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title: Configuring your Java builds
Let say that you want to build for Java 8 and Error Prone checks off but keep
the tools directory provided with Bazel in the package path, you could do that
by having the following rc file:
build --javacopt=-XepDisableAllChecks
build --javacopt="-source 8 -target 8"
However, the file would becomes quickly overloaded, especially if you take
all languages and options into account. Instead, you can tweak the
rule that specifies the various options for the java compiler. So in a
BUILD file:
name = "my_toolchain",
encoding = "UTF-8",
source_version = "8",
target_version = "8",
misc = [
"-Xep:CollectionIncompatibleType:ERROR", #
And to keep it out of the tools directory (or you need to copy the rest
of the package), you can redirect the default one in a bazelrc:
build --java_toolchain=//package:my_toolchain
In the future, toolchain rules should be the configuration points for all
the languages but it is a long road. We also want to make it easier to
rebind the toolchain using the `bind` rule in the WORKSPACE file.