MethodLibraryTest: Implemented an alternative approach that reduces duplicated code and may lead to cleaner tests.
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index b764413..9b0ce0b 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@@ -37,151 +36,161 @@
public class EvaluationTest extends EvaluationTestCase {
+ public EvaluationTest() throws Exception {
+ super.setMode(TestMode.BUILD);
+ }
- @Override
- public EvaluationContext newEvaluationContext() {
- return EvaluationContext.newBuildContext(getEventHandler(),
- new PackageFactory(TestRuleClassProvider.getRuleClassProvider()).getEnvironment());
+ /**
+ * Creates a new instance of {@code ModalTestCase}.
+ *
+ * <p>If a test uses this method, it allows potential subclasses to run the very same test in a
+ * different mode in subclasses
+ */
+ protected ModalTestCase newTest() {
+ return new BuildTest();
public void testExprs() throws Exception {
- assertEquals("fooxbar", eval("'%sx' % 'foo' + 'bar'"));
- assertEquals("fooxbar", eval("('%sx' % 'foo') + 'bar'"));
- assertEquals("foobarx", eval("'%sx' % ('foo' + 'bar')"));
- assertEquals(579, eval("123 + 456"));
- assertEquals(333, eval("456 - 123"));
- assertEquals(2, eval("8 % 3"));
- checkEvalErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'int' and 'string'", "3 % 'foo'");
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("'%sx' % 'foo' + 'bar'", "fooxbar")
+ .testStatement("('%sx' % 'foo') + 'bar'", "fooxbar")
+ .testStatement("'%sx' % ('foo' + 'bar')", "foobarx")
+ .testStatement("123 + 456", 579)
+ .testStatement("456 - 123", 333)
+ .testStatement("8 % 3", 2)
+ .testIfErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'int' and 'string'", "3 % 'foo'");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListExprs() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("[1, 2, 3]")).containsExactly(1, 2, 3).inOrder();
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("(1, 2, 3)")).containsExactly(1, 2, 3).inOrder();
+ newTest().testExactOrder("[1, 2, 3]", 1, 2, 3).testExactOrder("(1, 2, 3)", 1, 2, 3);
public void testStringFormatMultipleArgs() throws Exception {
- assertEquals("XYZ", eval("'%sY%s' % ('X', 'Z')"));
+ newTest().testStatement("'%sY%s' % ('X', 'Z')", "XYZ");
public void testAndOr() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(8, eval("8 or 9"));
- assertEquals(9, eval("0 or 9"));
- assertEquals(9, eval("8 and 9"));
- assertEquals(0, eval("0 and 9"));
+ new BuildTest()
+ .testStatement("8 or 9", 8)
+ .testStatement("0 or 9", 9)
+ .testStatement("8 and 9", 9)
+ .testStatement("0 and 9", 0)
- assertEquals(2, eval("1 and 2 or 3"));
- assertEquals(3, eval("0 and 2 or 3"));
- assertEquals(3, eval("1 and 0 or 3"));
+ .testStatement("1 and 2 or 3", 2)
+ .testStatement("0 and 2 or 3", 3)
+ .testStatement("1 and 0 or 3", 3)
- assertEquals(1, eval("1 or 2 and 3"));
- assertEquals(3, eval("0 or 2 and 3"));
- assertEquals(0, eval("0 or 0 and 3"));
- assertEquals(1, eval("1 or 0 and 3"));
- assertEquals(1, eval("1 or 0 and 3"));
+ .testStatement("1 or 2 and 3", 1)
+ .testStatement("0 or 2 and 3", 3)
+ .testStatement("0 or 0 and 3", 0)
+ .testStatement("1 or 0 and 3", 1)
- assertEquals(Environment.NONE, eval("None and 1"));
- assertEquals(9, eval("\"\" or 9"));
- assertEquals("abc", eval("\"abc\" or 9"));
+ .testStatement("None and 1", Environment.NONE)
+ .testStatement("\"\" or 9", 9)
+ .testStatement("\"abc\" or 9", "abc")
+ // check that 'foo' is not evaluated
+ .testStatement("8 or foo", 8)
+ .testStatement("0 and foo", 0);
- if (isSkylark()) {
- checkEvalError("ERROR 1:6: name 'foo' is not defined", "8 or foo");
- checkEvalError("ERROR 1:7: name 'foo' is not defined", "0 and foo");
- } else {
- assertEquals(8, eval("8 or foo")); // check that 'foo' is not evaluated
- assertEquals(0, eval("0 and foo")); // check that 'foo' is not evaluated
- }
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .testIfErrorContains("name 'google' is not defined", "0 and google")
+ .testIfErrorContains("name 'google' is not defined", "8 or google");
public void testNot() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(false, eval("not 1"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("not ''"));
+ newTest().testStatement("not 1", false).testStatement("not ''", true);
public void testNotWithLogicOperators() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("not (0 and 0)"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("not (1 or 0)"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("not (0 and 0)", true)
+ .testStatement("not (1 or 0)", false)
- assertEquals(0, eval("0 and not 0"));
- assertEquals(0, eval("not 0 and 0"));
+ .testStatement("0 and not 0", 0)
+ .testStatement("not 0 and 0", 0)
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 and not 0"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("not 0 or 0"));
+ .testStatement("1 and not 0", true)
+ .testStatement("not 0 or 0", true)
- assertEquals(0, eval("not 1 or 0"));
- assertEquals(1, eval("not 1 or 1"));
+ .testStatement("not 1 or 0", 0)
+ .testStatement("not 1 or 1", 1);
public void testNotWithArithmeticOperators() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("not 0 + 0"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("not 2 - 1"));
+ newTest().testStatement("not 0 + 0", true).testStatement("not 2 - 1", false);
public void testNotWithCollections() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("not []"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("not {'a' : 1}"));
+ newTest().testStatement("not []", true).testStatement("not {'a' : 1}", false);
public void testEquality() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 == 1"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("1 == 2"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("'hello' == 'hel' + 'lo'"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("'hello' == 'bye'"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("None == None"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("[1, 2] == [1, 2]"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("[1, 2] == [2, 1]"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 == 1", true)
+ .testStatement("1 == 2", false)
+ .testStatement("'hello' == 'hel' + 'lo'", true)
+ .testStatement("'hello' == 'bye'", false)
+ .testStatement("None == None", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] == [1, 2]", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] == [2, 1]", false);
public void testInequality() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(false, eval("1 != 1"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 != 2"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("'hello' != 'hel' + 'lo'"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("'hello' != 'bye'"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("[1, 2] != [1, 2]"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("[1, 2] != [2, 1]"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 != 1", false)
+ .testStatement("1 != 2", true)
+ .testStatement("'hello' != 'hel' + 'lo'", false)
+ .testStatement("'hello' != 'bye'", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] != [1, 2]", false)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] != [2, 1]", true);
public void testEqualityPrecedence() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 + 3 == 2 + 2"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("not 1 == 2"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("not 1 != 2"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("2 and 3 == 3 or 1"));
- assertEquals(2, eval("2 or 3 == 3 and 1"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 + 3 == 2 + 2", true)
+ .testStatement("not 1 == 2", true)
+ .testStatement("not 1 != 2", false)
+ .testStatement("2 and 3 == 3 or 1", true)
+ .testStatement("2 or 3 == 3 and 1", 2);
public void testLessThan() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 <= 1"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("1 < 1"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("'a' <= 'b'"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("'c' < 'a'"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 <= 1", true)
+ .testStatement("1 < 1", false)
+ .testStatement("'a' <= 'b'", true)
+ .testStatement("'c' < 'a'", false);
public void testGreaterThan() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(true, eval("1 >= 1"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("1 > 1"));
