third_party/googleapis: Add remote_execution.proto
Change-Id: Ifce1b51ef169ee8ac22fd90c0c68db3121b4296d
diff --git a/third_party/googleapis/BUILD b/third_party/googleapis/BUILD
index 77ea9f7..87576a1 100644
--- a/third_party/googleapis/BUILD
+++ b/third_party/googleapis/BUILD
@@ -47,6 +47,92 @@
deps = [":google_longrunning_operations_proto"],
+ name = "google_watch_v1_java_proto",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_watch_v1_proto"],
+ name = "google_rpc_status_java_proto",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_rpc_status_proto"],
+ name = "google_rpc_error_details_java_proto",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_rpc_error_details_proto"],
+ name = "google_rpc_code_java_proto",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_rpc_code_proto"],
+ name = "google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_java_proto",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_proto"],
+ name = "google_watch_v1_java_grpc",
+ srcs = [":google_watch_v1_proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [":google_watch_v1_java_proto"],
+ name = "google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_java_grpc",
+ srcs = [":google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [
+ ":google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_java_proto",
+ ":google_longrunning_operations_java_proto",
+ ],
+ name = "google_devtools_remoteexecution_v1test_remote_execution_proto",
+ srcs = ["google/devtools/remoteexecution/v1test/remote_execution.proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [
+ ":google_api_annotations_proto",
+ ":google_longrunning_operations_proto",
+ ":google_rpc_status_proto",
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_any_proto",
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_duration_proto",
+ ],
+ name = "google_rpc_code_proto",
+ srcs = ["google/rpc/code.proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ name = "google_rpc_error_details_proto",
+ srcs = ["google/rpc/error_details.proto"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_any_proto",
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_duration_proto",
+ ],
+ name = "google_watch_v1_proto",
+ srcs = ["google/watcher/v1/watch.proto"],
+ deps = [
+ ":google_api_annotations_proto",
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_any_proto",
+ "@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_empty_proto",
+ ],
name = "google_bytestream_bytestream_proto",
srcs = ["google/bytestream/bytestream.proto"],
@@ -133,3 +219,4 @@
srcs = ["google/api/auth.proto"],
deps = [":google_api_annotations_proto"],
diff --git a/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/remoteexecution/v1test/remote_execution.proto b/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/remoteexecution/v1test/remote_execution.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956f49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/googleapis/google/devtools/remoteexecution/v1test/remote_execution.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/longrunning/operations.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
+import "google/rpc/status.proto";
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.RemoteExecution.V1Test";
+option java_package = "";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "RemoteExecutionProto";
+option objc_class_prefix = "REX";
+// The Remote Execution API is used to execute an [Action][] on the remote
+// workers.
+service Execution {
+ // Execute an action remotely.
+ //
+ // In order to execute an action, the client must first upload all of the
+ // inputs, as well as the [Command][] to run, into the
+ // [ContentAddressableStorage][]. It then calls `Execute` with an [Action][]
+ // referring to them. The server will run the action and eventually return the
+ // result.
+ //
+ // The input `Action`'s fields MUST meet the various canonicalization
+ // requirements specified in the documentation for their types so that it has
+ // the same digest as other logically equivalent `Action`s. The server MAY
+ // enforce the requirements and return errors if a non-canonical input is
+ // received. It MAY also proceed without verifying some or all of the
+ // requirements, such as for performance reasons. If the server does not
+ // verify the requirement, then it will treat the `Action` as distinct from
+ // another logically equivalent action if they hash differently.
+ //
+ // Returns a [google.longrunning.Operation][] describing the resulting
+ // execution, with eventual `response` [ExecuteResponse][]. The `metadata` on
+ // the operation is of type [ExecuteOperationMetadata][].
+ //
+ // To query the operation, you can use the
+ // [Operations API][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. If you wish
+ // to allow the server to stream operations updates, rather than requiring
+ // client polling, you can use the
+ // [Watcher API][google.watcher.v1.Watcher.Watch] with the Operation's `name`
+ // as the `target`.
+ //
+ // When using the Watcher API, the initial `data` will be the `Operation` at
+ // the time of the request. Updates will be provided periodically by the
+ // server until the `Operation` completes, at which point the response message
+ // will (assuming no error) be at `data.response`.
+ //
+ // The server NEED NOT implement other methods or functionality of the
+ // Operation and Watcher APIs.
+ //
+ // Errors discovered during creation of the `Operation` will be reported
+ // as gRPC Status errors, while errors that occurred while running the
+ // `Operation` will be reported in the `Operation` error field.
+ // The possible errors include:
+ // * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: One or more arguments are invalid.
+ // * `FAILED_PRECONDITION`: One or more errors occurred in setting up the
+ // action requested, such as a missing input or no worker being available.
+ // The client may be able to fix the errors and retry.
+ // * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient quota of some resource to run
+ // the action.
+ // * `UNAVAILABLE`: Due to a transient condition, such as all workers being
+ // occupied (and the server does not support a queue), the action could not
+ // be started. The client should retry.
+ // * `INTERNAL`: An internal error occurred in the execution engine or the
+ // worker.
+ // * `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED`: The execution timed out.
+ rpc Execute(ExecuteRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/actions:execute",
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+// The action cache API is used to query whether a given action has already been
+// performed and, if so, retrieve its result. Unlike the
+// [ContentAddressableStorage][], which addresses blobs by their own content,
+// the action cache addresses the [ActionResult][] by a digest of the encoded
+// [Action][] which produced them.
+// The lifetime of entries in the action cache is implementation specific, but
+// SHOULD be long enough to allow useful persistence of results. The server
+// SHOULD prefer to evict less recently-used entries over more recently-used
+// ones, since they are less likely to be queried again.
+service ActionCache {
+ // Retrieve a cached execution result.
+ //
+ // Errors:
+ // * `NOT_FOUND`: The requested `ActionResult` is not in the cache.
+ rpc GetActionResult(GetActionResultRequest) returns (ActionResult) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/action-results/{action_digest.hash}/{action_digest.size_bytes}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Upload a new execution result.
+ //
+ // This method is intended for servers which implement the distributed cache
+ // independently of the [Execution][] API. As a result, it is OPTIONAL for
+ // servers to implement.
+ //
+ // Errors:
+ // * `NOT_IMPLEMENTED`: This method is not supported by the server.
+ // * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient storage space to add the
+ // entry to the cache.
+ rpc UpdateActionResult(UpdateActionResultRequest) returns (ActionResult) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ put: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/action-results/{action_digest.hash}/{action_digest.size_bytes}";
+ body: "action_result"
+ };
+ }
+// The CAS (content-addressable storage) is used to store the inputs to and
+// outputs from the execution service. Each piece of content is addressed by the
+// digest of its binary data.
+// Most of the binary data stored in the CAS is opaque to the execution engine,
+// and is only used as a communication medium. In order to build an [Action][],
+// however, the client will need to also upload the [Command][] and input root
+// [Directory][] for the Action. The Command and Directory messages must be
+// marshalled to wire format and then uploaded under the hash as with any other
+// piece of content. In practice, the input root directory is likely to refer
+// to other Directories in its hierarchy, which must also each be uploaded on
+// their own.
+// For small file uploads the client should group them together and call
+// [BatchUpdateBlobs][] on chunks of no more than 10 MiB. For large uploads, the
+// client must use the [Write method][google.bytestream.ByteStream.Write] of the
+// ByteStream API. The `resource_name` is
+// `"{instance_name}/uploads/{uuid}/blobs/{hash}/{size}"`, where
+// `instance_name` is as described in the next paragraph, `uuid` is a version 4
+// UUID generated by the client, and `hash` and `size` are the [Digest][] of the
+// blob. The `uuid` is used only to avoid collisions when multiple clients try
+// to upload the same file (or the same client tries to upload the file multiple
+// times at once on different threads), so the client MAY reuse the `uuid` for
+// uploading different blobs.
+// A single server MAY support multiple instances of the execution system, each
+// with their own workers, storage, cache, etc. The exact relationship between
+// instances is up to the server. If the server does, then the `instance_name`
+// is an identifier, possibly containing multiple path segments, used to
+// distinguish between the various instances on the server, in a manner defined
+// by the server. For servers which do not support multiple instances, then the
+// `instance_name` is the empty path and the leading slash is omitted, so that
+// the `resource_name` becomes `uploads/{uuid}/blobs/{hash}/{size}`.
+// When attempting an upload, if another client has already completed the upload
+// (which may occur in the middle of a single upload if another client uploads
+// the same blob concurrently), the request will terminate with an error of
+// `ALREADY_EXISTS`. If the client completes the upload but the [Digest][] does
+// not match, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` will be returned. In either case, the client
+// should not attempt to retry the upload.
+// For downloading blobs, the client must use the
+// [Read method][google.bytestream.ByteStream.Read] of the ByteStream API, with
+// a `resource_name` of `"{instance_name}/blobs/{hash}/{size}"`, where
+// `instance_name` is the instance name (see above), and `hash` and `size` are
+// the [Digest][] of the blob.
+// The lifetime of entries in the CAS is implementation specific, but SHOULD be
+// long enough to allow useful persistence of objects, or at least to ensure
+// that the normal execution flow can proceed without a blob being removed
+// between upload and the call to [Execute][]. The server SHOULD prefer to evict
+// less recently-used entries over more recently-used ones, since they are less
+// likely to be used again.
+service ContentAddressableStorage {
+ // Determine if blobs are present in the CAS.
+ //
+ // Clients can use this API before uploading blobs to determine which ones are
+ // already present in the CAS and do not need to be uploaded again.
+ //
+ // There are no method-specific errors.
+ rpc FindMissingBlobs(FindMissingBlobsRequest) returns (FindMissingBlobsResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/blobs:findMissing",
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Upload many blobs at once.
+ //
+ // The client MUST NOT upload blobs with a combined total size of more than 10
+ // MiB using this API. Such requests should either be split into smaller
+ // chunks or uploaded using the
+ // [ByteStream API][google.bytestream.ByteStream], as appropriate.
+ //
+ // This request is equivalent to calling [UpdateBlob][] on each individual
+ // blob, in parallel. The requests may succeed or fail independently.
+ //
+ // Errors:
+ // * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: The client attempted to upload more than 10 MiB of
+ // data.
+ //
+ // Individual requests may return the following errors, additionally:
+ // * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient disk quota to store the blob.
+ // * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: The [Digest][] does not match the provided data.
+ rpc BatchUpdateBlobs(BatchUpdateBlobsRequest) returns (BatchUpdateBlobsResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/blobs:batchUpdate",
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Fetch the entire directory tree rooted at a node.
+ //
+ // This request must be targeted at a [Directory][] stored in the
+ // [ContentAddressableStorage][] (CAS). The server will enumerate the
+ // `Directory` tree recursively and return every node descended from the root.
+ // The exact traversal order is unspecified and, unless retrieving subsequent
+ // pages from an earlier request, is not guaranteed to be stable across
+ // multiple invocations of `GetTree`.
+ //
+ // If part of the tree is missing from the CAS, the server will return the
+ // portion present and omit the rest.
+ //
+ // * `NOT_FOUND`: The requested tree root is not present in the CAS.
+ rpc GetTree(GetTreeRequest) returns (GetTreeResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1test/{instance_name=**}/blobs/{root_digest.hash}/{root_digest.size_bytes}:getTree"
+ };
+ }
+// The precondition violation types that may be reported (in string form) in the
+// `type` field of a [Violation][google.rpc.PreconditionFailure.Violation], in
+// response to a call to [Execute][]. Most errors will specify additional detail
+// about the violation in the `subject` field of the `Violation`.
+enum ExecutePreconditionViolationType {
+ UNKNOWN = 0;
+ // A requested input (or the [Command][] of the [Action][]) was not found in
+ // the [ContentAddressableStorage][].
+ // One of the input [Directories][Directory] has multiple entries with the
+ // same file name. This will also occur if the worker filesystem considers
+ // two names to be the same, such as two names that vary only by case on a
+ // case-insensitive filesystem, or two names with the same normalized form on
+ // a filesystem that performs Unicode normalization on filenames.
+ // One of the input [PathNodes][PathNode] has an invalid name, such as a name
+ // containing a `/` character or another character which cannot be used in a
+ // file's name on the filesystem of the worker.
+ // The files in an input [Directory][] are not correctly sorted by `name`.
