blob: 83b44b09ec3334398d5717d65e78c62171c254cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Holds parsed profile file information and provides various ways of
* accessing it (mostly through different dictionaries or sorted lists).
* <p>Class should not be instantiated directly but through the use of the
* ProfileLoader.loadProfile() method.
public class ProfileInfo {
* Immutable container for the aggregated stats.
public static final class AggregateAttr {
public final int count;
public final long totalTime;
AggregateAttr(int count, long totalTime) {
this.count = count;
this.totalTime = totalTime;
/** Immutable compact representation of the Map<ProfilerTask, AggregateAttr>. */
public static final class CompactStatistics {
final byte[] content;
CompactStatistics(byte[] content) {
this.content = content;
* Create compact task statistic instance using provided array.
* Array length must exactly match ProfilerTask value space.
* Each statistic is stored in the array according to the ProfilerTask
* value ordinal() number. Absent statistics are represented by null.
CompactStatistics(AggregateAttr[] stats) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(stats.length == TASK_COUNT);
ByteBuffer sink = ByteBuffer.allocate(TASK_COUNT * (1 + 5 + 10));
for (int i = 0; i < TASK_COUNT; i++) {
if (stats[i] != null && stats[i].count > 0) {
sink.put((byte) i);
VarInt.putVarInt(stats[i].count, sink);
VarInt.putVarLong(stats[i].totalTime, sink);
content = sink.position() > 0 ? Arrays.copyOf(sink.array(), sink.position()) : null;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return content == null;
* Converts instance back into AggregateAttr[TASK_COUNT]. See constructor documentation for more
* information.
public AggregateAttr[] toArray() {
AggregateAttr[] stats = new AggregateAttr[TASK_COUNT];
if (!isEmpty()) {
ByteBuffer source = ByteBuffer.wrap(content);
while (source.hasRemaining()) {
byte id = source.get();
int count = VarInt.getVarInt(source);
long time = VarInt.getVarLong(source);
stats[id] = new AggregateAttr(count, time);
return stats;
/** Returns AggregateAttr instance for the given ProfilerTask value. */
public AggregateAttr getAttr(ProfilerTask task) {
if (isEmpty()) { return ZERO; }
ByteBuffer source = ByteBuffer.wrap(content);
byte id = (byte) task.ordinal();
while (source.hasRemaining()) {
if (id == source.get()) {
int count = VarInt.getVarInt(source);
long time = VarInt.getVarLong(source);
return new AggregateAttr(count, time);
} else {
return ZERO;
* Returns cumulative time stored in this instance across whole
* ProfilerTask dimension.
long getTotalTime() {
if (isEmpty()) { return 0; }
ByteBuffer source = ByteBuffer.wrap(content);
long totalTime = 0;
while (source.hasRemaining()) {
totalTime += VarInt.getVarLong(source);
return totalTime;
* Container for the profile record information.
* <p> TODO(bazel-team): (2010) Current Task instance heap size is 72 bytes. And there are
* millions of them. Consider trimming some attributes.
public final class Task implements Comparable<Task> {
public final long threadId;
public final int id;
public final int parentId;
public final long startTime;
public final long durationNanos;
public final ProfilerTask type;
public final CompactStatistics stats;
// Contains statistic for a task and all subtasks. Populated only for root tasks.
public CompactStatistics aggregatedStats = null;
// Subtasks are stored as an array for performance and memory utilization
// reasons (we can easily deal with millions of those objects).
public Task[] subtasks = NO_TASKS;
final int descIndex;
// Reference to the related task (e.g. ACTION_GRAPH->ACTION task relation).
private Task relatedTask;
long threadId,
int id,
int parentId,
long startTime,
long durationNanos,
ProfilerTask type,
int descIndex,
CompactStatistics stats) {
this.threadId = threadId; = id;
this.parentId = parentId;
this.startTime = startTime;
this.durationNanos = durationNanos;
this.type = type;
this.descIndex = descIndex;
this.stats = stats;
relatedTask = null;
public String getDescription() {
return descriptionList.get(descIndex);
public boolean hasStats() {
return !stats.isEmpty();
public long getInheritedDuration() {
return stats.getTotalTime();
public AggregateAttr[] getStatAttrArray() {
return stats.toArray();
private void combineStats(int[] counts, long[] duration) {
int ownIndex = type.ordinal();
if (parentId != 0) {
// Parent task already accounted for this task total duration. We need to adjust
// for the inherited duration.
duration[ownIndex] -= getInheritedDuration();
AggregateAttr[] ownStats = stats.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < TASK_COUNT; i++) {
AggregateAttr attr = ownStats[i];
if (attr != null) {
counts[i] += attr.count;
duration[i] += attr.totalTime;
for (Task task : subtasks) {
task.combineStats(counts, duration);
* Calculates aggregated statistics covering all subtasks (including
* nested ones). Must be called only for parent tasks.
void calculateRootStats() {
Preconditions.checkState(parentId == 0);
int[] counts = new int[TASK_COUNT];
long[] duration = new long[TASK_COUNT];
combineStats(counts, duration);
AggregateAttr[] statArray = ProfileInfo.createEmptyStatArray();
for (int i = 0; i < TASK_COUNT; i++) {
statArray[i] = new AggregateAttr(counts[i], duration[i]);
this.aggregatedStats = new CompactStatistics(statArray);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return (o instanceof ProfileInfo.Task) && ((Task) o).id ==;
public int hashCode() {
public String toString() {
return type + "(" + id + "," + getDescription() + ")";
* Tasks records by default sorted by their id. Since id was obtained using
* AtomicInteger, this comparison will correctly sort tasks in time-ascending
* order regardless of their origin thread.
public int compareTo(Task task) {
return -;
* Helper class to create space-efficient task multimap, used to associate
* array of tasks with specific key.
private abstract static class TaskMapCreator<K> implements Comparator<Task> {
public abstract int compare(Task a, Task b);
public abstract K getKey(Task task);
public Map<K, Task[]> createTaskMap(List<Task> taskList) {
// Created map usually will end up with thousands of entries, so we
// preinitialize it to the 10000.
Map<K, Task[]> taskMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(10000);
if (taskList.isEmpty()) {
return taskMap;
Task[] taskArray = taskList.toArray(new Task[taskList.size()]);
Arrays.sort(taskArray, this);
K key = getKey(taskArray[0]);
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < taskArray.length; i++) {
K currentKey = getKey(taskArray[i]);
if (!key.equals(currentKey)) {
taskMap.put(key, Arrays.copyOfRange(taskArray, start, i));
key = currentKey;
start = i;
if (start < taskArray.length) {
taskMap.put(key, Arrays.copyOfRange(taskArray, start, taskArray.length));
return taskMap;
* An interface to pass back profile loading and aggregation messages.
public interface InfoListener {
void info(String text);
void warn(String text);
private static final Task[] NO_TASKS = new Task[0];
private static final AggregateAttr ZERO = new AggregateAttr(0, 0);
public final String comment;
private long minTaskStartTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private boolean corruptedOrIncomplete = false;
// TODO(bazel-team): (2010) In one case, this list took 277MB of heap. Ideally it should be
// replaced with a trie.
private final List<String> descriptionList;
public final List<Task> allTasksById;
public List<Task> rootTasksById; // Not final due to the late initialization.
public final List<Task> phaseTasks;
private ProfileInfo(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
descriptionList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(10000);
allTasksById = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(50000);
phaseTasks = Lists.newArrayList();
private void addTask(Task task) {
minTaskStartTime = Math.min(minTaskStartTime, task.startTime);
* Returns true if profile datafile was corrupted or incomplete
* and false otherwise.
public boolean isCorruptedOrIncomplete() {
return corruptedOrIncomplete;
* Initializes minimum internal data structures necessary to obtain individual
* task statistic. This method is sufficient to initialize data for dumping.
public void calculateStats() {
if (allTasksById.isEmpty()) {
Map<Integer, Task[]> subtaskMap = new TaskMapCreator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Task a, Task b) {
return a.parentId != b.parentId ? a.parentId - b.parentId : a.compareTo(b);
public Integer getKey(Task task) { return task.parentId; }
for (Task task : allTasksById) {
Task[] subtasks = subtaskMap.get(;
if (subtasks != null) {
task.subtasks = subtasks;
rootTasksById = Arrays.asList(subtaskMap.get(0));
for (Task task : rootTasksById) {
if (task.type == ProfilerTask.PHASE) {
if (!phaseTasks.isEmpty()) {
phaseTasks.get(phaseTasks.size() - 1).relatedTask = task;
* Calculates cumulative time attributed to the specific task type.
* Expects to be called only for root (parentId = 0) tasks.
* calculateStats() must have been called first.
public AggregateAttr getStatsForType(ProfilerTask type, Collection<Task> tasks) {
long totalTime = 0;
int count = 0;
for (Task task : tasks) {
if (task.parentId > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("task " + + " is not a root task");
AggregateAttr attr = task.aggregatedStats.getAttr(type);
count += attr.count;
totalTime += attr.totalTime;
if (task.type == type) {
totalTime += (task.durationNanos - task.getInheritedDuration());
return new AggregateAttr(count, totalTime);
* Returns list of all root tasks related to (in other words, started during)
* the specified phase task.
public List<Task> getTasksForPhase(Task phaseTask) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(phaseTask.type == ProfilerTask.PHASE,
"Unsupported task type %s", phaseTask.type);
// Algorithm below takes into account fact that rootTasksById list is sorted
// by the task id and task id values are monotonically increasing with time
// (this property is guaranteed by the profiler). Thus list is effectively
// sorted by the startTime. We are trying to select a sublist that includes
// all tasks that were started later than the given task but earlier than
// its completion time.
int startIndex = Collections.binarySearch(rootTasksById, phaseTask);
Preconditions.checkState(startIndex >= 0,
"Phase task %s is not a root task",;
int endIndex = (phaseTask.relatedTask != null)
? Collections.binarySearch(rootTasksById, phaseTask.relatedTask)
: rootTasksById.size();
Preconditions.checkState(endIndex >= startIndex,
"Failed to find end of the phase marked by the task %s",;
return rootTasksById.subList(startIndex, endIndex);
* Returns task with "Build artifacts" description - corresponding to the
* execution phase. Usually used to location ACTION_GRAPH task tree.
