blob: d874d0a3980a7825f6970ad878e9ea8afc883062 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A pipeline step that control a global test for Bazel:
// - Bootstrap bazel and do some basic tests
// - Deploy the artifacts (site, releases) and send mails
// - Run all downstream job
def call(config = [:]) {
def repository = config.get("repository", "")
def branch = config.get("branch", "master")
def extra_bazelrc = config.get("extra_bazelrc", "")
def refspec = config.get("refspec", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*")
def mail_recipient = config.get("recipient", "")
def json_config = config.configuration
def restrict_configuration = config.get("restrict_configuration", [])
stage("Startup global test") {
echo "Running global test for branch ${branch} (refspec: ${refspec})"
notifyStatus(mail_recipient) {
// First we bootstrap bazel on all platform
stage("Bootstrap on all platforms") {
bootstrapBazelAll(repository: repository,
branch: branch,
refspec: refspec,
email: mail_recipient,
configuration: json_config,
restrict_configuration: restrict_configuration)
// Some basic tests
// TODO(dmarting): maybe we want to run it in parallel of other jobs?
stage("Test that all sources are in the //:srcs filegroup") {
machine("linux-x86_64") {
recursiveGit(repository: repository,
refspec: refspec,
branch: branch)
def bazel = bazelPath("latest", "linux-x86_64")
sh(script: "./ srcs ${bazel}")
// Deployment steps
def is_master = branch.matches('^(.*/)?master$')
def is_rc = branch.matches('^(refs/heads/)?release-.*$')
def is_release = branch.matches('^refs/tags/.*$')
if(is_master || is_rc | is_release) {
stage(is_master ? "Push website" : "Push release") {
machine("deploy") {
recursiveGit(repository: repository,
refspec: refspec,
branch: branch)
if (is_master) {
unstash "bazel--node=linux-x86_64--variation="
sh script: '''#!/bin/bash
. scripts/ci/
for i in $(find input -name \'*\'); do
build_and_publish_site "$i" "$(basename $i .tar)" "build"
for i in $(find input -name \'*\'); do
build_and_publish_site "$i" "$(basename $i .tar.nobuild)" "nobuild"
} else {
def r_name = sh(script: "bash -c 'source scripts/release/; get_full_release_name'",
returnStdout: true).trim()
if (!r_name.isEmpty()) {
pushRelease(name: r_name,
configuration: json_config,
restrict_configuration: restrict_configuration,
excludes: ["**/**", "**/bazel", "**/bazel.exe"])
if (is_release) {
stage("Install new release on all nodes") {
build(job: "install-bazel", wait: false, propagate: false)
// Then we run all jobs in the Global folder except the global pipeline job (the current job).
report = null
stage("Test downstream jobs") {
report = runAll(folder: "Global",
parameters: [
[$class: 'TextParameterValue',
value: "${extra_bazelrc}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
value: "${repository}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
name: 'BRANCH',
value: "${branch}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
name: 'REFSPEC',
value: "${refspec}"]
excludes: ["pipeline", currentBuild.getProjectName()])
stage("Publish report") {
reportAB report: report, name: "Downstream projects"
if (mail_recipient) {
mail(subject: "Global tests #${currentBuild.number} finished with status ${currentBuild.result}",
body: """A global tests has just finished with status ${currentBuild.result}.
You can find the report at ${currentBuild.getAbsoluteUrl()}Downstream_projects/.
to: mail_recipient)