- assertEquals(false, eval("'a' >= 'b'"));
- assertEquals(true, eval("'c' > 'a'"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 >= 1", true)
+ .testStatement("1 > 1", false)
+ .testStatement("'a' >= 'b'", false)
+ .testStatement("'c' > 'a'", true);
public void testConditionalExpressions() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(1, eval("1 if True else 2"));
- assertEquals(2, eval("1 if False else 2"));
- assertEquals(3, eval("1 + 2 if 3 + 4 else 5 + 6"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("1 if True else 2", 1)
+ .testStatement("1 if False else 2", 2)
+ .testStatement("1 + 2 if 3 + 4 else 5 + 6", 3);
parseExpression("1 if 2");
@@ -191,32 +200,33 @@
public void testListComparison() throws Exception {
- assertThat(eval("[] < [1]")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("[1] < [1, 1]")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("[1, 1] < [1, 2]")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("[1, 2] < [1, 2, 3]")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("[1, 2, 3] <= [1, 2, 3]")).isEqualTo(true);
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("[] < [1]", true)
+ .testStatement("[1] < [1, 1]", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 1] < [1, 2]", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] < [1, 2, 3]", true)
+ .testStatement("[1, 2, 3] <= [1, 2, 3]", true)
- assertThat(eval("['a', 'b'] > ['a']")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("['a', 'b'] >= ['a']")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("['a', 'b'] < ['a']")).isEqualTo(false);
- assertThat(eval("['a', 'b'] <= ['a']")).isEqualTo(false);
+ .testStatement("['a', 'b'] > ['a']", true)
+ .testStatement("['a', 'b'] >= ['a']", true)
+ .testStatement("['a', 'b'] < ['a']", false)
+ .testStatement("['a', 'b'] <= ['a']", false)
- assertThat(eval("('a', 'b') > ('a', 'b')")).isEqualTo(false);
- assertThat(eval("('a', 'b') >= ('a', 'b')")).isEqualTo(true);
- assertThat(eval("('a', 'b') < ('a', 'b')")).isEqualTo(false);
- assertThat(eval("('a', 'b') <= ('a', 'b')")).isEqualTo(true);
+ .testStatement("('a', 'b') > ('a', 'b')", false)
+ .testStatement("('a', 'b') >= ('a', 'b')", true)
+ .testStatement("('a', 'b') < ('a', 'b')", false)
+ .testStatement("('a', 'b') <= ('a', 'b')", true)
- assertThat(eval("[[1, 1]] > [[1, 1], []]")).isEqualTo(false);
- assertThat(eval("[[1, 1]] < [[1, 1], []]")).isEqualTo(true);
+ .testStatement("[[1, 1]] > [[1, 1], []]", false)
+ .testStatement("[[1, 1]] < [[1, 1], []]", true)
- checkEvalError("Cannot compare int with string", "[1] < ['a']");
- checkEvalError("Cannot compare list with int", "[1] < 1");
+ .testIfExactError("Cannot compare int with string", "[1] < ['a']")
+ .testIfExactError("Cannot compare list with int", "[1] < 1");
public void testCompareStringInt() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Cannot compare string with int", "'a' >= 1");
+ newTest().testIfExactError("Cannot compare string with int", "'a' >= 1");
@@ -233,18 +243,15 @@
- update(sum.getName(), sum);
- assertEquals(21, eval("sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)"));
- assertEquals(sum, eval("sum"));
- assertEquals(0, eval("sum(a=1, b=2)"));
+ newTest().update(sum.getName(), sum).testStatement("sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", 21)
+ .testStatement("sum", sum).testStatement("sum(a=1, b=2)", 0);
public void testNotCallInt() throws Exception {
- eval("sum = 123456");
- assertEquals(123456, lookup("sum"));
- checkEvalError("'int' object is not callable", "sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)");
- assertEquals(123456, eval("sum"));
+ newTest().setUp("sum = 123456").testLookup("sum", 123456)
+ .testIfExactError("'int' object is not callable", "sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
+ .testStatement("sum", 123456);
@@ -261,59 +268,64 @@
- update(kwargs.getName(), kwargs);
- assertEquals(eval("[('bar', 'bar'), ('foo', 1), ('wiz', [1, 2, 3])]"),
- eval("kwargs(foo=1, bar='bar', wiz=[1,2,3]).items()"));
+ newTest()
+ .update(kwargs.getName(), kwargs)
+ .testEval(
+ "kwargs(foo=1, bar='bar', wiz=[1,2,3]).items()",
+ "[('bar', 'bar'), ('foo', 1), ('wiz', [1, 2, 3])]");
public void testModulo() throws Exception {
- assertThat(eval("6 % 2")).isEqualTo(0);
- assertThat(eval("6 % 4")).isEqualTo(2);
- assertThat(eval("3 % 6")).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(eval("7 % -4")).isEqualTo(-1);
- assertThat(eval("-7 % 4")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(eval("-7 % -4")).isEqualTo(-3);
- checkEvalError("integer modulo by zero", "5 % 0");
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("6 % 2", 0)
+ .testStatement("6 % 4", 2)
+ .testStatement("3 % 6", 3)
+ .testStatement("7 % -4", -1)
+ .testStatement("-7 % 4", 1)
+ .testStatement("-7 % -4", -3)
+ .testIfExactError("integer modulo by zero", "5 % 0");
public void testMult() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(42, eval("6 * 7"));
- assertEquals("ababab", eval("3 * 'ab'"));
- assertEquals("", eval("0 * 'ab'"));
- assertEquals("100000", eval("'1' + '0' * 5"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("6 * 7", 42)
+ .testStatement("3 * 'ab'", "ababab")
+ .testStatement("0 * 'ab'", "")
+ .testStatement("'1' + '0' * 5", "100000");
public void testDivision() throws Exception {
- assertThat(eval("6 / 2")).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(eval("6 / 4")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(eval("3 / 6")).isEqualTo(0);
- assertThat(eval("7 / -2")).isEqualTo(-4);
- assertThat(eval("-7 / 2")).isEqualTo(-4);
- assertThat(eval("-7 / -2")).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(eval("2147483647 / 2")).isEqualTo(1073741823);
- checkEvalError("integer division by zero", "5 / 0");
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("6 / 2", 3)
+ .testStatement("6 / 4", 1)
+ .testStatement("3 / 6", 0)
+ .testStatement("7 / -2", -4)
+ .testStatement("-7 / 2", -4)
+ .testStatement("-7 / -2", 3)
+ .testStatement("2147483647 / 2", 1073741823)
+ .testIfExactError("integer division by zero", "5 / 0");
public void testOperatorPrecedence() throws Exception {
- assertThat(eval("2 + 3 * 4")).isEqualTo(14);
- assertThat(eval("2 + 3 / 4")).isEqualTo(2);
- assertThat(eval("2 * 3 + 4 / -2")).isEqualTo(4);
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("2 + 3 * 4", 14)
+ .testStatement("2 + 3 / 4", 2)
+ .testStatement("2 * 3 + 4 / -2", 4);
public void testConcatStrings() throws Exception {
- assertEquals("foobar", eval("'foo' + 'bar'"));
+ newTest().testStatement("'foo' + 'bar'", "foobar");
public void testConcatLists() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
// list
Object x = eval("[1,2] + [3,4]");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) x).containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4).inOrder();
@@ -329,160 +341,150 @@
"(1,2) + [3,4]"); // list + tuple
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListComprehensions() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("['foo/' % x for x in []]")).isEmpty();
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("['foo/' % y for y in ['bar', 'wiz', 'quux']]"))
- .containsExactly("foo/", "foo/", "foo/").inOrder();
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval(
- "['%s/' % (z, t) "
- + "for z in ['foo', 'bar'] "
- + "for t in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux']]"))
- .containsExactly("foo/", "foo/", "foo/",
- "bar/", "bar/", "bar/").inOrder();
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval(
- "['%s/' % (b, b) "
- + "for a in ['foo', 'bar'] "
- + "for b in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux']]"))
- .containsExactly("baz/", "wiz/", "quux/",
- "baz/", "wiz/", "quux/").inOrder();
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval(
- "['%s/%s.%s' % (c, d, e) "
- + "for c in ['foo', 'bar'] "
- + "for d in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux'] "
- + "for e in ['java', 'cc']]"))
- .containsExactly("foo/", "foo/", "foo/", "foo/",
- "foo/", "foo/", "bar/", "bar/",
- "bar/", "bar/", "bar/", "bar/").inOrder();
+ newTest()
+ .testExactOrder("['foo/' % x for x in []]")
+ .testExactOrder("['foo/' % y for y in ['bar', 'wiz', 'quux']]", "foo/",
+ "foo/", "foo/")
+ .testExactOrder("['%s/' % (z, t) " + "for z in ['foo', 'bar'] "
