blob: d6aec2ded45de5d12a3692205e6a197375efe38b [file] [log] [blame] [view]
This file lists license and version information of all code we did not
author, but ship together with the source so building Bazel requires
a minimal set of extra dependencies.
## [aether](
* Version: 1.0.0 v20140518
* License: Eclipse Public License
## [android_common](
* Version: 22.8.4
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_commons_codec](
* Version: 1.9
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_commons_collections](
* Version: 3.2.1
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_commons_compress](
* Version: 1.9
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_commons_logging](
* Version: 1.1.1
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_commons_pool2](
* Version: 2.3
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [apache_httpclient](
* Version: 4.2.5
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [apache_httpcore](
* Version: 4.2.4
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [apache_velocity](
* Version: 1.7
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## apkbuilder
* [apkbuilder](
* [android common](
* Version: 22.8.4
* License: Apache License 2.0.
## [asm](
* Version: 5.0.4
* License: 3-clause revised BSD
## [auto](
* [auto_common]( (version 0.3)
* [auto_service]( (version 1.0-rc2)
* [auto_value]( (version 1.0)
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [bytebuddy](
* Version: 0.7-rc6
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [Error Prone](
* Version: 2.0.6-20151216
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [JCIP Annotations](
* Version: 1.0-1
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [PCollections](
* Version: 2.1.2
* License: MIT
## [jFormatString](
* Version: 3.0.0
* License: GNU GPL v2
## [Checker Framework Dataflow](
* Version: 1.8.10
* License: GPLv2, portions MIT
## [Buck (iOS support)](
* Version: commit id 2ff4f45a971776afcfbe88333d78c4ca6bf03df9
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [d3](
* Version: 3.4.12
* License: BSD license
## [dd_plist](
* Version: r111
* License: MIT license
## [protobuf-java](
* Version: 2.5.0
* License: New BSD License
## [gtest](
* Version: 1.7.0
* License: New BSD License
## [gson](
* Version: 2.2.4
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [guava](
* Version: 19.0
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [guice](
* Version: 4.0
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [javac](
* Version: 1.9.0-dev-r2973-2
* License: GNU GPL v2 with Classpath exception
## [jarjar](
* Version: 1.4
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [jgit](
* Version:
* License: Eclipse Distribution License 1.0
## [joda_time](
* Version: 2.3
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [jsr250](
* Version: 8.0.5
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [jsch](
* Version: 0.1.51
* License: BSD-style license
## [jsr305](
* Version: latest as of 2014-05-07
* License: New BSD License
## [jsr330_inject](
* Version: 1
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [jquery](
* Version: v2_0_3
* License: MIT license
## [maven](
* Version: 3.3.3
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [maven_model](
* Version: 3.2.3
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [plexus_component_annotations](
* Version: 1.6
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [plexus_interpolation](
* Version: 1.22
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [plexus_utils](
* Version: 3.0.21
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [slf4j](
* Version: 1.7.7
* License: MIT license
# Testing
## [hamcrest](
* Version: 1.3
* License: New BSD License
## [iossim](
* Version: latest as of 2015-10-09
* License: 3-clause BSD
## [junit](
* Version: 4.11
* License: Eclipse Public License Version 1.0
## [truth](
* Version: 0.28
* License: Apache License 2.0
## [xz](
* Version: 1.5
* License: Public Domain