tree: f0577b7c57317edfa2372dd7f124130defefc58d [path history] [tgz]
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. webapp/
  4. BUILD

Build Performance Benchmark

This benchmark is used to measure and compare Bazel's performance (elapsed time of builds) between several commits. It requires bazel and git to be installed.

To run the benchmark:

  1. bazel build //src/tools/benchmark/java/com/google/devtools/build/benchmark:benchmark
  2. Run the built binary and follow the instructions.
  3. Put the benchmark result file as <name>.json into the directory src/tools/benchmark/webapp/data.
  4. Put the string <name>.json into the file src/tools/benchmark/webapp/file_list.
  5. Start an HTTP server there and open /index.html.
    • Hint: You can start a simple HTTP server by running python -m SimpleHTTPServer (Python 2) or python3 -m http.server (Python 3).

A hosted version of the benchmark that is kept up to date by our CI system is available here: