Runs unit tests in a browser.

When executed under bazel test, this uses a headless browser for speed. This is also because bazel test allows multiple targets to be tested together, and we don't want to open a Chrome window on your machine for each one. Also, under bazel test the test will execute and immediately terminate.

Running under ibazel test gives you a “watch mode” for your tests. The rule is optimized for this case - the test runner server will stay running and just re-serve the up-to-date JavaScript source bundle.

To debug a single test target, run it with bazel run instead. This will open a browser window on your computer. Also you can use any other browser by opening the URL printed when the test starts up. The test will remain running until you cancel the bazel run command.

This rule will use your system Chrome. Your environment must specify CHROME_BIN so that the rule will know which Chrome binary to run.

Currently this rule uses Karma as the test runner under the hood, but this is an implementation detail. We might switch to another runner like Jest in the future.


Defines a test_suite of web_test targets that wrap a ts_web_test target.

This macro also accepts all parameters in ts_web_test. See ts_web_test docs for details.
