Add a benchmark tool that runs Bazel on GCE in various configurations.

The tool measures the time of the info / fetch / build / test / clean
phases and logs them (including the output) to a JSON file. It also
maintains an overall combined.csv file that contains just the timings
of each run. It can be easily imported into e.g. Google Spreadsheets.
diff --git a/buildkite/ b/buildkite/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e62c57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildkite/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import csv
+import getpass
+import json
+import queue
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os.path
+import threading
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+import gcloud
+import gcloud_utils
+DEBUG = True
+    # 'europe-west1-b': ['Intel Sandy Bridge'],
+    # 'europe-west1-c': ['Intel Ivy Bridge'],
+    # 'europe-west1-d': ['Intel Broadwell', 'Intel Haswell', 'Intel Skylake'],
+    'europe-west1-d': ['Intel Skylake'],
+    'n1-highmem-4',
+    'n1-highmem-8',
+    'n1-highmem-16',
+    'n1-standard-32',
+    # 'n1-standard-64'
+IMAGES = ['buildkite-ubuntu1604']
+#LOCAL_SSD = ['interface=nvme']
+LOCAL_SSD = ['']
+PRINT_LOCK = threading.Lock()
+WORK_QUEUE = queue.Queue()
+def debug(*args, **kwargs):
+    if DEBUG:
+        print(*args, **kwargs)
+def run(args, **kwargs):
+    debug('Running: {}'.format(' '.join(args)))
+    return, **kwargs)
+def create_instance(instance_name, zone, cpu_platform, machine_type, image, local_ssd, boot_disk_size):
+    image = {
+        'boot_disk_size': boot_disk_size,
+        'boot_disk_type': 'pd-ssd',
+        'image_family': image,
+        'image_project': 'bazel-public',
+        'machine_type': machine_type,
+        'metadata_from_file': 'startup-script=' + STARTUP_SCRIPT,
+        'min_cpu_platform': cpu_platform,
+        'network': 'buildkite',
+        'scopes': 'cloud-platform',
+        'service_account': '',
+        'zone': zone,
+    }
+    if local_ssd:
+        image['local_ssd'] = local_ssd
+    gcloud.create_instance(instance_name, **image)
+def fetch_benchmark_log(instance_name, zone):
+    raw_log = gcloud.get_serial_port_output(instance_name, zone=zone).stdout
+    filtered_log = gcloud_utils.prettify_logs(instance_name, raw_log, with_prefix=False)
+    return '\n'.join(filtered_log)
+def parse_benchmark_log(instance_name, zone, log):
+    # The log contains the following marker lines:
+    hardware_info_start = r"=== HARDWARE INFO START ==="
+    hardware_info_end = r"=== HARDWARE INFO DONE ==="
+    bazel_info_start = r"=== BAZEL INFO START @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_info_end = r"=== BAZEL INFO DONE @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_fetch_start = r"=== BAZEL FETCH START @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_fetch_end = r"=== BAZEL FETCH DONE @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_build_start = r"=== BAZEL BUILD START @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_build_end = r"=== BAZEL BUILD DONE @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_test_start = r"=== BAZEL TEST START @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_test_end = r"=== BAZEL TEST DONE @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_clean_start = r"=== BAZEL CLEAN START @([\d.]+) ==="
+    bazel_clean_end = r"=== BAZEL CLEAN DONE @([\d.]+) ==="
+    hardware_info = + r'.*CPU_COUNT=(\d*).*RAM_GB=(\d*).*CPU_PLATFORM=(.*)' + hardware_info_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    bazel_info = + '(.*?)' + bazel_info_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    bazel_fetch = + '(.*?)' + bazel_fetch_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    bazel_build = + '(.*?)' + bazel_build_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    bazel_test = + '(.*?)' + bazel_test_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    bazel_clean = + '(.*?)' + bazel_clean_end, log, re.DOTALL).groups()
+    return {
+        'timestamp': int(time.time()),
+        'instance_name': instance_name,
+        'zone': zone,
+        'cpu_count': int(hardware_info[0]),
+        'ram_gb': int(hardware_info[1]),
+        'cpu_platform': hardware_info[2].strip(),
+        'bazel_info': bazel_info[1].strip(),
+        'bazel_info_duration_secs': float(bazel_info[2]) - float(bazel_info[0]),
+        'bazel_fetch': bazel_fetch[1].strip(),
+        'bazel_fetch_duration_secs': float(bazel_fetch[2]) - float(bazel_fetch[0]),
+        'bazel_build_log': bazel_build[1].strip(),
+        'bazel_build_duration_secs': float(bazel_build[2]) - float(bazel_build[0]),
+        'bazel_test_log': bazel_test[1].strip(),
+        'bazel_test_duration_secs': float(bazel_test[2]) - float(bazel_test[0]),
+        'bazel_clean_log': bazel_clean[1].strip(),
+        'bazel_clean_duration_secs': float(bazel_clean[2]) - float(bazel_clean[0]),
+    }
+def workflow(zone, cpu_platform, machine_type, image, local_ssd, boot_disk_size):
+    instance_name = "benchmark-ubuntu-" + str(uuid4())
+    try:
+        # Create the VM.
