blob: 93c12b3e0887f2405c9473f2606536484a30c914 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Bazel Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* A set of utility methods to call Bazel inside Jenkins
class BazelUtils implements Serializable {
private static final TEST_EVENTS_FILE = "bazel-events-test.json"
private static final BUILD_EVENTS_FILE = "bazel-events-build.json"
private String bazel;
private String ws;
private def script;
private boolean isWindows;
private def envs = [];
public static class BazelTestFailure extends Exception {
BazelTestFailure() {
super("Test failures")
// Accessors
def setBazel(value) {
bazel = value
def getBazel() {
def setScript(value) {
script = value
ws = script.pwd()
isWindows = !script.isUnix()
if (isWindows) {
def bazel_sh = "cygpath --windows /bin/bash",
returnStdout: true).trim()
envs = ["BAZEL_SH=${bazel_sh}"]
def getScript() {
// Actual method
private def execute(script, returnStatus = false, returnStdout = false) {
if (isWindows) {
if (returnStdout) {
// @ removes the command lines from the output
script = "@${script}"
// exit /b !ERRORLEVEL! actually returns the exit code
return this.script.bat(script: "${script}\r\n@exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%",
returnStatus: returnStatus, returnStdout: returnStdout)
} else {
return script, returnStatus: returnStatus, returnStdout: returnStdout)
def bazelCommand(String args, returnStatus = false, returnStdout = false) {
script.withEnv(envs + ["BAZEL=" + this.bazel]) {
owner.script.ansiColor("xterm") {
return execute("${this.bazel} --bazelrc=${}/bazel.bazelrc ${args}",
returnStatus, returnStdout)
// Write a RC file to consume by the other step
def writeRc(build_opts = [],
test_opts = [],
extra_bazelrc = "") {
def rc_file_content = [
"common --color=yes",
"test --test_output=errors",
"build --verbose_failures"
rc_file_content.addAll(build_opts.collect { "build ${it}" })
rc_file_content.addAll(test_opts.collect { "test ${it}" })
for(opt in build_opts) {
rc_file_content += "\nbuild ${opt}"
for(opt in test_opts) {
rc_file_content += "\ntest ${opt}"
// Store the BEP events on a json file.
// TODO(dmarting): We should archive it and generate a good HTML report instead of
// the hard to read jenkins dashboard.
rc_file_content.add("build --experimental_build_event_json_file=${BUILD_EVENTS_FILE}")
rc_file_content.add("test --experimental_build_event_json_file=${TEST_EVENTS_FILE}")
script.writeFile(file: "${ws}/bazel.bazelrc",
text: rc_file_content.join("\n") + "\n${extra_bazelrc}")
// Execute a bazel build
def build(targets = ["//..."]) {
if (!targets.isEmpty()) {
bazelCommand("build ${targets.join ' '}")
private def makeTestQuery(tests) {
// Lambda are not working well with CPS, so NonCPS...
def quote = isWindows ? { s -> s.replace('"', '""') } : { s -> s.replace("'", "'\\''") }
def q = isWindows ? '"' : "'"
return "query ${q}tests(${tests.collect(quote).join(' + ')})${q}"
// Execute a bazel tests
def test(tests = ["//..."]) {
if (!tests.isEmpty()) {
def filteredTests = bazelCommand(makeTestQuery(tests), false, true)
if (filteredTests.isEmpty()) {
script.echo "Skipped tests (no tests found)"
} else {
def status = bazelCommand("test ${filteredTests.replaceAll("\n", " ")}", true)
if (status == 3) {
// Bazel returns 3 if there was a test failures but no breakage, that is unstable
throw new BazelTestFailure()
} else if (status != 0) {
// TODO(dmarting): capturing the output mark the wrong step at failure, there is
// no good way to do so, it would probably better to have better output in the failing
// step
throw new Exception("`bazel test` returned status ${status}")
private def parseEventsFile(String fileName) {
if (script.fileExists(fileName)) {
return JsonUtils.parseJsonStream(script.readFile(fileName))
// The file does not exists (probably because empty set of targets / tests), just return
// an empty list.
return []
def buildEvents() {
return parseEventsFile("${}/${BUILD_EVENTS_FILE}")
def testEvents() {
return parseEventsFile("${}/${TEST_EVENTS_FILE}")
private def copyCommands(cp_lines, log, test_folder) {
if (log != null) {
def uri = URI.create(log.uri)
def path = uri.path
if (isWindows) {
// on windows the host is the drive letter, add it to the path.
path = "/${}${path}"
def relativePath = path.substring(path.indexOf("/testlogs/") + 10)
cp_lines.add("mkdir -p \$(dirname '${test_folder}/${relativePath}')")
cp_lines.add("cp -r '${path}' '${test_folder}/${relativePath}'")
def generateTestLogsCopy(events, test_folder) {
// To avoid looking at all the files, including the stalled output log, we parse the events
// from the build.
// This is NonCPS because lambdas
def cp_lines = []
events.each { event ->
if("testResult" in event) {
event.testResult.testActionOutput.find { == "test.xml" },
// Also copy the test log
event.testResult.testActionOutput.find { == "test.log" },
return cp_lines.join('\n')
// Archive test results
def testlogs(test_folder) {
// JUnit test result does not look at test result if they are "old", copying them to a new
// location, unique accross configurations.
def res = """#!/bin/sh
echo 'Copying test outputs and events file for archiving'
rm -fr ${test_folder}
mkdir -p ${test_folder}
cp -f ${BUILD_EVENTS_FILE} ${TEST_EVENTS_FILE} ${test_folder}
""" + generateTestLogsCopy(testEvents(), test_folder),
returnStatus: true)
if (res == 0) {
// Archive the test logs and xml files
script.archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${test_folder}/**/test.log,${test_folder}/*.json"
script.junit testResults: "${test_folder}/**/test.xml", allowEmptyResults: true