+ // The [Command][]'s `environment_variables` are not correctly sorted by
+ // `name`.
+ // The [Command][]'s `environment_variables` contain a duplicate entry. On
+ // systems where environment variables may consider two different names to be
+ // the same, such as if environment variables are case-insensitive, this may
+ // also occur if two equivalent environment variables appear.
+ // The input file tree contains a cycle (a [Directory][] which, directly or
+ // indirectly, contains itself).
+ // No worker is available which matches the requested [Platform][].
+ NO_WORKER = 8;
+ // A `Digest` in the input tree is invalid.
+// An `Action` captures all the information about an execution which is required
+// to reproduce it.
+// `Action`s are the core component of the [Execution] service. A single
+// `Action` represents a repeatable action that can be performed by the
+// execution service. `Action`s can be succinctly identified by the digest of
+// their wire format encoding and, once an `Action` has been executed, will be
+// cached in the action cache. Future requests can then use the cached result
+// rather than needing to run afresh.
+// When a server completes execution of an [Action][], it MAY choose to cache
+// the [result][ActionResult] in the [ActionCache][] unless `do_not_cache` is
+// `true`. Clients SHOULD expect the server to do so. By default, future calls
+// to [Execute][] the same `Action` will also serve their results from the
+// cache. Clients must take care to understand the caching behaviour. Ideally,
+// all `Action`s will be reproducible so that serving a result from cache is
+// always desirable and correct.
+message Action {
+ // The digest of the [Command][] to run, which MUST be present in the
+ // [ContentAddressableStorage][].
+ Digest command_digest = 1;
+ // The digest of the root [Directory][] for the input files. The files in the
+ // directory tree are available in the correct location on the build machine
+ // before the command is executed. The root directory, as well as every
+ // subdirectory and content blob referred to, MUST be in the
+ // [ContentAddressableStorage][].
+ Digest input_root_digest = 2;
+ // A list of the output files that the client expects to retrieve from the
+ // action. Only the listed files, as well as directories listed in
+ // `output_directories`, will be returned to the client as output.
+ // Other files that may be created during command execution are discarded.
+ //
+ // The paths are specified using forward slashes (`/`) as path separators,
+ // even if the execution platform natively uses a different separator. The
+ // path MUST NOT include a trailing slash.
+ //
+ // In order to ensure consistent hashing of the same Action, the output paths
+ // MUST be sorted lexicographically by code point (or, equivalently, by UTF-8
+ // bytes).
+ repeated string output_files = 3;
+ // A list of the output directories that the client expects to retrieve from
+ // the action. Only the contents of the indicated directories (recursively
+ // including the contents of their subdirectories) will be
+ // returned, as well as files listed in `output_files`. Other files that may
+ // be created during command execution are discarded.
+ //
+ // The paths are specified using forward slashes (`/`) as path separators,
+ // even if the execution platform natively uses a different separator. The
+ // path MUST NOT include a trailing slash, unless the path is `"/"` (which,
+ // although not recommended, can be used to capture the entire working
+ // directory tree, including inputs).
+ //
+ // In order to ensure consistent hashing of the same Action, the output paths
+ // MUST be sorted lexicographically by code point (or, equivalently, by UTF-8
+ // bytes).
+ repeated string output_directories = 4;
+ // The platform requirements for the execution environment. The server MAY
+ // choose to execute the action on any worker satisfying the requirements, so
+ // the client SHOULD ensure that running the action on any such worker will
+ // have the same result.
+ Platform platform = 5;
+ // A timeout after which the execution should be killed. If the timeout is
+ // absent, then the client is specifying that the execution should continue
+ // as long as the server will let it. The server SHOULD impose a timeout if
+ // the client does not specify one, however, if the client does specify a
+ // timeout that is longer than the server's maximum timeout, the server MUST
+ // reject the request.
+ //
+ // The timeout is a part of the [Action][] message, and therefore two
+ // `Actions` with different timeouts are different, even if they are otherwise
+ // identical. This is because, if they were not, running an `Action` with a
+ // lower timeout than is required might result in a cache hit from an
+ // execution run with a longer timeout, hiding the fact that the timeout is
+ // too short. By encoding it directly in the `Action`, a lower timeout will
+ // result in a cache miss and the execution timeout will fail immediately,
+ // rather than whenever the cache entry gets evicted.