+        create_instance(instance_name, zone, cpu_platform, machine_type, image, local_ssd, boot_disk_size)
+        # Wait for the VM to become ready.
+        gcloud_utils.wait_for_instance(instance_name, zone=zone, status='RUNNING')
+        # Wait for benchmark to complete.
+        gcloud_utils.tail_serial_console(instance_name, zone=zone, until='=== BENCHMARK COMPLETE ===')
+        log = fetch_benchmark_log(instance_name, zone)
+        results = parse_benchmark_log(instance_name, zone, log)
+        results['requested_cpu_platform'] = cpu_platform
+        results['machine_type'] = machine_type
+        results['image'] = image
+        results['local_ssd'] = local_ssd
+        results['boot_disk_size'] = boot_disk_size
+        with open(os.path.join('results', instance_name + '.json'), 'w') as f:
+            json.dump(results, f)
+        with open(os.path.join('results', 'combined.csv'), 'a', newline='') as f:
+            results_writer = csv.writer(f, )
+            results_writer.writerow([
+                results['timestamp'],
+                results['instance_name'],
+                results['zone'],
+                results['cpu_count'],
+                results['ram_gb'],
+                results['requested_cpu_platform'],
+                results['cpu_platform'],
+                results['machine_type'],
+                results['image'],
+                results['local_ssd'],
+                results['boot_disk_size'],
+                "{0:.4f}".format(results['bazel_info_duration_secs']),
+                "{0:.4f}".format(results['bazel_fetch_duration_secs']),
+                "{0:.4f}".format(results['bazel_build_duration_secs']),
+                "{0:.4f}".format(results['bazel_test_duration_secs']),
+                "{0:.4f}".format(results['bazel_clean_duration_secs'])
+            ])
+    finally:
+        try:
+            gcloud.delete_instance(instance_name)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+def worker():
+    while True:
+        item = WORK_QUEUE.get()
+        if not item:
+            break
+        try:
+            workflow(**item)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print("Work {} failed with exception: {}".format(item, e))
+        finally:
+            WORK_QUEUE.task_done()
+def main(argv=None):
+    if argv is None:
+        argv = sys.argv[1:]
+    # Put VM creation instructions into the work queue.
+    for zone, cpu_platforms in CPU_PLATFORMS.items():
+        for cpu_platform in cpu_platforms:
+            for machine_type in MACHINE_TYPES:
+                for image in IMAGES:
+                    for local_ssd in LOCAL_SSD:
+                        for boot_disk_size in BOOT_DISK_SIZE:
+                            for _ in range(REPEATS):
+                                WORK_QUEUE.put({
+                                    'zone': zone,
+                                    'cpu_platform': cpu_platform,
+                                    'machine_type': machine_type,
+                                    'image': image,
+                                    'local_ssd': local_ssd,
+                                    'boot_disk_size': boot_disk_size
+                                })
+    # Spawn worker threads that will create the VMs.
+    threads = []
+    for _ in range(WORK_QUEUE.qsize()):
+        t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
+        t.start()
+        threads.append(t)
+    # Wait for all VMs to be created.
