blob: b9a17ee7c35f099720edf7f507947d3fcd5c04ac [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a relaxed JSON format, you can have comment in it.
// This is a list of configuration for the bazel-tests job.
// This is a configuration that have 3 subconfigurations: linux, ubuntu and darwin
// A job configuration special keys are:
// node -> indicate a node label to run the configuration on
// variation -> an extra content to the bazel version
"configurations": [
"node": "linux-x86_64",
"variation": ""
"node": "ubuntu_16.04-x86_64",
"variation": ""
// And specify the parameters for these configurations, which can be:
// configure: list of configuration step to run before bazel
// tests: tests to execute, default to ["//..."]
// targets: targets to build, default to ["//..."]
// test_tag_filters: tag to filter test (-noci and -manual are automatically added)
// build_tag_filters: tag to filter target to build
// test_opts: test options
// build_opts: build options
"parameters": {
"configure": [
"echo >>WORKSPACE",
"cat >>WORKSPACE <<EOF",
" name = \"androidsdk\",",
" path = \"${ANDROID_SDK_PATH}\",",
" name = \"androidndk\",",
" path = \"${ANDROID_NDK_PATH}\",",
"tests": [
"filter(\"^(?!//src/test/docker).*$\", //src/test/...)",
"targets": []
}, {
"node": "darwin-x86_64",
"variation": "",
"parameters": {
"configure": [
"echo >>WORKSPACE",
"cat >>WORKSPACE <<EOF",
" name = \"androidsdk\",",
" path = \"${ANDROID_SDK_PATH}\",",
" name = \"androidndk\",",
" path = \"${ANDROID_NDK_PATH}\",",
"build_opts": ["--define IPHONE_SDK=1"],
"tests": [
"filter(\"^(?!//src/test/docker).*$\", //src/test/...)",
"targets": []
}, {
"toolchain": "msvc",
"configurations": [{
// TODO(dmarting): MSVC is a misnommer, it should have been called win32
// (for win32 native binary).
// TODO(dmarting): really MSVC/Win32 should be a bazel variation, not part of
// the node.
"node": "windows-msvc-x86_64",
"variation": ""
}, {
"node": "windows-x86_64",
"variation": ""
"parameters": {
"build_opts": [
// TODO(pcloudy):.
// Remove it after wrapper-less CROSSTOOL becomes default
"test_tag_filters": ["-no_windows"],
"tests": [
"targets": ["//src:bazel"]
}, {
"toolchain": "msys",
"configurations": [{
// TODO(dmarting): MSVC is a misnommer, it should have been called win32
// (for win32 native binary).
// TODO(dmarting): really MSVC/Win32 should be a bazel variation, not part of
// the node.
"node": "windows-msvc-x86_64",
"variation": ""
}, {
"node": "windows-x86_64",
"variation": ""
"parameters": {
"build_opts": ["--cpu=x64_windows_msys", "--host_cpu=x64_windows_msys"],
"test_tag_filters": ["-no_windows"],
"tests": ["//src/test/shell/bazel:bazel_windows_example_test"],
"targets": []