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  1. 4b25943 Add missing bzl_libraries by Googler · 3 hours ago main
  2. 4f3bb4c Disable //tests/system_library:system_library_test on Bazel 6 by Googler · 4 hours ago
  3. 9e87522 Automated rollback of commit ba3ec91a5592f749ac3b19d0195fa40089f1bd66. by Googler · 21 hours ago
  4. 9c91c03 Add strip_flags by Keith Smiley · 6 days ago
  5. 4ac36f7 Add random_seed feature args and feature by Keith Smiley · 6 days ago

C++ rules for Bazel

  • Postsubmit Build status
  • Postsubmit + Current Bazel Incompatible flags Build status

This repository contains a Starlark implementation of C++ rules in Bazel.

The rules are being incrementally converted from their native implementations in the Bazel source tree.

For the list of C++ rules, see the Bazel documentation.

Getting Started

Add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_cc",
    urls = ["<VERSION>.tar.gz"],
    sha256 = "...",

Then, in your BUILD files, import and use the rules:

load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library")


Using the rules_cc toolchain

This repo contains an auto-detecting toolchain that expects to find tools installed on your host machine. This is non-hermetic, and may have varying behaviors depending on the versions of tools found.

There are third-party contributed hermetic toolchains you may want to investigate:

If you'd like to use the cc toolchain defined in this repo, add this to your WORKSPACE after you include rules_cc:

load("@rules_cc//cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_cc_dependencies", "rules_cc_toolchains")



Migration Tools

This repository also contains migration tools that can be used to migrate your project for Bazel incompatible changes.

Legacy fields migrator

Script that migrates legacy crosstool fields into features (incompatible flag, tracking issue).


bazel run @rules_cc//tools/migration:legacy_fields_migrator -- \
  --input=my_toolchain/CROSSTOOL \


Bazel and rules_cc are the work of many contributors. We appreciate your help!

To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines:

Note that the rules_cc use the GitHub issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests only. For asking questions see: