blob: 7636ca8000c4f030d93b7530dff4802ff6b063f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Configure the nodes to bootstrap bazel on. Possible parameters are:
// - archive: list of file to archive as a map of target, new name. %{release_name} string will
// be replaced by the release name. An empty list means we do not archive anything
// (for non release build).
// - stash: list of artifacts to stash (to be released / push but no need to keep it forever)
// - targets: list of targets to build, in addition to //src:bazel.
"node": "linux-x86_64",
"variation": "",
"parameters": {
"archive": {
"bazel-bin/src/bazel": "bazel",
"bazel-bin/scripts/packages/with-jdk/": "bazel-%{release_name}",
"bazel-bin/scripts/packages/without-jdk/": "bazel-%{release_name}",
"bazel-bin/scripts/packages/debian/bazel-debian.deb": "bazel_%{release_name}-linux-x86_64.deb",
"bazel-genfiles/": "bazel-%{release_name}"
"stash": {
"bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/debian/bazel.dsc": "bazel.dsc",
"bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/debian/bazel.tar.gz": "bazel.tar.gz",
"bazel-genfiles/site/jekyll-tree.tar": "",
"bazel-bin/src/tools/benchmark/webapp/site.tar": ""
"targets": [
{ "variation": "", "node": "ubuntu_16.04-x86_64" },
"variation": "",
"node": "freebsd-11",
"parameters": {"archive": {"bazel-bin/src/bazel": "bazel"}}
"variation": "",
"node": "freebsd-12",
"parameters": {"archive": {"bazel-bin/src/bazel": "bazel"}}
"variation": "",
"node": "darwin-x86_64",
"parameters": {
"archive": {
"bazel-bin/src/bazel": "bazel",
"bazel-bin/scripts/packages/with-jdk/": "bazel-%{release_name}",
"bazel-bin/scripts/packages/without-jdk/": "bazel-%{release_name}"
"targets": [
// TODO(dmarting): Do we still needs that? this could be done as an external repo
// instead.
"opts": ["--define IPHONE_SDK=1"]
// TODO(dmarting): windows build zip with "zip -j", add it to //packages
"variation": "",
"node": "windows-x86_64",
"parameters": {
"archive": {
"bazel-bin/src/bazel": ["bazel.exe", "bazel-%{release_name}-windows-x86_64.exe"]
"opts": [
// TODO(dmarting): This should be a variation, not a node name
"variation": "",
"node": "windows-msvc-x86_64",
"parameters": {
"archive": {
"bazel-bin/src/bazel": ["bazel.exe", "bazel-msvc-%{release_name}-windows-x86_64.exe"]
"opts": [
// TODO(pcloudy):
// Remove it after wrapper-less CROSSTOOL becomes default