Release 0.6.0 (2017-09-28)

Baseline: 87cc92e5df35d02a7c9bc50b229c513563dc1689

Cherry picks:
   + a615d288b008c36c659fdc17965207bb62d95d8d:
     Rollback context.actions.args() functionality.
   + 7b091c1397a82258e26ab5336df6c8dae1d97384:
     Add a global failure when a test is interrupted/cancelled.
   + 95b0467e3eb42a8ce8d1179c0c7e1aab040e8120:
     Cleanups for Skylark tracebacks
   + cc9c2f07127a832a88f27f5d72e5508000b53429:
     Remove the status xml attribute from AntXmlResultWriter

Incompatible changes:

  - Noop flag --deprecated_generate_xcode_project deleted.
  - Objects in Skylark are converted to strings in a more descriptive
    and less harmful way (they don't leak information that shouldn't
    be accessed by Skylark code, e.g. nondeterministic memory addresses
    of objects).
  - `set` is deprecated in BUILD and .bzl files, please use `depset`
    instead. Ordering names have also been changed, please use
    "default", "postorder", "preorder", and "topological" instead of
    "stable", "compile", "naive_link", and "link" correspondingly.
  - Integer overflow (on signed 32 bit numbers) in BUILD/bzl files is
    an error.
  - Keyword-only syntax in a function definition is now forbidden
      e.g. `def foo(a, *, b)` or `def foo(a, *b, c)`
  - --incompatible_comprehension_variables_do_not_leak defaults to
      Iteration variable becomes inaccessible after a list/dict

New features:

  - There is now a 'siblings' query function. See the query
    documentation for more details.
  - Added the print_action command, which outputs the
    actions needed to build a given target in the form of an
    ExtraActionSummary proto in text format.
  - android_binary now supports proguard_apply_dictionary to specify
    a custom dictionary to use for choosing names to obfuscate
    classes and members to.

Important changes:

  - 'strip' action is now configured via feature configuration
  - Flags from action_config get added first to the command line
    before the flags from features.
  - `bazel info output_path` no longer relies on the root directory
    filename being equal to the workspace name.
  - The `print` function now prints debug messages instead of
  - speedup of incremental dexing tools
  - --announce_rc now controls whether bazelrc startup options are
    printed to stderr.
  - Removing a few unused objc_provider keys.
  - Improved logging when workers have to be restarted due to its
    files having changed.
  - Top-level `if` statements are now forbidden.
  - Java protos are compiled to Java 7 bytecode.
  - All Android builds now use the desugar tool to support some Java
    8 features by default. To disable, use the
    --nodesugar_for_android flag.
  - Skylark-related options may now appear as "common" command
    options in the .bazelrc
  - Python is now required to build bazel.
  - When the lvalue of an augmented assignment is a list, we now
    throw an error
      before evaluating the code (e.g. `a, b += 2, 3`).
  - New --build_runfile_manifests flag controls production of
    runfiles manifests.
  - Enable debug info for Java builds
  - Allow java_lite_proto_library in the deps of android rules.
  - .so files in APKs will be memory-page aligned when
    android_binary.nocompress_extensions contains ".so" and
    --experimental_android_use_nocompress_extensions_on_apk is
  - Skylark providers can specify allowed fields and their
  - Support ctx.actions.args() for more efficient Skylark command
    line construction.
  - The remote HTTP/1.1 caching client (--remote_rest_cache) now
    distinquishes between action cache and CAS. The request URL for
    the action cache is prefixed with 'ac' and the URL for the CAS
    is prefixed with 'cas'.
  - `JavaInfo` is a preferred alias to `java_common.provider`.
  - J2ObjC version updated to 2.0.3.
  - A new Java coverage implementation is available. Makes possible
    coverage for Skylark JVM rules.
  - Make proguard_apply_dictionary also apply to class and package
    obfuscation, not just class members.
  - When using the dictionary literal syntax, it is now an error to
    have duplicated keys (e.g.  {'ab': 3, 'ab': 5}).
  - android_binary.nocompress_extensions now applies to all files in
    the APK, not just resources and assets.
  - The apple_genrule rule that is distributed with Bazel has been
    deleted. Users who wish to use genrules with Xcode's
    DEVELOPER_DIR set should use the rules in instead.
  - The swift_library rule that is distributed with Bazel has been
    deleted. Users who wish to compile Swift should use the rules in instead.
1 file changed
tree: 8b433011cf3f1e8135c46a95674f93214d3f8671
  1. examples/
  2. scripts/
  3. site/
  4. src/
  5. third_party/
  6. tools/
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  10. BUILD


{Fast, Correct} - Choose two

Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably.

  • Speed up your builds and tests: Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary. With advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis and parallel execution, you get fast and incremental builds.

  • One tool, multiple languages: Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase and Continuous Integration system. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo.

  • Extensible to your needs: Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community.

Getting Started


Contributing to Bazel


Build Status

Bazel is released in ‘Beta’. See the product roadmap to learn about the path toward a stable 1.0 release.