blob: 37ec6f6b0289993571e4a97b2d210fb784f560a4 [file] [log] [blame]
"""IntelliJ plugin debug target rule used for debugging IntelliJ plugins.
Creates a plugin target debuggable from IntelliJ. Any files in
the 'deps' attribute are deployed to the plugin sandbox.
Any files are stripped of their prefix and installed into
<sandbox>/plugins. If you need structure, first put the files
into a pkgfilegroup. The files will be installed relative to the
'plugins' directory if present in the pkgfilegroup prefix.
intellij_plugin_debug_targets can be nested.
name = "foo_files",
srcs = [
prefix = "plugins/foo/lib",
name = "my_debug_target",
deps = [
SUFFIX = ".intellij-plugin-debug-target-deploy-info"
def _trim_start(path, prefix):
return path[len(prefix):] if path.startswith(prefix) else path
def _pkgfilegroup_deploy_file(ctx, f):
strip_prefix = ctx.rule.attr.strip_prefix
prefix = ctx.rule.attr.prefix
if strip_prefix == ".":
stripped_relative_path = f.basename
elif strip_prefix.startswith("/"):
stripped_relative_path = _trim_start(f.short_path, strip_prefix[1:])
stripped_relative_path = _trim_start(f.short_path, PACKAGE_NAME)
stripped_relative_path = _trim_start(stripped_relative_path, strip_prefix)
stripped_relative_path = _trim_start(stripped_relative_path, "/")
# If there's a 'plugins' directory, make destination relative to that
plugini = prefix.find("plugins/")
plugins_prefix = prefix[plugini + len("plugins/"):] if plugini >= 0 else prefix
# If the install location is still absolute, fail
if plugins_prefix.startswith("/"):
fail("Cannot compute plugins-relative install directory for pkgfilegroup")
dest = plugins_prefix + "/" + stripped_relative_path if plugins_prefix else stripped_relative_path
return struct(
src = f,
deploy_location = dest,
def _flat_deploy_file(f):
return struct(
src = f,
deploy_location = f.basename,
def _intellij_plugin_debug_target_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info = None
if ctx.rule.kind == "intellij_plugin_debug_target":
aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info = target.intellij_plugin_deploy_info
elif ctx.rule.kind == "pkgfilegroup":
aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info = struct(
deploy_files = [_pkgfilegroup_deploy_file(ctx, f) for f in target.files],
aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info = struct(
deploy_files = [_flat_deploy_file(f) for f in target.files],
return struct(
files = target.files,
aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info = aspect_intellij_plugin_deploy_info,
_intellij_plugin_debug_target_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _intellij_plugin_debug_target_aspect_impl,
def _build_deploy_info_file(deploy_file):
return struct(
execution_path = deploy_file.src.path,
deploy_location = deploy_file.deploy_location,
def _intellij_plugin_debug_target_impl(ctx):
files = set()
deploy_files = []
for target in ctx.attr.deps:
files = files | target.files
deploy_info = struct(
deploy_files = [_build_deploy_info_file(f) for f in deploy_files]
output = ctx.new_file( + SUFFIX)
ctx.file_action(output, deploy_info.to_proto())
# We've already consumed any dependent intellij_plugin_debug_targets into our own,
# do not build or report these
files = set([f for f in files if not f.path.endswith(SUFFIX)])
files = files | set([output])
return struct(
files = files,
intellij_plugin_deploy_info = struct(
deploy_files = deploy_files,
intellij_plugin_debug_target = rule(
implementation = _intellij_plugin_debug_target_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(aspects = [_intellij_plugin_debug_target_aspect]),