blob: 7360ebbc11c035a408e5cbe3b5ebfe2e34ff8575 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
_KtJsInfo = "KtJsInfo",
_kt_js_import_impl = "kt_js_import_impl",
_kt_js_library_impl = "kt_js_library_impl",
"kotlin-stdlib-js": "kotlin",
"kotlin-test-js": "kotlin-test",
# The macro, and the ones using it exist to ensure compatibility with the nodejs rules, the nodejs rules process the
# attributes and not the providers. Ideally providers would be used so the rules can pass the information along without
# having to have user facing attributes visible.
# module_root: if the module_root is made settable then there is a possibility of collisions. Keeping it simple here.
# module_name: The require statement generated by Kotlinc-js seems to be based on the name of the jar. Unlike the jvm
# compiler, there is no 'module-name' flag available. So to keep things simple it's hard coded to the module name.
def _lock_attrs(name, kwargs):
if native.repository_name().startswith("@") and native.repository_name().endswith(_KT_COMPILER_REPO):
name = _JS_STDLIB_MAP.get(name, default = name)
if kwargs.get("module_root") != None:
fail("The module_root is an internal attribute.")
kwargs["module_root"] = name + ".js"
if kwargs.get("module_name") != None:
fail("module_name is an internal attribute.")
kwargs["module_name"] = name
return kwargs
kt_js_library = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_empty = False,
allow_files = [".kt"],
mandatory = True,
"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
default = [],
cfg = "data",
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = """A list of other kotlin JS libraries.""",
default = [],
allow_empty = True,
providers = [_KtJsInfo],
"runtime_deps": attr.label_list(
doc = """A list of other kotlin JS libraries that should be available at runtime.""",
default = [],
allow_empty = True,
providers = [_KtJsInfo],
"module_kind": attr.string(
doc = """The Kind of a module generated by compiler, users should stick to commonjs.""",
default = "commonjs",
values = ["umd", "commonjs", "amd", "plain"],
"js_target": attr.string(
default = "v5",
values = ["v5"],
"module_root": attr.string(
doc = "internal attriubte",
mandatory = False,
"module_name": attr.string(
doc = "internal attribute",
mandatory = False,
"_toolchain": attr.label(
doc = """The Kotlin JS Runtime.""",
default = Label("@" + _KT_COMPILER_REPO + "//:kotlin-stdlib-js"),
cfg = "target",
implementation = _kt_js_library_impl,
outputs = dict(
js = "%{name}.js",
js_map = "%{name}",
jar = "%{name}.jar",
srcjar = "%{name}-sources.jar",
toolchains = [_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE],
provides = [_KtJsInfo],
def kt_js_library_macro(name, **kwargs):
kwargs = _lock_attrs(name, kwargs)
# TODO this is a runtime dep, it should be picked up from the _toolchain attr or from a provider.
kwargs["deps"] = kwargs.get("deps", []) + ["@" + _KT_COMPILER_REPO + "//:kotlin-stdlib-js"]
kt_js_library(name = name, **kwargs)
kt_js_import = rule(
attrs = {
"jars": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".jar"],
mandatory = True,
"srcjar": attr.label(
allow_files = ["-sources.jar"],
mandatory = False,
single_file = True,
"runtime_deps": attr.label_list(
default = [],
allow_files = [".jar"],
mandatory = False,
"module_name": attr.string(
doc = "internal attribute",
mandatory = False,
"module_root": attr.string(
doc = "internal attriubte",
mandatory = False,
"_importer": attr.label(
default = "//kotlin/internal/js:importer",
allow_files = True,
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
outputs = dict(
js = "%{module_name}.js",
js_map = "%{module_name}",
implementation = _kt_js_import_impl,
provides = [_KtJsInfo],
def kt_js_import_macro(name, **kwargs):
kwargs = _lock_attrs(name, kwargs)
kt_js_import(name = name, **kwargs)