Reapply "BCR reviewer: skip draft PRs (#1929)"

This reverts commit 4e103c2e6b8455d5c0137d5ae1526063f8920568.

The original commit was accidentally reverted while dealing with another
CI issue.
diff --git a/actions/bcr-pr-reviewer/index.js b/actions/bcr-pr-reviewer/index.js
index d468c2a..4339356 100644
--- a/actions/bcr-pr-reviewer/index.js
+++ b/actions/bcr-pr-reviewer/index.js
@@ -222,10 +222,21 @@
 async function reviewPR(octokit, owner, repo, prNumber) {
   console.log(`Processing PR #${prNumber}`);
+  // Skip if the PR is a draft
+  const prInfo = await{
+    owner,
+    repo,
+    pull_number: prNumber,
+  });
+  if ( {
+    console.log('Skipping draft PR');
+    return;
+  }
   // Fetch modified modules
   const modifiedModules = await fetchAllModifiedModules(octokit, owner, repo, prNumber);
   console.log(`Modified modules: ${Array.from(modifiedModules).join(', ')}`);