Release 0.5.0 (2017-05-26)

Baseline: f3ae88ee043846e7acdffd645137075a4e72c573

Cherry picks:
   + c58ba098526b748f9c73e6229cafd74748205aa1:
     Release to GCS: put the final release in its own directory
   + 0acead4ea3631240659836ce6ecd6d7f67fd352b:
     Update protobuf to latest master at a64497c and apply
     @laszlocsomor's latest changes from on top of it.
   + d0242ce4a87929f2528f4602d0fb09d1ccfcea94:
     Make symlinks consistent
   + d953ca8b87a46decbce385cebb446ae0dd390881:
     Clean VanillaJavaBuilder output directories
   + 755669fb5de1f4e762f27c19776cac9f410fcb94:
     Pass all the environment variable to Bazel during bootstrapping
   + 6f041661ca159903691fcb443d86dc7b6454253d:
     Do not mark the JDK7 installer -without-jdk-installer
   + 720561113bfa702acfc2ca24ce3cc3fd7ee9c115:
     Fix #2958: Installer should not overwrite bazelrc
   + 511c35b46cead500d4e76706e0a709e50995ceba:
     Bootstrap: move the fail function to the top
   + 8470be1122825aae8ad0903dd1e1e2a90cce47d2:
     Clean up javac and Error Prone targets
   + 4a404de2c6c38735167e17ab41be45ef6fc4713a:
     Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2
   + 36ce4b433e19498a78c34540d5a166d4e0006b22:
     Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2
   + 38949b8526bdb3e6db22f3846aac87162c28c33f:
     Migrate off versioned javac and Error Prone targets
   + 1a57d298f8aa6ea8136d93223902104f2479cd2a:
     Re-enabling passing -sourcepath via javacopts.
   + eb565f408e03125e92d42b00756e519795be6593:
     Make make sure that msys build actually builds msys version
   + 39f328cf392056618d1a3ead4835a138b189a06d:
     Fix typo. Also do not override host_cpu for msvc.
   + 624802893f4fe72118f00a78452605d41a2e1c6f:
     Select correct JDK for windows_msys
   + c4f271d1a68366b6fa5ff38ea7d951b6a22af044:
     Automated g4 rollback of commit
   + 926180997a0f296a5a009326aead887279ce0a90:
     Remove which I forgot to delete during the last
   + baca6e4cb023649920871b74810927d304729e59:
     Fix #2982: Bazel installer should not check for installed JDK if
     using a bundled JDK.
   + 866ecc8c3d5e0b899e3f0c9c6b2265f16daae842:
     Disable msys path conversion on Windows.
   + cc21998c299b4d1f97df37b961552ff8168da17f:
     Rollforward #2 of: Basic open-source crosstool to support
     targeting apple platform types.
   + 0f0ccc4fc8229c1860a9c9b58089d6cfb2ee971f:
     Escape % in strings that will appear in Crosstool
   + 3b08f774e7938928e3a240a47a0a7554cdc8d50b:
     Adding feature for linking C Run-Time library on Windows

Incompatible changes:

  - Bazel's Linux sandbox no longer mounts an empty tmpfs on /tmp,
    instead the existing /tmp is mounted read-write. If you prefer
    to have a tmpfs on /tmp for sandboxed actions for increased
    hermeticity, please use the flag --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp.
  - Converting artifacts to strings and printing them now return
    "File" instead of "Artifact" to be consistent with the type name.
  - The return type of depset.to_list() is now a list rather than a
    frozen list. (Modifying the list has no effect on the depset.)
  - Bazel now prints logs in single lines to java.log
  - --use_dash, --dash_url and --dash_secret are removed.
  - Remote repositories must define any remote repositories they
    themselves use (e.g., if @x//:foo depends on @y//:bar, @y must be
    in @x's WORKSPACE file).
  - Remote repositories must define any remote repositories they
    themselves use (e.g., if @x//:foo depends on @y//:bar, @y must be
    in @x's WORKSPACE file).
  - objc_xcodeproj has been removed, use instead.

New features:

  - If grte_top is a label, it can now follow non-configurable
  - Optional coverage_files attribute to cc_toolchain
  - "query --output=build" now includes select()s
  - Raw LLVM profiles are now supported.

Important changes:

  - Automatically generate Proguard mapping when resource shrinking
    and Proguard are enabled.
  - New rules in Bazel: proto_library, java_lite_proto_library,
    java_proto_library and cc_proto_library
  - Activate the "dead_strip" feature if objc binary stripping is
  - More stable naming scheme for lambda classes in desugared android
  - Convert --use_action_cache to a regular option
  - Per-architecture dSYM binaries are now propagated by
    apple_binary's AppleDebugOutputsProvider.
  - Avoid factory methods when desugaring stateless lambdas for
  - desugar calls to Objects.requireNonNull(Object o) with
    o.getClass() for android
  - Add an --copy_bridges_from_classpath argument to android
    desugaring tool
  - Change how desugar finds desugared classes to have it working on
  - Evaluation of commands on TargetsBelowDirectory patterns
    (e.g. //foo/...) matching packages that fail to load now report
    detailed error messages in keep_going mode.
  - Allow to have several inputs and outputs
  - Repository context's execute() function can print stdout/stderr
    while running. To enable, pass quiet=False.
  - Bazel can now be built with a bundled version of the OpenJDK.
    This makes it possible to use Bazel on systems without a JDK, or
    the installed JDK is too old.
  - The --jobs flag now defaults to "auto", which causes Bazel to
    use a reasonable degree of parallelism based on the local
  - Bazel benchmark ( supports Java and Cpp targets.
  - no factory methods generated for lambda expressions on android
  - The Linux sandbox no longer changes the user to 'nobody' by
    default, instead the current user is used as is. The old behavior
    can be
    restored via the --sandbox_fake_username flag.
  - /tmp and /dev/shm are now writable by default inside the
    Linux sandbox.
  - Bazel can now use the process-wrapper + symlink tree based
    sandbox implementation in FreeBSD.
  - turn on --experimental_incremental_dexing_error_on_missed_jars by
  - All android_binarys are now signed with both Apk Signature V1 and
    V2. See
    for more details.
  - Windows MSVC wrappers: Not filtering warning messages anymore,
    use --copt=-w and --host_copt=-w to suppress them.
  - A downloader bug was fixed that prevented RFC 7233 Range
    connection resumes from working with certain HTTP servers
  - Introduces experimental android_device rule for configuring and
    launching Android emulators.
  - For boolean flags, setting them to false using --no_<flag_name>
    is deprecated. Use --no<flag_name> without the underscore, or
    --<flag_name>=false instead.
  - Add --experimental_android_compress_java_resources flag to store
    resources as compressed inside the APK.
  - Removed --experimental_use_jack_for_dexing and libname.jack
    output of
  - blaze canonicalize-flags now takes a --show_warnings flag
  - Changing --invocation_policy will no longer force a server
  - Bazel now supports Android NDK14.
  - android_binary multidex should now work without additional flags.
  - Use action_config in crosstool for static library archiving,
    remove ar_flag.
  - new option for bazel canonicalize-flags, --canonicalize_policy
  - Use action_config in crosstool for static library archiving,
    remove ar_flag.
  - android_library exports_manifest now defaults to True.
  - Fix select condition intersections.
  - Adds a --override_repository option that takes a repository
    name and path. This forces Bazel to use the directory at that path
    for the repository. Example usage:
  - fix idempotency issue with desugaring lambdas in interface
    initializers for android
  - --experimental_android_use_singlejar_for_multidex is now a no-op
    and will eventually be removed.
  - Every local_repository now requires a WORKSPACE file.
  - Remove jack and jill attributes of the android_sdk rule.
  - Add Skylark stubs needed to remove sysroot from CppConfiguration.
  - Desugar try-with-resources so that this language feature is
    to deveces with API level under 19.
  - The flag --worker_max_retries was removed. The
    WorkerSpawnStrategy no longer retries execution of failed Spawns,
    the reason being that this just masks compiler bugs and isn't
    done for any other execution strategy either.
  - Bazel will no longer gracefully restart workers that crashed /
    quit, instead this triggers a build failure.
  - All java resources are now compressed in android_binary APKs by
  - All java resources are now compressed in android_binary APKs by
  - android_ndk_repository now creates a cc_library
    (@androidndk//:cpufeatures) for the cpufeatures library that is
    bundled in the Android NDK. See for
    more details.
  - 'output_groups' and 'instrumented_files' cannot be specified in
  - You can increase the CPU reservation for tests by adding a
    "cpu:<n>" (e.g. "cpu:4" for four cores) tag to their rule in a
    BUILD file. This can be used if tests would otherwise overwhelm
    your system if there's too much parallelism.
  - Deprecate use_singlejar_for_proguard_libraryjars and force
    behavior to always on.
1 file changed
tree: 27519775e9f74fc0eba3f27a6d799d8edd67de11
  1. examples/
  2. scripts/
  3. site/
  4. src/
  5. third_party/
  6. tools/
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  10. BUILD

Bazel (Beta)

{Fast, Correct} - Choose two

Bazel is a build tool that builds code quickly and reliably. It is used to build the majority of Google‘s software, and thus it has been designed to handle build problems present in Google’s development environment, including:

  • A massive, shared code repository, in which all software is built from source. Bazel has been built for speed, using both caching and parallelism to achieve this. Bazel is critical to Google's ability to continue to scale its software development practices as the company grows.

  • An emphasis on automated testing and releases. Bazel has been built for correctness and reproducibility, meaning that a build performed on a continuous build machine or in a release pipeline will generate bitwise-identical outputs to those generated on a developer's machine.

  • Language and platform diversity. Bazel's architecture is general enough to support many different programming languages within Google, and can be used to build both client and server software targeting multiple architectures from the same underlying codebase.

Find more background about Bazel in our FAQ.

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