Revert "Update protobuf to 3.6.0. Fixes #5439"

This reverts commit 6fd4e0edd4de22dec9eda13dc0b29214f2ca117e.
diff --git a/third_party/protobuf/3.4.0/objectivec/Tests/GPBDictionaryTests+String.m b/third_party/protobuf/3.4.0/objectivec/Tests/GPBDictionaryTests+String.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df1d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/protobuf/3.4.0/objectivec/Tests/GPBDictionaryTests+String.m
@@ -0,0 +1,3359 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2015 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
+#import "GPBDictionary.h"
+#import "GPBTestUtilities.h"
+#import "google/protobuf/UnittestRuntimeProto2.pbobjc.h"
+// Pull in the macros (using an external file because expanding all tests
+// in a single file makes a file that is failing to work with within Xcode.
+//%PDDM-IMPORT-DEFINES GPBDictionaryTests.pddm
+//%PDDM-EXPAND TESTS_FOR_POD_VALUES(String, NSString, *, Objects, @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble")
+// This block of code is generated, do not edit it directly.
+// To let the testing macros work, add some extra methods to simplify things.
+@interface GPBStringEnumDictionary (TestingTweak)
++ (instancetype)dictionaryWithEnum:(int32_t)value forKey:(NSString *)key;
+- (instancetype)initWithEnums:(const int32_t [])values
+                      forKeys:(const NSString * [])keys
+                        count:(NSUInteger)count;
+static BOOL TestingEnum_IsValidValue(int32_t value) {
+  switch (value) {
+    case 700:
+    case 701:
+    case 702:
+    case 703:
+      return YES;
+    default:
+      return NO;
+  }
+@implementation GPBStringEnumDictionary (TestingTweak)
++ (instancetype)dictionaryWithEnum:(int32_t)value forKey:(NSString *)key {
+  // Cast is needed to compiler knows what class we are invoking initWithValues: on to get the
+  // type correct.
+  return [[(GPBStringEnumDictionary*)[self alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                                   rawValues:&value
+                                                                     forKeys:&key
+                                                                       count:1] autorelease];
+- (instancetype)initWithEnums:(const int32_t [])values
+                      forKeys:(const NSString * [])keys
+                        count:(NSUInteger)count {
+  return [self initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                rawValues:values
+                                  forKeys:keys
+                                    count:count];
+#pragma mark - String -> UInt32
+@interface GPBStringUInt32DictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringUInt32DictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict = [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringUInt32Dictionary dictionaryWithUInt32:100U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  uint32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 100U);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  uint32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  uint32_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(uint32_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues1[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U };
+  const uint32_t kValues2[] = { 100U, 103U, 102U };
+  const uint32_t kValues3[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues3
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringUInt32Dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringUInt32Dictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setUInt32:100U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  uint32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeUInt32ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  uint32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeUInt32ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  [dict removeUInt32ForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint32_t kValues[] = { 100U, 101U, 102U, 103U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  uint32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  [dict setUInt32:103U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  [dict setUInt32:101U forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const uint32_t kValues2[] = { 102U, 100U };
+  GPBStringUInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt32s:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 103U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 102U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 100U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 101U);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Int32
+@interface GPBStringInt32DictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringInt32DictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict = [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringInt32Dictionary dictionaryWithInt32:200 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 200);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 200, 201, 202 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  int32_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(int32_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt32sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues1[] = { 200, 201, 202 };
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 200, 203, 202 };
+  const int32_t kValues3[] = { 200, 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues3
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 200, 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringInt32Dictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 200, 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringInt32Dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringInt32Dictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setInt32:200 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 200, 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeInt32ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeInt32ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  [dict removeInt32ForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 200, 201, 202, 203 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  [dict setInt32:203 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  [dict setInt32:201 forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 202, 200 };
+  GPBStringInt32Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt32Dictionary alloc] initWithInt32s:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 203);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 202);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 200);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt32:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 201);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> UInt64
+@interface GPBStringUInt64DictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringUInt64DictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict = [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringUInt64Dictionary dictionaryWithUInt64:300U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  uint64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 300U);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  uint64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  uint64_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(uint64_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndUInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, uint64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues1[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U };
+  const uint64_t kValues2[] = { 300U, 303U, 302U };
+  const uint64_t kValues3[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues3
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringUInt64Dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringUInt64Dictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setUInt64:300U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  uint64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeUInt64ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  uint64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeUInt64ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  [dict removeUInt64ForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const uint64_t kValues[] = { 300U, 301U, 302U, 303U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  uint64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  [dict setUInt64:303U forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  [dict setUInt64:301U forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const uint64_t kValues2[] = { 302U, 300U };
+  GPBStringUInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringUInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithUInt64s:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 303U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 302U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 300U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getUInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 301U);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Int64
+@interface GPBStringInt64DictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringInt64DictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict = [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringInt64Dictionary dictionaryWithInt64:400 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  int64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 400);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 400, 401, 402 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  int64_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(int64_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndInt64sUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int64_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues1[] = { 400, 401, 402 };
+  const int64_t kValues2[] = { 400, 403, 402 };
+  const int64_t kValues3[] = { 400, 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues3
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 400, 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringInt64Dictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 400, 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringInt64Dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict = [GPBStringInt64Dictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setInt64:400 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 400, 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeInt64ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeInt64ForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  [dict removeInt64ForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int64_t kValues[] = { 400, 401, 402, 403 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int64_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  [dict setInt64:403 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  [dict setInt64:401 forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int64_t kValues2[] = { 402, 400 };
+  GPBStringInt64Dictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringInt64Dictionary alloc] initWithInt64s:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 403);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 402);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 400);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getInt64:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 401);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Bool
+@interface GPBStringBoolDictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringBoolDictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict = [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndBoolsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, BOOL aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict = [GPBStringBoolDictionary dictionaryWithBool:YES forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  BOOL value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndBoolsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, BOOL aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, YES);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, YES, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  BOOL value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  BOOL *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(BOOL));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndBoolsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, BOOL aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndBoolsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, BOOL aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues1[] = { YES, YES, NO };
