here, we are API
+    /// *users* as well, and specifically using the Bomb in a way that
+    /// guarantees its drop will be called in a particular circumstance.
+    ///
+    /// See, specifically this: "When control
+    /// flow leaves a drop scope all variables associated to that scope are
+    /// dropped in reverse order of declaration (for variables) or creation
+    /// (for temporaries)."
+    struct Bomb;
+    impl Drop for Bomb {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            panic!("Unwinding occurred when no safe recovery is possible.");
+        }
+    }
+    let bomb = Bomb;
+    let rv = f();
+    std::mem::forget(bomb);
+    rv
+/// Overloaded assignment operator.
+/// Conventionally, C++ copy-assignment is Assign<&T>, and C++ move-assignment
+/// is Assign<RvalueReference<'_, T>>.
+pub trait Assign<From> {
+    fn assign(self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: From);
+/// Assignment from a Copy desugars to an assignment from a &T.
+impl<T: for<'a> Assign<&'a T>, P: Deref<Target = T>> Assign<Copy<P>> for T {
+    fn assign(self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: Copy<P>) {
+        self.assign(&*src.0);
+    }
+/// Assignment from a Move desugars to an assignment from an RvalueReference.
+impl<T: for<'a> Assign<RvalueReference<'a, T>>, P: DerefMut<Target = T>> Assign<Move<P>> for T {
+    fn assign(self: Pin<&mut Self>, mut src: Move<P>) {
+        self.assign(RvalueReference(src.0.as_mut()));
+    }
+/// Assignment from a ConstMove desugars to an assignment from a
+/// ConstRvalueReference.
+impl<T: for<'a> Assign<ConstRvalueReference<'a, T>>, P: Deref<Target = T>> Assign<ConstMove<P>>
+    for T
+    fn assign(self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: ConstMove<P>) {
+        self.assign(ConstRvalueReference(&*src.0));
+    }
+// TODO(jeanpierreda): Make these less repetitive.
+impl<'a, T: Unpin + CtorNew<&'a T>> Assign<&'a T> for T {
+    fn assign(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: &'a Self) {
+        if std::mem::needs_drop::<Self>() {
+            let mut constructed = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+            unsafe {
+                T::ctor_new(src).ctor(Pin::new(&mut constructed));
+                *self = constructed.assume_init();
+            }
+        } else {
+            self.reconstruct(T::ctor_new(src));
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a, T: Unpin + CtorNew<RvalueReference<'a, T>>> Assign<RvalueReference<'a, T>> for T {
+    fn assign(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: RvalueReference<'a, Self>) {
+        if std::mem::needs_drop::<Self>() {
+            let mut constructed = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+            unsafe {
+                T::ctor_new(src).ctor(Pin::new(&mut constructed));
+                *self = constructed.assume_init();
+            }
+        } else {
+            self.reconstruct(T::ctor_new(src));
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a, T: Unpin + CtorNew<ConstRvalueReference<'a, T>>> Assign<ConstRvalueReference<'a, T>>
+    for T
+    fn assign(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, src: ConstRvalueReference<'a, Self>) {
+        if std::mem::needs_drop::<Self>() {
+            let mut constructed = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+            unsafe {
+                T::ctor_new(src).ctor(Pin::new(&mut constructed));
+                *self = constructed.assume_init();
+            }
+        } else {
+            self.reconstruct(T::ctor_new(src));
+        }
+    }
+// =======================
+// Constructor overloading
+// =======================
+// Constructors are unique among C++ functions in that overloading is common,
+// *not avoidable*, and involves a nameless function best captured by a trait.
+// In other words, it is the ideal choice for having a more generic trait as
+// with From/Into.
+// For exploration purposes, so that we can play with both approaches at the
+// same time, this is built on *top* of the traits above.
+/// Overloaded constructor trait.
+/// `T : CtorNew<(A, B, C)>` is roughly equivalent to the C++ "T has a
+/// constructor taking arguments of type A, B, and C". As an obvious special
+/// case, for singleton tuples, you may use `CtorNew<A>`.