+ + "for t in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux']]",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/")
+ .testExactOrder("['%s/' % (b, b) " + "for a in ['foo', 'bar'] "
+ + "for b in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux']]",
+ "baz/",
+ "wiz/",
+ "quux/",
+ "baz/",
+ "wiz/",
+ "quux/")
+ .testExactOrder("['%s/%s.%s' % (c, d, e) " + "for c in ['foo', 'bar'] "
+ + "for d in ['baz', 'wiz', 'quux'] " + "for e in ['java', 'cc']]",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "foo/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/",
+ "bar/");
public void testNestedListComprehensions() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<?>) eval(
- "li = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]\n"
- + "[j for i in li for j in i]"))
- .containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4).inOrder();
- assertThat((Iterable<?>) eval(
- "input = [['abc'], ['def', 'ghi']]\n"
- + "['%s %s' % (b, c) for a in input for b in a for c in b]"))
- .containsExactly(
- "abc a", "abc b", "abc c", "def d", "def e", "def f", "ghi g", "ghi h", "ghi i")
- .inOrder();
+ newTest().testExactOrder("li = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]\n" + "[j for i in li for j in i]", 1, 2,
+ 3, 4).testExactOrder("input = [['abc'], ['def', 'ghi']]\n"
+ + "['%s %s' % (b, c) for a in input for b in a for c in b]",
+ "abc a",
+ "abc b",
+ "abc c",
+ "def d",
+ "def e",
+ "def f",
+ "ghi g",
+ "ghi h",
+ "ghi i");
public void testListComprehensionsMultipleVariables() throws Exception {
- assertThat(eval("[x + y for x, y in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[3, 7]");
- assertThat(eval("[z + t for (z, t) in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[3, 7]");
+ newTest().testEval("[x + y for x, y in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]", "[3, 7]").testEval(
+ "[z + t for (z, t) in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]]", "[3, 7]");
public void testListComprehensionsMultipleVariablesFail() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
- "[x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]");
- checkEvalError("type 'int' is not a collection",
- "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]");
+ newTest().testIfExactError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
+ "[x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]").testIfExactError(
+ "type 'int' is not a collection", "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]");
public void testListComprehensionsWithFiltering() throws Exception {
- eval("range3 = [0, 1, 2]"); // used below
- assertThat(eval("[a for a in (4, None, 2, None, 1) if a != None]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[4, 2, 1]");
- assertThat(eval("[b+c for b in [0, 1, 2] for c in [0, 1, 2] if b + c > 2]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[3, 3, 4]");
- assertThat(eval("[d+e for d in range3 if d % 2 == 1 for e in range3]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[1, 2, 3]");
- assertThat(eval(
- "[[f,g] for f in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] if f for g in [5, 6, 7, 8] if f * g % 12 == 0 ]")
- .toString()).isEqualTo("[[2, 6], [3, 8], [4, 6]]");
- assertThat(eval("[h for h in [4, 2, 0, 1] if h]").toString())
- .isEqualTo("[4, 2, 1]");
+ newTest()
+ .setUp("range3 = [0, 1, 2]")
+ .testEval("[a for a in (4, None, 2, None, 1) if a != None]", "[4, 2, 1]")
+ .testEval("[b+c for b in [0, 1, 2] for c in [0, 1, 2] if b + c > 2]", "[3, 3, 4]")
+ .testEval("[d+e for d in range3 if d % 2 == 1 for e in range3]", "[1, 2, 3]")
+ .testEval("[[f,g] for f in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] if f for g in [5, 6, 7, 8] if f * g % 12 == 0 ]",
+ "[[2, 6], [3, 8], [4, 6]]")
+ .testEval("[h for h in [4, 2, 0, 1] if h]", "[4, 2, 1]");
public void testListComprehensionDefinitionOrder() throws Exception {
- checkEvalErrorContains("name 'y' is not defined",
+ newTest().testIfErrorContains("name 'y' is not defined",
"[x for x in (1, 2) if y for y in (3, 4)]");
public void testTupleDestructuring() throws Exception {
- eval("a, b = 1, 2");
- assertThat(lookup("a")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(lookup("b")).isEqualTo(2);
- eval("c, d = {'key1':2, 'key2':3}");
- assertThat(lookup("c")).isEqualTo("key1");
- assertThat(lookup("d")).isEqualTo("key2");
+ newTest()
+ .setUp("a, b = 1, 2")
+ .testLookup("a", 1)
+ .testLookup("b", 2)
+ .setUp("c, d = {'key1':2, 'key2':3}")
+ .testLookup("c", "key1")
+ .testLookup("d", "key2");
public void testHeterogeneousDict() throws Exception {
- eval("d = {'str': 1, 2: 3}\n"
- + "a = d['str']\n"
- + "b = d[2]");
- assertThat(lookup("a")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(lookup("b")).isEqualTo(3);
+ newTest().setUp("d = {'str': 1, 2: 3}", "a = d['str']", "b = d[2]").testLookup("a", 1)
+ .testLookup("b", 3);
public void testRecursiveTupleDestructuring() throws Exception {
- eval("((a, b), (c, d)) = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]");
- assertThat(lookup("a")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(lookup("b")).isEqualTo(2);
- assertThat(lookup("c")).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(lookup("d")).isEqualTo(4);
+ newTest()
+ .setUp("((a, b), (c, d)) = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]")
+ .testLookup("a", 1)
+ .testLookup("b", 2)
+ .testLookup("c", 3)
+ .testLookup("d", 4);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListComprehensionModifiesGlobalEnv() throws Exception {
- update("x", 42);
- if (isSkylark()) {
- checkEvalError("ERROR 1:1: Variable x is read only", "[x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]");
- } else {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("[x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]"))
- .containsExactly(2, 3, 4).inOrder();
- assertEquals(3, lookup("x")); // (x is global)
- }
+ new SkylarkTest().update("x", 42).testIfExactError("ERROR 1:1: Variable x is read only",
+ "[x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]");
+ new BuildTest().update("x", 42).setUp("y =[x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]")
+ .testExactOrder("y", 2, 3, 4).testLookup("x", 3); // (x is global)
public void testDictComprehensions() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(Collections.emptyMap(), eval("{a : a for a in []}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(1, 1, 2, 2), eval("{b : b for b in [1, 2]}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("a", "v_a", "b", "v_b"),
- eval("{c : 'v_' + c for c in ['a', 'b']}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("k_a", "a", "k_b", "b"),
- eval("{'k_' + d : d for d in ['a', 'b']}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("k_a", "v_a", "k_b", "v_b"),
- eval("{'k_' + e : 'v_' + e for e in ['a', 'b']}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(5, 6), eval("{x+y : x*y for x, y in [[2, 3]]}"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("{a : a for a in []}", Collections.emptyMap())
+ .testStatement("{b : b for b in [1, 2]}", ImmutableMap.of(1, 1, 2, 2))
+ .testStatement("{c : 'v_' + c for c in ['a', 'b']}",
+ ImmutableMap.of("a", "v_a", "b", "v_b"))
+ .testStatement("{'k_' + d : d for d in ['a', 'b']}",
+ ImmutableMap.of("k_a", "a", "k_b", "b"))
+ .testStatement("{'k_' + e : 'v_' + e for e in ['a', 'b']}",
+ ImmutableMap.of("k_a", "v_a", "k_b", "v_b"))
+ .testStatement("{x+y : x*y for x, y in [[2, 3]]}", ImmutableMap.of(5, 6));
public void testDictComprehensionOnNonIterable() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError(
- "type 'int' is not iterable",
- "{k : k for k in 3}");
+ newTest().testIfExactError("type 'int' is not iterable", "{k : k for k in 3}");
public void testDictComprehensions_MultipleKey() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(1, 1, 2, 2), eval("{x : x for x in [1, 2, 1]}"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("ab", "ab", "c", "c"),
- eval("{y : y for y in ['ab', 'c', 'a' + 'b']}"));
+ newTest().testStatement("{x : x for x in [1, 2, 1]}", ImmutableMap.of(1, 1, 2, 2))
+ .testStatement("{y : y for y in ['ab', 'c', 'a' + 'b']}",
+ ImmutableMap.of("ab", "ab", "c", "c"));
@@ -495,92 +497,92 @@
public void testListConcatenation() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4), eval("[1, 2] + [3, 4]"));
- assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(1, 2, 3, 4), eval("(1, 2) + (3, 4)"));
- checkEvalError("can only concatenate Tuple (not \"List\") to Tuple",
- "[1, 2] + (3, 4)");
- checkEvalError("can only concatenate List (not \"Tuple\") to List",
- "(1, 2) + [3, 4]");
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("[1, 2] + [3, 4]", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4))
+ .testStatement("(1, 2) + (3, 4)", ImmutableList.of(1, 2, 3, 4))
+ .testIfExactError("can only concatenate Tuple (not \"List\") to Tuple", "[1, 2] + (3, 4)")
+ .testIfExactError("can only concatenate List (not \"Tuple\") to List", "(1, 2) + [3, 4]");
public void testSelectorListConcatenation() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
SelectorList x = (SelectorList) eval("select({'foo': ['FOO'], 'bar': ['BAR']}) + []");
List<Object> elements = x.getElements();
- assertThat((Iterable) elements.get(1)).isEmpty();
+ assertThat((Iterable<Object>) elements.get(1)).isEmpty();
public void testListComprehensionFailsOnNonSequence() throws Exception {
- checkEvalErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "[x + 1 for x in 123]");
+ newTest().testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "[x + 1 for x in 123]");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListComprehensionOnString() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("[x for x in 'abc']"))
- .containsExactly("a", "b", "c").inOrder();
+ newTest().testExactOrder("[x for x in 'abc']", "a", "b", "c");
public void testInvalidAssignment() throws Exception {
- update("x", 1);
- checkEvalErrorContains("can only assign to variables and tuples, not to 'x + 1'",
- "x + 1 = 2");
+ newTest().testIfErrorContains(
+ "can only assign to variables and tuples, not to 'x + 1'", "x + 1 = 2");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListComprehensionOnDictionary() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("val = ['var_' + n for n in {'a':1,'b':2}] ; val"))
- .containsExactly("var_a", "var_b").inOrder();
+ newTest().testExactOrder("val = ['var_' + n for n in {'a':1,'b':2}] ; val", "var_a", "var_b");
public void testListComprehensionOnDictionaryCompositeExpression() throws Exception {
- eval("d = {1:'a',2:'b'}\n" + "l = [d[x] for x in d]");
- assertEquals("[\"a\", \"b\"]", Printer.repr(lookup("l")));
+ new BuildTest()
+ .setUp("d = {1:'a',2:'b'}", "l = [d[x] for x in d]")
+ .testLookup("l", ImmutableList.of("a", "b"));
public void testInOperator() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'b' in ['a', 'b']"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'c' in ['a', 'b']"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'b' in ('a', 'b')"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'c' in ('a', 'b')"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'b' in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'c' in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("1 in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'b' in 'abc'"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'d' in 'abc'"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("'b' in ['a', 'b']", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'c' in ['a', 'b']", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'b' in ('a', 'b')", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'c' in ('a', 'b')", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'b' in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'c' in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("1 in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'b' in 'abc'", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'d' in 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testNotInOperator() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'b' not in ['a', 'b']"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'c' not in ['a', 'b']"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'b' not in ('a', 'b')"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'c' not in ('a', 'b')"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'b' not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'c' not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("1 not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'b' not in 'abc'"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'d' not in 'abc'"));
+ newTest()
+ .testStatement("'b' not in ['a', 'b']", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'c' not in ['a', 'b']", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'b' not in ('a', 'b')", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'c' not in ('a', 'b')", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'b' not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'c' not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("1 not in {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'b' not in 'abc'", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("'d' not in 'abc'", Boolean.TRUE);
public void testInFail() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("in operator only works on strings if the left operand is also a string",
- "1 in '123'");
- checkEvalError("in operator only works on lists, tuples, sets, dicts and strings", "'a' in 1");
+ newTest()
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "in operator only works on strings if the left operand is also a string", "1 in '123'")
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "in operator only works on lists, tuples, sets, dicts and strings", "'a' in 1");
public void testInCompositeForPrecedence() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(0, eval("not 'a' in ['a'] or 0"));
+ newTest().testStatement("not 'a' in ['a'] or 0", 0);
private Object createObjWithStr() {
@@ -594,50 +596,48 @@
public void testPercOnObject() throws Exception {
- update("obj", createObjWithStr());
- assertEquals("str marker", eval("'%s' % obj"));
+ newTest().update("obj", createObjWithStr()).testStatement("'%s' % obj", "str marker");
public void testPercOnObjectList() throws Exception {
- update("obj", createObjWithStr());
- assertEquals("str marker str marker", eval("'%s %s' % (obj, obj)"));
+ newTest().update("obj", createObjWithStr()).testStatement("'%s %s' % (obj, obj)",
+ "str marker str marker");
public void testPercOnObjectInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
- update("obj", createObjWithStr());
- checkEvalError("invalid argument str marker for format pattern %d", "'%d' % obj");
+ newTest().update("obj", createObjWithStr()).testIfExactError(
+ "invalid argument str marker for format pattern %d", "'%d' % obj");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testDictKeys() throws Exception {
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) eval("v = {'a': 1}.keys() + ['b', 'c'] ; v"))
- .containsExactly("a", "b", "c").inOrder();
+ newTest().testExactOrder("v = {'a': 1}.keys() + ['b', 'c'] ; v", "a", "b", "c");
public void testDictKeysTooManyArgs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("too many (2) positional arguments in call to keys(self: dict)",
- "{'a': 1}.keys('abc')");
+ newTest().testIfExactError(
+ "too many (2) positional arguments in call to keys(self: dict)", "{'a': 1}.keys('abc')");
public void testDictKeysTooManyKeyArgs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("unexpected keyword 'arg' in call to keys(self: dict)",
+ newTest().testIfExactError("unexpected keyword 'arg' in call to keys(self: dict)",
"{'a': 1}.keys(arg='abc')");
public void testDictKeysDuplicateKeyArgs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("duplicate keywords 'arg', 'k' in call to keys",
+ newTest().testIfExactError("duplicate keywords 'arg', 'k' in call to keys",
"{'a': 1}.keys(arg='abc', arg='def', k=1, k=2)");
public void testArgBothPosKey() throws Exception {
- checkEvalErrorStartsWith("arguments 'old', 'new' passed both by position and by name "
+ newTest().testIfErrorContains(
+ "arguments 'old', 'new' passed both by position and by name "
+ "in call to replace(self: string, ",
"'banana'.replace('a', 'o', 3, old='a', new=4)");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index 5749c40..692a338 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -16,43 +16,89 @@
import static;
import static;
import org.junit.Before;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Base class for test cases that use parsing and evaluation services.