+  const BOOL kValues2[] = { YES, NO, NO };
+  const BOOL kValues3[] = { YES, YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues2
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys2
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues3
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringBoolDictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringBoolDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict = [GPBStringBoolDictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setBool:YES forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  BOOL value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeBoolForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  BOOL value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeBoolForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  [dict removeBoolForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const BOOL kValues[] = { YES, YES, NO, NO };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  BOOL value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  [dict setBool:NO forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  [dict setBool:YES forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const BOOL kValues2[] = { NO, YES };
+  GPBStringBoolDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringBoolDictionary alloc] initWithBools:kValues2
+                                             forKeys:kKeys2
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, NO);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getBool:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, YES);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Float
+@interface GPBStringFloatDictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringFloatDictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict = [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndFloatsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, float aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict = [GPBStringFloatDictionary dictionaryWithFloat:500.f forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  float value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndFloatsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, float aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 500.f);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  float value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  float *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(float));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndFloatsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, float aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndFloatsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, float aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues1[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f };
+  const float kValues2[] = { 500.f, 503.f, 502.f };
+  const float kValues3[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues1
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues3
+                                               forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringFloatDictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringFloatDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict = [GPBStringFloatDictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setFloat:500.f forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  float value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeFloatForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  float value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeFloatForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  [dict removeFloatForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const float kValues[] = { 500.f, 501.f, 502.f, 503.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  float value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  [dict setFloat:503.f forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  [dict setFloat:501.f forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const float kValues2[] = { 502.f, 500.f };
+  GPBStringFloatDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringFloatDictionary alloc] initWithFloats:kValues2
+                                               forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 503.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 502.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 500.f);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getFloat:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 501.f);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Double
+@interface GPBStringDoubleDictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringDoubleDictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict = [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndDoublesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, double aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict = [GPBStringDoubleDictionary dictionaryWithDouble:600. forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  double value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndDoublesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, double aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 600.);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 600., 601., 602. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  double value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  double *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndDoublesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, double aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndDoublesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, double aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues1[] = { 600., 601., 602. };
+  const double kValues2[] = { 600., 603., 602. };
+  const double kValues3[] = { 600., 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues1
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues3
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 600., 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringDoubleDictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 600., 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringDoubleDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict = [GPBStringDoubleDictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setDouble:600. forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  double value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 600., 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeDoubleForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  double value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeDoubleForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  [dict removeDoubleForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const double kValues[] = { 600., 601., 602., 603. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  double value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  [dict setDouble:603. forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  [dict setDouble:601. forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const double kValues2[] = { 602., 600. };
+  GPBStringDoubleDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringDoubleDictionary alloc] initWithDoubles:kValues2
+                                                 forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                   count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 603.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 602.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 600.);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getDouble:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 601.);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Enum
+@interface GPBStringEnumDictionaryTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringEnumDictionaryTests
+- (void)testEmpty {
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict = [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] init];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndEnumsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue, stop)
+    XCTFail(@"Shouldn't get here!");
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testOne {
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict = [GPBStringEnumDictionary dictionaryWithEnum:700 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndEnumsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertEqualObjects(aKey, @"foo");
+    XCTAssertEqual(aValue, 700);
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+  }];
+- (void)testBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 701, 702 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  int32_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(int32_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndEnumsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndEnumsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEquality {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues1[] = { 700, 701, 702 };
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 700, 703, 702 };
+  const int32_t kValues3[] = { 700, 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues2
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues1
+                                             forKeys:kKeys2
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues3
+                                             forKeys:kKeys1
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopy {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new object but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringEnumDictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringEnumDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testAdds {
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict = [GPBStringEnumDictionary dictionary];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setEnum:700 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addRawEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutation {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 701, 702, 703 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                             forKeys:kKeys
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  [dict setEnum:703 forKey:@"foo"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  [dict setEnum:701 forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 702, 700 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues2
+                                             forKeys:kKeys2
+                                               count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addRawEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 703);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 701);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+#pragma mark - String -> Enum (Unknown Enums)
+@interface GPBStringEnumDictionaryUnknownEnumTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation GPBStringEnumDictionaryUnknownEnumTests
+- (void)testRawBasics {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue(dict.validationFunc == TestingEnum_IsValidValue);  // Pointer comparison
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  __block NSUInteger idx = 0;
+  NSString **seenKeys = malloc(3 * sizeof(NSString*));
+  int32_t *seenValues = malloc(3 * sizeof(int32_t));
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndEnumsUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        if (i == 1) {
+          XCTAssertEqual(kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue, seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+        } else {
+          XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndRawValuesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    XCTAssertLessThan(idx, 3U);
+    seenKeys[idx] = aKey;
+    seenValues[idx] = aValue;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(stop, NULL);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    BOOL foundKey = NO;
+    for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && !foundKey; ++j) {
+      if ([kKeys[i] isEqual:seenKeys[j]]) {
+        foundKey = YES;
+        XCTAssertEqual(kValues[i], seenValues[j], @"i = %d, j = %d", i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    XCTAssertTrue(foundKey, @"i = %d", i);
+  }
+  free(seenKeys);
+  free(seenValues);
+  // Stopping the enumeration.
