Don't allow ctx.split_attr to access starlark transitions attributes.
Currently the split_attr struct building logic does its own transition application outside of ConfigurationResolver#applyTransition. That means we don't do proper Starlark transition set up and tear down. split_attr is also broken with starlark attr transitions because it always keys splits on cpu (regardless of what they're actually keyed on).
This bug has shown itself through two symptoms:
(1) split_attr not keying on expected keys
(2) Starlark transitions sometimes throwing errors if its not properly set up (i.e. defaults not loaded so can't find and use default values of build settings). What's concerning about this symptom is that there's no logic around the split_attr building for printing these errors. That has to happen by calling StarlarkTransition#replayEvents. This method is only called in in ConfigurationResolver#applyTransition SO it would seem that transitions are maintaining state between split_attr building and configuration resolution which is probably (?) not great. Furthermore, these errors are only printing ~some~ of the time. So we're nondeterministically erroring out which is even more not great.
This CL prevents users from running into these two symptoms with a helpful error message. But both will require follow up.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 253084578
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
index 7b24f15..5b42fe7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
@@ -427,45 +427,45 @@
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> splitAttrInfos = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Attribute attr : attributes) {
+ if (!attr.getTransitionFactory().isSplit() || attr.hasStarlarkDefinedTransition()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Map<Optional<String>, ? extends List<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection>> splitPrereqs =
+ ruleContext.getSplitPrerequisites(attr.getName());
- if (attr.getTransitionFactory().isSplit()) {
+ Map<Object, Object> splitPrereqsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ for (Map.Entry<Optional<String>, ? extends List<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection>>
+ splitPrereq : splitPrereqs.entrySet()) {
- Map<Optional<String>, ? extends List<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection>> splitPrereqs =
- ruleContext.getSplitPrerequisites(attr.getName());
- Map<Object, Object> splitPrereqsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- for (Map.Entry<Optional<String>, ? extends List<? extends TransitiveInfoCollection>>
- splitPrereq : splitPrereqs.entrySet()) {
- Object value;
- if (attr.getType() == BuildType.LABEL) {
- Preconditions.checkState(splitPrereq.getValue().size() == 1);
- value = splitPrereq.getValue().get(0);
- } else {
- // BuildType.LABEL_LIST
- value = SkylarkList.createImmutable(splitPrereq.getValue());
- }
- if (splitPrereq.getKey().isPresent()) {
- splitPrereqsMap.put(splitPrereq.getKey().get(), value);
- } else {
- // If the split transition is not in effect, then the key will be missing since there's
- // nothing to key on because the dependencies aren't split and getSplitPrerequisites()
- // behaves like getPrerequisites(). This also means there should be only one entry in
- // the map. Use None in Skylark to represent this.
- Preconditions.checkState(splitPrereqs.size() == 1);
- splitPrereqsMap.put(Runtime.NONE, value);
- }
+ Object value;
+ if (attr.getType() == BuildType.LABEL) {
+ Preconditions.checkState(splitPrereq.getValue().size() == 1);
+ value = splitPrereq.getValue().get(0);
+ } else {
+ // BuildType.LABEL_LIST
+ value = SkylarkList.createImmutable(splitPrereq.getValue());
- splitAttrInfos.put(attr.getPublicName(), SkylarkDict.copyOf(null, splitPrereqsMap));
+ if (splitPrereq.getKey().isPresent()) {
+ splitPrereqsMap.put(splitPrereq.getKey().get(), value);
+ } else {
+ // If the split transition is not in effect, then the key will be missing since there's
+ // nothing to key on because the dependencies aren't split and getSplitPrerequisites()
+ // behaves like getPrerequisites(). This also means there should be only one entry in
+ // the map. Use None in Skylark to represent this.
