Publish detailed configurable attributes (select()) documentation.

Fixes #2154

PiperOrigin-RevId: 199830177
diff --git a/site/docs/ b/site/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..009b030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/docs/
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+layout: documentation
+title: Configurable Build Attributes
+# Configurable Build Attributes
+### Contents
+* [Example](#example)
+* [Configuration Conditions](#configuration-conditions)
+* [Defaults](#defaults)
+* [Custom Keys](#custom-keys)
+* [Platforms](#platforms)
+* [Short Keys](#short-keys)
+* [Multiple Selects](#multiple-selects)
+* [OR Chaining](#or-chaining)
+* [Custom Error Messages](#custom-error-messages)
+* [Skylark Compatibility](#skylark)
+* [Bazel Query and Cquery](#query)
+* [FAQ](#faq)
+  * [Why doesn't select() work in Skylark](#skylark-macros-select)
+  * [Why does select() always return true in Skylark?](#boolean-select)
+  * [Can I read select() like a dict in Skylark?](#inspectable-select)
+**_Configurable attributes_**, commonly known as [`select()`]
+(be/functions.html#select), is a Bazel feature that lets users toggle the values
+of BUILD rule attributes at the command line.
+This can be used, for example, to write multiplatform libraries that
+automatically choose the right implementation or feature-configurable binaries
+that can be custom assembled at build time.
+## Example
+    name = "mybinary",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = select({
+        ":arm_build": [":arm_lib"],
+        ":x86_debug_build": [":x86_dev_lib"],
+        "//conditions:default": [":generic_lib"]
+    })
+    name = "arm_build",
+    values = { "cpu": "arm" }
+    name = "x86_debug_build",
+    values = {
+      "cpu": "x86",
+      "compilation_mode": "dbg"
+    }
+This declares a `cc_binary` that "chooses" its deps based on the flags at the
+command line. Specficially, `deps` becomes:
+  <tr style="background: #E9E9E9; font-weight: bold">
+    <td>Command</td>
+    <td>deps =</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>bazel build //myapp:mybinary --cpu=arm</code></td>
+    <td><code>[":arm_lib"]</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>bazel build //myapp:mybinary --c dbg --cpu=x86</code></td>
+    <td><code>[":x86_dev_lib"]</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>bazel build //myapp:mybinary --cpu=ppc</code></td>
+    <td><code>[":generic_lib"]</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>bazel build //myapp:mybinary -c dbg --cpu=ppc</code></td>
+    <td><code>[":generic_lib"]</code></td>
+  </tr>
+`select()` turns any attribute into a dictionary that maps _configuration
+conditions_ to desired values. Configuration conditions are build labels that
+reference [`config_setting`](be/general.html#config_setting) rules. Values are
+any value the attribute can normally take.
+Matches must be unambiguous: either exactly one condition must match or, if
+multiple conditions match, one's `values` must be a strict superset of all
+others' (for example, `values = {"cpu": "x86", "compilation_mode": "dbg"}` is an
+unambiguous specialization of `values = {"cpu": "x86"}`). The built-in condition
+[`//conditions:default`](#defaults) automatically matches when nothing else
+This example uses `deps`. But `select()` works just as well on `srcs`,
+`resources`, `cmd`, or practically any other attribute. Only a small number of
+attributes are *non-configurable*, and those are clearly [annotated]
+## Configuration Conditions
+Each key in a configurable attribute is a label reference to a
+[`config_setting`](be/general.html#config_setting) rule. This is just a
+collection of expected command line flag settings. By encapsulating these in a
+rule, it's easy to maintain "standard" conditions that can be referenced across
+rules and BUILD files.
+The core `config_setting` syntax is:
+    name = "meaningful_condition_name",
+    values = {
+        "flag1": "expected_value1",
+        "flag2": "expected_value2",
+        ...
+    }
+`flagN` is an arbitrary Bazel command line flag. `value` is the expected value
+for that flag. A `config_setting` matches when *all* of its flags match.
+`values` entries use the same parsing logic as at the actual command line. This
+*  `values = { "compilation_mode": "opt" }` matches `bazel build -c opt ...`
+*  `values = { "java_header_compilation": "true" }` matches `bazel build
+--java_header_compilation=1 ...`
+*  `values = { "java_header_compilation": "0" }` matches `bazel build
+--nojava_header_compilation ...`
+`config_setting` only works with flags that affect build rule output. For
+example, [`--show_progress`](user-manual.html#flag--show_progress) isn't allowed
+because this only affects how Bazel reports progress to the user.
