[7.1.0] Attempt to fix cancellation crash in repo fetching w/ worker thread (#21599)

The stacktrace in https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/21478
suggests that the second `workerFuture.get()` (line 183 before) is
snagging on a `CancellationException`. Closer inspection indicates that
the exception handling in this entire block of code is just faulty --
one, `workerFuture.get()` on line 169 is very unlikely to throw an
`InterruptedException` because this call happens after we've received a
`DONE` from the signal queue, which is at the very end of the worker
thread logic (in its own `finally` clause, actually); two, the second
call to `workerFuture.get()` on line 183 doesn't actually do anything
because `get()`-ing a cancelled future would just throw a
`CancellationException` immediately.

This CL attempts to fix these two glaring errors. It now tries to handle
interrupts where it's likely to happen, which is at the call to
`state.signalQueue.take()` -- this is where the Skyframe thread spends
the most time blocked, and where a Ctrl-C from the user is most likely
to land. We catch an `InterruptedException` here and interrupt the
worker thread. To wait for the worker thread to finish, we
uninterruptibly take from the signal queue instead of calling

Additionally, we now correctly handle the worker thread being
interrupted by someone other the host Skyframe thread (the memory
pressure handler, in all likelihood), by simply retrying the fetch
instead of crashing Bazel.

Fixes https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/21478 (maybe...?)


PiperOrigin-RevId: 613348046
Change-Id: I692fa750cb8873f1bd403f16764d1845410a29f1

Co-authored-by: Googler <wyv@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: fe956cf1513c459889be52df489bd5aca1243ea9
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. examples/
  4. scripts/
  5. site/
  6. src/
  7. third_party/
  8. tools/
  9. .bazelrc
  10. .bazelversion
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  14. bazel_downloader.cfg
  15. BUILD
  16. CHANGELOG.md
  19. combine_distfiles.py
  20. combine_distfiles_to_tar.sh
  21. compile.sh
  24. distdir.bzl
  25. distdir_deps.bzl
  26. extensions.bzl
  28. maven_install.json
  29. MODULE.bazel
  30. MODULE.bazel.lock
  31. rbe_extension.bzl
  32. README.md
  33. repositories.bzl
  34. requirements.txt
  35. SECURITY.md
  37. WORKSPACE.bzlmod
  38. workspace_deps.bzl


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