+ google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 6;
+ // If true, then the `Action`'s result cannot be cached.
+ bool do_not_cache = 7;
+// A `Command` is the actual command executed by a worker running an [Action][].
+// Except as otherwise required, the environment (such as which system
+// libraries or binaries are available, and what filesystems are mounted where)
+// is defined by and specific to the implementation of the remote execution API.
+message Command {
+ // The arguments to the command. The first argument must be the path to the
+ // executable, which must be either a relative path, in which case it is
+ // evaluated with respect to the input root, or an absolute path. The `PATH`
+ // environment variable, or similar functionality on other systems, is not
+ // used to determine which executable to run.
+ //
+ // The working directory will always be the input root.
+ repeated string arguments = 1;
+ // An `EnvironmentVariable` is one variable to set in the running program's
+ // environment.
+ message EnvironmentVariable {
+ // The variable name.
+ string name = 1;
+ // The variable value.
+ string value = 2;
+ }
+ // The environment variables to set when running the program. The worker may
+ // provide its own default environment variables; these defaults can be
+ // overridden using this field. Additional variables can also be specified.
+ //
+ // In order to ensure that equivalent `Command`s always hash to the same
+ // value, the environment variables MUST be lexicographically sorted by name.
+ // Sorting of strings is done by code point, equivalently, by the UTF-8 bytes.
+ repeated EnvironmentVariable environment_variables = 2;
+// A `Platform` is a set of requirements, such as hardware, operation system, or
+// compiler toolchain, for an [Action][]'s execution environment. A `Platform`
+// is represented as a series of key-value pairs representing the properties
+// that are required of the platform.
+message Platform {
+ // A single property for the environment. The server is responsible for
+ // specifying the property `name`s that it accepts. If an unknown `name` is
+ // provided in the requirements for an [Action][], the server SHOULD reject
+ // the execution request. If permitted by the server, the same `name` may
+ // occur multiple times.
+ //
+ // The server is also responsible for specifying the interpretation of
+ // property `value`s. For instance, a property describing how much RAM must be
+ // available may be interpreted as allowing a worker with 16GB to fulfill a
+ // request for 8GB, while a property describing the OS environment on which
+ // the action must be performed may require an exact match with the worker's
+ // OS.
+ //
+ // The server MAY use the `value` of one or more properties to determine how
+ // it sets up the execution environment, such as by making specific system
+ // files available to the worker.
+ message Property {
+ // The property name.
+ string name = 1;
+ // The property value.
+ string value = 2;
+ }
+ // The properties that make up this platform. In order to ensure that
+ // equivalent `Platform`s always hash to the same value, the properties MUST
+ // be lexicographically sorted by name, and then by value. Sorting of strings
+ // is done by code point, equivalently, by the UTF-8 bytes.
+ repeated Property properties = 1;
+// A `Directory` represents a directory node in a file tree, containing zero or
+// more children [FileNodes][FileNode] and [DirectoryNodes][DirectoryNode].
+// Each `Node` contains its name in the directory, the digest of its content
+// (either a file blob or a `Directory` proto), as well as possibly some
+// metadata about the file or directory.
+// In order to ensure that two equivalent directory trees hash to the same
+// value, the following restrictions MUST be obeyed when constructing a
+// a `Directory`:
+// - Every child in the directory must have a path of exactly one segment.
+// Multiple levels of directory hierarchy may not be collapsed.
+// - Each child in the directory must have a unique path segment (file name).
+// - The files and directories in the directory must each be sorted in
+// lexicographical order by path. The path strings must be sorted by code
+// point, equivalently, by UTF-8 bytes.
+// A `Directory` that obeys the restrictions is said to be in canonical form.
