Lets the build and run script be run from any bazel subfolder. Currently assumes its running from the root bazel folder when trying to unzip the build artifact.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 232743837
diff --git a/build_and_run.sh b/build_and_run.sh
index 9f69819..054a8a7 100755
--- a/build_and_run.sh
+++ b/build_and_run.sh
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
 # build it
 bazel build //:tulsi
 # unzip it
-unzip -oq bazel-bin/tulsi.zip -d "$unzip_dir"
+unzip -oq $(bazel info workspace)/bazel-bin/tulsi.zip -d "$unzip_dir"
 # run it
 open "$unzip_dir/Tulsi.app"