Release 6.2.0 (2023-05-09)

Baseline: d60ce2c7c86393638c77698c00c2168a7a936a53

Cherry picks:

   + 490f8badf4f6f4ae8b96697f08267fdb083ccf5f:
     kshyanashree is the release manager of 6.0.0
   + 4e66d9340037f0be83d7bc0fdd809a09344ab83f:
     Automated rollback of commit
   + 48a8d01b05149757f69a6a65a22a280bf003cd24:
     Allow C/C++ coverage collection for external targets
   + ec7be346adc00c4bde22d116fca80ef59da66121:
     Temporarily set parent directory of the input to writable if it
     is not.
   + b0984342eef068640a57aab584dd4c118f0dd394:
     Infer CPUs for tvOS and watchOS when on Apple Silicon
   + 5cea7dda5b632703cf4e0424ba09cd7c5bd6fc06:
     Improve the documentation for ctx.actions.symlink.
   + a82d26f17a99b5417b2212a0ce3a1bbc0285e5c4:
     Add quotes to "Tip"
   + 75b0f3aa95bc34f6620ea74e47d4822bd985efdd:
     Write a repo mapping manifest in the runfiles directory (#16555)
   + 07c5c1aa6d0b63605ae793dce78d26122af64a84:
     Ensure repository names don't start with `~`
   + 30f6c8238f39c4a396b3cb56a98c1a2e79d10bb9:
     Escape tilde more gracefully
   + cf3f48ca49f089615417636763d753811acf717f:
     Relax `Label` repo visibility validation
   + 4477823e2c2bc3d0335c41f971364dda72a3f69a:
     Use "apparent name" instead of "local name" in Bzlmod docs
   + 55f4f4834ef30321a00dab5b58202dd1e9716fd9:
     Bazel DevSite: Add required css file.
   + a706994ac69e3f3fed361c61378de847b50d3b12:
     Remove logic that increases delay between progress updates over
   + 1d514ab05896f34ec91c2145f4dffafd3364030f:
     Remove references to io_bazel repository
   + b0357bd3831b26b5116dc120807e8264acf139db:
     Relnotes python script
   + 8f956511bb115c39ac683a1e78971fcf9dce5deb:
     Allow Java coverage collection for external targets
   + bddb191d3f99402330c67b89375409c31ee22daa:
     Fix race condition in
   + a75785279f543f4e33c697dd9e8873a6504b7818:
     Decanonicalize labels emitted by {a,c,}query if possible
   + 9d250edb63f27f9f4591bb5a71059710cc6dca9e:
     Add uniquify parameter to TemplateDict.add_joined
   + f02bcf8d8b0d00ecdd06ea0a45ba4f52e436597c:
     Fix identical gcov json file name problem
   + a1593309f66f892871e334013815b05350b4188f:
     Add `$(rlocationpath(s) ...)` expansion
   + 56f54daf9ff3b1177eee31e342e8d6b959d5ac34:
     Rollup of SBOM correctness fixes (#16655)
   + 72e6e948d30dec9dec60d78efef4eeda5b764a8f:
     [cc] Add cc toolchain to starlark cc_proto_library (#16661)
   + 8f28513893969b6346d965cab12aac69cb246ced:
     Make C++ runfiles library repo mapping aware
   + 95f9adc5ac544b1161d69a7ca74432479fdc29b3:
     Always collect FileProvider's filesToBuild as data runfiles
   + 4959d34e844714b793b2c6fa05016a9a6eaa7044:
     fix: export constraints.bzl file from @local_config_platform so
     it can be used in downstream bzl_library targets
   + 4919d4a61d8506d175b25a035500842b8bfe3d0d:
     Add --host_per_file_copt (#16695)
   + 0a23d46976c3fc999d44fbd1e37732ec2442d485:
     Moving some tests for `RemoteActionFileSystem` of BwoB to a base
   + 9296068be5e3808eb03a3b61f3af3a2c88f7ab7d:
     [remote/downloader] Don't include headers in `FetchBlobRequest`
   + 128d833fee99f8a43bc4de82cbec752e4ce6fb47:
     [remote] Respect whether the server supports action cache updates
   + 38c501912fc4efc14abc0741d19f5f8e8763afcb:
     [remote/downloader] Migrate `Downloader` to take `Credentials`
   + 5929cb72aa01768e6352898b1a056ef678c81d90:
     Stage repository mapping manifest as a root symlink (#16733)
   + 455454a56e961affb041a1d4a9214f7f313a05aa:
     Expose current repository name to Java with @AutoBazelRepository
   + 97dea593e568f776361397f7280d6a16eee2efeb:
     Implement getDirectoryEntries and readdir for
   + aa45f5f3301c5005294df084cdf99c45d6f95d53:
     Move integration tests for BwoB to a base class and add more
     tests there.
   + 1b073ac0a719a09c9b2d1a52680517ab22dc971e:
     Make Java runfiles library repo mapping aware
   + 148bbb1c025a628643698f65627333d86975c1d7:
     Use `_repo_mapping` in C++ runfiles library (#16752)
   + 25558ada3fb377cfc2c965d3a93250ca28ce0fc1:
     Add --experimental_action_cache_store_output_metadata to the
   + 6e945e8ab422ca0a195d09899cce61ba6c0cfa59:
     Treat `DEBUG` events as progress-like.
   + 1940c5d68136ce2079efa8ff74d4e5fdf63ee3e6:
     redact 'token' strings from logging
   + 0b645254b41edc738c6641fd192fca86203ff2e2:
     Make Bash runfiles library repo mapping aware (#16753)
   + 4caae75b49e815ad2cf1d805f316bc374f03f2ae:
     Automated rollback of commit
   + 13ff6d9e37999e00fda9a6cef278c7c924924f34:
     Fix Bash rlocation failure with stricter Bash options
   + bd88c7e47b911e5fa1f8a3c26d0f8317943c43ce:
     Make bazel Android remote deps compatible with bzlmod (#16772)
   + 6f6d4cca36a3b64009ed9c8b3fb13cb3c7ed915a:
     Flip `--incompatible_always_include_files_in_data`
   + 94355b1b1c4f7ef923457b8b2a070e5c6528240a:
     Add required `--add-opens` server JVM args also with
     non-embedded JDK
   + 8349c95fc98beb4008085942a67a57f0c4da074b:
     Also collect clang resource directory with
   + dce6ed777d958d65c7f3d4a2f54f8117778a449e:
     Make `bazel run` works with minimal mode
   + ca8674cc4879ed1846bf015c33fe7d920a3f66ab:
     Include source files with `cquery --output=files` (#16826)
   + 9cb5e0a31665d3b3f25bf58ec2dee696e828d8b9:
     Fsync before rename after copy in DiskCacheClient
   + 23ffce53b92ef96432d8c6c58cc95ac362bab1bc:
     Update GetActionResult for disk cache to check referenced files
     when …
   + 0bc0ff5244142eb3348d42025ce21eeb337ad189:
     Make Java runfiles library compilable with JDK 8
   + fe169654a29d8ad33105d5d0034a7857834fed5d:
     [6.0.0] Default --incompatible_strict_conflict_checks to true.
   + 99ca86f7c2968741ac3a9b20c3375fc992d49e66:
     Revert "[6.0.0] Default --incompatible_strict_conflict_checks to
     true. (#16864)" (#16872)
   + 312238f2b1414c98ed7d7d51dc4e18278edb2540:
     Make C++ runfiles library build with `-Werror=shadow`
   + 2baa5a4284467d70f1b31ea779b79d38ef07d164:
     Keep credentials cached across build commands.
   + 8818a57fce32a7872f045f03a334e1c9403724d3:
     [6.0.0] Only inject metadata for outputs that cannot be
     reconstructed by skyf… (#16879)
   + 31e4bf409eed71e8fb626092189eacb95f80fed9:
     Update java_tools v11.9
   + cd40666001e8d599bb61735898c195c6d2fae55b:
     replace _get_canonical_form(label) with str(label)
   + e2bc2374188b41924223385ad943db610e92e6c4:
     Avoid exceptions from hermetic sandbox for unsupported artifact
   + b564d145218e58b0440ffad82b3d1d54eef15d22:
     Remove warnings about ignored starlark options
   + 7ccc66108f08f7b6c6f6e5229f70f29962ea19ce:
     [6.0.0] Emit Tree objects in topological order (#16904)
   + 86dee6d2ecb269e0c41a97718812054394ee51a4:
     Correctly match regex with tree artifact