+  idx = 0;
+  [dict enumerateKeysAndRawValuesUsingBlock:^(NSString *aKey, int32_t aValue, BOOL *stop) {
+    #pragma unused(aKey, aValue)
+    if (idx == 1) *stop = YES;
+    XCTAssertNotEqual(idx, 2U);
+    ++idx;
+  }];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testEqualityWithUnknowns {
+  const NSString *kKeys1[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"foo", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues1[] = { 700, 801, 702 };  // Unknown
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 700, 803, 702 };  // Unknown
+  const int32_t kValues3[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };  // Unknowns
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict1 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues1
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict1prime =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues1
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict1prime);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues2
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict3 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues1
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues1)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict3);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict4 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues3
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys1
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues3)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict4);
+  // 1/1Prime should be different objects, but equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict1, dict1prime);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict1, dict1prime);
+  // Equal, so they must have same hash.
+  XCTAssertEqual([dict1 hash], [dict1prime hash]);
+  // 2 is same keys, different values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict2);
+  // 3 is different keys, same values; not equal.
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict3);
+  // 4 extra pair; not equal
+  XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(dict1, dict4);
+  [dict1 release];
+  [dict1prime release];
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict3 release];
+  [dict4 release];
+- (void)testCopyWithUnknowns {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };  // Unknown
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.validationFunc, dict2.validationFunc);  // Pointer comparison
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testDictionaryFromDictionary {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };  // Unknowns
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [GPBStringEnumDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.validationFunc, dict2.validationFunc);  // Pointer comparison
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testUnknownAdds {
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+    [GPBStringEnumDictionary dictionaryWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([dict setEnum:801 forKey:@"bar"],  // Unknown
+                               NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  [dict setRawValue:801 forKey:@"bar"];  // Unknown
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 1U);
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 702, 803 };  // Unknown
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithEnums:kValues
+                                               forKeys:kKeys
+                                                 count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addRawEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  [dict2 release];
+- (void)testUnknownRemove {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };  // Unknowns
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  // Remove again does nothing.
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"bar"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 3U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  [dict removeEnumForKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 2U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict removeAll];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 0U);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertFalse([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testInplaceMutationUnknowns {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };  // Unknowns
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  int32_t value;
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([dict setEnum:803 forKey:@"foo"],  // Unknown
+                               NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  [dict setRawValue:803 forKey:@"foo"];  // Unknown
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  [dict setRawValue:700 forKey:@"mumble"];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  const NSString *kKeys2[] = { @"bar", @"baz" };
+  const int32_t kValues2[] = { 702, 801 };  // Unknown
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues2
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys2
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues2)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  [dict addRawEntriesFromDictionary:dict2];
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.count, 4U);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"foo"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 803);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"bar"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 702);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:NULL forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getRawValue:&value forKey:@"baz"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 801);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:NULL forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict getEnum:&value forKey:@"mumble"]);
+  XCTAssertEqual(value, 700);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+- (void)testCopyUnknowns {
+  const NSString *kKeys[] = { @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble" };
+  const int32_t kValues[] = { 700, 801, 702, 803 };
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict =
+      [[GPBStringEnumDictionary alloc] initWithValidationFunction:TestingEnum_IsValidValue
+                                                        rawValues:kValues
+                                                          forKeys:kKeys
+                                                            count:GPBARRAYSIZE(kValues)];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict);
+  GPBStringEnumDictionary *dict2 = [dict copy];
+  XCTAssertNotNil(dict2);
+  // Should be new pointer, but equal objects.
+  XCTAssertNotEqual(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqualObjects(dict, dict2);
+  XCTAssertEqual(dict.validationFunc, dict2.validationFunc);  // Pointer comparison
+  XCTAssertTrue([dict2 isKindOfClass:[GPBStringEnumDictionary class]]);
+  [dict2 release];
+  [dict release];
+//%PDDM-EXPAND-END TESTS_FOR_POD_VALUES(String, NSString, *, Objects, @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"mumble")