blob: e1c2c75381aaef58b59aea8cebb818967259d605 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import threading
import bazelci
DOWNSTREAM_PIPELINE = "bazel-at-head-plus-downstream"
CULPRIT_FINDER_PIPELINE = "culprit-finder"
"SERIOUS" : '\033[95m',
"HEADER" : '\033[34m',
"PASSED" : '\033[92m',
"WARNING" : '\033[93m',
"FAIL" : '\033[91m',
"ENDC" : '\033[0m',
"INFO" : '\033[0m',
"BOLD" : '\033[1m',
def print_info(context, style, info, append=True):
info_str = "\n".join(info)
args = [
] + (["--append"] if append else []) + [
print_output = False,
# The class to fetch build result and do the analysis
# The build result are stored in main_result and downstream_result, their structures are like:
# 1. An example of downstream _result
# {
# "build_number": 1396,
# "bazel_commit": "83c5bb00b59137effd976e4f510f74613d85ee1c",
# "commit": "e2b6e2cffc79b89cf0840499c30e3818aaa9ee4b",
# "state": "passed",
# "tasks": {
# "ubuntu1604": {
# "id": "ba3b744c-536d-4f7b-ad9a-c2edd8839ba1",
# "name": "Android Studio Plugin (:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8))",
# "state": "passed",
# "web_url": ""
# }
# }
# }
# 2. An example of main_result
# {
# "build_number": 6299,
# "commit": "e2b6e2cffc79b89cf0840499c30e3818aaa9ee4b",
# "last_green_commit": "e2b6e2cffc79b89cf0840499c30e3818aaa9ee4b",
# "state": "passed",
# "tasks": {
# "ubuntu1604": {
# "id": "1333fa60-c26f-45dd-9169-eeb9a7cc9add",
# "name": ":ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8)",
# "state": "passed",
# "web_url": ""
# }
# }
# }
class BuildInfoAnalyzer(threading.Thread):
success_log_lock = threading.Lock()
success_log = []
def __init__(self, project, pipeline, downstream_result):
self.project = project
self.pipeline = pipeline
self.downstream_result = downstream_result
self.main_result = None
self.client = bazelci.BuildkiteClient(BUILDKITE_ORG, pipeline)
self.analyze_log = [f"{COLORS['HEADER']}Analyzing {self.project}: {COLORS['ENDC']}"]
self.broken_by_infra = False
def _get_main_build_result(self):
pipeline_info = self.client.get_pipeline_info()
if not pipeline_info:
error = f"Cannot find pipeline info for pipeline {self.pipeline}."
self._log("SERIOUS", error)
raise bazelci.BuildkiteException(error)
build_info_list = self.client.get_build_info_list([
("branch", pipeline_info.get("default_branch") or "master"),
("page", "1"),
("per_page", "1"),
("state[]", "failed"),
("state[]", "passed"),
if not build_info_list:
error = f"Cannot find finished build for pipeline {self.pipeline}, please try to rerun the pipeline first."
self._log("SERIOUS", error)
raise bazelci.BuildkiteException(error)
main_build_info = build_info_list[0]
self.main_result = {}
self.main_result["commit"] = main_build_info["commit"]
self.main_result["build_number"] = main_build_info["number"]
job_infos = filter(lambda x: bool(x), (extract_job_info_by_key(job) for job in main_build_info["jobs"] if not ("soft_failed" in job and job["soft_failed"])))
self.main_result["tasks"] = group_job_info_by_task(job_infos)
self.main_result["state"] = get_project_state(self.main_result["tasks"])
last_green_commit_url = bazelci.bazelci_last_green_commit_url(
bazelci.DOWNSTREAM_PROJECTS[self.project]["git_repository"], self.pipeline
self.main_result["last_green_commit"] = bazelci.get_last_green_commit(last_green_commit_url)
# Log all succeeded projects in the same annotate block
def _log_success(self, text):
with BuildInfoAnalyzer.success_log_lock:
BuildInfoAnalyzer.success_log.append(f"{COLORS['HEADER']}Analyzing {self.project}: {COLORS['PASSED']}{text}{COLORS['ENDC']}")
info = [
"<details><summary><strong>:bk-status-passed: Success</strong></summary><p>",
] + BuildInfoAnalyzer.success_log + [
print_info("success-info", "success", info, append = False)
# Log broken projects in their separate annotate block
def _log(self, c, text):
info = [
f"<details><summary><strong>:bk-status-failed: {self.project}</strong></summary><p>",
] + self.analyze_log + [
print_info(self.pipeline, "warning", info, append = False)
# Implement the log function so that it can be called from BuildkiteClient
def log(self, text):
# Be smart here to reduce log length.
if self.analyze_log[-1].startswith(COLORS["INFO"] + "Waiting for "):
self._log("INFO", text)
def _trigger_bisect(self, tasks):
env = {
"PROJECT_NAME": self.project,
"TASK_NAME_LIST": ",".join(tasks) if tasks else "",
return CULPRIT_FINDER_PIPELINE_CLIENT.trigger_new_build("HEAD", f"Bisecting {self.project}", env)
# Search for certain message in the log to determine the bisect result.
# Return values are
# 1. A bisect result message
# 2. The commit of the culprit if found, otherwise None
def _determine_bisect_result(self, job):
bisect_log = CULPRIT_FINDER_PIPELINE_CLIENT.get_build_log(job)
pos = bisect_log.rfind("first bad commit is ")
if pos != -1:
start = pos + len("first bad commit is ")
# The length of a full commit hash is 40
culprit_commit = bisect_log[start:start + 40]
return "\n".join([
"Culprit found!",
bisect_log[pos:].replace("\r", ""),
"Bisect URL: " + job["web_url"],
]), culprit_commit
pos = bisect_log.rfind("Cannot find a good bazel commit, abort bisecting.")
if pos != -1:
self.broken_by_infra = True
return "\n".join([
"Given good commit is now failing. This is probably caused by remote cache issue or infra change.",
"Please ping philwo@ or pcloudy@ for investigation.",
"Bisect URL: " + job["web_url"],
]), None
pos = bisect_log.rfind("first bad commit not found, every commit succeeded.")
if pos != -1:
return "\n".join([
"Bisect didn't manage to reproduce the failure, all builds succeeded.",
"Maybe the build are cached from previous build with a different Bazel version or it could be flaky.",
"Please try to rerun the bisect with NEEDS_CLEAN=1 and REPEAT_TIMES=3.",
"Bisect URL: " + job["web_url"],
]), None
return "Bisect failed due to unknown reason, please check " + job["web_url"], None
def _retry_failed_jobs(self, build_result, buildkite_client):
retry_per_failed_task = {}
for task, info in build_result["tasks"].items():
if info["state"] != "passed":
retry_per_failed_task[task] = buildkite_client.trigger_job_retry(build_result["build_number"], info["id"])
for task, job_info in retry_per_failed_task.items():
retry_per_failed_task[task] = buildkite_client.wait_job_to_finish(build_number = build_result["build_number"], job_id = job_info["id"], logger = self)
return retry_per_failed_task
def _print_job_list(self, jobs):
for job in jobs:
self._log("INFO", f" {job['name']}: {job['web_url']}")
self._log("INFO", "")
def _analyze_main_pipeline_result(self):
self._log("INFO", "")
self._log("PASSED", "***Analyze failures in main pipeline***")
# Report failed tasks
self._log("WARNING", "The following tasks are failing in main pipeline")
self._print_job_list([info for _, info in self.main_result["tasks"].items() if info["state"] != "passed"])
# Retry all failed tasks
self._log("PASSED", "Retry failed main pipeline tasks...")
retry_per_failed_task = self._retry_failed_jobs(self.main_result, self.client)
# Report tasks that succeeded after retry
succeeded_tasks = []
for task, info in retry_per_failed_task.items():
if info["state"] == "passed":
self.main_result["tasks"][task]["flaky"] = True
if succeeded_tasks:
self._log("WARNING", "The following tasks succeeded after retry, they might be flaky")
# Report tasks that are still failing after retry
still_failing_tasks = []
for task, info in retry_per_failed_task.items():
if info["state"] != "passed":
self.main_result["tasks"][task]["broken"] = True
if still_failing_tasks:
last_green_commit = self.main_result["last_green_commit"]
self._log("FAIL", f"The following tasks are still failing after retry, they are probably broken due to changes from the project itself.")
self._log("FAIL", f"The last recorded green commit is {last_green_commit}. Please file bug for the repository.")
