Allow Skylark rules to specify whether targets can add execution platform constraints.
Closes #5341.
Change-Id: Ib74e59fec48102469a5039e045e3f3d0e0d86d8c
PiperOrigin-RevId: 200526448
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
index 9237cea..b1eef7d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/
@@ -318,6 +318,8 @@
SkylarkList<String> toolchains,
String doc,
SkylarkList<?> providesArg,
+ Boolean executionPlatformConstraintsAllowed,
+ SkylarkList<?> execCompatibleWith,
FuncallExpression ast,
Environment funcallEnv)
throws EvalException, ConversionException {
@@ -399,6 +401,16 @@
+ if (!execCompatibleWith.isEmpty()) {
+ builder.addExecutionPlatformConstraints(
+ collectConstraintLabels(
+ execCompatibleWith.getContents(String.class, "exec_compatile_with"),
+ ast.getLocation()));
+ }
+ if (executionPlatformConstraintsAllowed) {
+ builder.executionPlatformConstraintsAllowed(ExecutionPlatformConstraintsAllowed.PER_TARGET);
+ }
return new SkylarkRuleFunction(builder, type, attributes, ast.getLocation());
@@ -445,6 +457,22 @@
+ private static ImmutableList<Label> collectConstraintLabels(
+ Iterable<String> rawLabels, Location loc) throws EvalException {
+ ImmutableList.Builder<Label> constraintLabels = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
+ for (String rawLabel : rawLabels) {
+ try {
+ Label constraintLabel = Label.parseAbsolute(rawLabel);
+ constraintLabels.add(constraintLabel);
+ } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
+ throw new EvalException(
+ loc, String.format("Unable to parse constraint %s: %s", rawLabel, e.getMessage()), e);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
public SkylarkAspect aspect(
BaseFunction implementation,
@@ -657,7 +685,11 @@
addAttribute(definitionLocation, builder,;
- this.ruleClass =, skylarkLabel + "%" + ruleClassName);
+ try {
+ this.ruleClass =, skylarkLabel + "%" + ruleClassName);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) {
+ throw new EvalException(location, ex);
+ }
this.builder = null;
this.attributes = null;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/
index 53d25e8..645db6c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylarkbuildapi/
@@ -266,6 +266,30 @@
+ "It is an error if a provider is listed here and the rule "
+ "implementation function does not return it."
+ @Param(
+ name = "execution_platform_constraints_allowed",
+ type = Boolean.class,
+ named = true,
+ positional = false,
+ defaultValue = "False",
+ doc =
+ "If true, a special attribute named <code>exec_compatible_with</code> of "
+ + "label-list type is added, which must not already exist in "
+ + "<code>attrs</code>. Targets may use this attribute to specify additional "
+ + "constraints on the execution platform beyond those given in the "
+ + "<code>exec_compatible_with</code> argument to <code>rule()</code>."
+ ),
+ @Param(
+ name = "exec_compatible_with",
+ type = SkylarkList.class,
+ generic1 = String.class,
+ named = true,
+ positional = false,
+ defaultValue = "[]",
+ doc =
+ "A list of constraints on the execution platform that apply to all targets of "
+ + "this rule type."
+ )
useAst = true,
useEnvironment = true
@@ -283,6 +307,8 @@
SkylarkList<String> toolchains,
String doc,
SkylarkList<?> providesArg,
+ Boolean executionPlatformConstraintsAllowed,
+ SkylarkList<?> execCompatibleWith,
FuncallExpression ast,
Environment funcallEnv)
throws EvalException;
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
index e1029ec..dc1a170 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skylark/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
@@ -1625,6 +1626,51 @@
+ public void testRuleAddExecutionConstraints() throws Exception {
+ registerDummyUserDefinedFunction();
+ scratch.file("test/BUILD", "toolchain_type(name = 'my_toolchain_type')");
+ evalAndExport(
+ "r1 = rule(",
+ " implementation = impl,",
+ " toolchains=['//test:my_toolchain_type'],",
+ " exec_compatible_with=['//constraint:cv1', '//constraint:cv2'],",
+ ")");
+ RuleClass c = ((SkylarkRuleFunction) lookup("r1")).getRuleClass();
+ assertThat(c.getExecutionPlatformConstraints())
+ .containsExactly(makeLabel("//constraint:cv1"), makeLabel("//constraint:cv2"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTargetsCanAddExecutionPlatformConstraints() throws Exception {
+ registerDummyUserDefinedFunction();
+ scratch.file("test/BUILD", "toolchain_type(name = 'my_toolchain_type')");
+ evalAndExport(
+ "r1 = rule(impl, ",
+ " toolchains=['//test:my_toolchain_type'],",
+ " execution_platform_constraints_allowed=True,",
+ ")");
+ RuleClass c = ((SkylarkRuleFunction) lookup("r1")).getRuleClass();
+ assertThat(c.executionPlatformConstraintsAllowed())
+ .isEqualTo(ExecutionPlatformConstraintsAllowed.PER_TARGET);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTargetsCanAddExecutionPlatformConstraints_attrAlreadyDefined() throws Exception {
+ registerDummyUserDefinedFunction();
+ scratch.file("test/BUILD", "toolchain_type(name = 'my_toolchain_type')");
+ ev.setFailFast(false);
+ evalAndExport(
+ "r1 = rule(impl, ",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'exec_compatible_with': attr.label_list(),",
+ " },",
+ " toolchains=['//test:my_toolchain_type'],",
+ " execution_platform_constraints_allowed=True,",
+ ")");
+ ev.assertContainsError("Rule should not already define the attribute \"exec_compatible_with\"");
+ }
+ @Test
public void testRuleFunctionReturnsNone() throws Exception {
"def _impl(ctx):",
diff --git a/src/test/shell/bazel/ b/src/test/shell/bazel/
index 748182c..097e874 100755
--- a/src/test/shell/bazel/
+++ b/src/test/shell/bazel/
@@ -734,4 +734,184 @@
+function test_rule_with_default_execution_constraints() {
+ write_test_toolchain
+ write_register_toolchain
+ # Add test platforms.
