Add a ConformancePattern rule to Tsetse, a configurable pattern-based rule.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 249029529
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts b/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
index 1e0ea3a..71ca712 100644
--- a/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
+++ b/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/rules/conformance_pattern_rule.ts b/internal/tsetse/rules/conformance_pattern_rule.ts
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index 0000000..ec3c8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/tsetse/rules/conformance_pattern_rule.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import {Checker} from '../checker';
+import {ErrorCode} from '../error_code';
+import {AbstractRule} from '../rule';
+import {Fixer} from '../util/fixer';
+import {Config, MatchedNodeTypes, PatternKind} from '../util/pattern_config';
+import {PatternEngine} from '../util/pattern_engines/pattern_engine';
+import {PropertyWriteEngine} from '../util/pattern_engines/property_write_engine';
+ * Builds a Rule that matches a certain pattern, given as parameter, and
+ * that can additionally run a suggested fix generator on the matches.
+ *
+ * This is templated, mostly to ensure the nodes that have been matched
+ * correspond to what the Fixer expects.
+ */
+export class ConformancePatternRule<P extends PatternKind> implements
+ AbstractRule {
+ readonly ruleName: string;
+ readonly code = ErrorCode.CONFORMANCE_PATTERN;
+ private readonly engine: PatternEngine<P>;
+ constructor(
+ config: Config<P>, fixer?: Fixer<MatchedNodeTypes[P]>,
+ verbose?: boolean) {
+ // TODO(rjamet): This cheats a bit with the typing, as TS doesn't realize
+ // that P is Config.kind.
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any See above.
+ let engine: PatternEngine<any>;
+ switch (config.kind) {
+ engine = new PropertyWriteEngine(config, fixer, verbose);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Config type not recognized, or not implemented yet.');
+ }
+ this.ruleName = `conformance-pattern-${config.kind}`;
+ this.engine = engine as PatternEngine<P>;
+ }
+ register(checker: Checker) {
+ this.engine.register(checker);
+ }
+// Re-exported for convenience when instantiating rules.
+ * The list of supported patterns useable in ConformancePatternRule. The
+ * patterns whose name match JSConformance patterns should behave similarly (see
+ *
+ */
+export {PatternKind};
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/tests/ban_conformance_pattern/property_write_test.ts b/internal/tsetse/tests/ban_conformance_pattern/property_write_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f0c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/tsetse/tests/ban_conformance_pattern/property_write_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import 'jasmine';
+import {ConformancePatternRule, PatternKind} from '../../rules/conformance_pattern_rule';
+import {compileAndCheck, customMatchers} from '../../util/testing/test_support';
+describe('BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE', () => {
+ it('matches simple examples', () => {
+ const source = `const q = document.createElement('q');\n` +
+ `q.cite = 'some example string';\n`;
+ const rule = new ConformancePatternRule({
+ errorMessage: 'do not cite',
+ kind: PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE,
+ values: ['HTMLQuoteElement.prototype.cite']
+ });
+ const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
+ expect(results.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results[0])
+ .toBeFailureMatching({start: 39, end: 69, errorMessage: 'do not cite'});
+ });
+ it('understands imported symbols', () => {
+ const sources = [
+ `const q = document.createElement('q'); export {q};`,
+ `import {q} from './file_0'; q.cite =;`
+ ];
+ const rule = new ConformancePatternRule({
+ errorMessage: 'do not cite',
+ kind: PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE,
+ values: ['HTMLQuoteElement.prototype.cite']
+ });
+ const results = compileAndCheck(rule, ...sources);
+ expect(results.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(results[0]).toBeFailureMatching({
+ start: 28,
+ end: 48,
+ errorMessage: 'do not cite',
+ // fileName: 'file_0.ts'
+ // TODO(rjamet): why is there no source file in the finding?
+ });
+ });
+ describe('with inheritance', () => {
+ const source = [
+ `class Parent {x:number}`,
+ `class Child extends Parent {}`,
+ `const c:Child = new Child();`,
+ `c.x = 1;`,
+ ].join('\n');
+ // Both of these should have the same results: in `c.x`, `x` matches,
+ // and `c` is both a Parent and a Child.