def _analyze_for_downstream_pipeline_result(self):
self._log("INFO", "")
self._log("PASSED", "***Analyze failures in downstream pipeline***")
# Report failed tasks
self._log("WARNING", "The following tasks are failing in downstream pipeline")
self._print_job_list([info for _, info in self.downstream_result["tasks"].items() if info["state"] != "passed"])
# Retry all failed tasks
self._log("PASSED", "Retry failed downstream pipeline tasks...")
retry_per_failed_task = self._retry_failed_jobs(self.downstream_result, DOWNSTREAM_PIPELINE_CLIENT)
# Report tasks that succeeded after retry
succeeded_tasks = []
for task, info in retry_per_failed_task.items():
if info["state"] == "passed":
self.downstream_result["tasks"][task]["flaky"] = True
if succeeded_tasks:
self._log("WARNING", "The following tasks succeeded after retry, they might be flaky")
# Report tasks that are still failing after retry
still_failing_tasks = []
failing_task_names = []
for task, info in retry_per_failed_task.items():
if info["state"] != "passed":
self.downstream_result["tasks"][task]["broken"] = True
if not still_failing_tasks:
self._log("FAIL", f"The following tasks are still failing after retry, they are probably broken due to recent Bazel changes.")
# Do bisect for still failing jobs
self._log("PASSED", f"Bisect for still failing tasks...")
bisect_build = self._trigger_bisect(failing_task_names)
bisect_build = CULPRIT_FINDER_PIPELINE_CLIENT.wait_build_to_finish(build_number = bisect_build["number"], logger = self)
bisect_result_by_task = {}
for task in failing_task_names:
for job in bisect_build["jobs"]:
if ("--task_name=" + task) in job["command"]:
bisect_result_by_task[task], culprit = self._determine_bisect_result(job)
if culprit:
self.downstream_result["tasks"][task]["culprit"] = culprit
if task not in bisect_result_by_task:
error = f"Bisect job for task {task} is missing in " + bisect_build["web_url"]
self._log("SERIOUS", error)
raise bazelci.BuildkiteException(error)
# Report bisect result
for task, result in bisect_result_by_task.items():
self._log("WARNING", "Bisect result for " + self.downstream_result["tasks"][task]["name"])
self._log("INFO", result)
def _analyze(self):
# Main build: PASSED; Downstream build: PASSED
if self.main_result["state"] == "passed" and self.downstream_result["state"] == "passed":
self._log_success("Main build: PASSED; Downstream build: PASSED")
# Main build: FAILED; Downstream build: PASSED
if self.main_result["state"] == "failed" and self.downstream_result["state"] == "passed":
self._log("FAIL", "Main build: FAILED")
self._log("PASSED", "Downstream build: PASSED")
self._log("HEADER", "Analyzing finished.")
# Main build: PASSED; Downstream build: FAILED
if self.main_result["state"] == "passed" and self.downstream_result["state"] == "failed":
self._log("PASSED", "Main build: PASSED")
self._log("FAIL", "Downstream build: FAILED")
self._log("HEADER", "Analyzing finished.")
# Main build: FAILED; Downstream build: FAILED
if self.main_result["state"] == "failed" and self.downstream_result["state"] == "failed":
self._log("FAIL", "Main build: FAILED")
self._log("FAIL", "Downstream build: FAILED")
last_green_commit = self.main_result["last_green_commit"]
# If the lastest build is the last green commit, that means some infra change has caused the breakage.
if last_green_commit == self.main_result["commit"]:
self.broken_by_infra = True
self._log("SERIOUS", f"Project failed at last green commit. This is probably caused by an infra change, please ping philwo@ or pcloudy@.")
self._log("HEADER", "Analyzing finished.")
