Improve the JDK and JRE filegroups to include all the necessary parts. Then fix the Skylark rules and tests that so far failed to declare dependencies on the JVM.

diff --git a/tools/jdk/BUILD b/tools/jdk/BUILD
index 87b3a0b..58db282 100644
--- a/tools/jdk/BUILD
+++ b/tools/jdk/BUILD
@@ -60,6 +60,17 @@
 # This one is just needed because of how filegroup redirection works.
+filegroup(name = "jre-null")
+    name = "jre",
+    srcs = [
+        ":jre-null",
+        "//external:jre-default",
+    ],
+# This one is just needed because of how filegroup redirection works.
 filegroup(name = "jdk-null")