+    WORK_QUEUE.join()
+    # Signal worker threads to exit.
+    for _ in range(len(threads)):
+        WORK_QUEUE.put(None)
+    # Wait for worker threads to exit.
+    for t in threads:
+        t.join()
+    return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/buildkite/ b/buildkite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5812254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildkite/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -euxo pipefail
+# Give various other start-up scripts / daily tasks some time to finish.
+sleep 30
+# If available: Use the local SSD as swap space.
+if [[ -e /dev/nvme0n1 ]]; then
+  mkswap -f /dev/nvme0n1
+  swapon /dev/nvme0n1
+# Move fast and lose data.
+mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,uid=root,gid=root,size=$((100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) tmpfs /tmp
+mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0711,uid=root,gid=root,size=$((100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) tmpfs /var/lib/docker
+mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,uid=root,gid=root,size=$((100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) tmpfs /root
+set +x
+# Download a snapshot of Bazel's source code. We don't clone from GitHub here, as we otherwise run
+# into rate limiting.
+cd /root
+curl -s | tar xJ
+cd bazel
+# Install Maven, as otherwise Bazel's "fetch //..." complains about it not being found.
+apt-get update && apt-get install -y maven
+export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk-linux
+export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/opt/android-ndk-r15c
+sed -i \
+  -e 's!^# android_sdk_repository!android_sdk_repository!' \
+  -e 's!^# android_ndk_repository!android_ndk_repository!' \
+  -e 's!^# load("//tools/build_defs/repo:maven_rules.bzl"!load("//tools/build_defs/repo:maven_rules.bzl"!' \
+  -e 's!^# maven_dependency_plugin!maven_dependency_plugin!' \
+TEST_TARGETS="//scripts/... //src/test/... //third_party/ijar/... //tools/android/..."
+TEST_BLACKLIST="-//src/test/shell/bazel/android:android_ndk_integration_test \
+  -//src/test/shell/integration:loading_phase_tests \
+  -//src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib:vfs_test \
+  -//src/test/cpp/util:file_test \
+  -//src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib:unix_test \
+  -//src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_sandboxing_test \
+  -//src/test/shell/bazel:git_repository_test \
+  -//src/test/shell/bazel:skylark_git_repository_test \
+  -//scripts/release:relnotes_test \
+  -//scripts/release:release_test"
+echo "=== HARDWARE INFO START ==="
+VCPUS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo  | grep ^processor | wc -l)
+echo "CPU_COUNT=${VCPUS}"
+RAMSIZE=$(free -g | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')
+echo "RAM_GB=${RAMSIZE}"
+echo "CPU_PLATFORM=$(gcloud compute instances describe \
+    --zone $(curl -s "" -H Metadata-Flavor:Google) \
+    $(hostname) | grep ^cpuPlatform | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')"
+echo "=== HARDWARE INFO DONE ==="
+echo "=== BAZEL INFO START @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+set -x
+bazel info
+set +x
+echo "=== BAZEL INFO DONE @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+echo "=== BAZEL FETCH START @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+set -x
+set +x
+echo "=== BAZEL FETCH DONE @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+echo "=== BAZEL BUILD START @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+set -x
+bazel build \
+  --noexperimental_ui \
+  --jobs=$VCPUS \
+  --experimental_multi_threaded_digest \
+  --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp \
+  -- \
+set +x
+echo "=== BAZEL BUILD DONE @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+echo "=== BAZEL TEST START @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+set -x
+bazel test \
+  --noexperimental_ui \
+  --build_tests_only \
+  --jobs=$VCPUS \
+  --local_test_jobs=$VCPUS \
+  --test_timeout=1800 \
+  --experimental_multi_threaded_digest \
+  --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp \
+  -- \
+set +x
+echo "=== BAZEL TEST DONE @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+echo "=== BAZEL CLEAN START @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+set -x
+bazel clean --expunge
+set +x
+echo "=== BAZEL CLEAN DONE @$(date +'%s.%N') ==="
+echo "=== BENCHMARK COMPLETE ==="
+exit 0