+`config_setting` semantics are intentionally simple. For example, there's no
+direct support for `OR` chaining (although a
+[Skylark convenience function](#or-chaining) provides this).  Consider writing
+Skylark macros for complicated flag logic.
+## Defaults
+The built-in condition `//conditions:default` matches when no other condition
+Because of the "exactly one match" rule, a configurable attribute with no match
+and no default condition triggers a `"no matching conditions"` error. This can
+protect against silent failures from unexpected build flags:
+    name = "foobar",
+    values = { "define": "foo=bar" }
+    name = "my_lib",
+    srcs = select({
+        ":foobar": [""],
+    })
+$ bazel build //foo:my_lib --define foo=baz
+ERROR: Configurable attribute "srcs" doesn't match this configuration (would
+a default condition help?).
+Conditions checked:
+  //foo:foobar
+`select()` can include a [`no_match_error`](#custom-error-messages) for custom
+failure messages.
+## Custom Keys
+Since `config_setting` currently only supports built-in Bazel flags, the level
+of custom conditioning it can support is limited. For example, there's no Bazel
+flag for `IncludeSpecialProjectFeatureX`.
+Plans for [truly custom flags]
+are underway. In the meantime, [`--define`](user-manual.html#flag--define) is
+the best approach for these purposes.
+`--define` is a bit awkward to use and wasn't originally designed for this
+purpose. We recommend using it sparingly until true custom flags are available.
+For example, don't use `--define` to specify multiple variants of top-level
+binary. Just use multiple rules instead.
+To trigger an arbitrary condition with `--define`, write
+    name = "bar",
+    values = { "define": "foo=bar" }
+    name = "baz",
+    values = { "define": "foo=baz" }
+and run `$ bazel build //my:target --define foo=baz`.
+The `values` attribute can't contain multiple `define`s. This is
+because each instance has the same dictionary key. To solve this, use
+    name = "bar_and_baz",
+    define_values = {
+        "foo": "bar", # matches --define foo=bar
+        "baz": "bat", # matches --define baz=bat
+    }
+When `define`s appear in both `values` and `define_values`, all must match for
+the `config_setting` to match.
+## Platforms
+While the ability to specify multiple flags on the command line provides
+flexibility, it can also be burdensome to individually set each `--cpu`,
+`-crosstool_top`, etc. flag every time you want to build a target. [Platforms]
+( allow you to
+consolidate these into simple bundles.
+    name = "my_rocks_rule",
+    srcs = select({
+        ":basalt" : [""],
+        ":marble" : [""],
+        "//conditions:default": [""]
+    })
+    name = "basalt",
+    constraint_values = [
+        ":igneous",
+        ":black"
+    ]
+    name = "marble",
+    constraint_values = [
+        ":white",
+        ":metamorphic"
+        ":smooth"
+    ]
+constraint_setting(name = "color")
+constraint_value(name = "black", constraint_setting = "color")
+constraint_value(name = "white", constraint_setting = "color")
+constraint_setting(name = "texture")
+constraint_value(name = "smooth", constraint_setting = "texture")
+constraint_setting(name = "type")
+constraint_value(name = "igneous", constraint_setting = "type")
+constraint_value(name = "metamorphic", constraint_setting = "type")
+    name = "basalt_platform",
+    constraint_values = [
+        ":black",
+        ":igneous"]
+    name = "marble_platform",
+    constraint_values = [
+        ":white",
+        ":smooth"
+        ":metamorphic"
+    ]
+The `platform` specified on the command line matches a `config_setting` that
+contains the same set (or a superset) of `constraint_values` and triggers
+that `config_setting` as a match in the `select()` statement.
+For example, in order to set the `srcs` attribute of `my_rocks_rule` to
+``, simply run
+bazel build my_app:my_rocks_rule --platforms=marble_platform
+Without platforms, this might look something like
+bazel build my_app:my_rocks_rule --define color=light --define texture=smooth --define type=metamorphic
+Platforms are still under development. See the [documentation]
+( and [roadmap]
+for details.
+## Short Keys
+Since configuration keys are rule labels, their names can get long and unwieldy.