+pub trait CtorNew<ConstructorArgs> {
+    type CtorType: Ctor<Output = Self>;
+    fn ctor_new(args: ConstructorArgs) -> Self::CtorType;
+/// Degenerate singleton tuple constructor.
+// Implementation note: This would be much  better the other way around, where
+// you define it for singleton tuples and it gets derived for non-tuples. That
+// way, both the code implementing *and* the code using the trait can be generic
+// over tuple member counts. The way it is defined right now, any impl must
+// specifically special-case 1-tuples and define them as non-tuple args instead.
+// (That would be relevant for e.g. code generation. Of course, if code
+// generation is sufficiently textual, and chooses not to include the trialing
+// comma, then it can still define the 1-arg case well enough.)
+// Unfortunately, I don't know how to flip this the way I want after all:
+impl<FromType, T: CtorNew<FromType>> CtorNew<(FromType,)> for T {
+    type CtorType = <Self as CtorNew<FromType>>::CtorType;
+    fn ctor_new(args: (FromType,)) -> Self::CtorType {
+        let (arg,) = args;
+        <Self as CtorNew<FromType>>::ctor_new(arg)
+    }
+// ====
+// Misc
+// ====
+/// A constructor for `PhantomPinned`.
+/// ## Why doesn't `PhantomPinned` implement `Ctor<Output=Self>` ?
+/// A self-impl, where `PhantomPinned : Ctor<Output=PhantomPinned>` would also
+/// have been safe, even though `PhantomPinned` is `!Unpin`, because it's just a
+/// marker. However, the trait coherence rules are not happy about this:
+/// ```
+/// // crate_1
+/// #![feature(negative_impls)]
+/// pub struct Foo;
+/// impl !Unpin for Foo {}
+/// ```
+/// ```
+/// // crate_2
+/// trait MyTrait {}
+/// impl<T: Unpin> MyTrait for T{}
+/// impl MyTrait for crate_1::Foo {}
+/// ```
+/// (In our case, `Foo` is `std::marker::PhantomPinned`, and `MyTrait` is
+/// `Ctor`)
+/// Within `crate_1`, Rust understands that `Foo` is `!Unpin`. So `impl MyTrait
+/// for Foo {}` is valid in `crate_1`. However, outside of `crate_1`, Rust
+/// decides it doesn't know whether `Foo` implements `Unpin` or not, and so
+/// incorrectly believes that the impls may conflict.
+/// So while it is perfectly feasible to implement self-construction for any
+/// type locally, we cannot give foreign impls.
+pub struct PhantomPinnedCtor;
+impl Ctor for PhantomPinnedCtor {
+    type Output = std::marker::PhantomPinned;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>) {
+        RustMoveCtor(std::marker::PhantomPinned).ctor(dest)
+    }
+impl !Unpin for PhantomPinnedCtor {}
+/// A constructor for ManuallyDrop<T>, given a constructor for T.
+/// ManuallyDrop is special as the only non-Copy type allowed in a union, so we
+/// specifically support its use, even though it is not guaranteed to be
+/// structurally pinned.
+#[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+pub struct ManuallyDropCtor<T: Ctor>(T);
+impl<T: Ctor> ManuallyDropCtor<T> {
+    /// Safety: this structurally pins the contents of ManuallyDrop.
+    /// Therefore, it is not safe to use with anything that assumes that
+    /// ManuallyDrop is not structurally pinned.
+    pub unsafe fn new(x: T) -> Self {
+        ManuallyDropCtor(x)
+    }
+impl<T: Ctor> Ctor for ManuallyDropCtor<T> {
+    type Output = ManuallyDrop<T::Output>;
+    unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>) {
+        // Safety: ManuallyDrop<T> and T have the same layout.