public class EvaluationTestCase {
private EventCollectionApparatus eventCollectionApparatus;
+ private PackageFactory factory;
+ private TestMode testMode = TestMode.SKYLARK;
protected EvaluationContext evaluationContext;
+ public EvaluationTestCase() {
+ createNewInfrastructure();
+ }
public void setUp() throws Exception {
- eventCollectionApparatus = new EventCollectionApparatus(EventKind.ALL_EVENTS);
+ createNewInfrastructure();
evaluationContext = newEvaluationContext();
+ public EvaluationContext newEvaluationContext() throws Exception {
+ if (testMode == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "TestMode is null. Please set a Testmode via setMode() or set the "
+ + "evaluatenContext manually by overriding newEvaluationContext()");
+ }
+ return testMode.createContext(getEventHandler(), factory.getEnvironment());
+ }
+ protected void createNewInfrastructure() {
+ eventCollectionApparatus = new EventCollectionApparatus(EventKind.ALL_EVENTS);
+ factory = new PackageFactory(TestRuleClassProvider.getRuleClassProvider());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the specified {@code TestMode} and tries to create the appropriate {@code
+ * EvaluationContext}
+ *
+ * @param testMode
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected void setMode(TestMode testMode) throws Exception {
+ this.testMode = testMode;
+ evaluationContext = newEvaluationContext();
+ }
+ protected void enableSkylarkMode() throws Exception {
+ setMode(TestMode.SKYLARK);
+ }
+ protected void enableBuildMode() throws Exception {
+ setMode(TestMode.BUILD);
+ }
protected EventHandler getEventHandler() {
return eventCollectionApparatus.reporter();
+ protected PackageFactory getFactory() {
+ return factory;
+ }
public Environment getEnvironment() {
return evaluationContext.getEnvironment();
- public EvaluationContext newEvaluationContext() throws Exception {
- return SkylarkModules.newEvaluationContext(getEventHandler());
- }
public boolean isSkylark() {
return evaluationContext.isSkylark();
@@ -133,4 +179,356 @@
return this;
+ /**
+ * Encapsulates a separate test which can be executed by a {@code TestMode}
+ */
+ protected interface Testable {
+ public void run() throws Exception;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Base class for test cases that run in specific modes (e.g. Build and/or Skylark)
+ *
+ */
+ protected abstract class ModalTestCase {
+ private final SetupActions setup;
+ protected ModalTestCase() {
+ setup = new SetupActions();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows the execution of several statements before each following test
+ * @param statements The statement(s) to be executed
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase setUp(String... statements) {
+ setup.registerEval(statements);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows the update of the specified variable before each following test
+ * @param name The name of the variable that should be updated
+ * @param value The new value of the variable
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase update(String name, Object value) {
+ setup.registerUpdate(name, value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates two parameters and compares their results.
+ * @param statement The statement to be evaluated
+ * @param expectedEvalString The expression of the expected result
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testEval(String statement, String expectedEvalString) throws Exception {
+ runTest(createComparisonTestable(statement, expectedEvalString, true));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the given statement and compares its result to the expected object
+ * @param statement
+ * @param expected
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testStatement(String statement, Object expected) throws Exception {
+ runTest(createComparisonTestable(statement, expected, false));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the given statement and compares its result to the collection of expected objects
+ * without considering their order
+ * @param statement The statement to be evaluated
+ * @param items The expected items
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testCollection(String statement, Object... items) throws Exception {
+ runTest(collectionTestable(statement, false, items));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the given statement and compares its result to the collection of expected objects
+ * while considering their order
+ * @param statement The statement to be evaluated
+ * @param items The expected items, in order
+ * @return This {@code ModalTestCase}
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testExactOrder(String statement, Object... items) throws Exception {
+ runTest(collectionTestable(statement, true, items));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the given statement and checks whether the given error message appears
+ * @param expectedError The expected error message
+ * @param statements The statement(s) to be evaluated
+ * @return This ModalTestCase
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testIfExactError(String expectedError, String... statements)
+ throws Exception {
+ runTest(errorTestable(true, expectedError, statements));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluates the given statement and checks whether an error that contains the expected message
+ * occurs
+ * @param expectedError
+ * @param statements
+ * @return This ModalTestCase
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testIfErrorContains(String expectedError, String... statements)
+ throws Exception {
+ runTest(errorTestable(false, expectedError, statements));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Looks up the value of the specified variable and compares it to the expected value
+ * @param name
+ * @param expected
+ * @return This ModalTestCase
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public ModalTestCase testLookup(String name, Object expected) throws Exception {
+ runTest(createLookUpTestable(name, expected));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a Testable that checks whether the evaluation of the given statement leads to the
+ * expected error
+ * @param statements
+ * @param error
+ * @param exactMatch If true, the error message has to be identical to the expected error
+ * @return An instance of Testable that runs the error check
+ */
+ protected Testable errorTestable(final boolean exactMatch, final String error,
+ final String... statements) {
+ return new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ if (exactMatch) {
+ checkEvalError(error, statements);
+ } else {
+ checkEvalErrorContains(error, statements);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a testable that checks whether the evaluation of the given statement leads to a list
+ * that contains exactly the expected objects
+ * @param statement The statement to be evaluated
+ * @param ordered Determines whether the order of the elements is checked as well
+ * @param expected Expected objects
+ * @return An instance of Testable that runs the check
+ */
+ protected Testable collectionTestable(
+ final String statement, final boolean ordered, final Object... expected) {
+ return new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ Ordered tmp = assertThat((Iterable<?>) eval(statement)).containsExactly(expected);
+ if (ordered) {
+ tmp.inOrder();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a testable that compares the evaluation of the given statement to a specified result
+ *
+ * @param statement The statement to be evaluated
+ * @param expected Either the expected object or an expression whose evaluation leads to the
+ * expected object
+ * @param expectedIsExpression Signals whether {@code expected} is an object or an expression
+ * @return An instance of Testable that runs the comparison
+ */
+ protected Testable createComparisonTestable(
+ final String statement, final Object expected, final boolean expectedIsExpression) {
+ return new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ Object actual = eval(statement);
+ // Prints the actual object instead of evaluating the expected expression
+ if (expectedIsExpression) {
+ actual = Printer.repr(actual, '\'');
+ }
+ assertThat(actual).isEqualTo(expected);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a Testable that looks up the given variable and compares its value to the expected
+ * value
+ * @param name
+ * @param expected
+ * @return An instance of Testable that does both lookup and comparison
+ */
+ protected Testable createLookUpTestable(final String name, final Object expected) {
+ return new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ assertThat(lookup(name)).isEqualTo(expected);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes the given Testable
+ * @param testable
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected void runTest(Testable testable) throws Exception {
+ run(new TestableDecorator(setup, testable));
+ }
+ protected abstract void run(Testable testable) throws Exception;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A simple decorator that allows the execution of setup actions before running
+ * a {@code Testable}
+ */
+ class TestableDecorator implements Testable {
+ private final SetupActions setup;
+ private final Testable decorated;
+ public TestableDecorator(SetupActions setup, Testable decorated) {
+ this.setup = setup;
+ this.decorated = decorated;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes all stored actions and updates plus the actual {@code Testable}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ setup.executeAll();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A container for collection actions that should be executed before a test
+ */
+ class SetupActions {
+ private List<Testable> setup;
+ public SetupActions() {
+ setup = new LinkedList<>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers a variable that has to be updated before a test
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * @param value
+ */
+ public void registerUpdate(final String name, final Object value) {
+ setup.add(new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ EvaluationTestCase.this.update(name, value);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers a statement for evaluation prior to a test
+ *
+ * @param statements
+ */
+ public void registerEval(final String... statements) {
