1. a0eefb5 Rollback of commit df03e10f6552566982399b8779fe7bc7a17d75dc. by Michajlo Matijkiw · 9 years ago
  2. df03e10 Make unpredictable action inputs and outputs available to Actions. by Michael Thvedt · 9 years ago
  3. 8d5a7bb Support for handling TreeArtifact metadata and returning TreeArtifacts from ArtifactFunction. by Michael Thvedt · 9 years ago
  4. 434e68e Rename MiddlemanExpander to ArtifactExpander, and refactor it to yield ArtifactFiles. by Michael Thvedt · 9 years ago
  5. a715802 Allow an exit code to be specified in the ActionExecutionException when an action fails, and propagate the exit code to BuildFailedException. by Googler · 9 years ago
  6. 6df8179 Use Bazel Preconditions variant which avoids varargs array creation by Mark Schaller · 9 years ago
  7. dc89673 Fail build gracefully if an action discovers unexpected inputs. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 9 years ago
  8. 659f80e When getting package roots for exec paths, don't start with the file, which is guaranteed not to be a package. Instead, start with its parent. This will be faster and take less memory. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 9 years ago
  9. 271c10b Add debugging info in case of unexpected crash. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 9 years ago
  10. f88f4d8 Rationalize copyright headers by Damien Martin-Guillerez · 10 years ago
  11. 6e91eb9 Move Label from the lib.syntax to the lib.cmdline package so that: by Lukacs Berki · 10 years ago
  12. a88e65b Make exception in case a test tries to remote-log more informative. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  13. 73fa203 Move PackageIdentifier to cmdline by Kristina Chodorow · 10 years ago
  14. d4d9993 Actions can now request Skyframe dependencies and bypass action cache checking. by Laszlo Csomor · 10 years ago
  15. e905ec3 Relax invariant that an action's inputs discovered during execution must be included in the action's inputs as found during the input discovery phase. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  16. 7a1db6e Move dependency declaration out of finally block. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  17. 42a6830 Add some utilities and relax some visibility restrictions to make alternative include scanning implementations possible. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  18. 331633c Handle exceptions encountered resolving packages during the execution phase by Michajlo Matijkiw · 10 years ago
  19. dee781c Add runfiles to metadata caches and make them isFile aware by Michajlo Matijkiw · 10 years ago
  20. 29c5ab4 Allow globs to be used outside of the skyframe package. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  21. c2dd80f Mostly-automated roll-forward to return ActionInput objects from the ActionInputFileCache when given a digest to do a reverse lookup so that metadata can be more easily retrieved. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  22. a5c1f96 Split FileAndMetadataCache into two classes, since most of the shared functionality is gone. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  23. 90f3d34 Resolve inputs that were stored in action cache ahead of time so metadata for them can be retrieved with other inputs, avoiding a restart. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  24. e3f04b8 Move action-cache updating to inside ActionExecutionFunction, in preparation for allowing it to be restarted in case of missing deps. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  25. bad2994 Fix bug where inputs are updated from action cache but not tracked in Skyframe. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  26. 41fad44 Rolling forward rolled back change that did declared dependencies on discovered inputs before execution, since the underlying cause has been fixed and a test has been added. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  27. a7c84b5 Delay updating inputs of an action when processing the action cache until it is known that the action is a cache hit. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  28. ce59704 Automated [] rollback of []. by Ulf Adams · 10 years ago
  29. 0765237f Declare dependencies on discovered inputs before execution instead of after. by Janak Ramakrishnan · 10 years ago
  30. 2c41b59 Add OutErr#close, and call that in test strategies. by Han-Wen Nienhuys · 10 years ago
  31. 4e0f856 Replace some calls to ArtifactFactory.resolveSourceArtifact(PathFragment execPath), with a skyframe native implementation ArtifactFactory.resolveSourceArtifact(Iterable<PathFragment> execPaths, PackageRootResolver resolver). by Marian Lobur · 10 years ago
  32. d08b27f Update from Google. by Han-Wen Nienhuys · 10 years ago