# Rebuild the project at last green commit, check if the failure is caused by infra change.
self._log("PASSED", f"Rebuild at last green commit {last_green_commit}...")
build_info = self.client.trigger_new_build(last_green_commit, "Trigger build at last green commit.")
build_info = self.client.wait_build_to_finish(build_number = build_info["number"], logger = self)
if build_info["state"] == "failed":
self.broken_by_infra = True
self._log("SERIOUS", f"Project failed at last green commit. This is probably caused by an infra change, please ping philwo@ or pcloudy@.")
elif build_info["state"] == "passed":
self._log("PASSED", f"Project succeeded at last green commit. Maybe main pipeline and downstream pipeline are broken for different reasons.")
self._log("SERIOUS", f"Rebuilding project at last green commit failed with unknown reason. Please check " + build_info["web_url"])
self._log("HEADER", "Analyzing finished.")
def run(self):
def get_html_link_text(content, link):
return f'<a href="{link}" target="_blank">{content}</a>'
def add_tasks_info_text(tasks_per_project, info_text):
for project, task_list in tasks_per_project.items():
html_link_text = ", ".join([get_html_link_text(name, url) for name, url in task_list])
info_text.append(f"* **{project}**: {html_link_text}")
def collect_tasks_by_key(build_result, project_name, tasks_per_project, key):
for task_info in build_result["tasks"].values():
if task_info.get(key):
if project_name not in tasks_per_project:
tasks_per_project[project_name] = []
tasks_per_project[project_name].append((task_info["name"], task_info["web_url"]))
def get_bazel_commit_url(commit):
return f"{commit}"
def get_buildkite_pipeline_url(pipeline):
return f"{pipeline}"
def report_infra_breakages(analyzers):
projects_broken_by_infra = [(analyzer.project, analyzer.pipeline) for analyzer in analyzers if analyzer.broken_by_infra]
if not projects_broken_by_infra:
info_text = [
"#### The following projects are probably broken by infra change",
"Check the analyze log for more details.",
html_link_text = ", ".join([get_html_link_text(project, get_buildkite_pipeline_url(pipeline)) for project, pipeline in projects_broken_by_infra])
info_text.append(f"* {html_link_text}")
print_info("broken_tasks_by_infra", "error", info_text)
def report_downstream_breakages(analyzers):
broken_downstream_tasks_per_project = {}
culprits_per_project = {}
for analyzer in analyzers:
collect_tasks_by_key(analyzer.downstream_result, analyzer.project, broken_downstream_tasks_per_project, "broken")
culprits = set()
for task_info in analyzer.downstream_result["tasks"].values():
if task_info.get("culprit"):
if culprits:
culprits_per_project[analyzer.project] = culprits
if not broken_downstream_tasks_per_project:
info_text = [
"#### Broken projects with Bazel at HEAD (Downstream Build)",
"These projects are probably broken by recent Bazel changes.",
for project, task_list in broken_downstream_tasks_per_project.items():
html_link_text = ", ".join([get_html_link_text(name, url) for name, url in task_list])
info_text.append(f"* **{project}**: {html_link_text}")
if project in culprits_per_project:
culprit_text = ", ".join([get_html_link_text(commit, get_bazel_commit_url(commit)) for commit in culprits_per_project[project]])
info_text.append(f" - Culprit Found: {culprit_text}")
info_text.append(" - Culprit Not Found: Please check the analyze log for more details")
print_info("broken_downstream_tasks", "error", info_text)
def report_main_breakages(analyzers):
broken_main_tasks_per_project = {}
for analyzer in analyzers:
collect_tasks_by_key(analyzer.main_result, analyzer.project, broken_main_tasks_per_project, "broken")
if not broken_main_tasks_per_project:
info_text = [
"#### Broken projects with Bazel at latest release (Main Build)",
"These projects are probably broken by their own changes.",
add_tasks_info_text(broken_main_tasks_per_project, info_text)
print_info("broken_main_tasks", "warning", info_text)
def report_flaky_tasks(analyzers):
flaky_main_tasks_per_project = {}
flaky_downstream_tasks_per_project = {}
for analyzer in analyzers:
collect_tasks_by_key(analyzer.main_result, analyzer.project, flaky_main_tasks_per_project, "flaky")
collect_tasks_by_key(analyzer.downstream_result, analyzer.project, flaky_downstream_tasks_per_project, "flaky")
if not flaky_main_tasks_per_project and not flaky_downstream_tasks_per_project:
info_text = ["#### Flaky Projects"]
if flaky_main_tasks_per_project:
info_text.append("##### Main Build")
add_tasks_info_text(flaky_main_tasks_per_project, info_text)
if flaky_downstream_tasks_per_project:
info_text.append("##### Downstream Build")
add_tasks_info_text(flaky_downstream_tasks_per_project, info_text)
print_info("flaky_tasks", "warning", info_text)
def report(analyzers):
print_info("analyze_log", "info", ["#### Analyze log"])
# Get the raw downstream build result from the lastest finished build
def get_latest_downstream_build_info():
downstream_build_list = DOWNSTREAM_PIPELINE_CLIENT.get_build_info_list([
("branch", "master"),
("page", "1"),
("per_page", "1"),
("state[]", "failed"),
("state[]", "passed"),
if len(downstream_build_list) == 0:
raise bazelci.BuildkiteException("Cannot find finished downstream build, please try to rerun downstream pipeline first.")