+This can be mitigated with local variable definitions:
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = select({
+        "//my/project/my/team/configs:config1": [""],
+        "//my/project/my/team/configs:config2": [""],
+    })
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = select({
+        CONFIG1: [""],
+        CONFIG2: [""],
+    })
+For more complex expressions, use [Skylark macros](skylark/
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [],
+    outs = ["my_rule.out"],
+    cmd = select({
+        "//my/project/my/team/configs/config1": "echo custom val: this > $@",
+        "//my/project/my/team/configs/config2": "echo custom val: that > $@",
+        "//conditions:default": "echo default output > $@"
+    })
+def select_echo(input_dict):
+  echo_cmd = "echo %s > $@"
+  out_dict = {"//conditions:default": echo_cmd % "default output" }
+  for (key, val) in input_dict.items():
+    cmd = echo_cmd % ("custom val: " + val)
+    out_dict["//my/project/my/team/configs/config" + key] = cmd
+  return select(out_dict)
+load("//foo:genrule_select.bzl", "select_echo")
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [],
+    outs = ["my_rule.out"],
+    cmd = select_echo({
+        "1": "this",
+        "2": "that",
+    })
+## Multiple Selects
+`select` can appear multiple times in the same attribute:
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [""]
+    + select({
+          ":armeabi_mode": [""],
+          ":x86_mode": [""],
+      })
+    + select({
+          ":opt_mode": [""],
+          ":dbg_mode": [""],
+      })
+`select` cannot appear inside another `select` (i.e. *`AND` chaining*). If you
+need to `AND` selects together, either use an intermediate rule:
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = select({
+        ":armeabi_mode": [":armeabi_lib"],
+        ...
+    })
+    name = "armeabi_lib",
+    srcs = select({
+        ":opt_mode":  [""],
+        ...
+    })
+or write a [Skylark macro](skylark/ to do the same thing
+This approach doesn't work for non-deps attributes (like
+[genrule:cmd](be/general.html#genrule.cmd)). For these, extra `config_settings`
+may be necessary:
+    name = "armeabi_and_opt",
+    values = {
+        "cpu": "armeabi",
+        "compilation_mode": "opt"
+    }
+## OR Chaining
+Consider the following:
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = select({
+        ":config1": [":standard_lib"],
+        ":config2": [":standard_lib"],
+        ":config3": [":standard_lib"],
+        ":config4": [":special_lib"],
+    })
+Most conditions evaluate to the same dep. But this syntax is verbose, hard to
+maintain, and refactoring-unfriendly. It would be nice to not have to repeat
+`[":standard_lib"]` over and over.
+One option is to predefine the declaration as a BUILD variable:
+STANDARD_DEP = [":standard_lib"]
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = select({
+        ":config1": STANDARD_DEP,
+        ":config2": STANDARD_DEP,
+        ":config3": STANDARD_DEP,
+        ":config4": [":special_lib"],
+    })
+This makes it easier to manage the dependency. But it still adds unnecessary
+`select()` doesn't support native syntax for `OR`ed conditions. For this, use
+the [Skylib]( utility [`selects`]
+load("@bazel_skylib//:lib.bzl", "selects")
+    name = "my_rule",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = selects.with_or({
+        (":config1", ":config2", ":config3"): [":standard_lib"],
+        ":config4": [":special_lib"],
+    })
+This automatically expands the `select` to the original syntax above.
+For `AND` chaining, see [here](#multiple-selects).
+## Custom Error Messages
+By default, when no condition matches, the owning rule fails with the error:
+ERROR: Configurable attribute "deps" doesn't match this configuration (would
+a default condition help?).
+Conditions checked:
+  //tools/cc_target_os:darwin
+  //tools/cc_target_os:android
+This can be customized with [`no_match_error`](be/functions.html#select):
+    name = "my_lib",
+    deps = select({
+        "//tools/cc_target_os:android": [":android_deps"],
+        "//tools/cc_target_os:windows": [":windows_deps"],
+    }, no_match_error = "Please build with an Android or Windows toolchain"
+    )
+$ bazel build //foo:my_lib
+ERROR: Configurable attribute "deps" doesn't match this configuration: Please
+build with an Android or Windows toolchain
+## <a name="skylark"></a>Skylark Compatibility
+Skylark is compatible with configurable attributes in limited form.
