| --- |
| layout: documentation |
| title: Migrating from Maven to Bazel |
| --- |
| |
| # Migrating from Maven to Bazel |
| |
| When migrating from any build tool to Bazel, it’s best to have both build |
| tools running in parallel until you have fully migrated your development team, |
| CI system, and any other relevant systems. You can run Maven and Bazel in the |
| same repository. |
| |
| ## Table of contents |
| |
| |
| * [Before you begin](#before-you-begin) |
| * [Differences between Maven and Bazel](#differences-between-maven-and-bazel) |
| * [Migrate from Maven to Bazel:](#migrate-from-maven-to-bazel) |
| * [1. Create the WORKSPACE file](#1-workspace) |
| * [Guava project example](#guava-1) |
| * [2. Create one BUILD file](#2-build) |
| * [Guava project example](#guava-2) |
| * [3. Create more BUILD files (Optional)](#3-build) |
| * [4. Build using Bazel](#4-build) |
| |
| ## Before you begin |
| |
| * [Install Bazel](install.md) if it’s not yet installed. |
| * If you’re new to Bazel, go through the tutorial |
| [Introduction to Bazel: Build Java](tutorial/java.md) before you start |
| migrating. The tutorial explains Bazel’s concepts, structure, and label |
| syntax. |
| |
| ## Differences between Maven and Bazel |
| |
| * Maven uses top-level `pom.xml` file(s). Bazel supports multiple build |
| files and multiple targets per BUILD file, allowing for builds that |
| are more incremental than Maven's. |
| * Maven takes charge of steps for the deployment process. Bazel does |
| not automate deployment. |
| * Bazel enables you to express dependencies between languages. |
| * As you add new sections to the project, with Bazel you may need to add new |
| BUILD files. Best practice is to add a BUILD file to each new Java package. |
| |
| ## Migrate from Maven to Bazel |
| |
| The steps below describe how to migrate your project to Bazel: |
| |
| 1. [Create the WORKSPACE file](#1-workspace) |
| 2. [Create one BUILD file](#2-build) |
| 3. [Create more BUILD files](#3-build) |
| 4. [Build using Bazel](#4-build) |
| |
| Examples below come from a migration of the |
| [Guava project](https://github.com/google/guava) from Maven to Bazel. The Guava |
| project used is release 22.0. The examples using Guava do not walk through |
| each step in the migration, but they do show the files and contents that are |
| generated or added manually for the migration. |
| |
| ### <a name="1-workspace"></a>1. Create the WORKSPACE file |
| |
| Create a file named `WORKSPACE` at the root of your project. If your project |
| has no external dependencies, the workspace file can be empty. |
| |
| If your project depends on files or packages that are not in one of the |
| project’s directories, specify these external dependencies in the workspace |
| file. To automate the listing of external dependencies for the workspace file, |
| use the tool `generate_workspace`. For instructions about using this tool, see |
| [Generate a WORKSPACE file for a Java project](generate-workspace.md). |
| |
| #### <a name="guava-1"></a>Guava project example: external dependencies |
| |
| Below are the results of using the tool `generate_workspace` to list the |
| [Guava project's](https://github.com/google/guava) external dependencies. |
| |
| 1. The new `WORKSPACE` file contains: |
| |
| ```bash |
| load("//:generate_workspace.bzl", "generated_maven_jars") |
| generated_maven_jars() |
| ``` |
| |
| 2. The new `BUILD` file in the directory `third_party` enables access |
| to external libraries. This BUILD file contains: |
| |
| ```bash |
| load("//:generate_workspace.bzl", "generated_java_libraries") |
| generated_java_libraries() |
| ``` |
| |
| 3. The generated `generate_workspace.bzl` file contains: |
| |
| ```bash |
| # The following dependencies were calculated from: |
| # |
| # generate_workspace --maven_project=/usr/local/.../guava |
| |
| |
| def generated_maven_jars(): |
| # pom.xml got requested version |
| # com.google.guava:guava-parent:pom:23.0-SNAPSHOT |
| native.maven_jar( |
| name = "com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305", |
| artifact = "com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:1.3.9", |
| sha1 = "40719ea6961c0cb6afaeb6a921eaa1f6afd4cfdf", |
| ) |
| |
| |
| # pom.xml got requested version |
| # com.google.guava:guava-parent:pom:23.0-SNAPSHOT |
| native.maven_jar( |
| name = "com_google_errorprone_error_prone_annotations", |
| artifact = "com.google.errorprone:error_prone_annotations:2.0.18", |
| sha1 = "5f65affce1684999e2f4024983835efc3504012e", |
| ) |
| |
| |
| # pom.xml got requested version |
| # com.google.guava:guava-parent:pom:23.0-SNAPSHOT |
| native.maven_jar( |
| name = "com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations", |
| artifact = "com.google.j2objc:j2objc-annotations:1.1", |
| sha1 = "ed28ded51a8b1c6b112568def5f4b455e6809019", |
| ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| def generated_java_libraries(): |
| native.java_library( |
| name = "com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| exports = ["@com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305//jar"], |
| ) |
| |
| |
| native.java_library( |
| name = "com_google_errorprone_error_prone_annotations", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| exports = ["@com_google_errorprone_error_prone_annotations//jar"], |
| ) |
| |
| |
| native.java_library( |
| name = "com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| exports = ["@com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations//jar"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### <a name="2-build"></a>2. Create one BUILD file |
| |
| Now that you have your workspace defined and external dependencies (if |