+        let dest = Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest);
+        let dest = &mut *(dest as *mut _ as *mut MaybeUninit<T::Output>);
+        let dest = Pin::new_unchecked(dest);
+        self.0.ctor(dest);
+    }
+impl<T: Ctor> !Unpin for ManuallyDropCtor<T> {}
+mod test {
+    use super::*;
+    use std::cell::RefCell;
+    use std::sync::Mutex;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default_rust_type() {
+        emplace! {let x = u32::ctor_new(());}
+        assert_eq!(*x, 0);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_copy_rust_type() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        let mut y = Box::emplace(copy(&x));
+        assert_eq!(x, 42);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 42);
+        // Can also mutate:
+        let x = 50;
+        y.as_mut().assign(&x);
+        assert_eq!(x, 50);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 50);
+        // Can also mutate:
+        let x = 100;
+        y.as_mut().assign(copy(&x));
+        assert_eq!(x, 100);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 100);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_copy_smart_ptr() {
+        let x = Box::new(42_u32);
+        emplace! {
+            let y = copy(x);
+        }
+        // x is no longer in scope, as it was moved into the Copy.
+        assert_eq!(*y, 42);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_move_rust_type() {
+        let mut x: u32 = 42;
+        let mut y = Box::emplace(mov(Pin::new(&mut x)));
+        assert_eq!(x, 0);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 42);
+        // Can also mutate:
+        x = 50;
+        y.as_mut().assign(mov(Pin::new(&mut x)));
+        assert_eq!(x, 0);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 50);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_const_move_rust_type() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        let mut y = Box::emplace(const_mov(&x));
+        assert_eq!(x, 42);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 42);
+        // Can also mutate:
+        let x = 50;
+        y.as_mut().assign(const_mov(&x));
+        assert_eq!(x, 50);
+        assert_eq!(*y, 50);
+    }
+    /// Tests that the assigned variables have the correct type.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_type() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        emplace! {
+            let foo = copy(&x);
+        }
+        let _foo: Pin<&mut u32> = foo; // type checks OK
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        emplace! {
+            let foo = copy(&x);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 42);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_mut() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        emplace! {
+            let mut foo = copy(&x);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 42);
+        *foo = 0;
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 0);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_multi() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        emplace! {
+            let foo = copy(&x);
+            let bar = copy(&*foo);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 42);
+        assert_eq!(*bar, 42);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_type_syntax() {
+        let x: u32 = 42;
+        emplace! {
+            let mut foo: Pin<&mut u32> = copy(&x);
+            let bar: Pin<&mut u32> = copy(&x);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 42);
+        *foo = 0;
+        assert_eq!(*foo, 0);
+        assert_eq!(*bar, 42);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro() {
+        struct MyStruct {
+            x: u32,
+            y: u32,
+        }
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        emplace! { let my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct {
+            x: 4,
+            y: copy(&2)
+        });}
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.x, 4);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.y, 2);
+        // test that trailing commas compile:
+        #[rustfmt::skip]
+        let _ = ctor!(MyStruct {
+            x: 0,
+            y: 0,
+        });
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_named_tuple_struct() {
+        struct MyStruct(u32, u32);
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        emplace! { let my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct {
+            0: 4,
+            1: copy(&2)
+        });}
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.0, 4);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.1, 2);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_tuple_struct() {
+        struct MyStruct(u32, u32);
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        emplace! { let my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct (4, copy(&2)));}
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.0, 4);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.1, 2);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_manuallydrop_struct() {
+        struct MyStruct {
+            x: ManuallyDrop<Vec<u32>>,
+            y: u64,
+        }
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        emplace! {let my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct {x: unsafe {ManuallyDropCtor::new(vec![42])}, y: 0 }); }
+        assert_eq!(&*my_struct.x, &vec![42]);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.y, 0);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_union() {
+        union MyUnion {
+            x: ManuallyDrop<Vec<u32>>,
+            y: u64,
+        }
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyUnion {}
+        emplace! {let mut my_union = ctor!(MyUnion {x: unsafe { ManuallyDropCtor::new(vec![42])} }); }
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { &*my_union.x }, &vec![42]);
+        // And now write to the union.
+        // First, should drop myunion.x.
+        unsafe { ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut Pin::into_inner_unchecked(my_union.as_mut()).x) }
+        // Second, we can overwrite.