+Skylark rule implementations receive the *resolved values* of configurable
+attributes. For example, given:
+    name = "my_rule",
+    some_attr = select({
+        ":foo_mode": [":foo"],
+        ":bar_mode": [":bar"],
+    })
+$ bazel build //myproject/my_rule --define mode=foo
+Skylark rule implementation code sees `ctx.attr.some_attr` as `[":foo"]`.
+Skylark macros can accept `select()` clauses and pass them through to native
+rules. But *they cannot directly manipulate them*. For example, there's no way
+for a Skylark macro to convert
+`select({"foo": "val"}, ...)`
+`select({"foo": "val_with_suffix"}, ...)`.
+This is for two reasons.
+First, macros that need to know which path a `select` will choose *cannot work*
+because macros are evaluated in Bazel's [loading phase]
+(user-manual.html#loading-phase), which occurs before flag values are known.
+This is a core Bazel design restriction that's unlikely to change any time soon.
+Second, macros that just need to iterate over *all* `select` paths, while
+technically feasible, lack a coherent UI. Further design is necessary to change
+## <a name="query"></a>Bazel Query and Cquery
+Bazel `query` operates over Bazel's [loading phase]
+(user-manual.html#loading-phase). This means it doesn't know what command line
+flags will be applied to a rule since those flags aren't evaluated until later
+in the build (during the [analysis phase](user-manual.html#analysis-phase)). So
+the [`query`](query.html) command can't accurately determine which path a
+configurable attribute will follow.
+[Bazel `cquery`](cquery.html) has the advantage of being able to parse build
+flags and operating post-analysis phase so it correctly resolves configurable
+attributes. It doesn't have full feature parity with query but supports most
+major functionality and is actively being worked on.
+Querying the following build file...
+    name = "my_lib",
+    deps = select({
+        ":long": [":foo_dep"],
+        ":short": [":bar_dep"],
+    })
+    name = 'long',
+    values = { "define": "dog=dachshund" }
+    name = 'short',
+    values = { "define": "dog=pug" }
+...would return the following results.
+$ bazel query 'deps(//myproject:my_lib)'
+$ bazel cquery 'deps(//myproject:my_lib)' --define dog=pug
+## FAQ
+## <a name="skylark-macros-select"></a>Why doesn't select() work in Skylark?
+select() *does* work in Skylark! See [Skylark compatibility](#skylark) for
+The key issue this question usually means is that select() doesn't work in
+Skylark *macros*. These are different than Skylark *rules*. See the Skylark
+documentation on [rules](skylark/rules.html) and [macros](skylark/macros.html)
+to understand the difference.
+Here's an end-to-end example:
+Define a Skylark rule and macro:
+# myproject/defs.bzl:
+# Rule implementation: when an attribute is read, all select()s have already
+# been resolved. So it looks like a plain old attribute just like any other.
+def _impl(ctx):
+  name =
+  allcaps = ctx.attr.my_config_string.upper()  # This works fine on all values.
+  print("My name is " + name + " with custom message: " + allcaps)
+# Skylark rule declaration:
+my_custom_bazel_rule = rule(
+    implementation = _impl,
+    attrs = {"my_config_string": attr.string()}
+# Skylark macro declaration:
+def my_custom_bazel_macro(name, my_config_string):
+  allcaps = my_config_string.upper() # This line won't work with select(s).
+  print("My name is " + name + " with custom message: " + allcaps)
+Instantiate the rule and macro:
+# myproject/BUILD:
+load("//myproject:defx.bzl", "my_custom_bazel_rule")
+load("//myproject:defs.bzl", "my_custom_bazel_macro")
+    name = "happy_rule",
+    my_config_string = select({
+        "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "first string",
+        "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": "second string",
+    }),
+    name = "happy_macro",
+    my_config_string = "fixed string",
+    name = "sad_macro",
+    my_config_string = select({
+        "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "first string",
+        "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": "other string",
+    }),
+Building fails because `sad_macro` can't process the `select()`:
+$ bazel build //myproject:all
+ERROR: /myworkspace/myproject/BUILD:17:1: Traceback
+  (most recent call last):
+File "/myworkspace/myproject/BUILD", line 17
+my_custom_bazel_macro(name = "sad_macro", my_config_stri..."}))
+File "/myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl", line 4, in
+  my_custom_bazel_macro
+type 'select' has no method upper().
+ERROR: error loading package 'myproject': Package 'myproject' contains errors.
