OptionSet: Treat empty strings as nil

- This fixes issues in inheritance when inheriting a nil
  value with no other customization leads to an empty string,
  which can crash Xcode in the case of run args

PiperOrigin-RevId: 269433225
diff --git a/src/TulsiGenerator/TulsiOption.swift b/src/TulsiGenerator/TulsiOption.swift
index b1257d8..ee04442 100644
--- a/src/TulsiGenerator/TulsiOption.swift
+++ b/src/TulsiGenerator/TulsiOption.swift
@@ -142,8 +142,9 @@
     let inheritValue = defaultValue ?? ""
     func resolveInheritKeyword(_ value: String?) -> String? {
       guard let value = value else { return nil }
-      return value.replacingOccurrences(of: TulsiOption.InheritKeyword,
-                                                        with: inheritValue)
+      let newValue = value.replacingOccurrences(of: TulsiOption.InheritKeyword,
+                                                with: inheritValue)
+      return newValue.isEmpty ? nil : newValue
     if optionType.contains(.SupportsInheritKeyword) {
       projectValue = resolveInheritKeyword(projectValue)