   + 14925b574aa63aad098f2c3d95e14b46ffd295ec:
     Always use target's attributes to set Python version (#16959)
   + a247502d28d8d70d648390de52952189b99a0bb7:
     Add 'toolchain' parameter to actions.{run,run_shell}
   + 497b7e403d6e5523bd1310bd1fe83c4ce1a6b1ec:
     Fix Bash `runfiles_current_repository` with RBE
   + 0a2c4edbc86398266525f31948d67a5736890bfe:
     Fix corner cases in Bash runfiles library
   + 33b514b25963452be71a015e08d4e890405b00a3:
     Fix runfiles creation with MANIFEST when building without the
   + 3a13af41034e1f80cc0fbc1634cf8f724a85b78f:
     Remove LCOV merger dependency of `cc_test` without coverage
   + 25ba76c1b8d420ebae43c1f59890ae46153c2240:
     Include full tree artifact in inputs when prefetcher doesn't
     support partial tree artifacts.
   + 06deebfb5b73f848de5a0ea0e00fcfaa26788d1f:
     Release 6.0.0 (2022-12-19)
   + c2bfb2e98d133c62be328e6e93c4b4bdf766d82c:
     Enable git_submodules tests and merge git_repository and
     starlark_git_repository (#17247)
   + e8182ce32931560406fee1c30745e56a2ee9a6b3:
     have 'bazel test' non-test targets depend on
   + c3245cd028977877aa9e485451b29c7736ebcae0:
     Add `SpellChecker` suggestions for common Bzlmod errors
   + 8ec874348226995c4101b2173a465ddc65cab591:
     Use xcrun to invoke install_name_tool
   + 2b2bea4ee9d51ad875a8d273aa344ac9c5b6742c:
     Extra resources
   + 5b4de12b37cb4ba921b6bdfe810bbb47921ab3a6:
     Do not clear `--platforms` on no-op change to `--cpu`
   + db3c0130b3363485a366897e1c1f2adc5d41fde6:
     Report `AspectCreationException` to the user
   + 53e9fea30e58ab479e5cd7a6c804634f56fc2ddb:
     Use long executable path instead of `argv[0]` in all launchers
   + abae5ca3e8142f93cf0c2597e3410ed955c4dd59:
     Add sanitizer features to unix_cc_toolchain_config
   + db684196afd3b1a0a0e7d883674324bd161ae8bf:
     Allow `map_each` to return `None` in `TemplateDict#add_joined`
   + 66b58ee904efa22696edc1b78a59bac91da9ed8d:
     Always emit trailing zero in human-readable download progress
   + 17b8e448a5e5589f96c2794cb38c86b0c64e86c0:
     Upload all logs in BEP even with minimal upload
   + 28d2daae70be6ee97b876b0568796ceb87af9523:
     Set `--experimental_action_listeners` to default in `exec` config
   + 16427c9050db140d6cb90d7d6324d4a2ff1e249a:
     Do not count tests as failed that have not started
   + 094a0aabed1e018e6503bc3ac844c8022b71a527:
     Accept tildes in --override_module
   + 5f2866f8434ce9a17cf82c001efb7b236f189115:
     Do the AC integrity check for disk part of the combined cache.
   + cd10d508e20a4964586b46f7edea8a6dc900157c:
     Fix `--nozip_undeclared_test_outputs` on Windows
   + 073f54b9a7c46afd2c28b4a99a235bdd6b63bb5f:
     Allow pyd in extensions of dynamic libraries
   + ac504cbb463e76b1374d0060534acabbccb408d2:
     Register JavaCompileActionContext in Bazel.
   + f090433fcf0f42639608b9c5f0243018c1bb9ac7:
     Rollback #14510 because it causes remote test execution to fail
   + 942dddaaad9bf4fbb20b66535aad4fc464ad69ba:
     Prepare backwards compatible usage of optional C++ toolchain
   + 88b51f57d09e43dec31a84d4b636595924d5bfef:
     Emit LLVM coverage for source file paths with a `tmp` segment
   + bb0b886271d45209e3bef476da37811b9dd2afe5:
     Enable archive_param_file feature by default for Windows
   + baf97c00c891acf844a29b4cc31abb45b5c434e5:
     Allow `TemplateDict#map_each` callback to return a list of
     strings (#17306)
