Separate java_tools into platform independent and prebuilt part.

java_tools is repository package containing tools needed during Java compilation: JavaBuilder, patches for Java compiler, ijar, singlejar, ...
Most of the files are jars with Java classes. java_tools are released for three platforms: linux, windows and darwin, however the only difference is in two binaries: ijar and singlejar.

This is part one of splitting java_tools and releasing split version (following PR makes use of released split version in Bazel)

Java_tools used to be released for multiple Java versions, but all the releases were the same except a some string substitutions in BUILD file. I changed to build only a single version, since it already supports Java from 8 to 14.

- BUILD.java_tools is split into BUILD.java_tools_prebuilt (where the second contains prebuilt binaries)
- toolchain definitions are removed from BUILD.java_tools and will be added to tools/jdk/BUILD in the second part
- java_toolchain_default.bzl.java_tools is removed (default_java_toolchain.bzl will be updated with its features in the second part).
- src/BUILD: JAVA_VERSION is removed, targets used to build are duplicated to build (done some cleanup as well)
- and used by Build kite, I removed java_version over the release, but kept it over tests (for different JDKs)
- used by the user in the release process - added platform independent part
- tests are updated to use platform independent and platform files, some tests had to be disabled and will be reenabled after the release

Closes #12546.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 344319092
diff --git a/src/BUILD b/src/BUILD
index f00e228..b39dc0d 100644
--- a/src/BUILD
+++ b/src/BUILD
@@ -552,6 +552,39 @@
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+# The java_tools release process produces following zip files:
+#  - all sources (Java and C++)
+#  - platform independent part - Java classes (deploy jars) and C++ sources
+#  - C++ binaries (for platforms: Linux, Darwin and Windows)
+# The files are then used in Bazel as @remote_java_tools and @remote_java_tools_{platform}
+# repositories.
+# The zip files are not embedded or used in Bazel.
+# Following target build - the sources
+    name = "java_tools_dist",
+    srcs = [
+        "//src/java_tools/buildjar:srcs",
+        "//src/java_tools/junitrunner:srcs",
+        "//src/java_tools/singlejar:srcs",
+        "//src/tools/singlejar:embedded_java_tools",
+        "//third_party/checker_framework_dataflow:srcs",
+        "//third_party/checker_framework_javacutil:srcs",
+        "//third_party/ijar:transitive_sources",
+        "//third_party/java/jacoco:transitive_sources",
+        "//third_party/java/proguard:srcs",
+        "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:srcs",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "zip -qXr $@ $$(echo $(SRCS) | sort)",
+    output_to_bindir = 1,
+    visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
+# Following targets build - platform independent part of java_tools
+# It is painstainkingly built by renaming single files, zipping them and merging zips together
+# TODO(bazel-team): Replace this with a single target, for example "release_archive" in rules_kotlin
@@ -559,174 +592,139 @@
-] + select({
-    "//src/conditions:arm": ["//src/java_tools/singlejar/java/com/google/devtools/build/singlejar:bazel-singlejar_deploy.jar"],
-    "//conditions:default": [],
-JAVA_VERSIONS = ("11",)
-    genrule(
-        name = "jars_java_tools_java" + java_version + "_zip",
-        srcs = JAVA_TOOLS_DEPLOY_JARS + [
-            "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:jdk_compiler_jar",
-            "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:java_compiler_jar",
-            "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:javac_jar",
-        ],
-        outs = ["jars_java_tools_java" + java_version + ".zip"],
-        cmd = "zip -qjX $@ $$(echo $(SRCS) | sort)",
-        visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    "//src/java_tools/singlejar/java/com/google/devtools/build/singlejar:bazel-singlejar_deploy.jar",
-    genrule(
-        name = "java_tools_dist_java" + java_version,
-        srcs = [
-            "//src/java_tools/buildjar:srcs",
-            "//src/java_tools/junitrunner:srcs",
-            "//src/java_tools/singlejar:srcs",
-            "//src/tools/singlejar:embedded_java_tools",
