Cquery can report transitions

When the existing `--transitions` flag is set to a non-None value,
cquery will report the configuration its dependencies are configured in.
This allows for pruning away values from ruleInputs which are not
required in the current configuration.

Example output from running:
`bazel cquery --transitions=lite --output=jsonproto 'deps(...)'`:
        "ruleInput": ["@bazel_tools//src/conditions:host_windows", "@bazel_tools//src/tools/launcher:launcher", "@bazel_tools//tools/launcher:launcher_windows"],
        "configuredRuleInput": [{
          "label": "@bazel_tools//src/tools/launcher:launcher",
          "configurationChecksum": "01ec5513a9fc41b2a15570123817f3c2200ad9aeb21b1181d588a4b4f91d5693",
          "configurationId": 3

Previously on a non-Windows platform it was not possible to determine
that the two windows-specific ruleInputs are not actually required - now
we can see from the configuredRuleInput section that the
windows-specific dependencies have been pruned by selection, and we can
see that a transition has re-configured the ruleInput into the exec

For dependencies which were not subject to transition (e.g. because
they're in a non-transition attribute), or which had no configuration
(e.g. because they're a source file), we add the label as a
ConfiguredRuleInput _without_ any configuration information. This
indicates that the dependency has not been pruned, but that the caller
should determine the correct configuration from context (probably be
determining whether it's a source file, and if so, considering it
un-configured, otherwise propagating the contextual ConfiguredTarget's

Fixes #14610
Fixes #14617

Implementation-wise, this took roughly the following shape:
1. Extract TransitionResolver from being inline in TransitionsOutputFormatterCallback
2. Extract KnownTargetsDependencyResolver from TransitionsOutputFormatterCallback.FormatterDependencyResolver
3. Conditionally call these from ProtoOutputFormatterCallback depending
   on the --transitions flag.

Closes #15038.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 445923176
7 files changed
tree: 6486171ebf827db381aca6e76fdeebaafe13658f
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. examples/
  4. scripts/
  5. site/
  6. src/
  7. third_party/
  8. tools/
  9. .bazelrc
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  13. BUILD
  14. CHANGELOG.md
  16. CODEBASE.md
  18. combine_distfiles.py
  19. combine_distfiles_to_tar.sh
  20. compile.sh
  23. distdir.bzl
  24. distdir_deps.bzl
  26. MODULE.bazel
  27. README.md
  28. SECURITY.md
  30. WORKSPACE.bzlmod


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