+ mkdir -p platforms
+ cat >> platforms/BUILD <<EOF
+constraint_setting(name = 'setting')
+constraint_value(name = 'value1', constraint_setting = ':setting')
+constraint_value(name = 'value2', constraint_setting = ':setting')
+ name = 'platform1',
+ constraint_values = [':value1'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ name = 'platform2',
+ constraint_values = [':value2'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ # Add a rule with default execution constraints.
+ mkdir -p demo
+ cat >> demo/rule.bzl <<EOF
+def _impl(ctx):
+ return []
+sample_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {},
+ exec_compatible_with = [
+ '//platforms:value2',
+ ],
+ toolchains = ['//toolchain:test_toolchain'],
+ # Use the new rule.
+ cat >> demo/BUILD <<EOF
+load(':rule.bzl', 'sample_rule')
+sample_rule(name = 'use')
+ # Build the target, using debug messages to verify the correct platform was selected.
+ bazel build \
+ --extra_execution_platforms=//platforms:all \
+ --toolchain_resolution_debug \
+ //demo:use &> $TEST_log || fail "Build failed"
+ expect_log "Selected execution platform //platforms:platform2"
+function test_target_with_execution_constraints() {
+ write_test_toolchain
+ write_register_toolchain
+ # Add test platforms.
+ mkdir -p platforms
+ cat >> platforms/BUILD <<EOF
+package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+constraint_setting(name = 'setting')
+constraint_value(name = 'value1', constraint_setting = ':setting')
+constraint_value(name = 'value2', constraint_setting = ':setting')
+ name = 'platform1',
+ constraint_values = [':value1'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ name = 'platform2',
+ constraint_values = [':value2'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ # Add a rule with default execution constraints.
+ mkdir -p demo
+ cat >> demo/rule.bzl <<EOF
+def _impl(ctx):
+ return []
+sample_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {},
+ toolchains = ['//toolchain:test_toolchain'],
+ execution_platform_constraints_allowed = True,
+ # Use the new rule.
+ cat >> demo/BUILD <<EOF
+load(':rule.bzl', 'sample_rule')
+ name = 'use',
+ exec_compatible_with = [
+ '//platforms:value2',
+ ],
+ # Build the target, using debug messages to verify the correct platform was selected.
+ bazel build \
+ --extra_execution_platforms=//platforms:all \
+ --toolchain_resolution_debug \
+ //demo:use &> $TEST_log || fail "Build failed"
+ expect_log "Selected execution platform //platforms:platform2"
+function test_rule_and_target_with_execution_constraints() {
+ write_test_toolchain
+ write_register_toolchain
+ # Add test platforms.
+ mkdir -p platforms
+ cat >> platforms/BUILD <<EOF
+package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+constraint_setting(name = 'setting1')
+constraint_value(name = 'value1', constraint_setting = ':setting1')
+constraint_value(name = 'value2', constraint_setting = ':setting1')
+constraint_setting(name = 'setting2')
+constraint_value(name = 'value3', constraint_setting = ':setting2')
+constraint_value(name = 'value4', constraint_setting = ':setting2')
+ name = 'platform1_3',
+ constraint_values = [':value1', ':value3'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ name = 'platform1_4',
+ constraint_values = [':value1', ':value4'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ name = 'platform2_3',
+ constraint_values = [':value2', ':value3'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ name = 'platform2_4',
+ constraint_values = [':value2', ':value4'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'])
+ # Add a rule with default execution constraints.
+ mkdir -p demo
+ cat >> demo/rule.bzl <<EOF
+def _impl(ctx):
+ return []
+sample_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {},
+ exec_compatible_with = [
+ '//platforms:value2',
+ ],
+ toolchains = ['//toolchain:test_toolchain'],
+ execution_platform_constraints_allowed = True,
+ # Use the new rule.
+ cat >> demo/BUILD <<EOF
+load(':rule.bzl', 'sample_rule')
+ name = 'use',
+ exec_compatible_with = [
+ '//platforms:value4',
+ ],
+ # Build the target, using debug messages to verify the correct platform was selected.
+ bazel build \
+ --extra_execution_platforms=//platforms:all \
+ --toolchain_resolution_debug \
+ //demo:use &> $TEST_log || fail "Build failed"
+ expect_log "Selected execution platform //platforms:platform2_4"
run_suite "toolchain tests"