+ Preconditions.checkState(splitPrereqs.size() == 1);
+ splitPrereqsMap.put(Runtime.NONE, value);
+ }
+ splitAttrInfos.put(attr.getPublicName(), SkylarkDict.copyOf(null, splitPrereqsMap));
return StructProvider.STRUCT.create(,
- "No attribute '%s' in split_attr. Make sure that this attribute is defined with a "
- + "split configuration.");
+ "No attribute '%s' in split_attr. This attribute is either not defined with a split"
+ + " configuration OR is defined with a Starlark split transition, the results of which"
+ + " cannot be accessed from split_attr.");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/
index 7965774..b76c942 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@@ -78,9 +79,6 @@
" outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])",
"def impl(ctx): ",
" return MyInfo(",
- " split_attr_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps,",
- " split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep,",
- " k8_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps.get('k8', None),",
" attr_deps = ctx.attr.deps,",
" attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)",
"my_rule = rule(",
@@ -101,61 +99,96 @@
"cc_binary(name = 'main2', srcs = ['main2.c'])");
- private void writeBasicTestFiles_dictOfDict() throws Exception {
+ @Test
+ public void testSplitAttrDoesNotIncludeStarlarkSplit() throws Exception {
- getAnalysisMock().ccSupport().setupCcToolchainConfigForCpu(mockToolsConfig, "armeabi-v7a");
- "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl",
+ "test/skylark/rules.bzl",
"load('//myinfo:myinfo.bzl', 'MyInfo')",
"def transition_func(settings, attr):",
" return {",
- " 't0': {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'},",
- " 't1': {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'armeabi-v7a'},",
+ " 'amsterdam': {'//command_line_option:test_arg': ['stroopwafel']},",
+ " 'paris': {'//command_line_option:test_arg': ['crepe']},",
" }",
- "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func, inputs = [],",
- " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])",
- "def impl(ctx): ",
- " return MyInfo(",
- " split_attr_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps,",
- " split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep,",
- " k8_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps.get('k8', None),",
- " attr_deps = ctx.attr.deps,",
- " attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)",
+ "my_transition = transition(",
+ " implementation = transition_func,",
+ " inputs = [],",
+ " outputs = ['//command_line_option:test_arg']",
+ ")",
+ "def _impl(ctx): ",
+ " return MyInfo(split_attr = ctx.split_attr)",
"my_rule = rule(",
- " implementation = impl,",
+ " implementation = _impl,",
" attrs = {",
- " 'deps': attr.label_list(cfg = my_transition),",
" 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),",
" '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(",
" default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',",
" ),",
- " })");
+ " }",
+ ")",
+ "def _s_impl_e(ctx):",
+ " return []",
+ "simple_rule = rule(_s_impl_e)");
- "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')",
- "my_rule(name = 'test', deps = [':main1', ':main2'], dep = ':main1')",
- "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])",
- "cc_binary(name = 'main2', srcs = ['main2.c'])");
+ "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'simple_rule', 'my_rule')",
+ "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')",
+ "simple_rule(name = 'dep')");
+ MapBackedSkylarkInfo splitAttr =
+ (MapBackedSkylarkInfo)
+ getMyInfoFromTarget(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")).getValue("split_attr");
+ assertThat(splitAttr.hasField("dep")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(splitAttr.getFieldNames()).isEmpty();
- public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps_dictOfDict() throws Exception {
- writeBasicTestFiles_dictOfDict();
- testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"));
- }
+ public void testAccessStarlarkSplitThrowsError() throws Exception {
+ setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true");
+ writeWhitelistFile();
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/skylark/rules.bzl",
+ "load('//myinfo:myinfo.bzl', 'MyInfo')",
+ "def transition_func(settings, attr):",
+ " return {",
+ " 'amsterdam': {'//command_line_option:test_arg': ['stroopwafel']},",
+ " 'paris': {'//command_line_option:test_arg': ['crepe']},",
+ " }",
+ "my_transition = transition(",
+ " implementation = transition_func,",
+ " inputs = [],",
+ " outputs = ['//command_line_option:test_arg']",
+ ")",
+ "def _impl(ctx): ",
+ " return MyInfo(split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep)",
+ "my_rule = rule(",
+ " implementation = _impl,",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),",
+ " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(",
+ " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',",
+ " ),",
+ " }",
+ ")",
+ "def _s_impl_e(ctx):",
+ " return []",
+ "simple_rule = rule(_s_impl_e)");
- @Test
- public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps() throws Exception {
- writeBasicTestFiles();
- testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"));
- }
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/skylark/BUILD",
+ "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'simple_rule', 'my_rule')",
+ "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')",
+ "simple_rule(name = 'dep')");
- @Test
- public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep() throws Exception {
- writeBasicTestFiles();
- testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"));
+ reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
+ getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test");
+ assertContainsEvent(
