blob: 1494240dc58621654ed3e285867646e07361dd02 [file] [log] [blame]
package clients
import (
type BuildkiteClient interface {
GetMostRecentBuilds(*data.PipelineID, int) ([]buildkite.Build, error)
GetAgents(string) ([]buildkite.Agent, error)
type cacheEntry struct {
sampled time.Time
values []interface{}
type Clock interface {
CurrentTime() time.Time
type DefaultClock struct{}
func (DefaultClock) CurrentTime() time.Time {
return time.Now()
type CachedBuildkiteClient struct {
api BuildkiteAPI
mu sync.Mutex
cacheTimeout time.Duration
agentCache map[string]cacheEntry
buildCache map[string]cacheEntry
clock Clock
func CreateCachedBuildkiteClient(api BuildkiteAPI, cacheTimeout time.Duration) *CachedBuildkiteClient {
return &CachedBuildkiteClient{
api: api,
cacheTimeout: cacheTimeout,
agentCache: make(map[string]cacheEntry),
buildCache: make(map[string]cacheEntry),
clock: DefaultClock{},
func (client *CachedBuildkiteClient) GetMostRecentBuilds(pipeline *data.PipelineID, atLeastNBuilds int) ([]buildkite.Build, error) {
var listFunc func(int, int) ([]buildkite.Build, int, error)
if pipeline.Slug == "all" {
listFunc = func(page, perPage int) ([]buildkite.Build, int, error) {
return client.api.ListBuildyByOrg(pipeline.Org, page, perPage)
} else {
listFunc = func(page, perPage int) ([]buildkite.Build, int, error) {
return client.api.ListBuildsByPipeline(pipeline.Org, pipeline.Slug, page, perPage)
wrapperFunc := func(page, perPage int) ([]interface{}, int, error) {
builds, lastPage, err := listFunc(page, perPage)
interfaces := make([]interface{}, len(builds))
for i, b := range builds {
interfaces[i] = b
return interfaces, lastPage, err
results, err := client.getResults(wrapperFunc, atLeastNBuilds, client.buildCache, pipeline.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve builds for pipeline %s: %v", pipeline, err)
builds := make([]buildkite.Build, len(results))
for i, r := range results {
builds[i] = r.(buildkite.Build)
return builds, nil
func (client *CachedBuildkiteClient) GetAgents(org string) ([]buildkite.Agent, error) {
list := func(page, perPage int) ([]interface{}, int, error) {
agents, lastPage, err := client.api.ListAgents(org, page, perPage)
interfaces := make([]interface{}, len(agents))
for i, a := range agents {
interfaces[i] = a
return interfaces, lastPage, err
results, err := client.getResults(list, -1, client.agentCache, org)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve agents: %v", err)
agents := make([]buildkite.Agent, len(results))
for i, r := range results {
agents[i] = r.(buildkite.Agent)
return agents, nil
func (client *CachedBuildkiteClient) getResults(listFunc func(int, int) ([]interface{}, int, error), lastN int, cache map[string]cacheEntry, cacheKey string) ([]interface{}, error) {
if entry, ok := cache[cacheKey]; ok {
if client.clock.CurrentTime().Sub(entry.sampled) <= client.cacheTimeout {
if lastN < 0 {
return entry.values[:], nil
} else if lastN <= len(entry.values) {
return entry.values[:lastN], nil
delete(cache, cacheKey)
results, err := client.getUncachedResults(listFunc, lastN, cacheKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cache[cacheKey] = cacheEntry{
values: results,
sampled: client.clock.CurrentTime(),
return results, nil
func (client *CachedBuildkiteClient) getUncachedResults(listFunc func(int, int) ([]interface{}, int, error), lastN int, cacheKey string) ([]interface{}, error) {
all_results := make([]interface{}, 0)
perPage := 100
if 0 < lastN && lastN < perPage {
perPage = lastN
currPage := 1
lastPage := 1
for currPage <= lastPage {
log.Printf("Buildkite: Fetching page %d for '%s' (last=%d).\n", currPage, cacheKey, lastPage)
var results []interface{}
var err error
results, lastPage, err = listFunc(currPage, perPage)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get page %d: %v", currPage, err)
all_results = append(all_results, results...)
currPage += 1
if lastN > -1 && len(all_results) >= lastN {
if 0 < lastN && lastN < len(all_results) {
all_results = all_results[:lastN]
return all_results, nil
func (client *CachedBuildkiteClient) setClock(clock Clock) {
client.clock = clock