blob: 40cfe064f8fc33e4ff1138f1afdb4555857d3d73 [file] [log] [blame]
// These types are not exported, and are only used internally
* Take in an unknown value and return one that is of type T
type Converter<T> = (object: unknown) => T
type SequenceConverter<T> = (object: unknown) => T[]
type RecordConverter<K extends string, V> = (object: unknown) => Record<K, V>
interface ConvertToIntOpts {
clamp?: boolean
enforceRange?: boolean
interface WebidlErrors {
exception (opts: { header: string, message: string }): TypeError
* @description Throw an error when conversion from one type to another has failed
conversionFailed (opts: {
prefix: string
argument: string
types: string[]
}): TypeError
* @description Throw an error when an invalid argument is provided
invalidArgument (opts: {
prefix: string
value: string
type: string
}): TypeError
interface WebidlUtil {
* @see
Type (object: unknown):
| 'Undefined'
| 'Boolean'
| 'String'
| 'Symbol'
| 'Number'
| 'BigInt'
| 'Null'
| 'Object'
* @see
ConvertToInt (
V: unknown,
bitLength: number,
signedness: 'signed' | 'unsigned',
opts?: ConvertToIntOpts
): number
* @see
IntegerPart (N: number): number
interface WebidlConverters {
* @see
DOMString (V: unknown, opts?: {
legacyNullToEmptyString: boolean
}): string
* @see
ByteString (V: unknown): string
* @see
USVString (V: unknown): string
* @see
boolean (V: unknown): boolean
* @see
any <Value>(V: Value): Value
* @see
['long long'] (V: unknown): number
* @see
['unsigned long long'] (V: unknown): number
* @see
['unsigned long'] (V: unknown): number
* @see
['unsigned short'] (V: unknown, opts?: ConvertToIntOpts): number
* @see
ArrayBuffer (V: unknown): ArrayBufferLike
ArrayBuffer (V: unknown, opts: { allowShared: false }): ArrayBuffer
* @see
TypedArray (
V: unknown,
TypedArray: NodeJS.TypedArray | ArrayBufferLike
): NodeJS.TypedArray | ArrayBufferLike
TypedArray (
V: unknown,
TypedArray: NodeJS.TypedArray | ArrayBufferLike,
opts?: { allowShared: false }
): NodeJS.TypedArray | ArrayBuffer
* @see
DataView (V: unknown, opts?: { allowShared: boolean }): DataView
* @see
BufferSource (
V: unknown,
opts?: { allowShared: boolean }
): NodeJS.TypedArray | ArrayBufferLike | DataView
['sequence<ByteString>']: SequenceConverter<string>
['sequence<sequence<ByteString>>']: SequenceConverter<string[]>
['record<ByteString, ByteString>']: RecordConverter<string, string>
[Key: string]: (...args: any[]) => unknown
export interface Webidl {
errors: WebidlErrors
util: WebidlUtil
converters: WebidlConverters
* @description Performs a brand-check on {@param V} to ensure it is a
* {@param cls} object.
brandCheck <Interface>(V: unknown, cls: Interface, opts?: { strict?: boolean }): asserts V is Interface
* @see
* @description Convert a value, V, to a WebIDL sequence type.
sequenceConverter <Type>(C: Converter<Type>): SequenceConverter<Type>
illegalConstructor (): never
* @see
* @description Convert a value, V, to a WebIDL record type.
recordConverter <K extends string, V>(
keyConverter: Converter<K>,
valueConverter: Converter<V>
): RecordConverter<K, V>
* Similar to {@link Webidl.brandCheck} but allows skipping the check if third party
* interfaces are allowed.
interfaceConverter <Interface>(cls: Interface): (
V: unknown,
opts?: { strict: boolean }
) => asserts V is typeof cls
// TODO(@KhafraDev): a type could likely be implemented that can infer the return type
// from the converters given?
* Converts a value, V, to a WebIDL dictionary types. Allows limiting which keys are
* allowed, values allowed, optional and required keys. Auto converts the value to
* a type given a converter.
dictionaryConverter (converters: {
key: string,
defaultValue?: unknown,
required?: boolean,
converter: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown,
allowedValues?: unknown[]
}[]): (V: unknown) => Record<string, unknown>
* @see
* @description allows a type, V, to be null
nullableConverter <T>(
converter: Converter<T>
): (V: unknown) => ReturnType<typeof converter> | null
argumentLengthCheck (args: { length: number }, min: number, context: {
header: string
message?: string
}): void