[5.1] Remote: Action should not be successful and cached if outputs were not created (#15071)

* Add a method, Spawn#isOutputMandatory, to indicate whether a Spawn must create an output by the end of its execution. If not, a Spawn (like a test) may succeed without necessarily creating that output.

The 4 categories of actions that do this are:

1. Tests (tests can create XML and other files, but may not).
2. Java compilations with reduced classpaths (the initial compilation with a reduced classpath may fail, but produce a usable jdeps proto file, so the Spawn will claim that it succeeded so that the action can process the proto file).
3. Extra actions with a dummy output that is produced locally, not by the Spawn. However, by changing the outputs of the Spawn to be empty, this situation is avoided.
4. C++ compilations with coverage (a .gcno coverage file is not produced for an empty translation unit).

In particular, all SpawnActions' Spawns have #isMandatoryOutput always return true, and there should be no new cases of #isMandatoryOutput returning false besides the ones added in this CL.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 425616085

* Remote: Don't upload action result if declared outputs are not created.

Even if the exit code is 0. Missing declared outputs will be detected by Bazel later and fail the build, so avoid uploading this false positive cache entry.

Wrap buildUploadManifest inside a `Single.fromCallable` since there are many IOs (both the check we add in this PR and stats already there). If `--experimental_remote_cache_async` is set, these IOs will now be executed in a background thread.

Fixes https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/14543.

Closes #15016.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 434448255

* Remote: Check declared outputs when downloading outputs.

An AC entry that misses declared outputs of an action is invalid because, if Bazel accepts this from remote cache, it will detect the missing declared outputs error at a later stage and fail the build.

This PR adds a check for mandatory outputs when downloading outputs from remote cache. If a mandatory output is missing from AC entry, Bazel will ignore the cache entry so build can continue.

Also fixes an issue introduced by #15016 that tests result are not uploaded to remote cache. Test spawns declare all the possible outputs but they usually don't generate them all. This change fixes that by only check for mandatory outputs via `spawn.isMandatoryOutput()`.

Fixes #14543.

Closes #15051.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 435307260

Co-authored-by: janakr <janakr@google.com>
20 files changed
tree: b6ffceca243ffc4c834b31cbfc70204e0e08eb33
  1. .bazelci/
  2. examples/
  3. scripts/
  4. site/
  5. src/
  6. third_party/
  7. tools/
  8. .bazelrc
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  12. BUILD
  13. CHANGELOG.md
  15. CODEBASE.md
  17. combine_distfiles.py
  18. combine_distfiles_to_tar.sh
  19. compile.sh
  22. distdir.bzl
  23. distdir_deps.bzl
  26. README.md
  27. SECURITY.md
  29. WORKSPACE.bzlmod


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  • One tool, multiple languages: Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go, and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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