blob: 6eab46edef2635614c292c20cbec5c0c12be6b91 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'jasmine';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
import {BazelOptions} from './tsconfig';
describe('compiler host', () => {
describe('computes the amd module name of a .ts source file', () => {
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
rootDirs: [],
rootDir: 'base',
outDir: 'out',
const bazelOptions: BazelOptions = {
package: 'path/to/package',
compilationTargetSrc: [
workspaceName: 'my_wksp',
} as any;
const defaultHost =
new CompilerHost([], options, bazelOptions, null as any, null as any);
// A module is a file with at least an import or export statement.
function createTsModule(filename: string) {
return ts.createSourceFile(filename, 'export {}', ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015);
it('should name a module after the workspace and filename', () => {
it('should not provide a name for files that are not in the compilation unit',
() => {
it('should name the index file with a short name', () => {
const host = new CompilerHost(
[], options, {...bazelOptions, moduleName: 'my_lib'}, null as any,
null as any);
it('should name an index file under a module_root with a short name',
() => {
const host = new CompilerHost(
[], options,
{...bazelOptions, moduleName: 'my_lib', moduleRoot: 'root_dir'},
null as any, null as any);
describe('#pathToModuleName', () => {
it('should escape non-identifier characters', () => {
expect(defaultHost.pathToModuleName('context', '$-!@'))
it('should escape leading numbers', () => {
expect(defaultHost.pathToModuleName('context', '1234')).toBe('$31234');
it('should transform slashes to dots', () => {
expect(defaultHost.pathToModuleName('context', 'a/b')).toBe('a.b');
it('should not escape valid identifers', () => {
expect(defaultHost.pathToModuleName('context', 'a1/b2')).toBe('a1.b2');