   + fcb007749f7f24b36c2b7c4284378bba20fc8b69:
     Only try to create groups of test actions in the ui.
   + 3c47b4716e6eca2b8ab06253915ef8d1bdd28038:
     Find `libtool` when using `BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN`.
   + 1da8a825c0fba882f33ea6998a76ff8265fcd32c:
     Add -dead_strip in default opt link flags for darwin
   + b0c5eb30b2738bf6454c3026a3e0f37579d5854c:
     Dont query remote cache but always use bytestream protocol
   + 00e9af1985cc0227599516fe7568785ca4334050:
     Allow Java coverage collection for external targets.
   + dd24a0022a0ff959598da2c9bc097d27083be1a0:
     Test and fix root symlink edge case in runfiles library
   + af97d9830d3207893cc6f5c851431a28f1721acb:
     [6.1.0] Fix broken CI (#17422)
   + b859571804f2095caaf018b172b59c90f185fd51:
     Add `native.package_relative_label` function
   + 82168d44ee1d49cf2f406903b6d8b9fde0e66cf2:
     Make Bazel more responsive and use less memory when --jobs is
     high (#17398)
   + 84c1ed430405b154b6e9eb2c28281f450e250eff:
     Multiplex worker fixes and tests for Android busybox tools
   + 07590818d6ce0d0e66c2377db7e73fb6ee6702e5:
     Improve error message for concurrent modifications (#17396)
   + 27bc896f36f0e0ea5dbeaaa16f3a124e38a7284a:
     [6.1.0] Make bazel coverage work with minimal mode (#17397)
   + 544b8164ca352cf06dda0849a589b825631428af:
     [6.1.0] Fix cc_binary bug related to cc_shared_library on
     Windows and prepare for future removal of
     --experimental_cc_shared_library flag (#17445)
   + 9a7aa21c8cd6f38d10e23e265dd650bf031f9b7c:
     Fix Bash `runfiles_current_repository` for tools
   + 911eedc0badcefdbc60a936ae73972772042fc8a:
     Fix label unambiguous canonical form to correctly report
     non-visible repo names
   + e132653ead5e50f4226dbff7776466fef1918f49:
     Remove O1 from sanitizer feature flag defaults
   + ba9e2f8fe666b4fc6110d86ea93cc11779e77068:
     Remove usage of gRPC Context cancellation in the remote
     execution client.
   + de03a2363d016782c5dfe7c55b5cf06cb610f6a2:
     Allow -v to libtool
   + 4e35c02c7c400bfbbfa69164a1ec3bd51966ca79:
     Prettify labels in action progress messages with Bzlmod (#17278)
   + 1be0ac3e73698e31a349ece629c887b06e102a0b:
     Expand tree outputs before eagerly prefetching them for local
     actions. (#17494)
   + c26665102d0d524bb42be8cd205c7b31a22a75c9:
     Fix Java coverage collection with Java 8 runtime
   + 1a6ffe6d453708e3cefc98a07965c680e48d6bac:
     Add a flag to disable execution log sorting.
   + fbec8e2ad1dcbebbbc96491f8b6b208f5b3ac91f:
     Reduce flakiness on Windows for BwoB tests
   + 420659a9ad2a98f57e057d8c22eb621e3b12803e:
     Make AutoBazelRepositoryProcessor compatible with Java 8
   + dde6d20b3fd1d7a14825649c9c89d1c4d2d5242b:
     Do not recommend `shallow_since` for `git_repository`
   + f76fc61640825dd7cf83ce02ba48a4e4f95b66ff:
     Allow the timeout value for execute calls on a mac to be set via
     an environment variable
   + 773d232f528276338098578a28c19c742e3b4e7e:
     Fix RPATHs for cc toolchain solib when sibling layout is used
   + 5932b3b8886ddb5aba271fd907f1371e67960a44:
     [6.1.0] Add --host_features (#17528)
   + a0fa77cc36d02f5f230335556a1829b298b2f219:
     Exit with code 39 if remote cache evicted blobs that Bazel need
     during an invocation (#17496)
   + 1a438b41b74d94fd8b6ff4dcf20b4526530e3c6e:
     Only fetch @remote_coverage_tools when collecting coverage
