| This directory contains the Protocol Buffers runtime implementation via both a |
| pure PHP package and a native c extension. The pure PHP package is intended to |
| provide usability to wider range of PHP platforms, while the c extension is |
| intended to provide higher performance. Both implementations provide the same |
| runtime APIs and share the same generated code. Users don’t need to re-generate |
| code for the same proto definition when they want to switch the implementation |
| later. |
| |
| Both implementations make use of generated PHP code that defines message and |
| enum types in PHP. We strongly recommend using protoc's PHP generation support |
| with .proto files. The build process in this directory only installs the |
| extension/package; you need to install protoc as well to have PHP code |
| generation functionality. |
| |
| ## Requirements |
| |
| To use PHP runtime library requires: |
| |
| - C extension: PHP 5.5.x or 5.6.x. |
| - PHP package: PHP 5.5, 5.6 or 7. |
| |
| ## Installation |
| |
| ### C Extension |
| |
| #### Prerequirements |
| |
| To install the c extension, the following tools are needed: |
| * autoconf |
| * automake |
| * libtool |
| * make |
| * gcc |
| * pear |
| * pecl |
| |
| On Ubuntu, you can install them with: |
| ``` |
| sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev autoconf automake libtool make gcc |
| ``` |
| On other platforms, please use the corresponding package managing tool to |
| install them before proceeding. |
| |
| #### Installation from Source (Building extension) |
| |
| To build the c extension, run the following command: |
| ``` |
| cd ext/google/protobuf |
| pear package |
| sudo pecl install protobuf-{VERSION}.tgz |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Installation from PECL |
| |
| When we release a version of Protocol Buffers, we will upload the extension to |
| [PECL](https://pecl.php.net/). To use this pre-packaged extension, simply |
| install it as you would any other extension: |
| |
| ``` |
| sudo pecl install protobuf-{VERSION} |
| ``` |
| |
| ### PHP Package |
| |
| #### Installation from composer |
| |
| Simply add "google/protobuf" to the 'require' section of composer.json in your |
| project. |
| |
| ### Protoc |
| |
| Once the extension or package is installed, if you wish to generate PHP code |
| from a `.proto` file, you will also want to install the Protocol Buffers |
| compiler (protoc), as described in this repository's main `README` file. The |
| version of `protoc` included in the latest release supports the `--php_out` |
| option to generate PHP code: |
| ``` |
| protoc --php_out=out_dir test.proto |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Usage |
| |
| For generated code: |
| https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/php-generated |
| |
| Known Issues |
| ------------ |
| |
| * Missing native support for well known types. |
| * Missing support for proto2. |
| * No API provided for clear/copy messages. |
| * No API provided for encoding/decoding with stream. |
| * Map fields may not be garbage-collected if there is cycle reference. |
| * No debug information for messages in c extension. |
| * HHVM not tested. |
| * C extension not tested on windows, mac, php 7.0. |
| * Message name cannot be Empty. |