Update dict docs

PiperOrigin-RevId: 145859025
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
index 20ebb72..ca5d69d 100644
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
+++ b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
@@ -204,44 +204,45 @@
 The following items are upcoming changes.
-* Comprehensions currently "leak" the values of their loop variables into the
-  surrounding scope (Python 2 semantics). This will be changed so that
-  comprehension variables are local (Python 3 semantics).
+*   Comprehensions currently "leak" the values of their loop variables into the
+    surrounding scope (Python 2 semantics). This will be changed so that
+    comprehension variables are local (Python 3 semantics).
-* Previously dictionaries were guaranteed to use sorted order for their keys.
-  Going forward, there is no guarantee on order besides that it is
-  deterministic. As an implementation matter, some kinds of dictionaries may
-  continue to use sorted order while others may use insertion order.
+*   Previously dictionaries were guaranteed to use sorted order for their keys.
+    Going forward, there is no guarantee on order besides that it is
+    deterministic. As an implementation matter, some kinds of dictionaries may
+    continue to use sorted order while others may use insertion order.
-* The `+=` operator and similar operators are currently syntactic sugar;
-  `x += y` is the same as `x = x + y`. This will change to follow Python
-  semantics, so that for mutable collection datatypes, `x += y` will be a
-  mutation to the value of `x` rather than a rebinding of the variable `x`
-  itself to a new value. E.g. for lists, `x += y` will be the same as
-  `x.extend(y)`.
+*   The `+=` operator and similar operators are currently syntactic sugar; `x +=
+    y` is the same as `x = x + y`. This will change to follow Python semantics,
+    so that for mutable collection datatypes, `x += y` will be a mutation to the
+    value of `x` rather than a rebinding of the variable `x` itself to a new
+    value. E.g. for lists, `x += y` will be the same as `x.extend(y)`.
-* The `+` operator is defined for dictionaries, returning an immutable
-  concatenated dictionary created from the entries of the original
-  dictionaries. This will be going away. The same result can be achieved using
-  `dict(a.items() + b.items())`. Likewise, there is a `+` operator for sets that
-  will be going away; users should use `|` instead.
+*   The "set" datatype is being renamed to "depset" in order to avoid confusion
+    with Python's sets, which behave very differently.
-* The order comparison operators (<, <=, >=, >) are currently defined across
-  different types of values, e.g., you can write `5 < 'foo'`. This will be an
-  error, just like in Python 3. Note that this means you will be unable to
-  sort lists that contain mixed types of values.
+*   The `+` operator is defined for dictionaries, returning an immutable
+    concatenated dictionary created from the entries of the original
+    dictionaries. This will be going away. The same result can be achieved using
+    `dict(a.items() + b.items())`.
-* The structure of the set that you get back from using the `+` or `|` operator
-  is changing. Previously `a + b`, where `a` is a set, would include as its
-  direct items all of `a`'s direct items. Under the upcoming way, the result
-  will only include `a` as a single transitive entity. This will alter the
-  visible iteration order of the returned set. Most notably,
-  `set([1, 2]) + set([3, 4] + set([5, 6])` will return elements in the order
-  `1 2 3 4 5 6` instead of `3 4 5 6 1 2`. This change is associated with a fix
-  that improves set union to be O(1) time.
+*   The `|` operator is defined for depsets as a synonym for `+`. This will be
+    going away; use `+` instead.
-* The set datatype will be renamed in order to avoid confusion with Python's
-  set datatype, which behaves very differently.
+*   The order comparison operators (<, <=, >=, >) are currently defined across
+    different types of values, e.g., you can write `5 < 'foo'`. This will be an
+    error, just like in Python 3. Note that this means you will be unable to
+    sort lists that contain mixed types of values.