| applicable) listed, you need to create BUILD files to describe how your project |
| should be built. Unlike Maven with its one `pom.xml` file, Bazel can use many |
| BUILD files to build a project. These files specify multiple build targets, |
| which allow Bazel to produce incremental builds. |
| |
| Add BUILD files in stages. Start with adding one BUILD file |
| at the root of your project and using it to do an initial build using Bazel. |
| Then, you refine your build by adding more BUILD files with more granular |
| targets. |
| |
| 1. In the same directory as your `WORKSPACE` file, create a text file and |
| name it `BUILD`. |
| |
| 2. In this BUILD file, use the appropriate rule to create one target to |
| build your project. Here are some tips: |
| * Use the appropriate rule: |
| * To build projects with a single Maven module, use the |
| `java_library` rule as follows: |
| |
| ```bash |
| java_library( |
| name = "everything", |
| srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]), |
| resources = glob(["src/main/resources/**"]), |
| deps = ["//:all-external-targets"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| * To build projects with multiple Maven modules, use the |
| `java_library` rule as follows: |
| |
| ```bash |
| java_library( |
| name = "everything", |
| srcs = glob([ |
| "Module1/src/main/java/**/*.java", |
| "Module2/src/main/java/**/*.java", |
| ... |
| ]), |
| resources = glob([ |
| "Module1/src/main/resources/**", |
| "Module2/src/main/resources/**", |
| ... |
| ]), |
| deps = ["//:all-external-targets"], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| * To build binaries, use the `java_binary` rule: |
| |
| ```bash |
| java_binary( |
| name = "everything", |
| srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]), |
| resources = glob(["src/main/resources/**"]), |
| deps = ["//:all-external-targets"], |
| main_class = "com.example.Main" |
| ) |
| ``` |
| * Specify the attributes: |
| * `name`: Give the target a meaningful name. In the examples above |
| we call the target “everything.” |
| * `srcs`: Use globbing to list all .java files in your project. |
| * `resources`: Use globbing to list all resources in your project. |
| * `deps`: You need to determine which external dependencies your |
| project needs. For example, if you generated a list of external |
| dependencies using the tool `generate_workspace`, the dependencies |
| for `java_library` are the libraries listed in the |
| `generated_java_libraries` macro. |
| * Take a look at the |
| [example below of this top-level BUILD file](#guava-example-2) from |
| the migration of the Guava project. |
| |
| 3. Now that you have a BUILD file at the root of your project, build |
| your project to ensure that it works. On the command line, from your |
| workspace directory, use `bazel build //:everything` to build your |
| project with Bazel. |
| |
| The project has now been successfully built with Bazel. You will need |
| to add more BUILD files to allow incremental builds of the project. |
| |
| #### <a name="guava-2"></a>Guava project example: start with one BUILD file |
| |
| When migrating the Guava project to Bazel, initially one BUILD file is used |
| to build the enitre project. Here are the contents of this initial `BUILD` |
| file in the workspace directory: |
| |
| ```bash |
| java_library( |
| name = "everything", |
| srcs = glob(["guava/src/**/*.java"]), |
| deps = [ |
| "//third_party:com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305", |
| "//third_party:com_google_errorprone_error_prone_annotations", |
| "//third_party:com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations" |
| ], |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### <a name="3-build"></a>3. Create more BUILD files (Optional) |
| |
| Bazel does work with just one BUILD file, as you saw after completing your first |
| build. You should still consider breaking the build into smaller chunks by |
| adding more BUILD files with granular targets. |
| |
| Multiple BUILD files with multiple targets will give the build increased |
| granularity, allowing: |
| |
| * increased incremental builds of the project, |
| * increased parallel execution of the build, |
| * better maintainability of the build for future users, and |
| * control over visibility of targets between packages, which can prevent |
| issues such as libraries containing implementation details leaking into |
| public APIs. |
| |
| Tips for adding more BUILD files: |
| |
| * You can start by adding a BUILD file to each Java package. Start wtih |
| Java packages that have the fewest dependencies and work you way up |
| to packages with the most dependencies. |
| * As you add BUILD files and specify targets, add these new targets to the |
| `deps` sections of targets that depend on them. Note that the `glob()` |
| function does not cross package boundaries, so as the number |
| of packages grows the files matched by `glob()` will shrink. |
| * Any time you add a BUILD file to a `main` directory, ensure that you add |
| a BUILD file to the corresponding `test` directory. |
| * Take care to limit visibility properly between packages. |
| * To simplify troubleshooting errors in your setup of BUILD files, ensure |
| that the project continues to build with Bazel as you add each build |
| file. Run `bazel build //...` to ensure all of your targets still build. |
| |
| ### <a name="4-build"></a>4. Build using Bazel |
| |
| You’ve been building using Bazel as you add BUILD files to validate the setup |
| of the build. |
| |
| When you have BUILD files at the desired granularity, you can use Bazel |
| to produce all of your builds. |