-            "//third_party/checker_framework_dataflow:srcs",
-            "//third_party/checker_framework_javacutil:srcs",
-            "//third_party/ijar:transitive_sources",
-            "//third_party/java/jacoco:transitive_sources",
-            "//third_party/java/proguard:srcs",
-            "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:srcs",
-        ],
-        outs = ["java_tools_dist_javac" + java_version + ".zip"],
-        cmd = "zip -qXr $@ $$(echo $(SRCS) | sort)",
-        output_to_bindir = 1,
-        visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "jars_java_tools_zip",
+    srcs = JAVA_TOOLS_DEPLOY_JARS + [
+        "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:jdk_compiler_jar",
+        "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:java_compiler_jar",
+        "@java_tools_langtools_javac11//:javac_jar",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "zip -qjX $@ $$(echo $(SRCS) | sort)",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    # Targets used by the java_tools_binaries Buildkite pipeline to build the
-    # java_tools_dist_java* zips and upload them to a tmp directory in GCS.
-    sh_binary(
-        name = "upload_java_tools_dist_java" + java_version,
-        srcs = [""],
-        args = [
-            "--java_tools_zip",
-            "src/java_tools_dist_javac" + java_version + ".zip",
-            "--gcs_java_tools_dir",
-            "tmp/sources",
-            "--java_version",
-            java_version,
-            "--platform",
-        ] + select({
-            "//src/conditions:darwin": ["darwin"],
-            "//src/conditions:windows": ["windows"],
-            "//src/conditions:linux": ["linux"],
-            "//conditions:default": ["unknown"],
-        }),
-        data = [":java_tools_dist_java" + java_version],
-        deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "java_tools_build_zip",
+    srcs = ["//tools/jdk:BUILD.java_tools"],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "cat $(SRCS) > BUILD; zip -qjX $@ BUILD",
-    # The java_tools releases can have BUILD files that vary depending on the
-    # javac version they embed. Currently the only difference is in the
-    # java_toolchain source version which has to be 14 for javac 14 to be able
-    # to build new Java 14 features. This is not used atm, as the toolchain for
-    # javac 14 was duplicated, but it might be used in future Bazel releases to
-    # support new javac release, so that we preserve this step for now.
-    [
-        genrule(
-            name = "create_java_tools_build_java" + java_version,
-            srcs = ["//tools/jdk:BUILD.java_tools"],
-            outs = ["remote_java_tools_java" + java_version + "/BUILD"],
-            cmd = "sed 's/JAVA_LANGUAGE_LEVEL/" + java_version + "/g' $< > $@",
-        ),
-        genrule(
-            name = "create_java_tools_default_java" + java_version,
-            srcs = ["//tools/jdk:java_toolchain_default.bzl.java_tools"],
-            outs = ["remote_java_tools_java" + java_version + "/java_toolchain_default.bzl"],
-            cmd = "cp $< $@",
-        ),
-    ]
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "java_tools_no_build_zip",
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+        "//src/tools/singlejar:singlejar_transitive_zip",
+        "//third_party/ijar:ijar_transitive_srcs_zip",
+        "//third_party/java/jacoco:jacoco_jars_zip",
+        "//third_party/java/proguard:proguard_zip",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) java_tools $@ $(SRCS)",
+    output_to_bindir = 1,
+    tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
+    visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-    genrule(
-        name = "java_tools_java" + java_version + "_build_zip",
-        srcs = [
-            "remote_java_tools_java" + java_version + "/BUILD",
-            "remote_java_tools_java" + java_version + "/java_toolchain_default.bzl",
-        ],
-        outs = ["java_tools_java_" + java_version + ""],
-        cmd = "zip -qjX $@ $(SRCS)",
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "java_tools_zip",
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) - $@ $(SRCS)",
+    output_to_bindir = 1,
+    tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
+    visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-# Builds the remote Java tools archive. Not embedded or used in Bazel, but used
-# by the Java tools release process.
