| import * as ts from 'typescript'; |
| import {Fix, IndividualChange} from '../failure'; |
| import {debugLog} from './ast_tools'; |
| |
| /** |
| * A Fixer turns Nodes (that are supposed to have been matched before) into a |
| * Fix. This is meant to be implemented by Rule implementers (or |
| * ban-preset-pattern users). See also `buildReplacementFixer` for a simpler way |
| * of implementing a Fixer. |
| */ |
| export interface Fixer<NodeType extends ts.Node = ts.Node> { |
| getFixForFlaggedNode(node: NodeType, v?: boolean): Fix|undefined; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * A simple Fixer builder based on a function that looks at a node, and |
| * output either nothing, or a replacement. If this is too limiting, implement |
| * Fixer instead. |
| */ |
| export function buildReplacementFixer( |
| potentialReplacementGenerator: (node: ts.Node, v?: boolean) => |
| ({replaceWith: string} | undefined)): Fixer { |
| return { |
| getFixForFlaggedNode: (n: ts.Node, v?: boolean): Fix | undefined => { |
| const partialFix = potentialReplacementGenerator(n, v); |
| if (!partialFix) { |
| return; |
| } |
| return { |
| changes: [{ |
| sourceFile: n.getSourceFile(), |
| start: n.getStart(), |
| end: n.getEnd(), |
| replacement: partialFix.replaceWith, |
| }], |
| }; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(rjamet): Both maybeAddNamedImport and maybeAddNamespacedImport are too |
| // hard to read to my taste. This could probably be improved upon by being more |
| // functionnal, to show the filter passes and get rid of the continues and |
| // returns (which are confusing). |
| |
| /** |
| * Builds an IndividualChange that imports the required symbol from the given |
| * file under the given name. This might reimport the same thing twice in some |
| * cases, but it will always make it available under the right name (though |
| * its name might collide with other imports, as we don't currently check for |
| * that). |
| */ |
| export function maybeAddNamedImport( |
| source: ts.SourceFile, importWhat: string, fromFile: string, |
| importAs?: string, tazeComment?: string): IndividualChange|undefined { |
| const importStatements = source.statements.filter(ts.isImportDeclaration); |
| const importSpecifier = |
| importAs ? `${importWhat} as ${importAs}` : importWhat; |
| |
| for (const iDecl of importStatements) { |
| const parsedDecl = maybeParseImportNode(iDecl); |
| if (!parsedDecl || parsedDecl.fromFile !== fromFile) { |
| // Not an import from the right file, or couldn't understand the import. |
| continue; // Jump to the next import. |
| } |
| if (ts.isNamespaceImport(parsedDecl.namedBindings)) { |
| debugLog(`... but it's a wildcard import`); |
| continue; // Jump to the next import. |
| } |
| |
| // Else, bindings is a NamedImports. We can now search whether the right |
| // symbol is there under the right name. |
| const foundRightImport = parsedDecl.namedBindings.elements.some( |
| iSpec => iSpec.propertyName ? |
| iSpec.name.getText() === importAs && // import {foo as bar} |
| iSpec.propertyName.getText() === importWhat : |
| iSpec.name.getText() === importWhat); // import {foo} |
| |
| if (foundRightImport) { |
| debugLog(`"${iDecl.getFullText()}" imports ${importWhat} as we want.`); |
| return; // Our request is already imported under the right name. |
| } |
| |
| // Else, insert our symbol in the list of imports from that file. |
| debugLog(`No named imports from that file, generating new fix`); |
| return { |
| start: parsedDecl.namedBindings.elements[0].getStart(), |
| end: parsedDecl.namedBindings.elements[0].getStart(), |
| sourceFile: source, |
| replacement: `${importSpecifier}, `, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // If we get here, we didn't find anything imported from the wanted file, so |
| // we'll need the full import string. Add it after the last import, |
| // and let clang-format handle the rest. |
| const newImportStatement = `import {${importSpecifier}} from '${fromFile}';` + |
| (tazeComment ? ` ${tazeComment}\n` : `\n`); |
| const insertionPosition = importStatements.length ? |
| importStatements[importStatements.length - 1].getEnd() + 1 : |
| 0; |
| return { |
| start: insertionPosition, |
| end: insertionPosition, |
| sourceFile: source, |
| replacement: newImportStatement, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Builds an IndividualChange that imports the required namespace from the given |
| * file under the given name. This might reimport the same thing twice in some |
| * cases, but it will always make it available under the right name (though |
| * its name might collide with other imports, as we don't currently check for |
| * that). |
| */ |
| export function maybeAddNamespaceImport( |
| source: ts.SourceFile, fromFile: string, importAs: string, |
| tazeComment?: string): IndividualChange|undefined { |
| const importStatements = source.statements.filter(ts.isImportDeclaration); |
| |
| const hasTheRightImport = importStatements.some(iDecl => { |
| const parsedDecl = maybeParseImportNode(iDecl); |
| if (!parsedDecl || parsedDecl.fromFile !== fromFile) { |
| // Not an import from the right file, or couldn't understand the import. |
| return false; |
| } |
| debugLog(`"${iDecl.getFullText()}" is an import from the right file`); |
| |
| if (ts.isNamedImports(parsedDecl.namedBindings)) { |
| debugLog(`... but it's a named import`); |
| return false; // irrelevant to our namespace imports |
| } |
| // Else, bindings is a NamespaceImport. |
| if (parsedDecl.namedBindings.name.getText() !== importAs) { |
| debugLog(`... but not the right name, we need to reimport`); |
| return false; |
| } |
| debugLog(`... and the right name, no need to reimport`); |
| return true; |
| }); |
| |
| if (!hasTheRightImport) { |
| const insertionPosition = importStatements.length ? |
| importStatements[importStatements.length - 1].getEnd() + 1 : |
| 0; |
| return { |
| start: insertionPosition, |
| end: insertionPosition, |
| sourceFile: source, |
| replacement: tazeComment ? |
| `import * as ${importAs} from '${fromFile}'; ${tazeComment}\n` : |
| `import * as ${importAs} from '${fromFile}';\n`, |
| }; |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This tries to make sense of an ImportDeclaration, and returns the interesting |
| * parts, undefined if the import declaration is valid but not understandable by |
| * the checker. |
| */ |
| function maybeParseImportNode(iDecl: ts.ImportDeclaration): { |
| namedBindings: ts.NamedImportBindings|ts.NamespaceImport, |
| fromFile: string |
| }|undefined { |
| if (!iDecl.importClause) { |
| // something like import "./file"; |
| debugLog(`Ignoring import without imported symbol: ${iDecl.getFullText()}`); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (iDecl.importClause.name || !iDecl.importClause.namedBindings) { |
| // Seems to happen in defaults imports like import Foo from 'Bar'. |
| // Not much we can do with that when trying to get a hold of some symbols, |
| // so just ignore that line (worst case, we'll suggest another import |
| // style). |
| debugLog(`Ignoring import: ${iDecl.getFullText()}`); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!ts.isStringLiteral(iDecl.moduleSpecifier)) { |
| debugLog(`Ignoring import whose module specifier is not literal`); |
| return; |
| } |
| return { |
| namedBindings: iDecl.importClause.namedBindings, |
| fromFile: iDecl.moduleSpecifier.text |
| }; |
| } |