This folder contains artifacts for building a docker container which includes all necessary language toolchains (C++, Java, Python, Go and libraries). This container is the recommended toolchain container for Remote caching and execution with Bazel.
Download and install the Google Cloud SDK, which includes the gcloud command-line tool.
Create a new Google Cloud Platform project from the Cloud Console or use an existing one.
Initialize the Cloud SDK.
gcloud init
You will need a valid project ID to build the toolchain-container.
You can build a toolchain-container with debian8 as the base container by running:
container/ -p my-project-id -d debian8 -c rbe-debian8 -t latest -b my-gcs-bucket
Congratulations! Your docker container is now available in Container Registry
You can pull the built container to local
gcloud docker -- pull
You can also build debian8-clang-fully-loaded container locally to for a quick test. You would need Bazel and Docker installed.
Run the following command:
container/ -l -d debian8
You docker container is now available locally and you can try it out by running:
docker run -it rbe-debian8:latest /bin/bash