+// As an example, the following could be used for a file named `bar` and a
+// directory named `foo` with an executable file named `baz` (hashes shortened
+// for readability):
+// ```json
+// // (Directory proto)
+// {
+// files: [
+// {
+// name: "bar",
+// digest: {
+// hash: "4a73bc9d03...",
+// size: 65534
+// }
+// }
+// ],
+// directories: [
+// {
+// name: "foo",
+// digest: {
+// hash: "4cf2eda940...",
+// size: 43
+// }
+// }
+// ]
+// }
+// // (Directory proto with hash "4cf2eda940..." and size 43)
+// {
+// files: [
+// {
+// name: "baz",
+// digest: {
+// hash: "b2c941073e...",
+// size: 1294,
+// },
+// is_executable: true
+// }
+// ]
+// }
+// ```
+message Directory {
+ // The files in the directory.
+ repeated FileNode files = 1;
+ // The subdirectories in the directory.
+ repeated DirectoryNode directories = 2;
+// A `FileNode` represents a single file and associated metadata.
+message FileNode {
+ // The name of the file.
+ string name = 1;
+ // The digest of the file's content.
+ Digest digest = 2;
+ // This field is reserved to ensure binary-compatibility with [OutputFile][].
+ reserved 3;
+ // True if file is executable, false otherwise.
+ bool is_executable = 4;
+// A `DirectoryNode` represents a child of a [Directory][] which is itself a
+// `Directory` and its associated metadata.
+message DirectoryNode {
+ // The name of the directory.
+ string name = 1;
+ // The digest of the [Directory][] object represented. See [Digest][] for
+ // information about how to take the digest of a proto message.
+ Digest digest = 2;
+// A content digest. A digest for a given blob consists of the size of the blob
+// and its hash. The hash algorithm to use is defined by the server, but servers
+// SHOULD use SHA-256.
+// The size is considered to be an integral part of the digest and cannot be
+// separated. That is, even if the `hash` field is correctly specified but
+// `size_bytes` is not, the server MUST reject the request.
+// The reason for including the size in the digest is as follows: in a great
+// many cases, the server needs to know the size of the blob it is about to work
+// with prior to starting an operation with it, such as flattening Merkle tree
+// structures or streaming it to a worker. Technically, the server could
+// implement a separate metadata store, but this results in a significantly more
+// complicated implementation as opposed to having the client specify the size
+// up-front (or storing the size along with the digest in every message where
+// digests are embedded). This does mean that the API leaks some implementation
+// details of (what we consider to be) a reasonable server implementation, but
+// we consider this to be a worthwhile tradeoff.
+// When a `Digest` is used to refer to a proto message, it always refers to the
+// message in binary encoded form. To ensure consistent hashing, clients and
+// servers MUST ensure that they serialize messages according to the following
+// rules, even if there are alternate valid encodings for the same message.
+// - Fields are serialized in tag order.
+// - There are no unknown fields.
+// - There are no duplicate fields.
+// - Fields are serialized according to the default semantics for their type.
+// Most protocol buffer implementations will always follow these rules when
+// serializing, but care should be taken to avoid shortcuts. For instance,
+// concatenating two messages to merge them may produce duplicate fields.
+message Digest {
+ // The hash. In the case of SHA-256, it will always be a lowercase hex string
+ // exactly 64 characters long.
+ string hash = 1;
+ // The size of the blob, in bytes.
+ int64 size_bytes = 2;
+// An ActionResult represents the result of an [Action][] being run.
+message ActionResult {
+ reserved 1; // Reserved for use as the resource name.
+ // The output files of the action. For each output file requested, if the
+ // corresponding file existed after the action completed, a single entry will
+ // be present in the output list.
+ //
+ // If the action does not produce the requested output, or produces a
+ // directory where a regular file is expected or vice versa, then that output
+ // will be omitted from the list. The server is free to arrange the output
+ // list as desired; clients MUST NOT assume that the output list is sorted.
+ repeated OutputFile output_files = 2;
+ // The output directories of the action. For each output directory requested,
+ // if the corresponding directory existed after the action completed, a single
+ // entry will be present in the output list. The client can retrieve the full
+ // [Directory][] structure using [ContentAddressableStorage.GetTree][].
+ //
+ // If the action does not produce the requested output, or produces a
+ // directory where a regular file is expected or vice versa, then that output
+ // will be omitted from the list. The server is free to arrange the output
+ // list as desired; clients MUST NOT assume that the output list is sorted.
+ repeated OutputDirectory output_directories = 3;
+ // The exit code of the command.
