## Stop on action error. | |
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" | |
$ConfirmPreference = "None" | |
## Use TLS1.2 for HTTPS (fixes an issue where later steps can't connect to github.com) | |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 | |
## Load PowerShell support for ZIP files. | |
Write-Host "Loading support for ZIP files..." | |
Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" | |
## Create Buildkite agent working directory (C:\b). | |
Write-Host "Creating build folder on PD-SSD..." | |
Remove-Item "C:\b" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | |
New-Item "C:\b" -ItemType "directory" | |
## Setup environment variables. | |
Write-Host "Setting environment variables..." | |
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", "C:\temp", "Machine") | |
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", "C:\temp", "Machine") | |
$env:TEMP = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", "Machine") | |
$env:TMP = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", "Machine") | |
$env:PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "Machine") | |
## Create an environment hook for the Buildkite agent. | |
$myhostname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName() | |
if ($myhostname -like "*trusted*") { | |
$artifact_bucket = "bazel-trusted-buildkite-artifacts" | |
} elseif ($myhostname -like "*testing*") { | |
$artifact_bucket = "bazel-testing-buildkite-artifacts" | |
} else { | |
$artifact_bucket = "bazel-untrusted-buildkite-artifacts" | |
} | |
Write-Host "Creating Buildkite agent environment hook..." | |
$buildkite_environment_hook = @" | |
SET PATH=${env:PATH} | |
SET TEMP=${env:TEMP} | |
SET TMP=${env:TEMP} | |
"@ | |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("c:\buildkite\hooks\environment.bat", $buildkite_environment_hook) | |
Write-Host "Creating Buildkite agent pre-exit hook..." | |
$buildkite_preexit_hook = @" | |
wmic pagefile list /format:list | |
"@ | |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("c:\buildkite\hooks\pre-exit.bat", $buildkite_preexit_hook) | |
## Enable support for symlinks. | |
Write-Host "Enabling SECreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege permission..." | |
$ntprincipal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount "b" | |
$sid = $ntprincipal.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) | |
$sidstr = $sid.Value.ToString() | |
$tmp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() | |
& secedit.exe /export /cfg "$($tmp)" | |
$currentConfig = Get-Content -Path "$tmp" | |
$currentSetting = "" | |
foreach ($s in $currentConfig) { | |
if ($s -like "SECreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege*") { | |
$x = $s.split("=",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | |
$currentSetting = $x[1].Trim() | |
} | |
} | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($currentSetting)) { | |
$currentSetting = "*$($sidstr)" | |
} else { | |
$currentSetting = "*$($sidstr),$($currentSetting)" | |
} | |
$outfile = @" | |
[Unicode] | |
Unicode=yes | |
[Version] | |
signature="`$CHICAGO`$" | |
Revision=1 | |
[Privilege Rights] | |
SECreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = $($currentSetting) | |
"@ | |
$outfile | Set-Content -Path $tmp -Encoding Unicode -Force | |
& secedit.exe /configure /db "secedit.sdb" /cfg "$($tmp)" /areas USER_RIGHTS | |
Remove-Item -Path "$tmp" | |
## Write encrypted buildkite agent token into a file. | |
$myhostname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName() | |
if ($myhostname -like "*trusted*") { | |
$buildkite_agent_token_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-trusted-encrypted-secrets/buildkite-trusted-agent-token.enc" | |
$project = "bazel-public" | |
$key = "buildkite-trusted-agent-token" | |
} elseif ($myhostname -like "*testing*") { | |
$buildkite_agent_token_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-testing-encrypted-secrets/buildkite-testing-agent-token.enc" | |
$project = "bazel-untrusted" | |
$key = "buildkite-testing-agent-token" | |
} else { | |
$buildkite_agent_token_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-untrusted-encrypted-secrets/buildkite-untrusted-agent-token.enc" | |
$project = "bazel-untrusted" | |
$key = "buildkite-untrusted-agent-token" | |
} | |
$buildkite_agent_token_file = "c:\buildkite\buildkite_agent_token.enc" | |
Write-Host "Getting Buildkite Agent token from GCS..." | |
# Try at most 30 times to download file, if not succeeding, shutdown the VM. | |
$maxAttempts = 30 | |
$attemptCount = 0 | |
while ($attemptCount -lt $maxAttempts) { | |
try { | |
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($buildkite_agent_token_url, $buildkite_agent_token_file) | |
Write-Host "Token downloaded successfully." | |
break | |
} catch { | |
$msg = $_.Exception.Message | |
Write-Host "Failed to download token: $msg" | |
$attemptCount++ | |
Write-Host "Attempt $attemptCount of $maxAttempts" | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 | |
} | |
} | |
# Check if maximum attempts were reached and shut down if necessary | |
if ($attemptCount -eq $maxAttempts) { | |
Write-Host "Maximum attempts reached. Shutting down the machine..." | |
Stop-Computer | |
} | |
# Fix ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129) | |
# Apply changes from https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_foreign_cc/pull/1171 | |
cd $env:USERPROFILE; | |
Invoke-WebRequest https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -OutFile $env:USERPROFILE\cacert.pem; | |
$plaintext_pw = 'PASSWORD'; | |
$secure_pw = ConvertTo-SecureString $plaintext_pw -AsPlainText -Force; | |
& openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -nokeys -out certs.pfx -in cacert.pem -passout pass:$plaintext_pw; | |
Import-PfxCertificate -Password $secure_pw -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath certs.pfx; | |
## Decrypt the Buildkite agent token. | |
Write-Host "Decrypting Buildkite Agent token using KMS..." | |
$buildkite_agent_token = & gcloud kms decrypt --project $project --location global --keyring buildkite --key $key --ciphertext-file $buildkite_agent_token_file --plaintext-file - | |
Remove-Item $buildkite_agent_token_file | |
## Configure the Buildkite agent. | |
Write-Host "Configuring Buildkite Agent..." | |
$buildkite_agent_root = "c:\buildkite" | |
$buildkite_agent_config = @" | |
token="${buildkite_agent_token}" | |
name="%hostname" | |
tags="queue=windows,kind=worker,os=windows" | |
experiment="git-mirrors" | |
build-path="c:\b" | |
hooks-path="c:\buildkite\hooks" | |
plugins-path="c:\buildkite\plugins" | |
git-mirrors-path="c:\buildkite\bazelbuild" | |
git-clone-mirror-flags="-v --bare" | |
disconnect-after-job=true | |
health-check-addr= | |
"@ | |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("${buildkite_agent_root}\buildkite-agent.cfg", $buildkite_agent_config) | |
## Start the Buildkite agent service. | |
try { | |
Write-Host "Starting Buildkite agent..." | |
Start-Service -Name "buildkite-agent" | |
Write-Host "Waiting for Buildkite agent to start..." | |
(Get-Service -Name "buildkite-agent").WaitForStatus([ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) | |
Write-Host "Waiting for Buildkite agent to exit..." | |
(Get-Service -Name "buildkite-agent").WaitForStatus([ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped) | |
Write-Host "Buildkite agent has exited." | |
} finally { | |
Write-Host "Waiting for at least one minute of uptime..." | |
## Wait until the machine has been running for at least one minute, in order to | |
## prevent exponential backoff from happening when it terminates too early. | |
$up = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem).LastBootUpTime | |
$uptime = ((Get-Date) - $up).TotalSeconds | |
$timetosleep = 60 - $uptime | |
if ($timetosleep -gt 0) { | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds $timetosleep | |
} | |
Write-Host "Shutting down..." | |
Stop-Computer | |
} |