+ const expectedFailure = {
+ start: 83,
+ end: 90,
+ errorMessage: 'found write to x',
+ };
+ it('banning Parent.x matches (instance of Child).x', () => {
+ const ruleOnParent = new ConformancePatternRule({
+ errorMessage: 'found write to x',
+ kind: PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE,
+ values: ['Parent.prototype.x']
+ });
+ const r = compileAndCheck(ruleOnParent, source);
+ expect(r.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(r[0]).toBeFailureMatching(expectedFailure);
+ });
+ it('banning Child.x matches x defined on Parent', () => {
+ const ruleOnChild = new ConformancePatternRule({
+ errorMessage: 'found write to x',
+ kind: PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE,
+ values: ['Child.prototype.x']
+ });
+ const r = compileAndCheck(ruleOnChild, source);
+ expect(r.length).toBe(1);
+ expect(r[0]).toBeFailureMatching(expectedFailure);
+ });
+ });
+beforeEach(() => {
+ jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers);
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_config.ts b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2748d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import * as ts from 'typescript';
+ * The list of supported patterns useable in ConformancePatternRule. The
+ * patterns whose name match JSConformance patterns should behave similarly (see
+ *
+ */
+export enum PatternKind {
+ BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE = 'banned-property-write',
+ * A config for ConformancePatternRule.
+ */
+export interface Config<P extends PatternKind> {
+ kind: P;
+ /**
+ * Values have a pattern-specific syntax.
+ *
+ * TODO(rjamet): We'll document them, but for now see each patternKind's tests
+ * for examples.
+ */
+ values: string[];
+ /** The error message this pattern will create. */
+ errorMessage: string;
+/** Maps the type of nodes that each `PatternType` produces. */
+export interface MatchedNodeTypes {
+ [PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE]: ts.BinaryExpression&{
+ left: ts.PropertyAccessExpression;
+ };
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/pattern_engine.ts b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/pattern_engine.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d315b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/pattern_engine.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import {Checker} from '../../checker';
+import {Fixer} from '../../util/fixer';
+import {Config, MatchedNodeTypes, PatternKind} from '../../util/pattern_config';
+ * A patternEngine is the logic that handles a specific PatternKind.
+ */
+export abstract class PatternEngine<P extends PatternKind> {
+ constructor(
+ protected readonly config: Config<P>,
+ protected readonly fixer?: Fixer<MatchedNodeTypes[P]>,
+ protected readonly verbose?: boolean) {}
+ abstract register(checker: Checker): void;
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/property_write_engine.ts b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/property_write_engine.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea8fe35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/tsetse/util/pattern_engines/property_write_engine.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import * as ts from 'typescript';
+import {Checker} from '../../checker';
+import {ErrorCode} from '../../error_code';
+import {Fix} from '../../failure';
+import {debugLog, isPropertyWriteExpression, shouldExamineNode} from '../ast_tools';
+import {Fixer} from '../fixer';
+import {PropertyMatcher} from '../match_symbol';
+import {Config, MatchedNodeTypes, PatternKind} from '../pattern_config';
+import {PatternEngine} from '../pattern_engines/pattern_engine';
+ * The engine for BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE.
+ */
+export class PropertyWriteEngine extends
+ PatternEngine<PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE> {
+ private readonly matcher: PropertyMatcher;
+ constructor(
+ config: Config<PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE>,
+ fixer?: Fixer<MatchedNodeTypes[PatternKind.BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE]>,
+ verbose?: boolean) {
+ super(config, fixer, verbose);
+ // TODO: Support more than one single value here, or even build a
+ // multi-pattern engine. This would help for performance.
+ if (this.config.values.length !== 1) {
+ throw new Error(`BANNED_PROPERTY_WRITE expects one value, got(${
+ this.config.values.join(',')})`);
+ }
+ this.matcher = PropertyMatcher.fromSpec(this.config.values[0]);
+ }
+ register(checker: Checker) {
+ checker.on(
+ ts.SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression, this.check.bind(this),
+ }
+ check(c: Checker, n: ts.BinaryExpression) {
+ if (!shouldExamineNode(n) || n.getSourceFile().isDeclarationFile ||
+ !isPropertyWriteExpression(n)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ debugLog(this.verbose, `inspecting ${n.getFullText().trim()}`);
+ if (this.matcher.matches(n.left, c.typeChecker, this.verbose)) {
+ const fix: Fix|undefined =
+ this.fixer ? this.fixer.getFixForFlaggedNode(n) : undefined;
+ c.addFailureAtNode(n, this.config.errorMessage, fix);
+ }
+ }