+ int32 exit_code = 4;
+ // The standard output buffer of the action. The server will determine, based
+ // on the size of the buffer, whether to return it in raw form or to return
+ // a digest in `stdout_digest` that points to the buffer. If neither is set,
+ // then the buffer is empty. The client SHOULD NOT assume it will get one of
+ // the raw buffer or a digest on any given request and should be prepared to
+ // handle either.
+ bytes stdout_raw = 5;
+ // The digest for a blob containing the standard output of the action, which
+ // can be retrieved from the [ContentAddressableStorage][]. See `stdout_raw`
+ // for when this will be set.
+ Digest stdout_digest = 6;
+ // The standard error buffer of the action. The server will determine, based
+ // on the size of the buffer, whether to return it in raw form or to return
+ // a digest in `stderr_digest` that points to the buffer. If neither is set,
+ // then the buffer is empty. The client SHOULD NOT assume it will get one of
+ // the raw buffer or a digest on any given request and should be prepared to
+ // handle either.
+ bytes stderr_raw = 7;
+ // The digest for a blob containing the standard error of the action, which
+ // can be retrieved from the [ContentAddressableStorage][]. See `stderr_raw`
+ // for when this will be set.
+ Digest stderr_digest = 8;
+// An `OutputFile` is similar to a [FileNode][], but it is tailored for output
+// as part of an `ActionResult`. It allows a full file path rather than only a
+// name, and allows the server to include content inline.
+// `OutputFile` is binary-compatible with `FileNode`.
+message OutputFile {
+ // The full path of the file relative to the input root, including the
+ // filename. The path separator is a forward slash `/`.
+ string path = 1;
+ // The digest of the file's content.
+ Digest digest = 2;
+ // The raw content of the file.
+ //
+ // This field may be used by the server to provide the content of a file
+ // inline in an [ActionResult][] and avoid requiring that the client make a
+ // separate call to [ContentAddressableStorage.GetBlob] to retrieve it.
+ //
+ // The client SHOULD NOT assume that it will get raw content with any request,
+ // and always be prepared to retrieve it via `digest`.
+ bytes content = 3;
+ // True if file is executable, false otherwise.
+ bool is_executable = 4;
+// An `OutputDirectory` is similar to a [DirectoryNode][], but it is tailored
+// for output as part of an `ActionResult`. It allows a full file path rather
+// than only a name. It contains the digest of a [Directory][] which will meet
+// all the usual requirements for a `Directory`.
+// `OutputDirectory` is binary-compatible with `DirectoryNode`.
+message OutputDirectory {
+ // The full path of the directory relative to the input root, including the
+ // filename. The path separator is a forward slash `/`.
+ string path = 1;
+ // The digest of the [Directory][] proto describing the directory's contents.
+ Digest digest = 2;
+// A request message for [Execution.Execute][].
+message ExecuteRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // The action to be performed.
+ Action action = 2;
+ // If true, the action will be executed anew even if its result was already
+ // present in the cache. If false, the result may be served from the
+ // [ActionCache][].
+ bool skip_cache_lookup = 3;
+ // The total count of input files, not counting directories. This must be
+ // provided so that the server can do resource allocation and, on servers with
+ // quotas, quota checking. It is also used as a safety check: servers MUST
+ // return an error if the total number of input files described in the
+ // `action` is different.
+ int32 total_input_file_count = 4;
+ // The total size of input file content, provided as a hint and check. This
+ // must be provided so that the server can do resource allocation and, on
+ // servers with quotas, quota checking. It is also used as a safety check:
+ // servers MUST return an error if the total size of input files described in
+ // the `action` is different.
+ int64 total_input_file_bytes = 5;
+ // If set, the method will not return until the operation is completed, and
+ // the returned [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] will contain the
+ // resulting [ExecuteResponse][].
+ bool wait_for_completion = 6;
+// The response message for [Execution.Execute][], which will be contained in
+// the [response field][google.longrunning.Operation.response] of the
+// [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation].
+message ExecuteResponse {
+ // The result of the action.
+ ActionResult result = 1;
+ // True if the result was served from cache, false if it was executed.
+ bool cached_result = 2;
+// Metadata about an ongoing [execution][Execution.Execute], which will be
+// contained in the [metadata field][google.longrunning.Operation.response] of
+// the [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation].