+Building succeeds when we comment out `sad_macro`:
+# Comment out sad_macro so it doesn't mess up the build.
+$ bazel build //myproject:all
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:5:3: My name is happy_macro with custom message: FIXED STRING.
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/hi.bzl:15:3: My name is happy_rule with custom message: FIRST STRING.
+This is impossible to change because *by definition* macros are evaluated before
+Bazel reads the build's command line flags. That means there isn't enough
+information to evaluate select()s.
+Macros can, however, pass `select()`s as opaque blobs to rules:
+# myproject/defs.bzl:
+def my_custom_bazel_macro(name, my_config_string):
+  print("Invoking macro " + name)
+  my_custom_bazel_rule(
+      name = name + "_as_rule",
+      my_config_string = my_config_string)
+$ bazel build //myproject:sad_macro_less_sad
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:23:3: Invoking macro sad_macro_less_sad.
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:15:3: My name is sad_macro_less_sad with custom message: FIRST STRING.
+## <a name="boolean-select"></a>Why does select() always return true in Skylark?
+Because Skylark *macros* (but not rules) by definition
+[can't evaluate select(s)](#skylark-macros-select), any attempt to do so
+usually produces a an error:
+ERROR: /myworkspace/myproject/BUILD:17:1: Traceback
+  (most recent call last):
+File "/myworkspace/myproject/BUILD", line 17
+my_custom_bazel_macro(name = "sad_macro", my_config_stri..."}))
+File "/myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl", line 4, in
+  my_custom_bazel_macro
+type 'select' has no method upper().
+Booleans are a special case that fail silently, so you should be particularly
+vigilant with them:
+$ cat myproject/defs.bzl:
+def my_boolean_macro(boolval):
+  print("TRUE" if boolval else "FALSE")
+$ cat myproject/BUILD:
+load("//myproject:defx.bzl", "my_boolean_macro")
+    boolval = select({
+        "//tools/target_cpu:x86": True,
+        "//tools/target_cpu:ppc": False,
+    }),
+$ bazel build //myproject:all --cpu=x86
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:4:3: TRUE.
+$ bazel build //myproject:all --cpu=ppc
+DEBUG: /myworkspace/myproject/defs.bzl:4:3: TRUE.
+This happens because Skylark macros don't understand the contents of `select()`.
+So what they're really evaluting is the `select()` object itself. According to
+[Pythonic]( design
+standards, all objects aside from a very small number of exceptions
+automatically return true.
+## <a name="inspectable-select"></a>Can I read select() like a dict in Skylark?
+Fine. Skylark macros [can't](#skylark-macros-select) evaluate select(s) because
+macros are evaluated before Bazel knows what the command line flags are.
+Can macros at least read the `select()`'s dictionary, say, to add an extra
+suffix to each branch?
+Conceptually this is possible. But this isn't yet implemented and is not
+currently prioritized.
+What you *can* do today is prepare a straight dictionary, then feed it into a
+$ cat myproject/defs.bzl
+def selecty_genrule(name, select_cmd):
+  for key in select_cmd.keys():
+    select_cmd[key] += " WITH SUFFIX"
+  native.genrule(
+      name = name,
+      outs = [name + ".out"],
+      srcs = [],
+      cmd = "echo " + select(select_cmd + {"//conditions:default": "default"})
+        + " > $@"
+  )
+$ cat myproject/BUILD
+    name = "selecty",
+    select_cmd = {
+        "//tools/target_cpu:x86": "x86 mode",
+    },
+$ bazel build //testapp:selecty --cpu=x86 && cat bazel-genfiles/testapp/selecty.out
+x86 mode WITH SUFFIX
+If you'd like to support both `select()` and native types, you can do this:
+$ cat myproject/defs.bzl
+def selecty_genrule(name, select_cmd):
+  cmd_suffix = ""
+  if type(select_cmd) == "string":
+    cmd_suffix = select_cmd + " WITH SUFFIX"
+  elif type(select_cmd) == "dict":
+    for key in select_cmd.keys():
+      select_cmd[key] += " WITH SUFFIX"
+    cmd_suffix = select(select_cmd + {"//conditions:default": "default"})
+  native.genrule(
+      name = name,
+      outs = [name + ".out"],
+      srcs = [],
+      cmd = "echo " + cmd_suffix + "> $@")