+*   The structure of the set that you get back from using the `+` or `|`
+    operator is changing. Previously `a + b`, where `a` is a set, would include
+    as its direct items all of `a`'s direct items. Under the upcoming way, the
+    result will only include `a` as a single transitive entity. This will alter
+    the visible iteration order of the returned set. Most notably, `set([1,
+    2]) + set([3, 4] + set([5, 6])` will return elements in the order `1 2 3 4 5
+    6` instead of `3 4 5 6 1 2`. This change is associated with a fix that
+    improves set union to be O(1) time.
 These changes concern the `load()` syntax in particular.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/MethodLibrary.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/MethodLibrary.java
index 0dddafb..b2143df 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/MethodLibrary.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/MethodLibrary.java
@@ -1720,9 +1720,12 @@
     returnType = SkylarkDict.class,
     doc =
         "Creates a <a href=\"dict.html\">dictionary</a> from an optional positional "
-            + "argument and an optional set of keyword arguments. Values from the keyword "
-            + "argument will overwrite values from the positional argument if a key appears "
-            + "multiple times.",
+            + "argument and an optional set of keyword arguments. In the case where the same key "
+            + "is given multiple times, the last value will be used. Entries supplied via keyword "
+            + "arguments are considered to come after entries supplied via the positional "
+            + "argument. Note that the iteration order for dictionaries is deterministic but "
+            + "unspecified, and not necessarily related to the order in which keys are given to "
+            + "this function.",
     parameters = {
         name = "args",
@@ -1730,7 +1733,7 @@
         defaultValue = "[]",
         doc =
             "Either a dictionary or a list of entries. Entries must be tuples or lists with "
-                + "exactly two elements: key, value"
+                + "exactly two elements: key, value."
     extraKeywords = @Param(name = "kwargs", doc = "Dictionary of additional entries."),
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkDict.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkDict.java
index ad0a97d..d622a7c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkDict.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/syntax/SkylarkDict.java
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@
 @SkylarkModule(name = "dict",
     category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
-    doc = "A language built-in type to support dicts. "
-    + "Example of dict literal:<br>"
+    doc = "A language built-in type representating a dictionary (associative mapping). "
+    + "Dictionaries may be constructed with a special literal syntax:<br>"
     + "<pre class=\"language-python\">d = {\"a\": 2, \"b\": 5}</pre>"
-    + "Use brackets to access elements:<br>"
+    + "Use square brackets to access elements:<br>"
     + "<pre class=\"language-python\">e = d[\"a\"]   # e == 2</pre>"
-    + "Dicts support the <code>+</code> operator to concatenate two dicts. In case of multiple "
-    + "keys the second one overrides the first one. Examples:<br>"
-    + "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
-    + "d = {\"a\" : 1} + {\"b\" : 2}   # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2}\n"
-    + "d += {\"c\" : 3}              # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 3}\n"
-    + "d = d + {\"c\" : 5}           # d == {\"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 5}</pre>"
-    + "Iterating on a dict is equivalent to iterating on its keys (order is not specified).<br>"
-    + "Dicts support the <code>in</code> operator, testing membership in the keyset of the dict. "
-    + "Example:<br>"
-    + "<pre class=\"language-python\">\"a\" in {\"a\" : 2, \"b\" : 5}   # evaluates as True"
-    + "</pre>")
+    + "Like lists, they can also be constructed using a comprehension syntax:<br>"
+    + "<pre class=\"language-python\">d = {i: 2*i for i in range(20)}\n"
+    + "e = d[8]       # e == 16</pre>"
+    + "See also the <a href=\"globals.html#dict\">dict()</a> constructor function. "
+    + "<p>Iterating over a dict is equivalent to iterating over its keys. The <code>in</code> "
+    + "operator tests for membership in the keyset of the dict.<br>"
+    + "<pre class=\"language-python\">\"a\" in {\"a\" : 2, \"b\" : 5}   # evaluates as True</pre>"
+    + "The iteration order for a dict is deterministic but not specified. When constructing a dict "
+    + "using any of the above methods, if there are two identical keys with conflicting values "
+    + "then the last value takes precedence."
 public final class SkylarkDict<K, V>
     extends MutableMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V>, SkylarkIndexable {