+message ExecuteOperationMetadata {
+ // The current stage of execution.
+ enum Stage {
+ UNKNOWN = 0;
+ // Checking the result against the cache.
+ // Currently idle, awaiting a free machine to execute.
+ QUEUED = 2;
+ // Currently being executed by a worker.
+ // Finished execution.
+ }
+ Stage stage = 1;
+ // The digest of the [Action][] being executed.
+ Digest action_digest = 2;
+ // If set, the client can use this name with
+ // [ByteStream.Read][google.bytestream.ByteStream.Read] to stream the
+ // standard output.
+ string stdout_stream_name = 3;
+ // If set, the client can use this name with
+ // [ByteStream.Read][google.bytestream.ByteStream.Read] to stream the
+ // standard error.
+ string stderr_stream_name = 4;
+// A request message for [ActionCache.GetActionResult][].
+message GetActionResultRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // The digest of the [Action][] whose result is requested.
+ Digest action_digest = 2;
+// A request message for [ActionCache.UpdateActionResult][].
+message UpdateActionResultRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // The digest of the [Action][] whose result is being uploaded.
+ Digest action_digest = 2;
+ // The [ActionResult][] to store in the cache.
+ ActionResult action_result = 3;
+// A request message for [ContentAddressableStorage.FindMissingBlobs][].
+message FindMissingBlobsRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // A list of the blobs to check.
+ repeated Digest blob_digests = 2;
+// A response message for [ContentAddressableStorage.FindMissingBlobs][].
+message FindMissingBlobsResponse {
+ // A list of the blobs requested *not* present in the storage.
+ repeated Digest missing_blob_digests = 2;
+// A single request message for [ContentAddressableStorage.BatchUpdateBlobs][].
+message UpdateBlobRequest {
+ // The digest of the blob. This MUST be the digest of `data`.
+ Digest content_digest = 1;
+ // The raw binary data.
+ bytes data = 2;
+// A request message for [ContentAddressableStorage.BatchUpdateBlobs][].
+message BatchUpdateBlobsRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // The individual upload requests.
+ repeated UpdateBlobRequest requests = 2;
+// A response message for [ContentAddressableStorage.BatchUpdateBlobs][].
+message BatchUpdateBlobsResponse {
+ // A response corresponding to a single blob that the client tried to upload.
+ message Response {
+ // The digest to which this response corresponds.
+ Digest blob_digest = 1;
+ // The result of attempting to upload that blob.
+ google.rpc.Status status = 2;
+ }
+ // The responses to the requests.
+ repeated Response responses = 1;
+// A request message for [ContentAddressableStorage.GetTree][].
+message GetTreeRequest {
+ // The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
+ // support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
+ // storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
+ // between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
+ // omitted.
+ string instance_name = 1;
+ // The digest of the root, which must be an encoded [Directory][] message
+ // stored in the [ContentAddressableStorage][].
+ Digest root_digest = 2;
+ // A maximum page size to request. If present, the server will request no more
+ // than this many items. Regardless of whether a page size is specified, the
+ // server may place its own limit on the number of items to be returned and
+ // require the client to retrieve more items using a subsequent request.
+ int32 page_size = 3;
+ // A page token, which must be a value received in a previous
+ // [GetTreeResponse][]. If present, the server will use it to return the
+ // following page of results.
+ string page_token = 4;
+// A response message for [ContentAddressableStorage.GetTree][].
+message GetTreeResponse {
+ // The directories descended from the requested root.
+ repeated Directory directories = 1;
+ // If present, signifies that there are more results which the client can
+ // retrieve by passing this as the page_token in a subsequent
+ // [request][GetTreeRequest]. If empty, signifies that this is the last page
+ // of results.
+ string next_page_token = 2;
diff --git a/third_party/googleapis/google/watcher/v1/watch.proto b/third_party/googleapis/google/watcher/v1/watch.proto
index 5d2c4ab..b7d1a0b 100644
--- a/third_party/googleapis/google/watcher/v1/watch.proto
+++ b/third_party/googleapis/google/watcher/v1/watch.proto
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
option go_package = ";watcher";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "WatchProto";
+option java_package = "";
// ## API Overview