+ "No attribute 'dep' in split_attr. This attribute is either not defined with a split"
+ + " configuration OR is defined with a Starlark split transition, the results of which"
+ + " cannot be accessed from split_attr.");
@@ -171,12 +204,6 @@
- public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps() throws Exception {
- writeBasicTestFiles();
- testSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"));
- }
- @Test
public void testTargetAndRuleNotInWhitelist() throws Exception {
@@ -193,9 +220,6 @@
" outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])",
"def impl(ctx): ",
" return MyInfo(",
- " split_attr_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps,",
- " split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep,",
- " k8_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps.get('k8', None),",
" attr_deps = ctx.attr.deps,",
" attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)",
"my_rule = rule(",
@@ -218,43 +242,6 @@
assertContainsEvent("Non-whitelisted use of Starlark transition");
- private void testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception {
- // Check that ctx.split_attr.deps has this structure:
- // {
- // "k8": [ConfiguredTarget],
- // "armeabi-v7a": [ConfiguredTarget],
- // }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Map<String, List<ConfiguredTarget>> splitDeps =
- (Map<String, List<ConfiguredTarget>>)
- getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("split_attr_deps");
- assertThat(splitDeps).containsKey("k8");
- assertThat(splitDeps).containsKey("armeabi-v7a");
- assertThat(splitDeps.get("k8")).hasSize(2);
- assertThat(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a")).hasSize(2);
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("k8").get(0)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("k8").get(1)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a").get(0)).getCpu())
- .isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a").get(1)).getCpu())
- .isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");
- }
- private void testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception {
- // Check that ctx.split_attr.dep has this structure (that is, that the values are not lists):
- // {
- // "k8": ConfiguredTarget,
- // "armeabi-v7a": ConfiguredTarget,
- // }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep =
- (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("split_attr_dep");
- assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("k8");
- assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("k8")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");
- }
private void testSplitTransitionCheckAttrDeps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception {
// The regular ctx.attr.deps should be a single list with all the branches of the split merged
// together (i.e. for aspects).
@@ -285,16 +272,6 @@
- private void testSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception {
- // Check that the deps were correctly accessed from within Skylark.
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<ConfiguredTarget> k8Deps =
- (List<ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("k8_deps");
- assertThat(k8Deps).hasSize(2);
- assertThat(getConfiguration(k8Deps.get(0)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(k8Deps.get(1)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- }
private void writeReadSettingsTestFiles() throws Exception {
@@ -311,7 +288,7 @@
" inputs = ['//command_line_option:fat_apk_cpu'],",
" outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])",
"def impl(ctx): ",
- " return MyInfo(split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep)",
+ " return MyInfo(attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)",
"my_rule = rule(",
" implementation = impl,",
" attrs = {",
@@ -330,11 +307,6 @@
public void testReadSettingsSplitDepAttrDep() throws Exception {
- // Check that ctx.split_attr.dep has this structure:
- // {
- // "k8": ConfiguredTarget,
- // "armeabi-v7a": ConfiguredTarget,
- // }
getAnalysisMock().ccSupport().setupCcToolchainConfigForCpu(mockToolsConfig, "armeabi-v7a");
@@ -342,12 +314,12 @@
ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test");
- Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep =
- (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("split_attr_dep");
- assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("k8");
- assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("k8")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");
+ List<ConfiguredTarget> splitDep =
+ (List<ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("attr_dep");
+ assertThat(splitDep).hasSize(2);
+ assertThat(
+ -> getConfiguration(ct).getCpu()).collect(Collectors.toList()))
+ .containsExactly("k8", "armeabi-v7a");
private void writeOptionConversionTestFiles() throws Exception {
@@ -368,7 +340,7 @@
" '//command_line_option:dynamic_mode',",
" '//command_line_option:crosstool_top'])",
"def impl(ctx): ",
- " return MyInfo(split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep)",
+ " return MyInfo(attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)",
"my_rule = rule(",
" implementation = impl,",
" attrs = {",
@@ -393,10 +365,10 @@
ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test");
- Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep =
- (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("split_attr_dep");
- assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a");
- assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");
+ List<ConfiguredTarget> dep =
+ (List<ConfiguredTarget>) getMyInfoFromTarget(target).getValue("attr_dep");
+ assertThat(dep).hasSize(1);
+ assertThat(getConfiguration(Iterables.getOnlyElement(dep)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a");