+        my_union.as_mut().reconstruct(ctor!(MyUnion { y: 24 }));
+        assert_eq!(unsafe { my_union.y }, 24);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_nested_struct() {
+        mod nested {
+            pub struct MyStruct {
+                pub x: u32,
+                pub y: u32,
+            }
+            unsafe impl crate::RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        }
+        emplace! { let my_struct = ctor!(nested::MyStruct {
+            x: 4,
+            y: copy(&2)
+        });}
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.x, 4);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.y, 2);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_nested_tuple_struct() {
+        mod nested {
+            pub struct MyStruct(pub u32, pub u32);
+            unsafe impl crate::RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        }
+        emplace! { let my_struct = ctor!(nested::MyStruct (4, copy(&2)));}
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.0, 4);
+        assert_eq!(my_struct.1, 2);
+    }
+    /// Test that the ctor macro safety check doesn't rely on the struct not
+    /// implementing Drop.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_drop_struct() {
+        struct MyStruct {
+            x: String,
+        }
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct {}
+        impl Drop for MyStruct {
+            fn drop(&mut self) {}
+        }
+        emplace! { let _my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct {
+            x: "".to_string()
+        });}
+    }
+    /// Struct which sets a bool to true when dropped.
+    ///
+    /// We use Mutex so as to allow for mutating state in a way Rust believes is
+    /// unwind-safe.
+    struct DropNotify<'a>(&'a Mutex<bool>);
+    impl Drop for DropNotify<'_> {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            *self.0.lock().unwrap() = true;
+        }
+    }
+    /// Ctor which constructs a DropNotify but panics before completing
+    /// construction.
+    ///
+    /// This can be used to test both that a drop occurs (for e.g. previously
+    /// constructed DropNotify objects), as well as that one does not:
+    /// because it in fact does fully initialize the thing it is meant to
+    /// construct, it is not UB to then call drop on it -- even though it would
+    /// be UB for almost any other Ctor.
+    #[must_use = must_use_ctor!()]
+    struct PanicCtor<'a>(DropNotify<'a>);
+    impl<'a> Ctor for PanicCtor<'a> {
+        type Output = DropNotify<'a>;
+        unsafe fn ctor(self, dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>) {
+            self.0.ctor(dest);
+            panic!();
+        }
+    }
+    impl !Unpin for PanicCtor<'_> {}
+    /// Tests that drop() is called when the Ctor doesn't panic.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_drop() {
+        let is_dropped = Mutex::new(false);
+        {
+            emplace! { let _my_drop_notify = DropNotify(&is_dropped); }
+        }
+        assert!(*is_dropped.lock().unwrap());
+    }
+    /// Tests that when a panic occurs during emplace!{}, the uninitialized
+    /// value is not dropped.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_emplace_no_drop_on_panic() {
+        let is_dropped = Mutex::new(false);
+        let panic_result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
+            emplace! { let _my_drop_notify = PanicCtor(DropNotify(&is_dropped)); }
+        });
+        assert!(panic_result.is_err());
+        assert!(!*is_dropped.lock().unwrap());
+    }
+    /// Tests that when a panic occurs during initialization of a struct with
+    /// ctor!, the initialized fields are dropped, and the uninitialized
+    /// fields are not.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_macro_drop() {
+        struct MyStruct<'a> {
+            x: DropNotify<'a>,
+            y: DropNotify<'a>,
+        }
+        unsafe impl RecursivelyPinned for MyStruct<'_> {}
+        let x_dropped = Mutex::new(false);
+        let y_dropped = Mutex::new(false);
+        let panic_result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
+            emplace! { let _my_struct = ctor!(MyStruct {
+                x: DropNotify(&x_dropped),
+                y: PanicCtor(DropNotify(&y_dropped))
+            });}
+        });
+        assert!(panic_result.is_err());
+        assert!(*x_dropped.lock().unwrap());
+        assert!(!*y_dropped.lock().unwrap());
+    }
+    /// logs calls to the constructors, drop.