+ setup.add(new Testable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ EvaluationTestCase.this.eval(statements);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes all stored actions and updates
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void executeAll() throws Exception {
+ for (Testable testable : setup) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A class that executes each separate test in both modes (Build and Skylark)
+ */
+ protected class BothModesTest extends ModalTestCase {
+ public BothModesTest() {}
+ /**
+ * Executes the given Testable in both Build and Skylark mode
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void run(Testable testable) throws Exception {
+ enableSkylarkMode();
+ try {
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new Exception("While in Skylark mode", e);
+ }
+ enableBuildMode();
+ try {
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new Exception("While in Build mode", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A class that runs all tests in Build mode
+ */
+ protected class BuildTest extends ModalTestCase {
+ public BuildTest() {}
+ @Override
+ protected void run(Testable testable) throws Exception {
+ enableBuildMode();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A class that runs all tests in Skylark mode
+ */
+ protected class SkylarkTest extends ModalTestCase {
+ public SkylarkTest() {}
+ @Override
+ protected void run(Testable testable) throws Exception {
+ enableSkylarkMode();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
index 0264681..88f4503 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
@@ -29,8 +27,8 @@
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@@ -41,13 +39,19 @@
public class SkylarkEvaluationTest extends EvaluationTest {
- // Restoring defaults overridden by EvaluationTest
- @Override
- public EvaluationContext newEvaluationContext() {
- return SkylarkModules.newEvaluationContext(getEventHandler());
+ public SkylarkEvaluationTest() throws Exception {
+ setMode(TestMode.SKYLARK);
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of {@code SkylarkTest} in order to run the tests from the base class in a
+ * Skylark context
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected ModalTestCase newTest() {
+ return new SkylarkTest();
+ }
@SkylarkModule(name = "Mock", doc = "")
static class Mock {
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
@@ -146,43 +150,34 @@
public void testSimpleIf() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" a = 0",
" x = 0",
" if x: a = 5",
" return a",
- "a = foo()");
- assertEquals(0, lookup("a"));
+ "a = foo()").testLookup("a", 0);
public void testIfPass() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" a = 1",
" x = True",
" if x: pass",
" return a",
- "a = foo()");
- assertEquals(1, lookup("a"));
+ "a = foo()").testLookup("a", 1);
public void testNestedIf() throws Exception {
- executeNestedIf(0, 0);
- assertEquals(0, lookup("x"));
- setUp();
- executeNestedIf(1, 0);
- assertEquals(3, lookup("x"));
- setUp();
- executeNestedIf(1, 1);
- assertEquals(5, lookup("x"));
+ executeNestedIf(0, 0, 0);
+ executeNestedIf(1, 0, 3);
+ executeNestedIf(1, 1, 5);
- private void executeNestedIf(int x, int y) throws Exception {
+ private void executeNestedIf(int x, int y, int expected) throws Exception {
String fun = String.format("foo%s%s", x, y);
- eval("def " + fun + "():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def " + fun + "():",
" x = " + x,
" y = " + y,
" a = 0",
@@ -192,7 +187,7 @@
" a = 2",
" b = 3",
" return a + b",
- "x = " + fun + "()");
+ "x = " + fun + "()").testLookup("x", expected);
@@ -202,14 +197,14 @@
private void executeIfElse(String fun, String y, int expected) throws Exception {
- eval("def " + fun + "():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def " + fun + "():",
" y = '" + y + "'",
" x = 5",
" if x:",
" if y: a = 2",
" else: a = 3",
- " return a\n");
- assertEquals(expected, eval(fun + "()"));
+ " return a",
+ "z = " + fun + "()").testLookup("z", expected);
@@ -228,7 +223,7 @@
private void execIfElifElse(int x, int y, int v) throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" x = " + x + "",
" y = " + y + "",
" if x:",
@@ -237,100 +232,89 @@
" return 2",
" else:",
" return 3",
- "v = foo()");
- assertEquals(v, lookup("v"));
+ "v = foo()").testLookup("v", v);
public void testForOnList() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for i in ['hello', ' ', 'world']:",
" s = s + i",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("hello world", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "hello world");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testForOnString() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = []",
" for i in 'abc':",
" s = s + [i]",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) lookup("s")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c").inOrder();
+ "s = foo()").testExactOrder("s", "a", "b", "c");
public void testForAssignmentList() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = ['a', 'b', 'c']",
" s = ''",
" for i in d:",
" s = s + i",
- " d = ['d', 'e', 'f']", // check that we use the old list
+ " d = ['d', 'e', 'f']", // check that we use the old list
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("abc", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testForAssignmentDict() throws Exception {
- eval("def func():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2, 'c' : 3}",
" s = ''",
" for i in d:",
" s = s + i",
" d = {'d' : 1, 'e' : 2, 'f' : 3}",
" return s",
- "s = func()");
- assertEquals("abc", lookup("s"));
+ "s = func()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testForNotIterable() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("type 'int' is not iterable",
- "def func():",
- " for i in mock.value_of('1'): a = i",
- "func()");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError("type 'int' is not iterable", "def func():",
+ " for i in mock.value_of('1'): a = i", "func()\n");
public void testForOnDictionary() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}",
" s = ''",
" for i in d: s = s + d[i]",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("abc", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testForLoopReuseVariable() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for i in ['a', 'b']:",
" for i in ['c', 'd']: s = s + i",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("cdcd", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "cdcd");
public void testForLoopMultipleVariables() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for [i, j] in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]:",
" s = s + str(i) + str(j) + '.'",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("12.34.", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "12.34.");
@@ -457,15 +441,12 @@
" " + statement + "",
"y = foo2()");
public void testNoneAssignment() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo(x=None):",
- " x = 1",
- " x = None",
- " return 2",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals(2, lookup("s"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .setUp("def foo(x=None):", " x = 1", " x = None", " return 2", "s = foo()")
+ .testLookup("s", 2);
@@ -481,98 +462,111 @@
public void testJavaCalls() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("b = mock.is_empty('a')");
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lookup("b"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .setUp("b = mock.is_empty('a')")
+ .testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsOnSubClass() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockSubClass());
- eval("b = mock.is_empty('a')");
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lookup("b"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockSubClass())
+ .setUp("b = mock.is_empty('a')")
+ .testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsOnInterface() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockSubClass());
- eval("b = mock.is_empty_interface('a')");
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lookup("b"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockSubClass())
+ .setUp("b = mock.is_empty_interface('a')")
+ .testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsNotSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for value() in Mock", "mock.value()");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError("No matching method found for value() in Mock", "mock.value()");
public void testJavaCallsNoMethod() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for bad() in int", "s = 3.bad()");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("No matching method found for bad() in int", "s = 3.bad()");
public void testJavaCallsNoMethodErrorMsg() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for bad(string, string, string) in int",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "No matching method found for bad(string, string, string) in int",
"s = 3.bad('a', 'b', 'c')");
public void testJavaCallsMultipleMethod() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockMultipleMethodClass());
- checkEvalError("Multiple matching methods for method(string) in MockMultipleMethodClass",
- "s = mock.method('string')");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockMultipleMethodClass())
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "Multiple matching methods for method(string) in MockMultipleMethodClass",
+ "s = mock.method('string')");
public void testJavaCallWithKwargs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Keyword arguments are not allowed when calling a java method"
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "Keyword arguments are not allowed when calling a java method"
+ "\nwhile calling method 'compare_to' on object 3 of type int",
"comp = 3.compare_to(x = 4)");
public void testNoJavaCallsWithoutSkylark() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for to_string() in int", "s = 3.to_string()\n");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "No matching method found for to_string() in int", "s = 3.to_string()");
public void testNoJavaCallsIfClassNotAnnotated() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockSubClass());
- checkEvalError(
- "No matching method found for is_empty_class_not_annotated(string) in MockSubClass",
- "b = mock.is_empty_class_not_annotated('a')");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockSubClass())
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "No matching method found for is_empty_class_not_annotated(string) in MockSubClass",
