blob: 5405aa25d4dfe126c292723324d2f32c25afb281 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonParserType
* A class that stores configuration for a Bazel job.
* A configuration is composed of a descriptor and a list of parameters.
* A descriptor is a key-value map describing the configuration itself and
* parameters are parameters for the job common to all configurations but for
* which the value is configuration specific. E.g. test options or targets to
* build.
* A configuration can contains several other configurations. In which case the
* child configurations get factored with the parent configuration to create N
* configurations that inherit the parameters and descriptor of the parent
* configuration. If a child configuration specify a value already present in the
* parent configuration, the parent configuration value will be ignored and the child
* configuration value will be used.
* Example:
* BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah"],
* ["params1": false],
* [BazelConfiguration(["descriptor2": "a"], [], [params2: true]),
* BazelConfiguration(["descriptor2": "b"], [], [params1: true, params2: false])])
* would expand to the following configurations:
* BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah", "descriptor2": "a"], [params1: false, params2: true])])
* BazelConfiguration(["descriptor": "yeah", "descriptor2": "b"], [params1: true, params2: false])])
class BazelConfiguration implements {
private Map<String, String> descriptor
private Map<String, Object> parameters
private List<BazelConfiguration> configurations
private static def EMPTY_CONFIGURATION = new BazelConfiguration([:], [:], [])
static public interface ConfigurationContainer {
def addConfiguration(BazelConfiguration)
private static List<BazelConfiguration> parseJson(Object json) {
List<BazelConfiguration> result = []
for (Object o in json) {
result.add(new BazelConfiguration(o))
return result
private static Object toSerializable(Object jsonObject) {
// JsonSlurper map and list are not serializable, which make them unsuitable for
// usage inside a Jenkins pipeline, convert them to HashMap and ArrayList
if (jsonObject instanceof Map) {
def result = [:]
for (e in jsonObject) {
result[e.key] = toSerializable(e.value)
return result
} else if (jsonObject instanceof List) {
def result = []
for (it in jsonObject) {
return result
} else {
return jsonObject
* Parse a list of configurations for a JSON string.
* A JSON configuration is an object whose key -> values are the entries
* of the configuration descriptor, except for "configurations" and "parameters"
* keys which correspond respectively to the child configurations and the parameters.
public static List<BazelConfiguration> parse(String jsonString) {
// There is a subtle bug in the parser so skip the first comment line
while (jsonString.trim().startsWith("//")) {
def pos = jsonString.indexOf("\n")
jsonString = pos < 0 ? "" : jsonString.substring(pos + 1)
def jsonObject = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.LAX).parseText(jsonString);
return parseJson(toSerializable(jsonObject))
/** Parse a list of configurations from a JSON file. */
public static List<BazelConfiguration> parse(File jsonFile) {
return parse(jsonFile.text)
* Flatten a list of configurations into a map of descriptor -> parameters.
* Restrictions can be applied to configuration to select only configuration compatible with
* the environment we run on (e.g. testing environment inside docker has only linux slave available).
* The restrictions are specified by a map of descriptor key-values. A configuration will be selected
* only if, for any key k in the descriptor, either the k is not a key of configurationRestrictions
* or the value of the descriptor is in configurationRestrictions[k].
* Examples:
* - configurationRestrictions = ["a": ["a", "b"], "b": []] would match descriptor
* ["a": "a"], ["a": "b"], ["c": "whatever"] but not ["a": "c"] nor ["b": "whatever"]
* - configurationRestrictions = ["node": ["linux-x86_64"]] would match only the descriptors that
* point to an execution on a linux node.
public static Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> flattenConfigurations(
List<BazelConfiguration> configurations,
Map<String, List<String>> configurationRestrictions = [:]) {
def result = [:]
for (conf in configurations) {
result += conf.restrict(configurationRestrictions).flatten()
return result
private BazelConfiguration(Object json) {
this.parameters = ("parameters" in json) ? json["parameters"] : [:]
this.configurations = ("configurations" in json) ?
json["configurations"].collect { it -> new BazelConfiguration(it) } : []
this.descriptor = json.findAll { k, v -> k != "configurations" && k != "parameters" }
public BazelConfiguration(Map<String, String> descriptor,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
List<BazelConfiguration> configurations = []) {
this.descriptor = descriptor
this.parameters = parameters
this.configurations = configurations
def getDescriptor() {
return descriptor
def getParameters() {
return parameters
def getConfigurations() {
return configurations
private boolean matchRestriction(configurationRestrictions) {
// Avoid closures because CPS is having trouble with it
for (def e : descriptor.entrySet()) {
if ((e.key in configurationRestrictions) && !(e.value in configurationRestrictions[e.key])) {
return true
return false
private BazelConfiguration restrict(configurationRestrictions) {
if (!configurationRestrictions.isEmpty()) {
if (matchRestriction(configurationRestrictions)) {
if (configurations.isEmpty()) {
return this
} else {
def newConfigs = []
for (configuration in configurations) {
def conf = configuration.restrict(configurationRestrictions)
newConfigs << conf
if (newConfigs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return new BazelConfiguration(descriptor, parameters, newConfigs)
return this
private Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> flatten() {
Map<Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>> result = [:]
if (configurations.isEmpty()) {
if (!descriptor.isEmpty()) {
result[descriptor] = parameters
return result
} else {
for (conf in configurations) {
def configs = conf.flatten()
for (e in configs) {
def descr2 = [:]
result[descr2] = [:]
if (result.isEmpty() && !descriptor.isEmpty()) {
result[descriptor] = parameters
return result
public String toString() {
return "BazelConfiguration({descriptor=${descriptor}, parameters=${parameters}, configurations=${configurations})"
/** Convert a map descriptor to a one line description */
public static def descriptorToString(descriptor) {
return descriptor.collect { "${it.key}=${it.value}" }.join(",")