   + ee1daaf9852d568dcf38357eadd77b9de953db36:
     [6.1.0]Only fetch @remote_coverage_tools when collecting
     coverage (#17287)
   + 350e32952bdd639969e2aff7887c5dc34c21bce6:
     [6.1.0]Fix symlink file creation overhead (#17488)
   + 5406c953574d48434d33b1cf49b70b718795d783:
     [6.1.0] Cleanup stale state when remote cache evicted (#17538)
   + 2d1b570e976773134a6244dd012e93a5478f6d4a:
     Bump version number in runfiles.bash init code
   + 3ab8a0a5d628a0d958fb2eb1c0d5bb76b442e2f2:
     [6.1.0]Let `aquery` print effective environment for all
     `CommandAction`s (#17274)
   + 51e6c38ae808df4f2bf8fb29b4c5173e06ac014a:
     Properly report repo fetch progress during main repo mapping
   + 744108e88681e770982f148161d328c9b77319a1:
     [docs] Update migrating to Xcode tutorial (#17563)
   + 9dc7a7e6881f58965103b42390560589e0f38b48:
     Update //third_party:jsr305 (#17557)
   + 43dadb275b3f9690242bf2d94a0757c721d231a9:
     Bump minimum supported macOS versions to 10.13
   + 7d9d23c1ac1b7fcaa461f902e286f50fbb7cb116:
     Correctly set default subprocess factory when loading class
   + 77f82f4fab189fd042754be0a7747042d9b01b8f:
     Add an --incompatible_strict_conflict_checks alias for
   + e05345dec405a0333c48ff188d2d9a1be90dad53:
     Add support for wrapping system streams in WorkRequestHandler
   + 68e1924cdab69ab92b8acf2f6e9324d11e00b267:
     Also handle remote cache eviction for tree artifacts. (#17601)
   + 4a6d056a8d058ab98a01348fb0c046660ee99a71:
     Add host transition to lcov_merger in Java version of py_test
   + 546e9e2942cb2e98b4c93065cc2d2910878dc900:
     Fix Bazel 6.0 crash regression (#17613)
   + 7e328bb71004e1976525d8b813ca0d616e2af74b:
     Include Bazel version information in profile metadata. (#17616)
   + aafe1235c55f6cdcfc577a40736aaeb9ebaca23b:
     [6.1.0] Handle remote cache eviction when uploading inputs for
     remote actions. (#17605)
   + 938e34823206a2644d538ba655d20ac553352975:
     [6.1.0] Rerun the artifact conflict check when
     --incompatible_strict_conflict_checks changes. (#17592)
   + 034a2815a1e18be5c8b36c6a78f44bb849dff437:
     Report background download for BwoB (#17619)
   + 5afbce52c70cf974eaa4a3bbbc376f398271427d:
     [6.1.0] Flag for writable outputs (experimental) (#17617)
   + d4105e658001677929338835eb970e6595e66b3c:
     [6.1.0] Allow .wasm cc executable and dynamic library extension
   + a306f4f7fd440d006aa6ae9234b4430f13bc8cf9:
     make desugar dependencies deterministic
   + 37953c56ea77c7aa7bea677f3481557fdb2c2a15:
     Apply exec transition to lcov_merger in sh_test and cc_test
   + 1d73d72a45598e38c51b2618bb6fe4f27b390cb8:
     [6.1.0]Fix --host_features with multiple transitions (#17641)
   + 755cd4bcd48adf752bd8c161454e53a0f5b6a2fa:
     Release 6.1.0 (2023-03-06)
   + 885ae7ef3afd88e21c33579bcd64ee3136bd8715:
     Revert "Add -dead_strip in default opt link flags for darwin
     (#17312)" (#17696)
   + 94c519bcc555195d061e1a63f0e4235795bec5be:
     Skip empty directories instead of throwing in prefetcher.
   + 60749d53dfb56068050edabbf7be11675841c112:
     [6.2.0] Remove actionId from RemoteFileArtifactValue. (#17724)
   + 52deefe54124c3cff0dd708704381aa4ac69c01d:
     Correctly handle templated tree artifacts in the prefetcher.
   + 10587b1b819c8b1ae15d064a7bb3d2a7ac2149da:
     Silence setlocale warnings in Java stub
   + 3ad392776bebbfd2a9584dd221f34494f424a53a:
     Force the Bazel server Java runtime to use the root locale
   + 7c235ff15190b1eefdbd34696a55272bbb221435:
     [credentialhelper] Ignore failing to provide request
   + daa3dbe22adb03338c75b53ea97954c9434099b4:
     [remote] upload: treat `ALREADY_EXISTS` as success
   + e0cdaced03750823021b8b1f5b82a71170d67642:
     Fix data race in prefetcher.
   + c9e3eeb2f34d66e2c8bcccd32786ea75c357497e:
     [6.2.0] Update java_tools v11.12 (#17761)
   + 6c8930347025ef22e21d7793dd9202033dd79151:
     python: Remove temporary module space created for zip-based
     binaries (#17764)
   + b874e5fd7ed6f1cb2ac4b858bd28b46ae97350e0:
     [6.2.0]Add test coverage support to android_local_test (#17467)
   + 6fc9bedb3e26479df62b82d281854aed4a916fa9:
     Fix wasm dynamic library extension crash (#17765)
   + 38ece3c04105698fc84daa89ba30c5fa692e0403:
     Handle `SIGWINCH` under `bazel run //some:test` (i.e. test
     rules) correctly.
   + 49a9502312b6af391a10e1a5c3e05d245ad54899:
     Clear all remote metadata if any of them are evicted from remote
   + 8fab22e64035561fdb1c96d4e507b78a02cb5e39:
     Include build-tools/X.Y.Z/{lib,lib64}/** in the minimal set of
     SDK files used by the Android integration tests.
   + 3a7236beb8c0692c327aaeb5341801280d0cd870:
     Allow WORKSPACE and WORKSPACE-loaded .bzl files to see Bzlmod
     root module's mappings (#17818)
   + a87b8e0b6b17feed7e649a85f17162510fa8d652:
     [6.2.0]Add support for alias targets to cquery's `providers`
   + ee32efffe4c407d7fe54b287a80a3b0a115040c6:
     [6.2.0] Allows --query_file to be used for cquery and aquery
     too. (#17823)
   + cfef67da634996f09e5f2509e198cc73c88ce8b2:
     Fix seeking of empty chunkers.
   + 50ec6bbff08cc00de4dfdea68e7483f383674222:
     Rework ByteStreamUploader early return logic.
   + 745ca288770253225d5d96069038a5d735eda69b:
     Suggest alternatives for typoed rule attribute names
   + 8548e202a6871a17f0d097e2cedc9ff8064ef962:
     Relax JSON parser, ensure duplicate keys are overridden
   + c04f0d41317bfe1f6ff42da94dddb4023587fc26:
     Use less subshells and `tee`s in running tests with `bazel run`.
   + 8c6d02e00777c0cc12e97fccc5f4fb6e8109a5bd:
     Upgrade Azul JDK 17 archives. (#17852)
   + 3c1c0c09e68420c813d6258b90ff96641dbd1151:
     Add suggestions to invalid tag class errors
   + 99b3f38649dc82efde6c570e80ce4f3abbc4ac43:
     [6.2.0] Add native.module_{name,version} (#17893)
   + f7627e00bf96c9159ab79a32afc4f6a622f0deeb:
     Support (workspace) relative paths in --override_module closes
   + 109b29019882811d1beb97a60f8cda668442e8e8:
     Fail early if `use_extension` has a bad label
   + f63ce7973b8f3f2560f41daf7321a40d20b22fab:
     Avoid unnecessary copying when building Merkle trees.
   + 3ea18cc033ed078f83fc6644c9d20fb69d6d2657:
     [6.2.0]Add `module_ctx.is_dev_dependency` (#17934)
   + 2d04c91327cadb3f0d53bceea117d3939a25e143:
     [6.2.0] Add version to JavaRuntimeInfo (#17913)
   + 2c1a63bc1df727ee26526eec27c5a92fc0c20649:
     Fix CI breakages for release-6.2.0 (#17969)
   + 788801a8fd30985a1831de805172d257c6f63691:
     Enable C++ deps pruning on Windows when PARSE_SHOWINCLUDES is
   + fb4a0c288ba5ee14e47c7879a6be3eefb44bfe9f:
     [6.2.0] TargetPattern parsing fixes (#17945)
   + 70ce8378638290295e17fb62e735a239f22672e6:
     Add attribute 'provides = [CcInfo]' to '_cc_proto_aspect'
   + 6e18829339a5ba839ab129c64bd9333d3d8c1e5a:
     [6.2.0]Expose cc_proto_aspect as a toplevel symbol. (#17980)
   + 0f55d124c05ee2654c3ff56e0332e71ff1eb437c:
     Cache Merkle trees for tree artifacts.
   + 6d6fa81e47591f41b9dce5e2a9a8512ec13d3f4a:
     Deduplicate concurrent computations of the same Merkle tree.
   + 1f2b3ed4ac717b814d02a0d125f160ddabe78003:
     Patch zlib to fix compatibility with latest Xcode
   + 27e4c6243524156d880bd04e834db5ebdb0a69af:
     Add exception message to 'failed to create output directory'
   + 405012066d2394ad9986830ca028badd3c65ad38:
     Prevent failures creating output directories
   + 1474b5b5b41dfb680674e37975b6e1754c3a7445:
     Allow multiple matching select branches if they resolve to the
     same value (#18066)
   + 5ddef4716e33b12f5dc1386abdb48ba8ab9ff7ab:
     Turn applicable_licenses on platform() into a no-op. (#18089)
   + e00509bd5f1dee6fcaf495893c5bb5ae385ea8ea:
     Use ctime in file digest cache key (#18105)
   + ca30372e210a638cfce8334b6dc3396c83424baa:
     Gracefully handle output symlinks with BwoB
   + a0cb57fd7e7dfafd54070b5fdfbd4b4254ce6e95:
     [6.2.0] profile: add profile_finish_ts (#18129)
   + 1a60fad7d0a8d04399cca0e5bc5d9ee5b01858eb:
     fix(python): Set envvar for runfiles manifest, not runfiles dir,
     when using a manifest (#18133)
   + 5e9fa3967cf0288083638aec3b34328ab8a90a51:
     Add attribute validation to IncompatibleTargetChecker. (#18135)
   + 97312f328f735ab8bcc28674e84450313f7667bf:
     [6.2.0] Update CODEOWNERS (#18149)
   + 76ad4a9b8e1b5a5cc5ed5edaad9b438cd9d8ef66:
     [6.2.0]Fix worker and multiplex workers for DexBuilder and
     Desugar actions (#17965)
   + 5afb8b61fab4671cb9a756fdb8fc275ee2fa4d19:
     Lockfile cherry picks (#18143)
   + 1940dfb07424ff7ac6d1d8cf7b776b4dc04b21e8:
     Automatically retry the build if encountered remote cache
     eviction error (#18171)
   + 755cf95b0df132c1d3fb80ccff6d5b52de708514:
     [6.2.0]Allow remote retry max delay to be user configurable
   + 6c6111085e57f4b8869a5d2bdead0f8a536950ea:
     Add `module_ctx.extension_metadata` (#18174)
   + c1fea137312248d606bbb73bac1ab4a4e87557a2:
     Introduce max_compatibility_level for bazel_dep (#18178)
   + f95b80d166eb46ba4e4c0fb4b998f6e12206ee17:
     Include cause when reporting `ActionExecutionException`
   + 8a41be90cf24258db14a8ca1be7c4334d0076dd5:
     Check for the nullness of AspectValue.
   + 271512031d1a43f85eede12cd05b0ebeec66bc9a:
     Rename `--experimental_remote_grpc_log` to `--remote_grpc_log`
   + e4682f6c6fa5d8d67d667aa6593a34370e689cf5:
     [6.2.0] Update java_tools v12.1 (#18197)
   + d94dee2b6b382ec2835f9871b34b3e703bcc49a7:
     Construct TreeArtifactValues on multiple threads. (#18194)
   + 519eef48ee166cfcc4fb8e92d4728483ecc4fd40:
     Fix crash on multiple output symlinks with BwoB
   + 2442a2e9c064781120b78efe554ca3617bee8769:
     [6.2.0] default_java_toolchain.bzl cherry-picks to fix
     regression (#18225)
   + e4f3d4ddfb54419bd5bb793a29b83ff26c82d9ce:
     Fix message generation of `ActionExecutionException`
   + f39454f0eb85e08f849c8c76123191205224d269:
     Add `dev_dependency` to
   + bf188c12cb8ad9164ab78564d142699fdc37efaa:
     Fine tune the number of test jobs running in parallel to avoid
     timeout on Intel macOS platform
   + e0242479af14aeb3d8444947cdaf540d8ec7ff3a:
     Update java_tools v12.2
   + 2dca98231b02ad8531608183c1e14c5492c62da0:
     Update java_tools v12.3

Incompatible changes:

  - Bazel no longer increases the delay between progress updates when
    there is no cursor control.
  - `--incompatible_always_include_files_in_data` is flipped
    to true. See for
  - `cquery --output=files` also outputs source files.

    Closes #16602.
  - `--incompatible_strict_conflict_checks` is flipped to true. See for details.
  - This changes the behavior of Python version in exec/host
    configuration. Mitigation is to set Python version on the targets.
  - `--features` only applies to targets built in the target
    configuration, and `--host_features` is used for the host / exec
    configuration (gated behind `--incompatible_use_host_features`)


    Closes #16626.

New features:

  - The aquery and cquery commands now respect the --query_file flag
    just like the query command.

Important changes:

  - The new path variable `$(rlocationpath ...)` and its plural form
    `$(rlocationpaths ...)` can be used to expand labels to the paths
    accepted by the `Rlocation` function of runfiles libraries. This
    is the preferred way to access data dependencies at runtime and
    works on all platforms, even when runfiles are not enabled (e.g.,
    on Windows by default).

    Work towards #16124
    Fixes #10923

    Closes #16428.
  - Starlark `print()` statements are now emitted iff the line of
    code is executed. They are no longer replayed on subsequent
    invocations unless the Starlark code is re-executed.
    Additionally, multiple identical `print()` statements (same
    string from the same line of code, e.g. from a loop) are all
    emitted and no longer deduplicated.
  - Fixes a bug where some compilation flags would not be applied to
    a cc_test
  - Added a `native.package_relative_label()` function, which
    converts a label string to a Label object in the context of the
    calling package, in contrast to `Label()`, which does so in the
    context of the current .bzl file. Both functions now also accept
    relative labels such as `:foo`, and are idempotent.
  - Adds coverage metric support to android_local_test
  - Fixed an issue where WORKSPACE and WORKSPACE-loaded .bzl files
    couldn't see the Bzlmod root module's mappings when Bzlmod is
  - Added `native.module_name()` and `native.module_version()` to
    allow BUILD macro authors to acquire information about which
    Bazel module the current repo is associated with.
  - `@foo` labels can now be used on the command line as the
    top-level target (that is, `bazel build @foo` now works).
    Double-dot syntax is now forbidden (`bazel build ../foo` will no
    longer work).
  - Added preliminary support for a lockfile for Bzlmod. It's
    disabled by default; use `--lockfile_mode=update` to enable it.
    This lockfile contains only Bazel module information; it does not
    involve module extensions.
  - Added a new `max_compatibility_level` attribute to the
    `bazel_dep` directive, which allows version selection to upgrade
    a dependency up to the specified compatibility level.

    Co-authored-by: Brentley Jones <>
  - `--experimental_remote_grpc_log` has been renamed to

    Closes #18180.

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Ben Lee, Brentley Jones, Ezekiel Warren, Fabian Meumertzheim, keertk, Keith Smiley, Krzysztof Naglik, kshyanashree, lunch-glide-pepper, oquenchil, Patrick Balestra, Son Luong Ngoc, Ted Kaplan, Ted Kaplan, UebelAndre, Xùdōng Yáng, Yannic, yuzhy8701.
1 file changed
tree: 16bbfa6652e111946e032a41bd0cb867820532f5
  1. .bazelci/
  2. .github/
  3. examples/
  4. scripts/
  5. site/
  6. src/
  7. third_party/
  8. tools/
  9. .bazelrc
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  13. BUILD
  22. distdir.bzl
  23. distdir_deps.bzl
  25. MODULE.bazel
  29. WORKSPACE.bzlmod


{Fast, Correct} - Choose two

Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably.

  • Speed up your builds and tests: Bazel rebuilds only what is necessary. With advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis and parallel execution, you get fast and incremental builds.

  • One tool, multiple languages: Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go, and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo.

  • Extensible to your needs: Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community.

Getting Started


Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a security issue, please email with a description of the issue, the steps you took to create the issue, affected versions, and, if known, mitigations for the issue. Our vulnerability management team will respond within 3 working days of your email. If the issue is confirmed as a vulnerability, we will open a Security Advisory. This project follows a 90 day disclosure timeline.

Contributing to Bazel


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