+ "b = mock.is_empty_class_not_annotated('a')");
public void testStructAccess() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("v = mock.struct_field");
- assertEquals("a", lookup("v"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .setUp("v = mock.struct_field")
+ .testLookup("v", "a");
public void testStructAccessAsFuncall() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for struct_field() in Mock",
- "v = mock.struct_field()");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "No matching method found for struct_field() in Mock", "v = mock.struct_field()");
public void testStructAccessOfMethod() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("Object of type 'Mock' has no field \"function\"",
- "v = mock.function");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError("Object of type 'Mock' has no field \"function\"", "v = mock.function");
public void testConditionalStructConcatenation() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("def func():",
" x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
" if True:",
" x += struct(c = 1, d = 2)",
" return x",
- "x = func()\n");
+ "x = func()");
SkylarkClassObject x = (SkylarkClassObject) lookup("x");
assertEquals(1, x.getValue("a"));
assertEquals(2, x.getValue("b"));
@@ -582,96 +576,103 @@
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsMutableObject() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("Method 'return_mutable' returns a mutable object (type of Mock)",
- "mock.return_mutable()");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "Method 'return_mutable' returns a mutable object (type of Mock)",
+ "mock.return_mutable()");
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsNullFails() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("Method invocation returned None,"
- + " please contact Skylark developers: nullfunc_failing(\"abc\", 1)",
- "mock.nullfunc_failing('abc', 1)");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .testIfExactError(
+ "Method invocation returned None,"
+ + " please contact Skylark developers: nullfunc_failing(\"abc\", 1)",
+ "mock.nullfunc_failing('abc', 1)");
public void testClassObjectAccess() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockClassObject());
- eval("v = mock.field");
- assertEquals("a", lookup("v"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockClassObject())
+ .setUp("v = mock.field")
+ .testLookup("v", "a");
public void testInSet() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eval("'b' in set(['a', 'b'])"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("'c' in set(['a', 'b'])"));
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eval("1 in set(['a', 'b'])"));
+ new SkylarkTest().testStatement("'b' in set(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testStatement("'c' in set(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.FALSE)
+ .testStatement("1 in set(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testClassObjectCannotAccessNestedSet() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockClassObject());
- checkEvalError("Type is not allowed in Skylark: EmptyNestedSet", "v = mock.nset");
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new MockClassObject())
+ .testIfExactError("Type is not allowed in Skylark: EmptyNestedSet", "v = mock.nset");
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsNone() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("v = mock.nullfunc_working()");
- assertSame(Environment.NONE, lookup("v"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .setUp("v = mock.nullfunc_working()")
+ .testLookup("v", Environment.NONE);
public void testVoidJavaFunctionReturnsNone() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("v = mock.voidfunc()");
- assertSame(Environment.NONE, lookup("v"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .setUp("v = mock.voidfunc()")
+ .testLookup("v", Environment.NONE);
public void testAugmentedAssignment() throws Exception {
- eval("def f1(x):",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def f1(x):",
" x += 1",
" return x",
- "foo = f1(41)\n");
- assertEquals(42, lookup("foo"));
+ "foo = f1(41)").testLookup("foo", 42);
public void testStaticDirectJavaCall() throws Exception {
- update("Mock", Mock.class);
- eval("val = Mock.value_of('8')");
- assertEquals(8, lookup("val"));
+ new SkylarkTest().update("Mock", Mock.class).setUp("val = Mock.value_of('8')")
+ .testLookup("val", 8);
public void testStaticDirectJavaCallMethodIsNonStatic() throws Exception {
- update("Mock", Mock.class);
- checkEvalError("Method 'is_empty' is not static", "val = Mock.is_empty('a')");
+ new SkylarkTest().update("Mock", Mock.class).testIfExactError("Method 'is_empty' is not static",
+ "val = Mock.is_empty('a')");
public void testDictComprehensions_IterationOrder() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = {x : x for x in ['c', 'a', 'b']}",
" s = ''",
" for a in d:",
" s += a",
" return s",
- "s = foo()");
- assertEquals("abc", lookup("s"));
+ "s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testStructCreation() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)");
public void testStructFields() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)");
ClassObject x = (ClassObject) lookup("x");
assertEquals(1, x.getValue("a"));
@@ -680,35 +681,33 @@
public void testStructAccessingFieldsFromSkylark() throws Exception {
- eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
- "x1 = x.a",
- "x2 = x.b\n");
- assertEquals(1, lookup("x1"));
- assertEquals(2, lookup("x2"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .setUp("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)", "x1 = x.a", "x2 = x.b")
+ .testLookup("x1", 1)
+ .testLookup("x2", 2);
public void testStructAccessingUnknownField() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Object of type 'struct' has no field \"c\"",
- "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
- "y = x.c\n");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "Object of type 'struct' has no field \"c\"", "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)", "y = x.c");
public void testStructAccessingFieldsWithArgs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("No matching method found for a(int) in struct",
- "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
- "x1 = x.a(1)\n");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "No matching method found for a(int) in struct", "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)", "x1 = x.a(1)");
public void testStructPosArgs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("struct(**kwargs) does not accept positional arguments, but got 1",
- "x = struct(1, b = 2)\n");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "struct(**kwargs) does not accept positional arguments, but got 1", "x = struct(1, b = 2)");
public void testStructConcatenationFieldNames() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
"y = struct(c = 1, d = 2)",
"z = x + y\n");
@@ -718,6 +717,7 @@
public void testStructConcatenationFieldValues() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
"y = struct(c = 1, d = 2)",
"z = x + y\n");
@@ -730,49 +730,46 @@
public void testStructConcatenationCommonFields() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Cannot concat structs with common field(s): a",
- "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)",
- "y = struct(c = 1, a = 2)",
- "z = x + y\n");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("Cannot concat structs with common field(s): a",
+ "x = struct(a = 1, b = 2)", "y = struct(c = 1, a = 2)", "z = x + y\n");
public void testDotExpressionOnNonStructObject() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Object of type 'string' has no field \"field\"", "x = 'a'.field");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("Object of type 'string' has no field \"field\"",
+ "x = 'a'.field");
public void testPlusEqualsOnDict() throws Exception {
- eval("def func():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" d += {'b' : 2}",
" return d",
- "d = func()");
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2), lookup("d"));
+ "d = func()")
+ .testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2));
public void testDictAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
- eval("def func():",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" d['b'] = 2",
" return d",
- "d = func()");
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2), lookup("d"));
+ "d = func()").testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2));
public void testDictAssignmentAsLValueNoSideEffects() throws Exception {
- eval("def func(d):",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func(d):",
" d['b'] = 2",
"d = {'a' : 1}",
- "func(d)");
- assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("a", 1), lookup("d"));
+ "func(d)").testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1));
public void testListIndexAsLValueAsLValue() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'list' and 'dict'",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'list' and 'dict'",
"def id(l):",
" return l",
"def func():",
@@ -784,32 +781,30 @@
public void testTopLevelDict() throws Exception {
- eval("if 1:",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("if 1:",
" v = 'a'",
- " v = 'b'");
- assertEquals("a", lookup("v"));
+ " v = 'b'").testLookup("v", "a");
public void testUserFunctionKeywordArgs() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo(a, b, c):",
- " return a + b + c",
- "s = foo(1, c=2, b=3)");
- assertEquals(6, lookup("s"));
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo(a, b, c):",
+ " return a + b + c", "s = foo(1, c=2, b=3)")
+ .testLookup("s", 6);
public void testFunctionCallOrdering() throws Exception {
- eval("def func(): return foo() * 2",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func(): return foo() * 2",
"def foo(): return 2",
- "x = func()");
- assertThat(lookup("x")).isEqualTo(4);
+ "x = func()")
+ .testLookup("x", 4);
public void testFunctionCallBadOrdering() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("name 'foo' is not defined",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("name 'foo' is not defined",
"def func(): return foo() * 2",
"x = func()",
"def foo(): return 2");
@@ -817,118 +812,111 @@
public void testNoneTrueFalseInSkylark() throws Exception {
- eval("a = None",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("a = None",