return downstream_build_list[0]
# Parse infos from command and extract info from original job infos.
# Result is like:
# [
# {"task": "A", "state": "passed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/A"},
# {"task": "B", "state": "failed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/B"},
# ]
def extract_job_info_by_key(job, info_from_command = [], info_from_job = ["name", "state", "web_url", "id"]):
if "command" not in job or not job["command"] or " runner" not in job["command"]:
return None
# We have to know which task this job info belongs to
if "task" not in info_from_command:
job_info = {}
# Assume there is no space in each argument
args = job["command"].split(" ")
for info in info_from_command:
for arg in args:
prefix = "--" + info + "="
if arg.startswith(prefix):
job_info[info] = arg[len(prefix):]
if info not in job_info:
return None
for info in info_from_job:
if info not in job:
return None
job_info[info] = job[info]
return job_info
# Turn a list of job infos
# [
# {"task": "windows", "state": "passed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/A"},
# {"task": "macos", "state": "failed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/B"},
# ]
# into a map of task name to job info
# {
# "windows": {"state": "passed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/A"},
# "macos": {"state": "failed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/B"},
# }
def group_job_info_by_task(job_infos):
job_info_by_task = {}
for job_info in job_infos:
if "task" not in job_info:
raise bazelci.BuildkiteException(f"'task' must be a key of job_info: {job_info}")
task_name = job_info["task"]
del job_info["task"]
job_info_by_task[task_name] = job_info
return job_info_by_task
# If any of the tasks didn't pass, we condsider the state of this project failed.
def get_project_state(tasks):
for _, infos in tasks.items():
if infos["state"] != "passed" and infos["state"] != "soft_failed":
return "failed"
return "passed"
# Get the downstream build result in a structure like:
# {
# "project_x" : {
# "commit": "XXXXXXXX",
# "bazel_commit": "XXXXXXXX",
# "tasks" : {
# "A": {"state": "passed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/A"},
# "B": {"state": "failed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/B"},
# }
# }
# "project_y" : {
# "commit": "XXXXXXXX",
# "bazel_commit": "XXXXXXXX",
# "tasks" : {
# "C": {"state": "passed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/C"},
# "D": {"state": "failed", "web_url": "http://foo/bar/D"},
# }
# }
# }
def get_downstream_result_by_project(downstream_build_info):
config_to_project = {}
for project_name, project_info in bazelci.DOWNSTREAM_PROJECTS.items():
config_to_project[project_info["http_config"]] = project_name
downstream_result = {}
jobs_per_project = {}
for job in downstream_build_info["jobs"]:
# Skip all soft failed jobs
if "soft_failed" in job and job["soft_failed"]:
job_info = extract_job_info_by_key(job = job, info_from_command = ["http_config", "git_commit"])
if job_info:
project_name = config_to_project[job_info["http_config"]]
if project_name not in downstream_result:
jobs_per_project[project_name] = []
downstream_result[project_name] = {}
downstream_result[project_name]["bazel_commit"] = downstream_build_info["commit"]
downstream_result[project_name]["build_number"] = downstream_build_info["number"]
downstream_result[project_name]["commit"] = job_info["git_commit"]
for project_name in jobs_per_project:
tasks = group_job_info_by_task(jobs_per_project[project_name])
downstream_result[project_name]["tasks"] = tasks
downstream_result[project_name]["state"] = get_project_state(tasks)
return downstream_result
def main(argv=None):
downstream_build_info = get_latest_downstream_build_info()
downstream_result = get_downstream_result_by_project(downstream_build_info)
analyzers = []
for project_name, project_info in bazelci.DOWNSTREAM_PROJECTS.items():
if project_name in downstream_result:
analyzer = BuildInfoAnalyzer(project_name, project_info["pipeline_slug"], downstream_result[project_name])
for analyzer in analyzers:
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":