-    genrule(
-        name = "java_tools_java" + java_version + "_no_build_zip",
-        srcs = [
-            ":jars_java_tools_java" + java_version + ".zip",
-            "//src/tools/singlejar:singlejar_transitive_zip",
-            "//third_party/ijar:ijar_transitive_zip",
-            "//third_party/java/jacoco:jacoco_jars_zip",
-            "//third_party/java/proguard:proguard_zip",
-        ],
-        outs = ["java_tools_java" + java_version + ""],
-        cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) java_tools $@ $(SRCS)",
-        output_to_bindir = 1,
-        tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
-        visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+# Following targets build part of java_tools
+# It is painstainkingly built by renaming single files, zipping them and merging zips together
+# TODO(bazel-team): Replace this with a single target, for example "release_archive" in rules_kotlin
+    name = "java_tools_prebuilt_build_zip",
+    srcs = ["//tools/jdk:BUILD.java_tools_prebuilt"],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "cat $(SRCS) > BUILD; zip -qjX $@ BUILD",
-    genrule(
-        name = "java_tools_java" + java_version + "_zip",
-        srcs = [
-            "java_tools_java" + java_version + "",
-            "java_tools_java_" + java_version + "",
-        ],
-        outs = ["java_tools_java" + java_version + ".zip"],
-        cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) - $@ $(SRCS)",
-        output_to_bindir = 1,
-        tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
-        visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "java_tools_prebuilt_no_build_zip",
+    srcs = [
+        "//src/tools/singlejar:singlejar_deploy_zip",
+        "//third_party/ijar:ijar_deploy_zip",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) java_tools $@ $(SRCS)",
+    output_to_bindir = True,
+    tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
+    visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
-    # Targets used by the java_tools_binaries Buildkite pipeline to build the
-    # java_tools_java* zips and upload them to a tmp directory in GCS.
-    sh_binary(
-        name = "upload_java_tools_java" + java_version,
-        srcs = [""],
-        args = [
-            "--gcs_java_tools_dir",
-            "tmp/build",
-            "--java_version",
-            java_version,
-            "--platform",
-        ] + select({
-            "//src/conditions:darwin": ["darwin"],
-            "//src/conditions:windows": ["windows"],
-            "//src/conditions:linux": ["linux"],
-            "//conditions:default": ["unknown"],
-        }),
-        data = [":java_tools_java" + java_version + "_zip"],
-        deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
-    )
-    for java_version in JAVA_VERSIONS
+    name = "java_tools_prebuilt_zip",
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    outs = [""],
+    cmd = "$(location //src:merge_zip_files) - $@ $(SRCS)",
+    output_to_bindir = 1,
+    tools = ["//src:merge_zip_files"],
+    visibility = ["//src/test/shell/bazel:__pkg__"],
+# Following targets used by the java_tools_binaries Buildkite pipeline to upload
+# the java_tools_*.zip to either tmp/sources or tmp/build directories in GCS.
+    name = "upload_java_tools_dist",
+    srcs = [""],
+    args = [
+        "--java_tools_zip",
+        "src/",
+        "--gcs_java_tools_dir",
+        "tmp/sources",
+    ],
+    data = [":java_tools_dist"],
+    deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
+    name = "upload_java_tools",
+    srcs = [""],
+    args = [
+        "--java_tools_zip",
+        "src/",
+        "--gcs_java_tools_dir",
+        "tmp/build",
+    ],
+    data = [":java_tools_zip"],
+    deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
+    name = "upload_java_tools_prebuilt",
+    srcs = [""],
+    args = [
+        "--java_tools_zip",
+        "src/",
+        "--gcs_java_tools_dir",
+        "tmp/build",
+        "--platform",
+    ] + select({
+        "//src/conditions:darwin": ["darwin"],
+        "//src/conditions:windows": ["windows"],
+        "//src/conditions:linux": ["linux"],
+        "//conditions:default": ["unknown"],
+    }),
+    data = [":java_tools_prebuilt_zip"],
+    deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
 # Part of the Java tools remote archive. Not embedded or used in Bazel.