Fileset: add a positive assertion (no symlink exclusion) to existing tests.
This change ensures that the symlink is excluded because it was in the exclusion
set, not because its target is missing or any other reason.
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
index abb006c..81c0bf4 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
@@ -644,22 +644,44 @@
private void assertExclusionOfDanglingSymlink(SymlinkBehavior symlinkBehavior) throws Exception {
- Artifact linkName = getSourceArtifact("foo/dangling.sym");
Artifact buildFile = getSourceArtifact("foo/BUILD");
- RootedPath linkTarget = createFile(siblingOf(linkName, "target.file"), "blah");
- linkName.getPath().createSymbolicLink(new PathFragment("target.file"));
- linkTarget.asPath().delete();
- FilesetTraversalParams paramsWithSymlinkCopy =
+ Artifact linkName = getSourceArtifact("foo/file.sym");
+ Artifact linkTarget = getSourceArtifact("foo/file.actual");
+ createFile(linkTarget);
+ linkName.getPath().createSymbolicLink(new PathFragment("file.actual"));
+ // Ensure the symlink and its target would be included if they weren't explicitly excluded.
+ FilesetTraversalParams params =
/* ownerLabel */ label("//foo"),
/* buildFile */ buildFile,
/* destPath */ new PathFragment("output-name"),
- /* excludes */ ImmutableSet.of("dangling.sym"),
+ /* excludes */ ImmutableSet.<String>of(),
/* symlinkBehaviorMode */ symlinkBehavior,
/* pkgBoundaryMode */ PackageBoundaryMode.DONT_CROSS);
- assertSymlinksInOrder(paramsWithSymlinkCopy, symlink("output-name/BUILD", buildFile));
+ assertSymlinksInOrder(
+ params,
+ symlink("output-name/BUILD", buildFile),
+ symlink("output-name/file.actual", linkTarget),
+ symlinkBehavior == SymlinkBehavior.COPY
+ ? symlink("output-name/file.sym", "file.actual")
+ : symlink("output-name/file.sym", linkTarget));
+ // Delete the symlink's target to make it dangling.
+ // Exclude the symlink and make sure it's not included.
+ linkTarget.getPath().delete();
+ differencer.invalidate(ImmutableList.of(FileStateValue.key(rootedPath(linkTarget))));
+ params =
+ FilesetTraversalParamsFactory.recursiveTraversalOfPackage(
+ /* ownerLabel */ label("//foo"),
+ /* buildFile */ buildFile,
+ /* destPath */ new PathFragment("output-name"),
+ /* excludes */ ImmutableSet.of("file.sym"),
+ /* symlinkBehaviorMode */ symlinkBehavior,
+ /* pkgBoundaryMode */ PackageBoundaryMode.DONT_CROSS);
+ assertSymlinksInOrder(params, symlink("output-name/BUILD", buildFile));