In the //:srcs completeness test, ignore derived
The script contains a test verifying that all
sources of Bazel are contained in the //:srcs target. As
reference, the list of files reachable from the top-level
directory is taken. In this check, ignore all derived sources,
i.e., the content of the derived subdirectory to make this test
pass as well when executed from the distribution artifact.
Change-Id: I590bc9f424ed5b9f87ed07166ecb75b5aeac9fb3
diff --git a/ b/
index 484b043..c9aa364 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
find . -type f | sed 's|./||' \
| grep -v '^bazel-' | grep -v '^WORKSPACE.user.bzl' \
| grep -v '^\.' | grep -v '^out/' | grep -v '^output/' \
+ | grep -v '^derived' \
| grep -Ev "${SRCS_EXCLUDES}" \
| grep -v '^tools/defaults/BUILD' \
| sort -u >"${OUTPUT_DIR}/srcs-find"