blob: f428e8f20b7b2bf52ce64b62eb46ca6374146997 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* This define a Jenkins step "bazelCiJob" that use git and Bazel to test one configuration.
* Each arguments is set by a variable in the body of the step and the list of possible arguments
* is:
* - name
* - bazel_version is the baseline for the version of Bazel, generally a parameter for the job.
* If set to 'custom.*', the job will try to fetch the Bazel binary from upstream.
* - targets: list of targets to build
* - tests: list of targets to test
* - configuration: list of shell step to configure the project
* - build_opts, test_opts: option for build and test (build options also applies for tests)
* - extra_bazelrc: extraneous content for the rc file, will go after all other options.
* Generally to be provided as a parameter of the job.
* - build_tag_filters, test_tag_filters: tag filters to pass to bazel
* - workspace: a directory, relative to the root of the repository, that contains
* the workspace file, default to the top directory.
* - repository: git repository to clone.
* - branch: branch of the repository to clone (default: master).
* - refspec: specification of the references to fetch
* - sauce: identifier of the crendentials to connect to SauceLabs.
* - node_label: label of the node to run on
def call(config = [:]) {
config["bazel_version"] = config.get("bazel_version", "latest")
config["targets"] = config.get("targets", ["//..."])
config["tests"] = config.get("tests", ["//..."])
config["configuration"] = config.get("configuration", [])
config["build_opts"] = config.get("build_opts", [])
config["test_opts"] = config.get("test_opts", [])
config["extra_bazelrc"] = config.get("extra_bazelrc", "")
config["build_tag_filters"] = config.get("build_tag_filters", [])
config["test_tag_filters"] = config.get("test_tag_filters", [])
config["workspace"] = config.get("workspace", "")
config["repository"] = config.get("repository", "")
config["sauce"] = config.get("sauce", "")
config["branch"] = config.get("branch", "master")
config["refspec"] = config.get("refspec", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*")
def prefix = config.get("name", "${config.node_label}-${config.bazel_version}")
def workspace = ""
config.test_tag_filters += ["-noci", "-manual"]
def build_options = config.build_opts + [
"--build_tag_filters=${config.build_tag_filters.join ','}"
def test_options = config.test_opts + [
"--test_tag_filters=${config.test_tag_filters.join ','}",
machine(config.node_label) {
ws("workspace/${currentBuild.fullProjectName}-${prefix}") {
maybeSauce(config.sauce) {
// Checkout the code
echo "Checkout ${config.repository}"
recursiveGit(repository: config.repository,
refspec: config.refspec,
branch: config.branch)
// And build
maybeDir(config.workspace) {
def bazel = bazelPath(config.bazel_version, config.node_label)
def extrarc = config.extra_bazelrc
if (config.bazel_version.startsWith("custom")) {
// Make the server dies after 10 minutes on custom bazel version.
// Other bazel servers stays alive for 3 hours, which is ok for
// release but not for custom binaries used for Global tests. We
// do not set the max_idle_secs to 1 because we still want the
// server to survive between steps.
extrarc += "\nstartup --max_idle_secs 600\n"
bazelJob(binary: bazel,
build_opts: build_options,
test_opts: test_options,
extra_bazelrc: extrarc,
targets: config.targets,
tests: config.tests,
configuration: config.configuration,
stage_name: prefix