public Task getPhaseTask(ProfilePhase phase) {
for (Task task : phaseTasks) {
if (task.getDescription().equals(phase.description)) {
return task;
return null;
* Returns duration of the given phase in ns.
public long getPhaseDuration(Task phaseTask) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(phaseTask.type == ProfilerTask.PHASE,
"Unsupported task type %s", phaseTask.type);
long duration;
if (phaseTask.relatedTask != null) {
duration = phaseTask.relatedTask.startTime - phaseTask.startTime;
} else {
Task lastTask = rootTasksById.get(rootTasksById.size() - 1);
duration = lastTask.startTime + lastTask.durationNanos - phaseTask.startTime;
Preconditions.checkState(duration >= 0);
return duration;
* Returns an empty array used to store task statistics. Array index
* corresponds to the ProfilerTask ordinal() value associated with the
* given statistic. Absent statistics are stored as null.
* <p>
* In essence, it is a fast equivalent of Map<ProfilerTask, AggregateAttr>.
public static AggregateAttr[] createEmptyStatArray() {
return new AggregateAttr[TASK_COUNT];
* Loads and parses Blaze profile file.
* @param profileStream profile file path
* @return ProfileInfo object with some fields populated (call calculateStats()
* and analyzeRelationships() to populate the remaining fields)
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the file format is invalid
* @throws IOException if the file can't be read
public static ProfileInfo loadProfile(InputStream profileStream) throws IOException {
// It is extremely important to wrap InflaterInputStream using BufferedInputStream because
// the majority of reads would be done using readInt()/readLong() methods and
// InflaterInputStream is very inefficient in handling small read requests (performance
// difference with 1MB buffer used below is almost 10x).
DataInputStream in =
new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new InflaterInputStream(profileStream, new Inflater(false), 65536), 1024 * 1024));
if (in.readInt() != Profiler.MAGIC) {
throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Invalid profile datafile format");
if (in.readInt() != Profiler.VERSION) {
throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Incompatible profile datafile version");
String fileComment = in.readUTF();
// Read list of used record types
int typeCount = in.readInt();
boolean hasUnknownTypes = false;
Set<String> supportedTasks = new HashSet<>();
for (ProfilerTask task : ProfilerTask.values()) {
List<ProfilerTask> typeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) {
String name = in.readUTF();
if (supportedTasks.contains(name)) {
} else {
hasUnknownTypes = true;
ProfileInfo info = new ProfileInfo(fileComment);
// Read record until we encounter end marker (-1).
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe this still should handle corrupted(truncated) files.
try {
int size;
while ((size = in.readInt()) != Profiler.EOF_MARKER) {
byte[] backingArray = new byte[size];
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(backingArray);
long threadId = VarInt.getVarLong(buffer);
int id = VarInt.getVarInt(buffer);
int parentId = VarInt.getVarInt(buffer);
long startTime = VarInt.getVarLong(buffer);
long duration = VarInt.getVarLong(buffer);
int descIndex = VarInt.getVarInt(buffer) - 1;
if (descIndex == -1) {
String desc = in.readUTF();
descIndex = info.descriptionList.size();
ProfilerTask type = typeList.get(buffer.get());
byte[] stats = null;
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
// Copy aggregated stats.
int offset = buffer.position();
stats = Arrays.copyOfRange(backingArray, offset, size);
if (hasUnknownTypes) {
while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
byte attrType = buffer.get();
if (typeList.get(attrType) == ProfilerTask.UNKNOWN) {
// We're dealing with unknown aggregated type - update stats array to
// use ProfilerTask.UNKNOWN.ordinal() value.
stats[buffer.position() - 1 - offset] = (byte) ProfilerTask.UNKNOWN.ordinal();
ProfileInfo.Task task = Task(threadId, id, parentId, startTime, duration, type,
descIndex, new CompactStatistics(stats));
} catch (IOException e) {
info.corruptedOrIncomplete = true;
} finally {
return info;
* Loads and parses Blaze profile file, and reports what it is doing.
* @param profileFile profile file path
* @param reporter for progress messages and warnings
* @return ProfileInfo object with most fields populated
* (call analyzeRelationships() to populate the remaining fields)
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the file format is invalid
* @throws IOException if the file can't be read
public static ProfileInfo loadProfileVerbosely(Path profileFile, InfoListener reporter)
throws IOException {"Loading " + profileFile.getPathString());
ProfileInfo profileInfo;
try (InputStream in = profileFile.getInputStream()) {
profileInfo = ProfileInfo.loadProfile(in);
if (profileInfo.isCorruptedOrIncomplete()) {
reporter.warn("Profile file is incomplete or corrupted - not all records were parsed");
} + ", " + profileInfo.allTasksById.size() + " record(s)");
return profileInfo;
* Sorts and aggregates Blaze profile file, and reports what it is doing.
public static void aggregateProfile(ProfileInfo profileInfo, InfoListener reporter) {"Aggregating task statistics");