+    struct DropCtorLogger<'a> {
+        log: &'a RefCell<Vec<&'static str>>,
+    }
+    impl Drop for DropCtorLogger<'_> {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            self.log.borrow_mut().push("drop");
+        }
+    }
+    struct LoggingCtor<'a> {
+        log: &'a RefCell<Vec<&'static str>>,
+        ctor_message: &'static str,
+    }
+    impl<'a> Ctor for LoggingCtor<'a> {
+        type Output = DropCtorLogger<'a>;
+        unsafe fn ctor(self, mut dest: Pin<&mut MaybeUninit<Self::Output>>) {
+            self.log.borrow_mut().push(self.ctor_message);
+            dest.as_mut_ptr().write(DropCtorLogger { log: self.log });
+        }
+    }
+    impl !Unpin for LoggingCtor<'_> {}
+    impl<'a> CtorNew<&DropCtorLogger<'a>> for DropCtorLogger<'a> {
+        type CtorType = LoggingCtor<'a>;
+        fn ctor_new(src: &DropCtorLogger<'a>) -> Self::CtorType {
+            LoggingCtor { log: &src.log, ctor_message: "copy ctor" }
+        }
+    }
+    impl<'a> CtorNew<RvalueReference<'_, DropCtorLogger<'a>>> for DropCtorLogger<'a> {
+        type CtorType = LoggingCtor<'a>;
+        fn ctor_new(src: RvalueReference<'_, DropCtorLogger<'a>>) -> Self::CtorType {
+            LoggingCtor { log: &src.0.log, ctor_message: "move ctor" }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Tests the ctor/drop order for copy-constructible Unpin types: ctor comes
+    /// before drop.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_copy_ctor_drop_order() {
+        let log = RefCell::new(vec![]);
+        let log = &log;
+        emplace! {
+            let notify_tester = DropCtorLogger {log};
+            let new_value = DropCtorLogger {log};
+        }
+        notify_tester.assign(&*new_value);
+        assert_eq!(*log.borrow(), vec!["copy ctor", "drop"]);
+    }
+    /// Tests the ctor/drop order for move-constructible Unpin types: ctor comes
+    /// before drop.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_move_ctor_drop_order() {
+        let log = RefCell::new(vec![]);
+        let log = &log;
+        emplace! {
+            let notify_tester = DropCtorLogger {log};
+            let new_value = DropCtorLogger {log};
+        }
+        notify_tester.assign(mov(new_value));
+        assert_eq!(*log.borrow(), vec!["move ctor", "drop"]);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_ctor_then() {
+        emplace! {
+            let x = 40.ctor_then(|mut y| { *y += 2 });
+        }
+        assert_eq!(*x, 42);
+    }
+    /// Test that a slot can be created in a temporary.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_slot_temporary() {
+        assert_eq!(*emplace!(Slot::new(42)).as_opt().unwrap(), 42);
+    }
+    /// Test that a slot can be created in a local.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_slot_local() {
+        emplace! {let slot = Slot::new(42); }
+        assert_eq!(*slot.as_opt().unwrap(), 42);
+    }
+    /// Shows the use of Slot to implement a "slotted return value", similar to
+    /// moveit.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_slotted_return_value() {
+        // TODO(jeanpierreda): delete this, use doctests when doctests work.
+        fn foo(slot: Pin<&mut Slot<u32>>) -> Pin<&mut u32> {
+            slot.replace(42)
+        }
+        emplace! {let slot = Slot::uninit(); }
+        let rv = foo(slot);
+        assert_eq!(*rv, 42);
+    }
+    /// Shows the use of Slot to implement output parameters.
+    #[test]
+    fn test_slotted_output_parameter() {
+        // TODO(jeanpierreda): delete this, use doctests when doctests work.
+        fn foo(slot: Pin<&mut Slot<u32>>) {
+            slot.replace(42);
+        }
+        emplace! {let mut slot = Slot::uninit(); }
+        foo(slot.as_mut());
+        assert_eq!(*slot.as_opt().unwrap(), 42);
+    }