blob: 44087baf2818f9337f83290f5e113a8830b6c103 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Bans `new Set(<string>)` since it is a potential source of bugs
* due to strings also implementing `Iterable<string>`.
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Checker} from '../checker';
import {ErrorCode} from '../error_code';
import {AbstractRule} from '../rule';
const errorMsg = 'Value passed to Set constructor is a string. This will' +
' create a Set of the characters of the string, rather than a Set' +
' containing the string. To make a Set of the string, pass an array' +
' containing the string. To make a Set of the characters, use \'as\' to ' +
' create an Iterable<string>, eg: new Set(myStr as Iterable<string>).';
export class Rule extends AbstractRule {
readonly ruleName = 'ban-string-initialized-sets';
readonly code = ErrorCode.BAN_STRING_INITIALIZED_SETS;
register(checker: Checker) {
checker.on(ts.SyntaxKind.NewExpression, checkNewExpression, this.code);
function checkNewExpression(checker: Checker, node: ts.NewExpression) {
const typeChecker = checker.typeChecker;
// Check that it's a Set which is being constructed
const ctorTypeSymbol =
if (!ctorTypeSymbol || ctorTypeSymbol.getEscapedName() !== 'SetConstructor') {
const isES2015SetCtor = ctorTypeSymbol.declarations.some((decl) => {
return sourceFileIsStdLib(decl.getSourceFile());
if (!isES2015SetCtor) return;
// If there's no arguments provided, then it's not a string so bail out.
if (!node.arguments || node.arguments.length !== 1) return;
// Check the type of the first argument, expanding union & intersection types
const arg = node.arguments[0];
const argType = typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(arg);
const allTypes = argType.isUnionOrIntersection() ? argType.types : [argType];
// Checks if the type (or any of the union/intersection types) are either
// strings or string literals.
const typeContainsString = allTypes.some((tsType) => {
return (tsType.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.StringLike) !== 0;
if (!typeContainsString) return;
checker.addFailureAtNode(arg, errorMsg);
function sourceFileIsStdLib(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
return /lib\.es2015\.(collection|iterable)\.d\.ts$/.test(sourceFile.fileName);