"b = True",
- "c = False");
- assertSame(Environment.NONE, lookup("a"));
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("b"));
- assertFalse((Boolean) lookup("c"));
+ "c = False")
+ .testLookup("a", Environment.NONE)
+ .testLookup("b", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("c", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testHasattr() throws Exception {
- eval("s = struct(a=1)",
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("s = struct(a=1)",
"x = hasattr(s, 'a')",
- "y = hasattr(s, 'b')\n");
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("x"));
- assertFalse((Boolean) lookup("y"));
+ "y = hasattr(s, 'b')\n")
+ .testLookup("x", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("y", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testHasattrMethods() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("a = hasattr(mock, 'struct_field')",
- "b = hasattr(mock, 'function')",
- "c = hasattr(mock, 'is_empty')",
- "d = hasattr('str', 'replace')",
- "e = hasattr(mock, 'other')\n");
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("a"));
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("b"));
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("c"));
- assertTrue((Boolean) lookup("d"));
- assertFalse((Boolean) lookup("e"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .update("mock", new Mock())
+ .setUp("a = hasattr(mock, 'struct_field')", "b = hasattr(mock, 'function')",
+ "c = hasattr(mock, 'is_empty')", "d = hasattr('str', 'replace')",
+ "e = hasattr(mock, 'other')\n")
+ .testLookup("a", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("b", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("c", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("d", Boolean.TRUE)
+ .testLookup("e", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testGetattr() throws Exception {
- eval("s = struct(a='val')",
- "x = getattr(s, 'a')",
- "y = getattr(s, 'b', 'def')",
- "z = getattr(s, 'b', default = 'def')",
- "w = getattr(s, 'a', default='ignored')");
- assertEquals("val", lookup("x"));
- assertEquals("def", lookup("y"));
- assertEquals("def", lookup("z"));
- assertEquals("val", lookup("w"));
+ new SkylarkTest()
+ .setUp("s = struct(a='val')", "x = getattr(s, 'a')", "y = getattr(s, 'b', 'def')",
+ "z = getattr(s, 'b', default = 'def')", "w = getattr(s, 'a', default='ignored')")
+ .testLookup("x", "val")
+ .testLookup("y", "def")
+ .testLookup("z", "def")
+ .testLookup("w", "val");
public void testGetattrNoAttr() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Object of type 'struct' has no field \"b\"",
- "s = struct(a='val')",
- "getattr(s, 'b')");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("Object of type 'struct' has no field \"b\"",
+ "s = struct(a='val')", "getattr(s, 'b')");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testListAnTupleConcatenationDoesNotWorkInSkylark() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("cannot concatenate lists and tuples", "[1, 2] + (3, 4)");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("cannot concatenate lists and tuples", "[1, 2] + (3, 4)");
public void testCannotCreateMixedListInSkylark() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError(
+ new SkylarkTest().update("mock", new Mock()).testIfExactError(
"Incompatible types in list: found a int but the previous elements were strings",
"[mock.string(), 1, 2]");
public void testCannotConcatListInSkylarkWithDifferentGenericTypes() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- checkEvalError("cannot concatenate list of string with list of int",
- "mock.string_list() + [1, 2]");
+ new SkylarkTest().update("mock", new Mock()).testIfExactError(
+ "cannot concatenate list of string with list of int", "mock.string_list() + [1, 2]");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testConcatEmptyListWithNonEmptyWorks() throws Exception {
- eval("l = [] + ['a', 'b']");
- assertThat((Iterable<Object>) lookup("l")).containsExactly("a", "b").inOrder();
+ new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("[] + ['a', 'b']", "a", "b");
public void testFormatStringWithTuple() throws Exception {
- eval("v = '%s%s' % ('a', 1)");
- assertEquals("a1", lookup("v"));
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("v = '%s%s' % ('a', 1)").testLookup("v", "a1");
public void testSingletonTuple() throws Exception {
- eval("v = (1,)");
- assertEquals("(1,)", lookup("v").toString());
+ new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("(1,)", 1);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testDirFindsClassObjectFields() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new MockClassObject());
- eval("v = dir(mock)");
- assertThat((Iterable<String>) lookup("v")).containsExactly("field", "nset").inOrder();
+ new SkylarkTest().update("mock", new MockClassObject()).setUp()
+ .testExactOrder("dir(mock)", "field", "nset");
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void testDirFindsJavaObjectStructFieldsAndMethods() throws Exception {
- update("mock", new Mock());
- eval("v = dir(mock)");
- assertThat((Iterable<String>) lookup("v")).containsExactly("function", "is_empty",
- "nullfunc_failing", "nullfunc_working", "return_mutable", "string", "string_list",
- "struct_field", "value_of", "voidfunc").inOrder();
+ new SkylarkTest().update("mock", new Mock()).testExactOrder("dir(mock)",
+ "function",
+ "is_empty",
+ "nullfunc_failing",
+ "nullfunc_working",
+ "return_mutable",
+ "string",
+ "string_list",
+ "struct_field",
+ "value_of",
+ "voidfunc");
public void testPrint() throws Exception {
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
@@ -940,7 +928,7 @@
public void testPrintBadKwargs() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError(
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
"unexpected keywords 'end', 'other' in call to print(*args, sep: string = \" \")",
"print(end='x', other='y')");
@@ -960,6 +948,10 @@
public void testConcatLists() throws Exception {
+ new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("[1,2] + [3,4]", 1, 2, 3, 4).testExactOrder("(1,2)", 1, 2)
+ .testExactOrder("(1,2) + (3,4)", 1, 2, 3, 4);
+ // TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
// list
Object x = eval("[1,2] + [3,4]");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) x).containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4).inOrder();
@@ -981,56 +973,56 @@
public void testInFail() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("in operator only works on strings if the left operand is also a string",
- "1 in '123'");
- checkEvalError("in operator only works on lists, tuples, sets, dicts and strings",
- "'a' in 1");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "in operator only works on strings if the left operand is also a string", "1 in '123'");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
+ "in operator only works on lists, tuples, sets, dicts and strings", "'a' in 1");
public void testCompareStringInt() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("Cannot compare string with int", "'a' >= 1");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("Cannot compare string with int", "'a' >= 1");
public void testListComprehensionsMultipleVariablesFail() throws Exception {
- checkEvalError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
"def foo (): return [x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]",
- checkEvalError("type 'int' is not a collection",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("type 'int' is not a collection",
"def bar (): return [x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]",
- checkEvalError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("lvalue has length 3, but rvalue has has length 2",
"[x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]");
// can't reuse the same local variable twice(!)
- checkEvalError("ERROR 1:1: Variable x is read only", "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("ERROR 2:1: Variable x is read only",
+ "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]", "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]");
- checkEvalError("type 'int' is not a collection", "[x2 + y2 for x2, y2 in (1, 2)]");
+ new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("type 'int' is not a collection",
+ "[x2 + y2 for x2, y2 in (1, 2)]");
public void testNotCallInt() throws Exception {
- eval("sum = 123456");
- assertEquals(123456, lookup("sum"));
- checkEvalError("'int' object is not callable", "sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)");
- assertEquals(123456, eval("sum"));
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("sum = 123456").testLookup("sum", 123456)
+ .testIfExactError("'int' object is not callable", "sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
+ .testStatement("sum", 123456);
public void testConditionalExpressionAtToplevel() throws Exception {
- eval("x = 1 if 2 else 3");
- assertEquals(1, lookup("x"));
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("x = 1 if 2 else 3").testLookup("x", 1);
public void testConditionalExpressionInFunction() throws Exception {
- eval("def foo(a, b, c): return a+b if c else a-b\n");
- assertEquals(18, eval("foo(23, 5, 0)"));
+ new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo(a, b, c): return a+b if c else a-b\n").testStatement(
+ "foo(23, 5, 0)", 18);
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/testutil/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/testutil/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec7ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/testutil/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+ * Describes a particular testing mode by determining how the
+ * appropriate {@code EvaluationContext} has to be created
+ */
+public abstract class TestMode {
+ public static final TestMode BUILD = new TestMode() {
+ @Override
+ public EvaluationContext createContext(EventHandler eventHandler, Environment environment)
+ throws Exception {
+ return EvaluationContext.newBuildContext(eventHandler, environment);
+ }
+ };
+ public static final TestMode SKYLARK = new TestMode() {
+ @Override
+ public EvaluationContext createContext(EventHandler eventHandler, Environment environment)
+ throws Exception {
+ return SkylarkModules.newEvaluationContext(eventHandler);
+ }
+ };
+ public abstract EvaluationContext createContext(
+ EventHandler eventHandler, Environment environment) throws Exception;
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