Move signaledDeps to DirtyBuildingState

This requires using DirtyBuildingState also for the initial evaluation
of a node. As a side effect, this reduces the set of possible states,
which might make it easier to reason about the state.

States: previously, NodeEntry distinguished between initial evaluation
and incremental update, with 2 different states (just created / marked
and evaluating) for each case. With this change, the case distinction
goes away.

This subtly changes the semantics of isDirty(): previously, isDirty
returned false for new nodes; now it returns true for new nodes after
their computation is triggered.

This change should reduce memory consumption of InMemoryNodeEntry
objects per instance for nodes that are done, but at the expense of
additional temporary DirtyBuildingState instances for nodes that are
not done.

I am making this change in preparation for adding another field to the
dirty state, which would otherwise increase memory consumption of all
done nodes.

= Memory consumption
While this decreases the memory consumption of Skyframe nodes in the
done state, it also increases the memory consumption of Skyframe nodes
that have to be recomputed, especially for new nodes, but also for
incrementally updated nodes.

New nodes now have to allocate a DirtyBuildingState instance while they
are in-flight, and incrementally updated nodes now have an additional
field in the DirtyBuildingState. For incrementally updated nodes, the
difference is a wash - we save some in InMemoryNodeEntry and lose the
same amount in DirtyBuildingState.

For clean builds, whether or not this is a reduction in memory use
depends on the ratio of in-flight to done nodes. The higher the ratio,
the higher the memory consumption. Note that the ratio goes to zero at
the end of a build, so this is a strict win for memory consumption at
rest (i.e., between builds), and only a concern while Bazel is active.

For some representative target, I saw ratios of less than 25% at max
during the loading+analysis phase, and dropping off sharply as packages
were completed. During the execution phase, the ratio only barely got
above 10% and usually stayed below 5%.

Assuming a memory difference of 8 bytes per done node (since the Jvm
performs 8-byte alignment), and an increase of 24 bytes per in-flight
node, any ratio below 1/3 is a net win for post-gc memory consumption,
although at the cost of slightly higher gc pressure. This is clearly the
case from the numbers I collected.

For incremental builds, the number of invalidated and recomputed nodes
is usually much, much lower (I saw numbers as low as 0.02%), which
virtually guarantees that this change is a net win.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 233899818
7 files changed
tree: 7d1c57d39ae26dc14a271679a03e5eeb77165d89
  1. .bazelci/
  2. examples/
  3. scripts/
  4. site/
  5. src/
  6. third_party/
  7. tools/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  11. BUILD
  19. distdir.bzl


{Fast, Correct} - Choose two

Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably.

  • Speed up your builds and tests: Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary. With advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis and parallel execution, you get fast and incremental builds.

  • One tool, multiple languages: Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go, and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo.

  • Extensible to your needs: Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community.

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Build status

Bazel is released in ‘Beta’. See the product roadmap to learn about the path toward a stable 1.0 release.